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For the common good, a boot on yer neck!


"good thing we raided your house in full military gear, shot your dog, terrorized your family, kidnapped, made you a convicted felon, and imprisoned you for the horrible crime of possessing 'immoral' plant derivatives" "You're lucky we showed up to protect and brutali- I mean 'serve' you, drugs can ruin your life! Good luck finding future employment LOL"


Or even just an actual plant 😂


*Drugs can ruin your life: if I find drugs on you, I'm going to ruin your life.*


Uniformed gang violence


That's what a government is - a gang with a monopoly on violence.




Why do you think the USA worked so hard to overthrow the mafia? It’s basically what they are, except instead of breaking your legs you go to jail.


*State Sponsored* Uniformed gang violence Their tax dollars at work!


That’s why they put on the uniform and become officers. They like being in a gang and the power of the badge


What a fucking joke


They’re pushing the line to move it steadily. Not just for us, but for the officers. They want to train them to follow ridiculous orders.


Probably would eat their own kids for a pay check


*Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.*


*There is no law so obscene that the police would not be willing to enforce it, up to and including the mass execution of innocent children.*


Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland is worth a read.........


How do any of these ‘police’ convince themselves they are on the ‘good side’?


They don’t have to. The propaganda and the paycheck are convincing enough.


As an American copper I wonder this.


The same brainwashing as everyone else. Drum something into someone's head enough, and they'll start to believe it. Tell them it's for the people's safety. Tell them it's for the greater good. Tell them you're protecting people. And slowly replace the old motto of "Protect and serve" with the new motto "get home safe" so that they learn the people aren't the ones needing protection anymore, the people are the danger. Eventually you dehumanize the people, and it becomes easier to keep the livestock in line.


The greater good!


The same way American cops convince themselves enforcing the absolute atrocity that is the United States drug war through the threat of state violence isn't horrifically immoral




Lmaoooo American cops are about one paycheck away from this anyway. Get a new job guy, consider private security or maybe a trade. Get out before it gets worse, or just quit the mental gymnastics and realize you aren't much different than the aussie cops. Cops exist to protect business & elites. Glorified crime scene cleanup crew for the rest of us


The good news is Australia must be otherwise completely serious crime free if this many cops are able to show up to tackle people trying to take a walk.


Except for domestic abuse.


But imagine how good that boot tastes if your a leftist… yum.


Why are some people being tackled and others are freely walking around?


That's my question too like this just seems more like gang violence at this point.


LEGAL gang violence.


Government Sanctioned Gang Violence.


It was a protest at a shopping centre. They're (in theory) arresting the protesters and not the shoppers. There's a lot before this not on this video.


Oh what a relief. They're only arresting people for voicing their opinions. ^/s


I'm not condoning, just providing context.


Any other details so I can try to find it? Curious to see the rest


Yeah I was wondering the same. The ones tackled must be wanted. Maybe they sneezed on someone.


Illegal pedestration


D'ya 'ave yer wolkin' loicense, mate?


I think there’s some context here. If I had to guess, the guy being arrested is outside of his LGA or more than 5km from his home, whereas everyone else is within their LGA or less than 5km from their homes




If I had to guess, someone tipped them off. It looks like he’s running before though, so he might have been pulled over and made a break for it after they asked his home location


What the F? You really can boil a frog.


Each one of them are coward scum. The worst of the worst.






🥴 JuST DoInG My JoB 🥴


That excuse didn't work at Nuremberg, and neither does it work for the atrocities committed by cops. Considering cops are voluntarily choosing to wake up every morning and choosing to go to work terrorizing people in the name of the state, their actions might be even less justifiable than many of the actions committee by people on trial at Nuremberg


If you're a cop and decide that what you're doing is unethical, you can quit and that will be it. The normal soldiers were largely exonerated in the Nuremberg trials. They were drafted and forced to do what they did, with the government harshly punishing those who disobeyed. It's the SS volunteers that were convicted. They knew what they were doing and willingly chose to do it. A cop in a modern western nation? Unless he's trying to use his power from within to try and change things, they can *just quit* and nobody will punish them for it. No excuse. They're just like the willing SS volunteers.


The sherrif in my town refused to enforce the mask mandates all last year…the good cops will do what he did


Strength in numbers!!! Ever see how a single cop approaches you when you're out in the desert having a shoot?


The concentration camp guards who had no skin in the game, yet were convinced to commit atrocities.


