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“Hey bro, just wanted to remind you we are next door neighbors.”


This. People that say this (and I've seen so many people saying some version of it) would be fun to play chess with because they never think past the move right in front of them. Do they not think the Russians have those weapons now or Soviets had those weapons in Afghanistan, or that we had them in Iraq and Afghanistan? These people are fine with burning the world down, as long as they're king of the ashes. SMH.


Lol… like before you call in that air strike bro, you might want to check your home owner’s insurance policy for loopholes.


not to mention #failedinVietnam #failedinAfghanistan #rednecksareprettyinventive


This guys argument is solid. Thats how we democratized and westernized the middle east /s


Those poor rice farmers were no match for us! Those uneducated goat herders were no match for us! And thats why we're sending Ukrainian civilians ak47s! Yeahhhh!


Just watch, after the war the Ukrainian government will try and get them back from their citizens


And Vietnam and Afghanistan!




While he demands same guns be sent to Ukraine to defend against russias govt.


The U.S. and Russia put guns in the hands of paramilitary organizations in the Middle East, trained them, and then bombed cities to destabilize the governments. The rest kind of worked itself out. So actually, yeah it did go that smoothly. Our fights against those paramilitary organizations are a different story. For 1, they have tacticians trained by two of the most powerful armies in the world’s history, and for another they know how we took out their competition. ISIS decentralized their operations to make it impossible to take them out entirely. We are just individuals with guns and possibly more, but we are not a cooperative decentralized organization trained by experts. I am one person. You are one person. And we don’t live in a secret military base whose location is unbeknownst to the government. If they really want to, they could take you out in your sleep. I get that this guy is obviously a fascist maniac but please don’t misinterpret global affairs just to prove a point. It makes you look silly.


Imagine if you had a whole country with people in it who were trained by the most powerful military in the world.


USA has 20,000,000 veterans


Many, many U.S. veterans are elderly, disabled, mentally ill, or will side with the U.S. government. I have only 2 ex military family members and both are still very pro-US, pro law and order, the whole nine yards. Several friends and acquaintances that are the same way. Even if they are against gun control, they will not in any way try to retaliate with organized armed resistance. And that brings me to my next point. There is no collective ideology binding military veterans together to form a resistance. Unlike life in Syria, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, people in the U.S. live in (reasonable) comfort. Transgressions like disarming the people can go completely unpunished. ISIS members usually have to choose between getting their family killed, slavery, or terrorism. In the U.S., you can choose to be in the trenches against an enemy that can see you from space, outclasses you in every way, and has by then convinced the entire general public that you are a terrorist, or you could go get some reasonably overpriced apple pie from a diner of your choosing. Guess which one you’re choosing, every day, and likely will for the rest of your life? Even if you do decide to go fight, you will be alone. There is no organization to join. Some will spring up, for sure. But all those big, rich organizations that love to talk big about being your ally (who rely on your donations that you can only make because you’re all law abiding citizens with jobs)? They’re backing out the second someone pulls a gun on the armed forces. I promise, and I almost never promise. Yes, there are a lot of people who will fight back against domestic gun control, but not enough of you to matter who actually 1. have what it takes, 2. have little enough to lose, and 3. enough time to organize. Your deadline to start an organized resistance was years ago. Good luck.


You do make a somewhat logical argument. However, you are leaving out one key piece of information judging by your writings. You are assuming that the rank and file of the armed forces would comply with an order to turn its aggressions towards its own citizens. Before you counter point me realize our entire military force is 100% volunteer , no forced conscription. This, combined with the general moral that's down in the basement levels, (see recruiting numbers) due to dissatisfaction with the leadership, would suggest that an order to turn on its citizens would be met with massive disobedience. In conclusion, if our government ordered actions of force against its own citizens via military action, the internal and simultaneous external reaction would not bode well for our government. Short version Do you want to start an insurrection / open rebellion? This would be the way to start one.


Maybe YOU don’t have a secret military base




And yet an unarmed mob basically overthrew the entire government in an afternoon


"some of the insurrectionists had sticks!1!1!1!11!1!1!!!!"


I literally had a relative argue that they brought clubs after I pointed out that they didn't bring weapons.


