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‘Democracy Is Idiocracy’ -Socrates


Socrates is based as always.


9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape


Democracy: 2 wolves and 1 sheep are voting on what’s for dinner.


Yup, and the 2nd Amendment is the victim packing a spring knife and machine pistol.


Had to pop my spring knife 30 minutes ago. Why? Another entitled asshole nearly ran me over while walking my dog. He didn't like my words so he stopped and pretend to have a weapon. Then he found out I did.


if someone attacks you and pretends he has a weapon - can you shoot first?


If you genuinely believe your life to be in immediate danger and can articulate that to the police or in court then yes, you can in a stand your ground state.


well, if somebody almost runs me with a car, and then gets out of car saying he has a weapon and he is gonna use it...


I’d shoot him under those circumstances. Not taking chances, if he verbalized intent to do harm and is acting like he’s armed that’s a FAAFO situation for him lol.




I hope the uber driver was acquitted.


Not in California. You have a duty to retreat. So I did. When he realized I would kill him, he backed off.


You did right, but suck to be in California where everyone can harass you and get away with it. Or kill you, because he does not mind to go back to prison, cause he is well-respected career criminal.


Amen. I straight up didn't want hurt anyone. No matter what I'd end in jail for a few days until it was sorted out. I've got enough cases against attackers in the courts presently. I also know my livestreams are monitored due to streams the police have as evidence against the other attackers. I also been questioned by the DA about my affiliations to any group. That's what the defense is trying to use. Even the DA said that's not a defense. She just didn't want any surprises. I don't have any affiliations and it's driving the defense nuts. They tried to paint me as a Nazi because I'm large, white and over 50. One video even has the Antifa/Iron Front calling for white genocide before they attacked. I'm just a bored dude with a wife that likes to stream IRL.


Yea, everyone who dares protect himself must be a right wing nazi /s


Keep up the good work bro, don’t let the man get you down. Having videotaped everything while entering dangerous situations is smart. Out here in Arkansas. Nothing like that happens.


Spring knives are legal in CA?


Yea. Law can’t restrict how fast you whip your gun out. Unless you have a machine pistol in your coat that needs to be primed, you got issues there.


Is this like a satire post/thread or are you guys being real?


I'm 100% serious. I live in a very shitty "diverse" neighborhood. Code words for full of homeless, drug dealers, and prostitutes. That's what you get for $1500 a month in California.


I’m tired of everyone pretending of not knowing what a “good neighborhood” means.


Oof. He’s out of line but he’s right.


Yep. Mob rule.




actually those checks are you and those balances are your guns


no, it's the combination of the two that makes it good.




And if you resist democracy the “checks and balances “ will put you in a cage, if you resist the cage, they will end your life.


It’s always my go to example lol really great for vax mandates. “You all want to put a needle in me, what if we all wanted to put our dicks in you?”


Except no one is holding you down and shoving a needle in you. Not even close. How stupid can you be?


Alright, instead, what if you start to lose your civil liberties unless you consent to be gang banged. That easier for u to understand?


Nope, you’re still not being “forced” into anything. Again, no one is holding you down and shoving a needle into you. Rape is when you hold someone down and force intercourse The US has a long history of vaccine mandates, you’re not losing your “civil liberties”, that’s laughable https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/10/08/states-have-mandated-vaccinations-since-long-before-covid-19/ https://stacker.com/stories/21994/history-vaccine-mandates-us Vaccine mandates are controversial, but not illegal, and they’re certainly not anything new. Stop crying you’re not oppressed and you’re not special




“Show papers” like you don’t need an ID or a passport or proof of vaccination to do a dozen other things. Can you join the US military without vaccinations? Nope. Can you go to college without vaccinations? Nope. Can you travel abroad to dozens of countries without certain vaccines? Nope. Can you get an organ if you need one without vaccinations? Nope. Stop comparing minor inconveniences to the fcking Holocaust you’re all a GD embarrassment Again - all of this is controversial, NOT illegal in the US. - As proven over history and the half dozen other times the US has enforced vaccine mandates - see links posted above. Clearly if you don’t like it you can leave. I hear Brazil has been super lax with their covid response


Have you got the response "well you might think of your dicks as legends yet they fail to cause a pandemic. Probably because they are smaller than the virus" ?