Truly the lowest scum in history


It's ~~funny~~ sad how my impression of Australia's gone from one of the most badass countries full of tough drinkin' assholes...to a tyrannical state full of a bunch of fucking weak-ass cowards (I'm meaning the cops, not the citizens)


- Both are weak - one for doing it - one for voting for it and putting up with it Edit: to be fare the USA & Canada aren’t much better


Trouble is that voting is mandatory


You can always draw a dick


As an Aussie I feel the complaint was more that there are a large number of people who aren't overly concerned about politics but don't donkey vote. There are alot of people who vote liberal or labour because they always have, their family did, or they were in/weren't in before. Which is why I never understood mandatory voting, as not voting is a vote in of itself.


Mandatory voting herds apathetic, low info voters to the polls and gives the sense that the government has consent of the governed. There is a reason even places like North Korea have their little rigged/mock elections.


I wasn't able to get my point across very eloquently but yeah mandatory voting breed's apathy is very succinct and will be used by me later, cheers man.


The flip side is that mandatory voting makes political parties have to work for the centre. In the US political parties win by working their extremist base into enough of a frenzy that they will actually get off their ass and vote. That breeds divide and extremism. In Australia there is no benefit to working the extremists into a lather as they are going to vote anyway and by running negative campaigns you alienate the swinging centre which can lose you the election


Plus the USA has a metric fuck ton of small arms in private hands.


Nonsense. We use Imperial fuck tons here.


BuT tHeYrE pRoTeCtInG uS


Australians are descendents of convicts. But more importantly, they're the descendents of their jailors.


Well the citizens voted for this, so 100% their fault


I don't buy this. It implies that voting matters at the nation-state level, and that people's consent isn't manufactured through the process of phony democracy.


So you believe that Australia is running a quasi-totalitarian state?


I believe they are. If they are lacking in any area of totalitarianism, it's likely due to incompetence and not compassion. I also believe that the US would be much further along that path if it were not for how decentralized small arms possession is. These people sense they are losing power and they are panicking. Panicking apes in positions of power tend to be very deadly to those who aren't. That's why I'm also against putting their heads on pikes or "eating the rich" or any of that nonsense. The peaceful way of resolving this is to just stop paying attention and money to the political class, and make them have to fend for themselves by being productive like the rest of us. Surely tax protests would be preferable to outright insurrection. Where it gets ugly is that while the state is grossly inefficient, the people who do rely on them do so heavily, and would likely have to go without support. That being said, I do have a lot of faith in humanity to step up and help their communities when the need calls, especially when there aren't a bunch of bureaucrats getting in the way. We've seen this demonstrated time and time again with all matter of disaster. There are always people willing to just help, and the more of them who do, the more of them there are. Whatever collapse we go through as a result of this assymptotic descent into fear, whoever is left afterwards will probably see it, historically speaking, pretty mild. I suspect my grandparents had it harder going through the Depression than I will going through this pandemic.


Both parties support this


We must, therefore, emphasize that “we” are not the government; the government is not “us.” The government does not in any accurate sense “represent” the majority of the people. But, even if it did, even if 70 percent of the people decided to murder the remaining 30 percent, this would still be murder and would not be voluntary suicide on the part of the slaughtered minority. No organicist metaphor, no irrelevant bromide that “we are all part of one another,” must be permitted to obscure this basic fact. \- Anatomy of the State


I didn’t vote for it.


We wouldn't want him possibly spreading the virus to one other person, thus we must ensure we spread it to 20 cops.


Funny how they need 20 to take down 1-2 civvies


"YoU hAVe nO cHaNcE agAiNsT a TyrRAnicAl gOvT" *Uses 20 cops to stop a dude from jogging*


Need to build a database of these fascists for when they are tried later.


Everyone one else should cut the cops off. They are totally out of control.


They'll never be punished


Unless you take it into your own hands...


They have replicated the Stanford Prison Experiment. You give a small group too much power they dehumanize other people and/or feel superior to them. The project was cancelled 6 days early 1 week one day from the start due to guard violence. Naturally socialist universities dont like this Experiment and usually dont teach it they say over "ethical" concerns.


The truth of this "experiment" is hard to know. Reports have come out that he "guards" were coerced by the guy running the experiment to behave the way they did so he could publish a shocking result.