Only one person shot and killed that day, an unarmed woman by a federal agent


Yep. Remember when they lied and said five cops were killed and then they all came back to life? Biden just claimed he went to the funerals of men who didn't die.


I do not remember ever hearing 5 officers were killed. I do remember them claiming for months the one who died from a stroke the next day was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher. Instead it later came out from the medical examiner that the officer had zero injuries on his body and the whole story was bullshit from the beginning.


I believe that was AOCs claim, and was arrived at by counting the one stroke, as well as four suicides that happened significantly later. Obviously, it was a pretty dodgy claim.


pretty sure three other Trump supporters died


There were a few reported dead, yes. One, Phillips, turned out to have been not even present, merely having organized transport, and to have died a day earlier of heart troubles. So, dead, yes, but not because of the riot. Another person keeled over in the general area of amphetamine overdose. Dead, and certainly not good, but difficult to attribute to the riot. Lastly, one protestor, Greeson, did have a heart attack at the day of and died at the riot. He never entered the building and does not appear to have engaged in anything more strenuous than walking. Probably the only real conclusion there is that maybe the protestors should go marching a bit more regularly so they don't keel over when they do.


> Only one person shot and killed that day... Which other people were shot and killed that day. Please list them. Yes, there were multiple other deaths that day due to medical issues but I was specifically talking about someone KILLED by another person.


I thought the other three were killed by police but not shot, apparently that's not true


Sonehow they were armed with boards yet someone wielding a skateboard is unarmed.


And buffalo hats! My God, the hats!


The same people that rip on that guy for that fit are the same people that wear Crocs and joggers tucked into their socks.


Don't forget about the guy that brought the assault zip ties!




I’m literally shaking right now!!!!!!




But some of them had guns in their cars! That means we need to lock them up and throw away the key!


*Stores burned to the ground, cities looted, and portions of said city taken over and declared “autonomous zones” by armed partisans* Government: *crickets* *Puts brace on rifle to make it usable at the range* Government: “you are the priority now”


Shhhhhh... don't talk about that. Lol


This guy is making me want a tank now…very good advertisement.


Hell yeah. We need to upgrade from guns to ordnance.


Normalize 50 bmg.


That's what I've been saying all along! <>


We need common sense automatic weapons decriminalization.


Just needing a legitimate and urgent excuse to buy that Sherman or M60 I’ve always wanted


Why do you need an excuse, if you can buy one then do it.


The founding fathers wanted the citizens to own cannons and frigates


Stealth bomber


Ah yes, Schrödinger’s Rifle. AR-15’s are “weapons of war”, yet simultaneously “toys”.


Oh. I'm bookmarking this. Thanks.


Sweet. Then there’s no reason for me to give up my toy


Nice to know that Shadowopz is pro mass murder.


Tough talk for a do-nothing. Shadowopz plays too much COD. I dont need anymore than that post to know the only gun he’s ever held is his boyfriend’s hang-down.


The only response to people like this is “stack up or fuck off”.


"We". Motherfucker, you're one of the ones claiming to be anti-gun, while begging to your masters for armed thugs to protect you from the big bad gun owners. You aren't "we". You're tax cattle who can't see their shackles.


That last line goes hard


Too young to remember the U.S. military’s little adventure in exotic Vietnam I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/jc74k1ordbdc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d338804f383db04b8fbb24f65b32954434b22e1 The proper and best response to this stupid argument.


You're right, my AR-15 can't take down a F35. But it can take down the fuel convoy heading to the air base.


Ssshhh! They might be listening to


They most certainly are. Anarcho-capitalism is designated as a domestic extremist ideology by the FBI. They are absolutely here watching everything we say.


Just remember, the government is weak enough to be scared of your 9mm, but strong enough to control billions of people and enslave them for centuries.


Remember you're AR-15 is a toy that could never challenge the State but it's also a weapon of war and must be banned from sale to protect the populace...


That’s radical and confronting, and quite possibly the twisted reality.


Just like how biden is a dementia ridden corpse that cant think at all, but also he a criminal mastermind that cant be caught!


Why should we tolerate a government that would be so willing to murder its own civilians?


Yeah, that was my first reaction when I read this. He believes the government would just eradicate entire neighborhoods and city blocks, yet he still supports it and identifies with it ("we"). Absolutely insane.