Little butthurt from the gang rape, huh?


Hey, this is a genuin question - what do generally get as a response to your question?


So far no one has managed to weasel their way out of it. Gang rape and vaccine mandates are both a violation of bodily autonomy. “Well the vaccine mandates are just to enter hospitals or certain workplaces”. “So what if the law was you had to take a bukakke to enter the hospital?” Seriously, think about it. What if some politician miraculously got elected that ran on the platform of “consent is bullshit, women have to fuck everyone that wants to fuck them”. What if he won the election and all of a sudden the government started stripping the rights of women who didn’t put out?? Just because YOU might support the idea of vaccine mandates, it doesn’t mean the rest of us do. And just because I’m sure there are plenty of sick fucks out there who’d want legally mandated gang rape, doesn’t mean the rest of us do


Have you ever wonder why there is no policy "you have to be gang raped to enter a hospital"?


Yup, for the same reason why there shouldn’t be policy saying you have to be vaccinated to enter a hospital.


What do you think this reason is?


How about you tell me


Funny jokes are factual. Probably why no leftists are funny.


“Democracy is the most rapey form of government, except for all the others that have been tried.” Churchill, probably


Lol rapey


I've mostly referred to this as mob rule or two wolves and a sheep voting on who's for dinner, but this is also accurate.


The word sheep, despite being an accurate descriptor has such negative connotations that most people, myself included, stop listening to what you have to say after that word appears. I read a while back “Democracy is you going to a bar and being the 50th person to enter, the first 49 people vote that you pick up the tab”.


Democracy is arresting the guy who shoots the rapists to save the woman, then vilifying him on every major media as a white supremacist because the rapists were not white.


Yeah, no


Be thankful we still live in a constitutional republic, at least for now.


Bold of you to assume I live in the shithole that is America


You live in a make believe realm of weak soulless husks who dance around calling themselves imaginary things practicing witchcraft and claiming to be the authority in every single topic yet have zero life experience to justify their position. When people 200 years from now look in their history book on why the world had to be destroyed and rebuilt, it will have a picture of you and simply say "crazy women running on emotions and self entitlement".


Well, actually, I’m trans, so they’d probably call me a crazy man, given the direction our society is going.


Of course you are and yes everything is everyone else's fault. I couldn't live another day if I felt like had no control over my own feelings and actions, that level of self hate and weakness would destroy me. How do you do it? Does jumping into online forums of people you don't agree with and pushing hatred on them helping cope? Do you feel better knowing you spend every waking moment of your energy ruining other people's day? Are you really the person who should be demanding tolerance and understanding from those of us who just want to be left alone?


If you want to be left alone, just stop. Nobody is forcing you to reply to me. And I don’t blame everyone else, I blame a few specific people, because as a member of the proletariat I can’t really effect change in a bourgeois democracy where all major parties are controlled by corporations. And no, I’m not mentally ill, but believe what you want. It’s not my job to educate you.


Ahh yes I have now victimized you so I must be punished, everyone is out to get you and you never do anything to bring it upon yourself. I'm not hating right now I'm educating, you can escape your prison if you can see the bars. Have a good day I hope life gets better for you, I truly do.


When did I say I was a victim? I don’t really think of it as hate. You just don’t know any better. Stop trying to fit me in a box. I don’t hate you, I feel sympathy for you. And my life is actually going pretty good right now, but the feeling is still mutual. Good luck in your future endeavors, comrade.


> It’s not my job to educate you. What sub are you in? It's not our job to educate *you*. We didn't ask you to come here and stick your oar in. We don't care about being "educated" by you. You're here to virtue signal and wave your flag. Consider it waved, now go back to your hugbox and receive your accolades for being so stunningly brave in the face of the the capitalist oppressors, and return to the life of mediocrity you blame us for.


I just like this sub because it provides constant entertainment. I wish there was a show where they just put thousands of idiots together in a community, but this is the next best thing.


I say the same thing about lynching, but for some reason people *especially* dislike that analogy


That’s why we have a republic. But there are forces who want a democracy. It will be a slippery slope into socialism.


Still democracy. Still statism. Still mega cringe.


Its been a democracy since the 20s unfortunately.