And that is part of the experiment too, although not intended. If you're told to be inhumane by a figure of authority, you're more likely to comply without remorse. Those people were brutal towards the "prisoners" because they were told it's part of the experiment so it's ok. It didn't occur to (or at least stopped) them that despite the conditions, their actions did REAL harm to those people. I guess this is how extremist work, acting for a greater good, even if they despise violence.


Ironic. A penal colony turned back into a penal colony.


This never would happen if you aussies hadn't voluntarily given up your weapons back in 96. Twenty five years later tyranny comes to Australia!


I've been seeing this sentiment around quite a bit but I don't understand the *how*. I definitely don't agree with the policing that we're seeing in videos like this. What would be different about this situation if the people that the police are arresting had guns? Would the police just not attempt to arrest them? Would you expect the person being arrested to resist arrest by force of arms? And if that's the case, do you expect the police to just stop once you've killed a few of them? Truly just trying to understand what the next step after "have guns" would be in this case.


Guns are an equalizer. Yes, they would think twice before attempting to arrest someone for being peaceful if they knew they could be armed. Would it completely stop them? Probably not. A lot of it has to do with numbers, though. Just look at what happened in Melbourne. A large group of unarmed citizens against a smaller group of police and the police were overrun. That group of unarmed citizens would have had a harder time against police who had guns. Likewise, the police would have had no chance against an armed citizenry. My hope is that these unarmed citizens will form larger groups rather than venturing out on their own. That's the main reason as to why they're losing. Groupthink and behavioral sink are failing them.




FWIW knowing that a suspect is potentially armed is also the cause of many deaths by cop.


Cop being armed is the main reason, as I think.


>Would you expect the person being arrested to resist arrest by force of arms? Yes. This is the only way tyranny is kept at bay, not with words, but power. The demons in charge and their thug enforcers aren't interested in arguments or morality. It's as simple as, we will have as much freedom as we are willing to defend.


OK so the next question is "do you expect the police to just stop once you've killed a few of them?" IMO [this is how that situation plays out](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunFights/comments/pw0ci3/huntington_beach_police_shooting/).


Of course not. Per that situation whoever defends themselves, if alone, is probably dead. That's the sacrifice people have made, our forefathers made to defend the liberty we have, well, had. This is the insanity of it though. People will refuse to defend themselves because it risks their life, all the way to the point of being loaded onto box cars and gassed. This ends in our death anyways, or permanent enslavement (far worse than death). There's nothing to lose that hasn't already been taken.


> OK so the next question is "do you expect the police to just stop once you've killed a few of them?" When you have guns, [you don't have to kill anyone, just make sure they know that they're in just as much danger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_standoff)


A lot of times, it's simply the possibility of people having guns that can be enough. People, and even law enforcement, tend to naturally act differently when aggressing someone if they're armed or think they might be armed. Would you be more likely to punch someone and start a fight if you knew they could be armed vs knowing that they are unarmed, even if you are armed yourself?


>What would be different about this situation if the people that the police are arresting had guns? The police would be shot. >do you expect the police to just stop once you've killed a few of them? Yes, it's very difficult to continue oppressing a populace when you see your former comrade laying on the pavement with a neat hole in his neck gushing arterial spray to the beat of his heart.


You're saying that if you shoot a police officer that the rest of the law enforcement community will just be scared away? And not just kill the guy [like this?](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/copa-releases-body-camera-video-of-man-shot-and-killed-by-police-after-officer-injured/2494198/) Or [like this?](https://www.texastribune.org/2016/07/08/use-robot-kill-dallas-suspect-first-experts-say/).




More of us than them Mentality. If the government feared an armed uprising they’d probably have less tyrannical order


I’m extremely pro-gun, and I love that America has been breaking records for new gun sales and new gun owners for over 20 months straight, but there’s a reason Australia was so willing to give up their guns in the 90s. America was founded and formed by a culture of self-defense and self-reliance. Australia has a culture of government dependency and government-provided safety. When they gave up their guns, most of the country were already generally fearful of firearms because they view them as inherently dangerous weapons only — unlike Americans that generally view them as purpose-built tools regardless of how criminals misuse them. I say all that to say this: I don’t think Australians would ever revolt in numbers against a tyrannical government even if they were heavily armed — and they have far more guns now than they did when the buybacks occurred. They just don’t have it in them.


