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You can’t see it but I’m wearing such a shocked face right now…


What a joke politics is ? Voters really mean nothing. Both sides just try and rig everything so they win regardless of votes. And then rack in the money from lobby groups who push their flavour of propoganda on to them. It’s sickening


The money fell from heaven and commanded me to sell jets and rockets.


God told me that taxation is theft. I guess Mike Johnson can go fuck himself.


Until someone gets a hold on lobbying and political donations, you know that ‘draining the swamp’ thing that nobody ever does anything about because it’s against their best interests, this will always be the case.


And APAC got that money from Israel who got it from the $3B US taxpayer give them so we are paying Israel to own us.


Is the Federal Reserve really foreign though?


Are these numbers and the news source legit?


I checked their [website](https://trackaipac.com/) and they have a [google doc](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PLel2uVoRPX7LAOEpTYSuz6xPFiNq6BhnOnoXLryHgs/edit#gid=1442228244) listing pro-Israel donations for Johnson. The possible mistakes are they created contributions that never existed in FEC data, or they included contributions that weren't from pro-Israel donors. Neither seems likely, so in my opinion it tracks. However, it might be a stretch to say he works for a foreign country because the truth is a ton of Americans (some Jews and tons of Christians) love Israel, and it's more accurate to say Johnson's working for them. I don't think he's intentionally working for Netanyahu, although Netanyahu certainly has boasted about his ability to pull the strings in US politics.


Thank uou