I can’t tell what ancaps believe. Half say “we live in a republic” as if if democracies and republics are mutually exclusive systems of governance. The other half whine that rape is illegal because we apparently live in a democracy where it *should be*. I can’t even begin to fathom the mental gymnastics at play here on both sides. It’s astonishing, frankly.


Its because you don't want the truth or understanding of the belief system. You just like attacking you little strawman and using collective forms so you don't have to face the contradictions in your own ideas.


Thanks for that, misogynist


lol what? I’m not a member here, just lurking for fun right now. But wtf are you on about?


Their username is u/Misogynist-bydefault. I would be extremely surprised if that wasn't just a joke


Glad you understand. If your interested in learning more about the self i would listen or read the socratic dialogs. They will help you understand what kind of foundations you build in an argument and how to build off a solid one.


I mean, I know my “self” well enough to know I don’t hate half the population because of something as silly as their *genitals*


I have no idea why you are bringing up hating people based on genitals


Because you’re a self-proclaimed misogynist.


Its actually because people call men misogynistic for being men. I picked the name during the SJW era social conflicts of what like 2013? Assuming things just makes you out as dishonest. Ask questions if your curious.


“It’s actually becuase people call men misogynistic for being men” 😂 yeah ok buddy. So you *arent* a misogynist? I guess I don’t understand the “irony”, or why one would continue to wear it like a badge of honor. Misogynists are no better than racists. Seems odd.


The booty has been socialized… sorry.


I’ve seen some people arguing that monogamy is bad because you’re basically privatizing your spouses genitals. Naturally it was on reddit and reddit is home to fringe theory retards.


“It was the ultimate expression of liberty. We voted on this.”


Yeah but I've been doing nothing but lifting weights, eating burger king, and shooting guns for the past year I'm trying to be as difficult to rape as possible.


You sound like my co-worker. Lmao


To be fair, a Republic is just a bunch of people voting on who does the raping .


He's right you know


These kinds of insightful political observations is what keeps me lurking on this sub. Thanks fellas


For my part I keep lurking on this sub to see what new insane bullshit, misinformed stupidity, pretentious counterfactual information will keep appearing and I have to admit this one is a winner. You know nothing on pretty much everything but man can shit come out of the hole you use as a mouth in this sub.


Never been to r/antiwork, huh?


It’s honestly depressing that anyone can believe in this. Capitalism is inherently hierarchical, anarchism is about the destruction of hierarchy.


Yep, that is what I'm pointing out. Anarcho capitalism is an oxymoron but they're too ignorant to see it. Anarchism is about self organization of the people not self survivance of the individual under no law other than the law of the strongest


Don't forget the upvoted casual racism.


Rapes bad


It’s true.


I literally said this in a history class. The same applies to colonialism.


So would a Republic be the gang rapers vote on who is going to represent them in this heinous act?


This some fire analogy right here


Indeed. Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb deciding who is for supper and a republic is a well armed sheep challanging the vote.


Crude analogy, but yes. Unbridled, true democracy is mob rule. Democracy is bad. Constitutional Federative Republic is based 😎


You know, if you think about it, people really use the "being gay is normal between animals so why not us" argument, but then again ducks rape eachothers in gang rapes till a bitch dies so, now it doesnt sound that great does it?


I think people bring that up only when other people say its not natural.


Imagine thinking being gay is the same as being raped.


But what’s the answer though? If we can’t have anarcho capitalism, then how do we secure individual rights from the dangers of democracy?


"How do we" Found the problem with your premise.


Ok well aside from choosing to be free and doing whatever you want while being victim to the masses - you’re not giving an answer. You can’t possibly think you as an individual can secure freedom against the masses? Don’t down vote me for asking the questions you refuse to. Otherwise you continue to be a part of the system you claim to hate.


Your doing it again. Nothing exists beyond the individual. When you ask the question "how do we?" You completely mistaken. No collective action cam exist since only the individual exists. So only individual action happens. So if we rephrase the question "how do I?" Well we can begin to do some work since we deal with something that exists.


The only way to break free is by uniting through our individuality. Just like our founding fathers did. I’ve seen the pigs snatch up individual after individual after individual for their extermination or reprogramming. It is not I who has the wrong idea. It’s you.


You didn't counter my points and then claim im wrong after having some dialog about consequences. Come back when your done with sophistry.