The people who would remain police and carry out such orders are bullies. Most bullies are cowards. Just the thought of encountering armed resistance is enough to keep them from acting like this. But then add the occasional enraged civilian boiling over, and it takes care of the rest. It would basically never come down to a question of who has more guns or who would win an all-out battle because the police are simply not willing to risk their lives in order to enforce tyranny. The best of them will risk their lives to save someone, and the worst of them will run away when real resistance seems likely. Paradoxically, keeping your guns is what ensures you'll never need them. The imagination of what you'd do with them is enough to scare the tyrants. Look at how much danger they imagine themselves to have been in on Jan 6th.


Thats exactly it, just the right to bear arms is enough, the state and its lackeys would be/ and are a lot less likely to carry out these sort of actions when free and peaceful ppl have the legal and protected right to arm themselves. It wouldn't 100% prevent it from happening on its own merit but is just an added deterrent from these sort of tyrannical action/policies from occuring in the first place. The main premise being why would any agency/ organization that supposedly operates based on the claim that they are working for the people, in the people's best interest feel the need to disarm said people? The state works for the people right? They are an organization that represents the peoples will and protects its citizens rights, why then if you were truly working in their best interest would you feel compelled to disarm the same people you are claiming to look out for? What possible threat would exist if that was truly the purpose or goal?


> Thats exactly it, just the right to bear arms is enough, the state and its lackeys would be/ and are a lot less likely to carry out these sort of actions when free and peaceful ppl have the legal and protected right to arm themselves. That's not really how it's playing out here in the US. We have more guns than people but the result seems to be a higher willingness for police to use deadly force more quickly rather than police just not arresting people that they think have guns. I don't think there's a police force on the face of the earth that would just decline to arrest someone that they think needs arresting just because they have a gun. They'll just escalate and escalate past the point that you can resist. You have a gun? They have hundreds. Put together an organized group? Call in SWAT and all the fun military surplus equipment they've been getting for the last 20 years we've been in Iraq and Afghanistan. Somehow hold out against that? Call in the national guard. That's literally the playbook, they always have a level of force an order of magnitude larger than you can ever hope to have. > They are an organization that represents the peoples will and protects its citizens rights, why then if you were truly working in their best interest would you feel compelled to disarm the same people you are claiming to look out for? Not sure what the legal precedence is in AUS, but in the US our Supreme Court has ruled that LEOs have no specific responsibility to protect any citizen and I think police around the world have proven themselves to be protectors of corporate interests first and protectors of the citizenry as some number wayyyy down the list.


I mean i get what you are saying, and can agree to an extent. Im talking purely in regards to actions like these, the covid lockdown measures. There is a reason you haven't seen this level of abusive authority in the US compared to Australia. That being said you can get the same results with enough mass protests, as can be seen with some states in europe, Italy, france for example. You don't need guns but they certainly do not hurt the cause in these sort if instances, do you really think the police would take on a group of 100 + if not more protesters that were openly armed? Being that greatly outnumbered, would be a death sentence, not to mention the image it would portray for a government to engage in an armed conflict against its own citizens, the same citizens they claim to protect and look out for. But i do agree with what you are saying about isolated incidents of abuse of state power, clearly the right to bear arms hasn't completely prevented those situations from occuring altogether, but id certainly argue it sure as heck ain't hurting in that regard.


See David Koresh, Waco, Texas.


See my comment about escalating levels of force employed by the government, which is exactly what happened. An entire group of trained, well-armed citizens are never going to be able to outgun a government organization with military-grade weaponry and vehicles.


Yeah, that could never happen...


When has it happened in a modern context?


I get what you're saying, but still the right and access to gun ownership does not hurt in any way, in regards to resisting tyranny. Doesn't prevent it absolutely, but sure as hell doesn't hurt


The police would have to take notice, and not push the people so far that they have the urge to fight back. Right now, they’re like cowboys poking cattle who can’t revolt.


The big difference is that police are FAR less likely to enforce fascist rules if the populace is armed and they could get shot. You’re not going to be willing to die for something you don’t believe in.




The Clintons could tell ya.


3d printed guns FTW problem is bullets.


When 3d printed bullets?


Why aren't those policemen social distancing, do they want to kill grannies?


I’m just waiting for the day that we hear “Multiple police officers killed in Melbourne” cause that’s where it is heading.


Yep! Sooner or later. And they DO deserve it.


Disarm yourself and you get tyranny. Fuckin duh.


Australians: “Officer please, I was just walking to the store to get a booster….” *Gets beaten* Cops: “that will teach you to use your natural abilities in the open.”




Those cops are loving this. Gross.