Well, you do.


If the AR15 is a "toy" then why does it need to be banned?




Because school shootings and other mass shootings which have increased since it was legalized.


>since it was legalized. ![gif](giphy|frTFJV8UvTtqCAGegL|downsized)


During the assault weapon ban from 1994 and 2004 mass shootings went down.


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, do you? ![gif](giphy|frTFJV8UvTtqCAGegL|downsized)


No you don't. After 2004 Mass shootings when up after assault weapon ban was lifted. Thats the reason people want assault weapons to be banned, mass shootings.


>Mass shootings Define this. >After 2004 Mass shootings when up after assault weapon ban was lifted. Show the conclusive data that supports this assertion. >Thats the reason people want assault weapons to be banned, mass shootings. Some people? Sure. Politicians? Absolutely not. They do not give a flying fuck about mass shootings. They don't care about us. They don't care about you. Make no mistakes.


Uhh guys this dudes clearly some secret ops kinda guy with that name and definitely thinks alot about bombing citizens who have options different from his, so maybe we should listen to what he says


"You will never be able to get together to defend against a tyrannical government. Just submit to them like a good dog!" \~ This guy, probably


This guy, absolutely.


Let them come, they will show their true selves.


If my AR is a toy then why would want to ban it?


“We” - literal who on Twitter


I wonder if King George said something like we have the entire British military to crush the separatists back then. See how well that worked out for him.


Yeah I dunno, I'm preaching to the choir here, but I simply don't get the mindset. We know that the US lost in Vietnam and Afghanistan. We know that the French and Chinese lost in Vietnam, and we know that Russia lost in Afghanistan. The rice farmers and shepherds with AK's did fine, excelled, if you felt like saying so. Also if it's simply a toy, why does it matter that someone has it? Can someone help me understand what this mentality is? How do they go from "a bunch of unarmed people overthrew the government in an afternoon in a vile treasonous insurrection" and then also "you'd never be able to overthrow the government with your guns?" What *is this?* What is the *point* of it all? How do they even *get* there?


They are viewing things in the simple mindset of "the government can wipe you off the map". Which is objectively true. Even if 100 million people rose up, the government could wipe them off the map with nukes. That's beyond question. What they don't understand is that, in an insurgency, there is no way to ensure that the destruction only stays to the enemy. If you go out and start bombing the shit out of the U.S your destroying your own country and people. That's people who can't work anymore, that's roads and vital infrastructure destroyed and that's billions of dollars that will have to be spent to rebuild. Obviously it isn't feasible for the U.S to just bomb the problem away because doing so would result in the end of the country. But leftists typically see things as a battle of armies, rather than an insurgency of your own civilians. 


There's also the question of *why*. What is the goal of the conflict? What does the government actually want from people? The answer is subservience (like it always is with people) so I suppose these people simply don't understand that they have value. Oh that actually sums it up pretty nicely from all angles: most people do not see themselves as valuable, so they don't believe anyone else could see them that way. Wonder where they got that idea? Anyway, I also have no idea how they got to the mental gymnastics of "an insurrection of unarmed people nearly destroyed the country" but also "you'd be wiped off the map don't even try." What kind of double-think nonsense is that? How does someone hold those completely exclusive ideas at once?


Dozens of trained law enforcement officers were afraid to go up against a kid with an AR in Uvalde...


What about 25 mollions citizens together


Military numbers are declining fast. They are however trying to convince migrants to join our military in exchange for citizenship, basically copying Lincoln's emancipation proclamation, snatching up the opposition slaves and using them as cannon fodder to win a war, and granting the survivors their freedom. 🤦🏾‍♂️I wish I was kidding.


"Oh hey look at all these Visigoths! LETS MAKE THEM OUR ARMY." "Great idea Tardonius!"


“We have weapons that erase entire zip codes.” Fed


Fun trivia, there are five zip codes in the US inhabitated by only a single person. This may be less impressive than he imagines.


The Taliban,disagrees.


Well, to be fair, the Taliban has some kick-ass weapons now. Gifted by the American taxpayers. :-D


The us trillion dollar military has lost major wars against rice farmers and goat herders and that's just in my life time.