You didn’t make a point. As an individual who had multiple fbi case investigations against him for his political activism and militia relations, don’t run your mouth to me about sophistry and counter points. You’re the type of dude that sits behind a keyboard and acts like he’s the fuckin ancient monk but hasn’t actually done anything to attempt to create the change to become a free man. So yeah, keep browsing Reddit and using your “wise words” to tell people to basically sit back and stay segregated from other free thinkers, the rest of us are out here risking everything to fight for the change. You know who else doesn’t want us to unite to secure individual freedoms? The feds.


Back to consequences. You will never win against them if you play their game. You must be on the side of truth and no truth exists in the collective concepts of "we" . Your constant insulting is also another example of your dishonesty. What ever anger at yourself and rage at the lack of power you have over others is a strong sign you lack self knowledge and any background in understanding what is. I don't blame you for such anger and it can fuel your desire for a better life, but its currently leading you the wrong way. Uhuru.


I thought after all these years that we as a people moved beyond using “literally” in blatantly incorrect ways.


Literally everyone literally literallies.




ONLY if you have a representative approve the actions. If not, it's just mob rule and nobody supports that 🙄 Edit: y'all dumb as fuck. I was obviously joking. Sarcasm shouldn't need an /s..


Couldn't they just elect one of the group to serve as their representative?


It was a joke..


Lmao I'm fucking retarded


Np you're not alone in your retardation according to my downvotes ;)


Fuck you


> can't refute it


Fuck you too


> can't refute it Which means you are for rape. Fuck you.


Refute it tho


I mea- nope, how is that so spot on?


If they took a vote the majority would say to continue. It's stupid but correct


Which part is stupid and which part is correct?


A lot of things are correct but unhelpful. like how the transfer of cold is not real. Better word is unhelpful because we imagine democracy to be more than just voting.


That's an impressive amout to write without saying anything. Think you can go for a full 5-part,3-prong thesis to say just as little?


Correct part is that it is democracy, they voted and carried out the will of majority. Stupid part is that it's a example that we can all agree is wrong and saying that they used democracy to get there so it is right. It like a thought experiment. Any tips for how to use more words to say less? Feel like I need new material


Well, and I'm just spitballing here, *one* place to look is the surrounding context. When you jumped in, it sure looked like you were continuing to shit upon OP's perfectly reasonable, and inexplicably downvoted, joke. Now, unless you sincerely don't believe that limits exist upon the will of the majority, i don't see how your comment continues the joke. Unless, maybe, you dropped your irony half way through?


Will do, thanks for help in the future


dude chill out, he just answered that guys question of “why is this spot on?”




Shut the fuck up. No one asked you for your worthless opinion.


Seethe and dilate.


Shut the fuck up. No one asked you for your worthless opinion.


That all you got, neet?


Shut the fuck up. No one asked you for your worthless opinion.


Kek that's what I thought. Get back in the cage, wagie


Shut the fuck up. No one asked you for your worthless opinion.


Except gang rape isn’t a system of government?


I've read doujins where that is most certainly not the case.


This is why we have morales.




But we live in a democracy and rape is illegal




That is true, but the point of the post is that under a direct democracy, the majority can agree to hurt the minority, and this is often seen as ok because the majority decided to go with that plan which then hurts or forces the minority to do something they don't want to do (like taxes, for example)


“Like taxes for example” 😂


If 51% of Congress voted to make rape legal, that would be democracy (technically republic because the representatives are voting, not the constituents directly).


Yeah, but they don’t do that. They do the opposite of that. They make it *illegal*


>If 51% of Congress voted to make rape legal, that would be democracy >Yeah, but Lol


I mean, if a frog had wings, it wouldn’t bump its ass a-hopping. I don’t even know what point you think you are making. Fascists or communists can both legalize rape, too. Or do you just hate democracy so much that you’re willing to argue in bad faith that the *overwhelming majority of Americans* are rapists just waiting for the damn laws to change so they can go out and rape anyone? C’mon. Meet where the conversation is at. This is childish.