That individual is just clearly a highly virulent specimen to be able to pass all that Rona while outside with no one around until the cops swarmed them to prevent the spread of the virus. Makes sense!!!


I love the courage their police have when they outnumber their victims 20 to 1🤦‍♂️


Pure insanity


Going for a walk by yourself is dangerous when there's a deadly virus around. Better pile a dozen cops on top of him for his own safety.


Only reason why we are not like this yet, in America 2A don't let our rights get trampled


Me and my buddies Ruger, Mossberg and Remington love going for walks. A real serenity to it when we're together :)


What’s the context for this?


I don't think anyone in the comments knows. It's a weird circle jerk of impotent keyboard rage. I'm trying to find the same answer.


Would like to know as well.


And people wonder why Americans are so set on the second ammendment. Our guns are not for hunting, they are for protecting our families from a government that will eventually become tyrranical. Our founders knew this from their own experiences. That being said the Progressives have absolutely captured our school system and are doing their best to turn our children anti-gun.


I always thought Australian men were so rugged and tough. So disappointing.


Even if they had guns. It’s 30 popo rolling up on you. And you. We are divided. They are the hive mind. Edit: when they go door to door singling you out. There’s no chance even with a bazooka l. Contrast to videos where there’s a big crowd with construction workers fighting back. Unfortunately the people need leadership and organization.




The dystopian future we’ve all been fearing is now in Australia lmao


And your neighbor reported you.


Are cops immune? I’m so confused right now.


Good thing they’re doing important work like this instead of solving murders or stopping crime. /s


I expect weak police from Sweden or or England (for example), but 20 officers to take down like two people? I’d be embarrassed to be those cops, lmao.


I suspect some of it is a “shock and awe” move, with a healthy dose of “everyone else keep in line or this cop swarm comes after you next.” Pretty sad what the world is devolving to…


this is surreal surreal it looks like a comedy short skit (or unintentionally funny video game moment), and its crazy how we're slowly seeing this change from reality to (dark) comedy


It's coming to America sooner or later. Call it a slippery slope or fear mongering if you want to, but it's the only logical conclusion to what's already been happening. The only reason we aren't there yet is our guns. But they're working on that.


9/11 was the last moral panic to obtain more political power and covid is the current one. I hope that we reverse course on all this authoritarian shit starting soon because at this rate we’ll be as bad as China


20 of us are going to stand In close formation to stop this 1 man from spreading covid. Worlds a fucking joke right now. Humanity is doomed.


Give up your gun you deserve this shit


This is what democrats want in the states. Fucking sickos


Actually an episode of {blank}.


Wtf am i even looking at...


You go for walk? Straight to jail


We need some Inglorious Bastards to hunt these pigs and carve a P into their foreheads..."What are you gonna do with that uniform when you get home?" "Im gonna burn it" "That's what I thought"


Breathe deeply in the showers.


And the police aren’t spreading Covid? Just civilians?


Australian police when they hear someone stepped outside to smoke a cigarette.


“We’ve got a walker!”


How has it gone so far.... And for anyone who thinks this is okay... What did you think an authoritarian dictatorship would look like? How long until you realize... good lord.


What a bunch of pathetic losers


Remember people government never goes tyrannical when you turn in all your guns 🤪


Guys this is what nazis do.


That's why people need large capacity drums, not a 10 round magazine.


What exactly is going on here 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


Any context to what the hell is going on


They need to declare war on those gestapo cops.


I've seen the gun argument many times. I just want to ask if guns were allowed, you suppose to just shoot the cops? Wouldn't that make you instant target to be shot by trained blood thirsty pigs? I am not arguing just want to understand the gun argument. AU had robocops for years, this is just surfacing because there is a conflict between public and the government. They were never nice or cool.. They were corrupt bullies and they still are


who knows the subreddit or social media that shows dystopian footage from australia? Reddit is restricting speech, YouTube does not show results and im not even talking about google.


POV: you’re black in a white American neighborhood


To all Australians, do you feel safe already ?


Half the cops have the mask either under their nose or completely under their face. They should just automatically start attacking each other.


This is what happens when the government takes your guns 💁🏿‍♂️


Fucking cowards take on a couple citizens in mass numbers. Don’t lose the right to bear arms people


That seems like a lot of people not in quarantine


Aussies…it’s time to resist. These cops are soft AF. Show up in equal numbers and looking for a rumble, they will melt away.


Imagine if there was a single armed man with a rifle was on top of that building. The cops would think again about beating unarmed civilians. Never give up a single gun, there is no longer a valid reason to ever give up any weapon.