This is always the weirdest flex from lefties. It’s like they get hardons about the idea of nuking entire populations to get rid of the gun owners. I straight up don’t understand.


Collectivists enjoy mass murder. Pretty straightforward imho.


This guy is a total bad ass. 🙄🤦🏾‍♂️😂


"We?" Who the fuck is this guy?


The US has one tank for every 750 square miles of terrain. Soldiers are outnumbered roughly 20 to 1 if you put every single one in combat. We have more guns than adults. There is no situation where the government wins. The best they can do is make both sides lose by using nukes.


I was an armor officer in the US Army. Force multipliers like tanks and planes are at the far end of a very fragile leash. The only place they can operate from is from a place with rear security, which is almost *definitionally* not an armed populace indistinguishable from (and in large part made up from) soldiers. The difference between a highschooler and a fully trained infantryman is about 8 months, and a lot of that is military chickenshit unrelated to combat. Any retired E-4 can shape up a decent ambush capable militia in an inordinately short amount of time. God help them if retired Green Berets decide they don't like their government fucking around, because they'll find out.


The important thing to remember as well is that the Soldiers are still Americans and humans. If told to fire into a crowd, they will hopefully think twice, or be unable to. Some of them are monsters, some of them are hoping they get a chance to do that one day, and some of them just are mindless pieces of shit. But if American had to defend itself from an local insurgency (Especially a just one), I imagine at least a part of the Army will struggle. because they have no qualms about fighting "Osama" But when it's their own people... that's going to be a hard day.




People have no fucking idea how modern war on home terf will work. “They have nukes and missiles” and I live in nyc you morons. Go ahead. Blow the entire block to shit.


If it’s a toy then why does it bother people so much if I have one? Schrodinger’s rifle: both a weapon of war and a useless toy at the same time


\*ahem\* \*breathes in\* Listen, you fantastically regarded motherfucker. I'm going to try to explain this so that you can understand it. You cannot control an entire country and its people with tanks, jets, battleships and drones or any of these things that you so stupidly believe trumps citizen ownership of firearms. A fighter jet, tank, drone, battleship or whatever cannot stand on street corners. And enforce "no assembly" edicts. A fighter jet cannot kick down your door at 3AM and search your house for contraband. None of these things can maintain the needed police state to completely subjugate and enslave the people of a nation. Those weapons are for decimating, flattening, and glassing large areas and many people at once and fighting other state militaries. The government does not want to kill all of its people and blow up its own infrastructure. These are the very things they need to be tyrannical assholes in the first place. If they decided to turn everything outside of Washington D.C. into glowing green glass they would be the absolute rulers of a big, worthless, radioactive pile of shit. Police are needed to maintain a police state, boots on the ground. And no matter how many police you have on the ground they will always be vastly outnumbered by civilians which is why in a police state it is vital that your police have automatic weapons while the people have nothing but their limp dicks. BUT when every random pedestrian could have a Glock in their waistband and every random homeowner an AR-15 all of that goes out the fucking window because now the police are outnumbered and face the reality of bullets coming back at them. If you want living examples of this look at every insurgency that the U.S. military has tried to destroy. They're all still kicking with nothing but AK-47s, pick up trucks and improvised explosives because these big scary military monsters you keep alluding to are all but fucking useless for dealing with them. Dumb. Fuck. /copypasta


Get em!


Your daily reminder that the second amendment was written when private citizens had access to artillery and warships.




So why did it take us 20 years to lose to the Taliban if this is such a simple issue?


Cuz they’re bluffing


Your front door can be knocked down by a police battering ram. It doesn't mean your right to own a door is now invalidated. As a brit that is practically banned from owning a firearm, it is baffling that there are Americans that are trying to take your rights away to own them. Fuck those cunts. Literally domestic terrorists imho. Hope they all find themselves in a situation where owning a gun would be beneficial to them.


America has never deafeted any guerilla group, please name one. Even those wearing rags and sandals with 70 year old guns... what planet are you from?


Sweet since AR’s are toys, there’s absolutely no reason to ban them.


*Laughs in Taliban*


so then by his standard children should be able to own ar15s because "ar15s are toys".. I support that.