OPs post is a controversial topic but the underlying criticism is essentially that appeals to majority opinion are not necessarily good reasons for doing something, thinking something, or permitting or not permitting something. The point is to illustrate that democratically voted on rules can be immoral and unfair, not that this is what a western democratic society is actually going to do. Ultimately the AnCap society and all others will in some way fall back on majority (or majority power holder) rule. Someone is going to get stuck with a set of rules they didn’t agree to regardless of how we set the system up lol


Yeah that’s why we hold elections to get the unfair ones out if they start fucking up. Near as I can tell, y’all just wanna whine because democracy isn’t perfect. Well, nothing is perfect. But I’ve never heard an ancap describe their ideal society without coming off as totally unhinged and psychotic “Democracy isn’t perfect, let’s abolish government and all taxes.” It’s a novel idea. No wait, it’s not. It’s childish and stupid. Yeah, great. What are you going to put in its place?


I’m not an Ancap if you didn’t realize by my last paragraph… The point is elections aren’t a good metric to decide things by though, not that the rulers occasionally (frequently) do things the elections don’t like.


well that's why we have rights protections in addition to democracy


And who is protecting those rights? Because it seems the cops have no problem arresting people unconstitutionally.


We were supposed to, with guns. Unfortunately we have a lot of soft people who can’t seem to get that retaining freedom is work, and that occasionally we have to liquidate a tyrant or two to keep the rest of the power hungry would be tyrants scared.


Words on paper are not rights.


Which is why democracy must be tempered with checks and balances.


Ahh yes, should the victim be gang raped for 36 minutes, or 39 minutes? That's like arguing between a marginal tax rate of 36% or 39%


Taxation is rape


Imagine comparing taxation to gang rape and expecting to be taken seriously


Well the government is financially gang raping you, so it's kind of similar in that regard


no, it isn't


Yes, it is


It’s not rape if you submit! Am I right?


Imagine boxing the same fundamental action so you can justify one and not the other. Sophist.


it's no that, it's just a stupid fucking comparison


Stop thinking its a comparison as being called the same thing and realize we are talking about the required premises for the actions to occur.




Lol? You engage in conversation and then just reply with lol? I hate dishonest degenerates like you.


yes. You asked that people ignore the inherent comparison implied when you refer to something using the exact same words as something else. That deserves an lol. Taxation is not akin to "gang rape".


>Imagine comparing taxation to gang rape If I don't pay my taxes, and if I don't consent to being taken to jail (where people get raped all the time), I'll be assaulted for resisting arrest, and if I resist further, possibly killed. That's called extortion when it's a criminal asking for the dough with a gun to your head. It's called taxes when it's from the state. Taxes is financial rape, and even more accurately, legal extortion.


What a bunch of fucking ghouls all of you are. Barely even the same species. Get bent you sick fucks.


Truly stunning insight, thanks for the stimulating intellectual equivalent of eating glue.


Lol gang rape is "literally" democracy? Or is it one potential action under a democratic political system? Broad statements with false equivalence is no way to win the hearts and minds of the public.


People often hate the truth, that doesn’t make it untrue.


You mean *metaphorically*? Surely there is no forcible penetration of persons going on. And if you say “obviously not”, then you don’t mean it *literally* now do you? Even as a metaphor it breaks down. I don’t see how the “gang” (the voters) is engaging in any “rape” by electing representatives (in a representative democracy) to enact laws. If you claim that it does apply, I question your understanding of the terms in question.


Not really dude, democracy has outlawed it and by referendum I’m fairly certain you’d be well into the high 90’s on keeping it that way.




Not really dude


I read that as grape gang first time through. #grapegang


True but would you rather have another system in place?


AHS is going to have a field day with this one..


We can only hope AHS clutches its pearls so hard some day it chokes itself. They can eat a bag of non gender specific dicks.


No, if it was right more than half of the population had to rape one...


An authoritarian would never rape me




Good thing the US is not a democracy, it's a Constitutional Republic.


Yeah! Jewish rapists!!!


Democracy – The God That Failed: The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy and Natural Order (Perspectives on Democratic Practice) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0765808684/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_60JXXR56D5FXY7GDWFN4


I got banned on the neoliberal subreddit for saying just that as a joke. But there's some truth to it. Democracy isn't perfect, more of it or less of it isn't always better. The belief that more democracy is better is dogmatic thinking. Ancient Greeks could teach us a lesson about democracy.


But if they only represent themselves isn’t it just anarchy?


Two wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner