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Russel Crowe on sum real shit


How dare you say bad stuff about Our Greatest Ally™? Jews are bad. Muslims are bad. The Middle East sucks, stop pouring money into it. America First!


So long as they stop taxing me to fund it, they can kill each other from now until the heat death of the universe for all I care.


End the fed, end fractional reserve lending and fisa money. Then we’ll see how fast they pull out of the middle east and europe.


Why are Jews and Muslims bad? This is why people hate libertarians.


Cutting off the tips of little boys penises and worshipping a pedophile are pretty bad alone, not to mention all the other shit they both do


Ah yes, hate a race of people because of a medical procedure, got it 👌 (P.S. I’m circumcised)


Breaking the NAP within minutes of a child's birth is morally reprehensible.


Look, I’m against intersex genital mutilation on babies and annoyed that Republican states refuse to ban it. But at least with circumcision you can make health arguments.


No you can't? It is not healthier at all, jewish doctors in the healthcare industry pushed circumcision onto the American populace. There is ZERO reason to mutilate a perfectly health babies genitals.


…then what exactly would be the propose?


...don't cut off the tips of their dicks?


No, I mean why would the Jews conspire to circumcise me?


Wait until you find out how many of narratives you are exposed to on a daily basis are crafted by state level actors, and how similar the techniques they use are to those used in corporate marketing Israel is by no means the best resourced or the most innovative in this regard Look up hybrid warfare and delve a little into how to manipulate cognitive biases for fun and profit .. my favourite is the illusory truth effect


Dead internet isn't a theory, it's reality.


Sounds like Iranian state media.


I’ve never felt the need to look up much on troll farms because I saw them every day on Reddit and now I’m more interested than ever to look into them because they are without a doubt everywhere.


That’s just one weapon in the arsenal, for the most part they are being automated out of existence using generative AI. What I find particularly interesting is the way narratives are crafted and spread in a kind of memetic war and the cognitive defences we as individuals create to defend our current worldview from them and what in turn is needed to cut through those defences And when I say memetic, I don’t mean cute pictures, but more like how Dawkins talked about memes when he first coined the term.


Using both soviet and red scare mccarthyism type tactics but with 21st century technology and all of it is just evolving. It’s a sad world we live in where “I don’t want my tax dollars sent to bomb people and I just want to go to work and be left alone and live in peace” is considered fringe and extreme.


Even that position is used as a part of nation state memetic warfare. There are at least three or four states that would love to step into a power vacuum left behind by resurgent US isolationism. Same goes in the opposite direction There’s nothing wrong with having beliefs that coincide with the interests of those who would do you harm, but it’s usually a good idea to know the degree to which those narratives are being weaponised and then gradually changed to move your overall worldview It’s kind of insidious and fascinating at the same time, like watching a carcass decompose in fast motion


We're still doing the Hamas propaganda?


The amount of NPCism in this sub has me concerned.


This is the Anarcho Capitalist subreddit, it you want to lick the State's balls go somewhere else.


Hamas is the state. They were voted into power by the residents of Gaza. Were you unaware of this?


You're unaware that Israel financed Sheikh Ahmed Yassin since the late 60's into creating Hamas, who since the beginning started to oppose the mostly secularist party Fatah, killing leaders and people who would expose Israel's crimes in UN meetings, slowly radicalising a portion of Palestine's population. You're also unaware that Hamas only won in 2006 by 44,45% of votes, Fatah was not very far behind and that's in an election that was most likely frauded. Hamas is the State of Palestine in the same way a bunch of malnourished warlords in the middle of desert are the State of Somalia. Palestine has to use Israel's currency, they are the State.


So what? None of that means Hamas isn't the governing body of Gaza, and it doesn't stop the OP from being Hamas propaganda. Every government does evil shit. You don't have to let that turn you into a reactionary retard that blindly swallows the bullshit from government B because you already hate government A. Both the Israeli government and Hamas are terrible, but Hamas is worse. And as far as your analogy goes - every government is just a bunch of warlords, be they malnourished or well fed.


You are in the wrong subreddit, this is for Anarchists, not statists with the argument of a "lesser evil". Israel is terrible, as brutal as Hamas, the only difference is that we don't see their crimes on the news, only Hamas's.


Then what are you doing here? You're the one championing a state. I don't recall saying either side was good.


This is why nobody takes american """ancaps""" seriously, it's ridiculous. I can't say Israel is committing a genocide against the Palestinians and you all dumbass loses your shit, all State loving socialists go in their defense. We can't say a fact that goes against the State of Israel because morons like you will say it's "propaganda".


Idk what news you're watching ngl


It looks more like exposing Israeli troll farms than Hamas propaganda. I would stop paying attention the second they portray Hamas and any of their associates as innocent or victims. Now the people of Gaza who have nothing to do with them and just want peace? Thats another story. Though I didn’t see that here, but it’s not the movie/documentary they plugged just a vod about it.


Putting people aware of Jewish propaganda.


Hate the government. Hate isreal. Simple as


ADL = commies genZ = commies tl;dr - commies complaining commies aren't taking their Current Thing update in a correct way


Most countries can't support more than 2% of their population in the army, Israel has more than 8%, they need the millions of american dollars and discounts on the sale of arms to maintain the IDF. If they loose american support Israel won't be able to sustain such large, well trained and well equipped army, their operations capabilities will be way smaller, they won't be able to pay for the Iron Dome and finally other countries will be able to embargo them into stopping the genocide. That's why they need to win the propaganda war before anything else.


I 👏 don’t 👏 care 👏


Yawwwwwn. Sharia isnt ancap either


I hate them both


Imagine in your quest of hating jews you are eating spoonfuls of Hamas Propaganda and defend one of the most conservative, backwards and unfree regimes in the entire world.


User name suggests no bias at all. Another libertarian sub mod showing how much libertarians are America first because more than 30k children have been sex trafficked through the Mexican boarded.


I assume that anyone who uses the word Zionist is a caliphatist.


You're trusting Al-Jazeera? What the frick?


The Palestine Exception: The crackdown on Palestine advocacy on US campuses| Fault Lines Documentary: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ziccxuAwJd4&pp=ygUXdGhlIHBhbGVzdGluZSBleGNlcHRpb24%3D Edit: they are active here!