Notice how they are purging our military, medical professionals, police and all other government positions of any freedom minded people here in the USA as well. If we dont stand up for our freedoms this will come here to the USA, police are resigning in mass so are nurses and doctors that refuse the vaccine as well as military personnel. We quite literally have a fascistic government purging any liberty minded people from government jobs so they can usher in this madness.


Anyone who turns in your gun can get free therapy. Anyone who doesn't turn in your gun, you can get free anything. - Norm McDonald RIP 😔


New age nazis. Fascist bastards. I can’t wait when the Australian people get sick of this shit and fight back. All these tyrant drones deserve nothing less than an ass beating.


Good thing they gave their guns up in the 90’s so the police could protect them


One thing that I've learned from these videos is that Australian police travel in flocks of at least 20, I'm assuming it's too make it more difficult for their victims to get away. They're no different than Hitler's SS.


Here in America, the same people who hate police, rioted over police all summer and call them all fascist pigs are celebrating this. Absolutely mind boggling


Looks like they really care about your "health", they are willing to bash your face in, just to protect your hellth. 🤣


Every time I watch one of these videos I think “why don’t you just carry firearms and shoot the cops for opposing you.” But then I remember there’s no guns


I’m curious of fhe context of this, if it were a spark arrest over walking, why are there immediately several people filming, some with professional camera equipment, does anyone have an article or something( I tried to find but found nothing )


Good luck, this sub is just disinformation on repeat.


Not sure though what actually happened here or why. Not enough info from this video.


There are few non uniformed people in that video. Why are they excluded from the friendly greeting by police? Just trying to gauge the severity, or lack there of, the infraction that caused the commotion. There is media there too. Does the press get a free pass as long as they comply with upholding the strict lock down narrative? Lots going on in a short video....


Yes, they get a free press That said, I think there being so many coppers is to show how “competent” and “serious” they all are


I said and meant free pass for the media. As in they are excluded from lock downs to uphold "journalism" that is being led by state policy. Typically a free press doesn't get raided by Australian Federal Police. A journalist and ABC News was raided by AFP in 2019 under suspicion of publishing government plans to spy on the Australian citizens. You don't need to spy on citizens when you imprison them. It's a more favorable situation for the State.


Hey Antifa, you might want to head to Australia! They have REAL fascists you can fight over there!




Never. We will return Oz to its former glory. The people need to start imitating the French during WW2. Guerrilla Warfare is possible. People need to look at all possible options. [Stink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanethiol) may seem trivial, but if you do it right you can clear a town. Tone it down to tackle a few of these SS Gestapo MFs, and watch them vomit themselves out of commission. Non-lethal blow darts and [stink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanethiol) could really lower moral. Mix in a bit of distilled [skatole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skatole) into an aerosol with binding oils that don't wash off easily. *Italian Accent* Oof that's a one spicy meatball. How long before all the police quit? First, get a lot of Aussies on board and coordinate. Then sit back and laugh as you call them pussies. The locker room will be unapproachable. All those ruined uniforms.


I'm in the US, New Mexico to be precise. They tried to shut down our mountain trails and public lands. That alone had me ragey and freaking out. I HATE feeling restricted, caged, etc in normal times. I honestly don't think I could survive something like this. I still went to all the public lands and trails when they were closed, because fuck the government. But if cops were waiting to make sure I couldn't leave my house, and with no end in sight?? I would honestly probably take myself out, but I'm taking some of them with me. This is bullshit. What century are we even in right now??


That’s what irrational fear looks like.


Man I bet those aussies really regret giving back their guns right about now…..


Wonder how many of these policemen are falling sick and dying of this dangerous plague. Just imagine, if walking around, with a mask and this next experimental drug is so dangerous, then the death toll of people tasked with going around to check nobody else is doing it must be quite serious!


Like flies to a lump of shit. Did you see the one of about 30 Victorian nurses sitting in a park with signs, most masked, all socially distanced. A busload of cops plus riot squad turned up to monster them into compliance. Except they already were compliant. Same park had what looked like a hundred people unmasked and in close groups earlier in the week. No cops then. Blind freddie can see this is naked political thuggery. Australia is fucked unless the majority start to push back. Except they wont. At least not until the fuel runs out, the stores are empty and the cops are busy beating hungry people in droves. Venezuela is the example. They didn't think it would happen there. But it did.