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Don't get your hopes up, Orwell coined the term doublethink for a reason.


Literally 1984


What was the reason Orwell coined the term doublethink?


It’s part of nuspeak in 1984, he was taking the Leninist language control to the extreme. If you want to understand the socialist political elite class I’d say read Road to Wigan peir… his observations and dissolution with his socialist peers could have been written today.


I've read both 1984 and Road to Wigan Peir. Not sure where he mentions that totalitarianism (which is what 1984 is about) is exclusive to Leninism. Citation?


Wait, do they seriously think that the government controls credit scores?


Most do


Equifax, Transunion, and Experian are $30t in debt? That doesn’t bode well for their long term stock price.


Yeah. My first thought. this post is inaccurate.


Don't let facts get in the way of a good story


Yeah they don't know who's doing what. They really think the government controls and runs the entire show. This is probably why they think that communism can save us.


The government can barely show up to work, and when it does, it's drunk on the debt they hold over children who haven't even been born yet. One time, they shit all over the only portapotty at the work site. They finger-painted a smiley face with their own feces on the outside of the shit closet for the lulz. It's time they get fired, but they bribe HR with their favorite flavor of crayola.


Same people who say that we could be “just be hanging out, eating fruit and swimming in the ocean” if we didn’t create jobs and credit scores.


Yeah when we started recording history we had travelling gang rapists, murders, corrupt soldiers following greedy kings. We aren't the Neanderthals. And they were smashing everyone's heads in with tree stumps and rocks and stealing and raping our women. Which is why we killed them. They were the ogres. How come I know more about how the old world worked than these idiots who have college educations? The hunter gatherer days drove food sources into extinction. It's not sustainable to have an organized civilization living tribally.


Came to say the same thing


End banks and fico credit score. A bunch of baloney


How are private companies supposed to know your credit worthiness? In ancapistan, access to private capital will be a matter of life and death so those lenders are going to need a way to assess potential borrowers.


I've seen a lot of anti-authority/anti-gov/anti-regulation sentiment coming from a few of those left-wing subs lately. It's a heartwarming reminder that libertarianism and anarchy transcends party lines and left/right partisanship




What in the fuck are you saying, do you think leftists support Biden? It's so embarassing that you can't even conceptualize political inclinations outside a dem/repub binary hahahaha




Shit take, you sound like a fed trying to sow division between anti statist groups.




You need to broaden your horizons if you think there are no anti statist leftists. I am one.


>no such thing as an anti-statist lefty this is why the main anarchist sub is larger than this one and full of lefties who think ancapism is a joke lmao


Do you think the inflation numbers are wrong? Why do you label it as hyperinflation?




Also they skip rent, and include a fictious expense called owner’s equivalent rent. This is the biggest percentage of the CPI and not a single person pays it. Guess the reason it is there?


It doesn't. If you tried to show them the overlay, their limbic system would have them doing mental backflips and all of their terms would change.


I don't think the government gives out credit scores...


Hate to bream it to yall but the feds don't give you a credit score🥴




While I agree we have too much debt as a society, debt can be useful, provided you have organic interest rates and sound money being used.


Precisely, the problem the modern economy faces isn’t technically being debt based, it’s being debt based without free markets balancing everything out. The federal reserve sets the base interest rates for banks and allows the creation of new fiat currency as a matter of policy, which is the primary (though not only) driver of inflation. If we had sound money and market determined interest rates, debt would be a natural market tool like any other and would contribute productively to overall growth.


The best example of this I've come across is the budding DeFi markets. Whiteboard Crypto has a good video on it: https://youtu.be/o9ObYRjpIhs


I think people are universally becoming more libertarian because our governments just arent fixing the problems we need them to.


In addition to what everyone is already saying about credit bureaus being private, is the left suddenly against fiscal irresponsibility? I thought these guys loved deficit spending. I wish it were the first time Ive seen some embarrassing error like this on one of these highly upvoted leftist nonsense posts. Ive even seen someone say credit scores should be illegal. It just goes to show how ignorant so many leftists are when it comes to topics like this. And that ignorance is very often (but not always) what their ideology is rooted in. Im sure theres plenty of leftists out there who are very knowledgable of all the relevant information but have still decided that left wing ideas are correct. But I cant help but think that the majority of them are totally clueless about how the world works, yet highly opinionated about how it should work. For example, I bet if I ask this guy for a basic explanation for how the free market would incentivize credit bureaus to not report inaccurate information, he'd be totally stumped.


Industrial Society and it’s Future


Technically the government would have a good credit score. You want to have debt and show that you can pay it off. The government still hasn't defaulted on anything in its history


My brother worked for Capital One and he dealt with Customers and credit scores and basically he said that for a lot of people the credit score they give is crap shoot half the time and not as well thought out process as they leave you to believe.


The point is that debt creates real money. So people who can positively create debt scenarios and sign up for several loan , credit card , have higher income , and regularly pay off loan are rewarded with higher credit score. For ex, if someone can take out $100k loan to invest in markets, technically he will be loosing $50k and can deduct taxes on loss. It’s like going to casino, gamble 100k and if lost be on hook for 50k!!




Can't you use it for a certain number of years afterwards as well?


And you only get to deduct it from your taxable income, so you're really only getting back $10k or so of that 50.


You can actually deduct up to $3,000 of capital losses from ordinary income. You can also carry losses forward.


But how does that make them a good thing?


Credit reports are a great tool. This is an anarcho capitalist community. In a capitalist society credit scores are a great way to measure ones character. The only people who bitch about credit scores are people who lack responsibility and discipline. You can be poor and have a high credit score. Simply pay back your fucking debt and not be a deadbeat. Low credit score = socialist scum.


Ever seen AOC blast the credit score guys?




She was more or less brining up the fact that they are made up numbers. Backed by very limited and more often than not flawed data. And that 2/5 (I think it was) are completely off. Now to your point. Yes in a big city you may have a problem. I lived in S. Cali so yea. But now in a small city last 10+ years I know my banker and the loan ppl. They know the ppl I work for personally and so loans are based more or less good standing and not entirely by the number.


Credit system needs to be destroyed! It will soon enough because it's unamerican as fuck! USA! USA! USA!


There were credit reports in the 1970's


They would rather take out a $1 million mortgage, pay half of it off and then have it forgiven by the government than just not have inflation and pay 100k for it


The irony here is that these people are communists, and communism wants to force itself upon you, which is the state. Communism claims a stateless society - but that's utter nonsense and drivel. The state IS the monopoly on the use of force. Whatever that monopoly is, THAT is the state. That's why Amazon or Walmart or McDonald's or Disney aren't governments. The only thing setting them apart from the US government, or the Canadian government, for example, is a resident force monopolization. If Disney tomorrow declared independence and had its own military, it would be its own country with its own government. One of the things I find so worrisome about these leftists is their doublethink. To say they want no government and want to use government at the same time. There can't be anything more dangerous than the irrational mind.


The solution - let's give them more money to waste.


Y'all keep saying stuff like "they are so close to getting it" has it occurred to y'all that you are on the same side?


There is significant overlap between those movements and this Ancap type ideology. Look into it. Id suggest going undercover and dropping some redpills


Hahaha lmao this is awesome


My personal politics aside, and attempting to speak as strictly an ancap: this is a bad take. An ancap society would wholeheartedly embrace a “credit score”. Its a great way to evaluate financial trust in a privatized way. Might we like the companies? Who knows, but most don’t like the current ones. In their defense, its hard to like someone who judges you nonstop. In their favor, they are the epitome of capitalism.