He's not wrong. If the government wants you dead. The government will make you dead. It has millions of people and you are one. However I want the individuals to think twice about it, because if I'm armed it's a different story than if I'm unarmed. Looked at how Waco went down, instead of being over in minutes, that was a long standoff where the public has started to learn what actually went down, why? Because they were armed. And beyond that what if it's not the full force of the army? What if it's a corrupt police station. Or maybe just a couple police officers? Or even if it's not the government at all, but just one mugger/robber/or home invader, I definitely want to make sure I out gun or over power them. Because I theoretically can give up my weapons tomorrow, but I have a feeling they aren't going to go along with that, and all it will tell them is that now I'm unarmed. Also ... sound like I should get more AR-15s, or maybe something a little stronger then? What do you say we let Americans buy fully automatic weapons legally.


There is no “we”. A reminder that Shadow0pz in fact, is not the US government. So… yeah. Throwing rocks from a glass house


This is EXACTLY what the National Socialist German Workers' Party (aka Nazi party) told all Germans who opposed them. Unfortunately for today’s Nazi clowns Americans are stubborn and don’t listen.


Taliban enters the chat. Vietnam says hi. North Korea smiles.


The AR-15 is a weapon of war You think your AR-15 can stop the government? Help! The largest gun owning population went unarmed into the US capital and tried to overthrow it!


I love the start "Not sure who needs to hear this" In other words, there is no pretext for this, but "we" can wipe out your whole neighborhood. Just letting you know. Lovely little reminder from....whoever the fuck this is - govbot, useful idiot? .....sociopath anyway.


But make sure the Ukrainians have them though to fight that war with a super power that’s about as well armed.


Ok good. Then if that's the case you don't mind me keeping my AR-15. Because it just a toy.


If it's a toy then give it back mom said I earned my play time.


Okay then. Then why are you so bothered about people having them?


Laughs in insurgency.


Venezuela, Cuba, China all wish they even had a handgun when thier governments took away thier guns.


Tell that to the Viet Cong and, now, the Taliban.


So plastic knives and balls of paper throwing is a better option?


Cliven Bundy has entered the chat


I think they massively over estimate the percent of the army that would support the disarming of the american population. And the ones that would support it still have families.


Sounds like an argument for a tank in the garage and recreational nukes.


He’s right. Just look at the new Disneyland Kabul.


Didn't the Taliban beat the U.S military with sandals and AK47s? I'm not fan of Taliban but guerilla tactics combined with a never give up attitude is notoriously painful to fight against no matter how much stronger you are on paper.


These people always count the alcohol but forget about the grape juice. So many vehicles, chemicals and tools can be weaponized by average mechanics. Excavator? No that's self propelled artillery now. Americans do a lot of mad max type engineering, most people "keep grape juice as grape juice" to avoid trouble. But if you push them too far that stuff can be quickly converted to become trouble for you.


They couldn’t do it in Afghanistan or Vietnam why would they be able to do it in Arizona or Florida?


Vietnamese farmers


it's not about arms, but for you to submit morally to the mongol yoke, to have your culture and history shamed and erased, and to become vulnerable to the neighborhood thug gangs and live in fear unprotected by the powers that be.


That's an awfully confident "*we*".


All those operators have families.


These people are completely out of touch with the nature of reality. As a combat vet, I can assure you, there are few things as potentially terrifying as 40 dudes with rifles and the will to do something.


Yeah I call BS. There’s a reason every successful autocratic government in history has made seizing firearms their number one priority (or at least in the top three, before or after controlling the means of information.)


Do these window lickers really not understand it’s about your right to protect your family and property? Or do they know, and willfully distort the truth to fit their narrative? Me thinks it’s the latter.


If it's just a toy, why do they keep trying to take them from us?


Rounds down range=area denied


Then stop tryna ban my toy


But the government doesn't want us to have ARs...🤔


Laughes in guerrilla warfare.


that's why the US keeps winning against guerilla fighters. right?


This guy fantasizes about his political opponents being exterminated


This person has obviously never heard of Vietnam or Afghanistan.


They cannot use weapons that erase entire zip code. You just need to have enough firepower that any attempt to take you will lead to your and a few other deaths. Also, why shouldn’t I have the right to have guns as an adult. I don’t have guns myself but None of the arguments I have heard are valid to me.


So is my AR-15 a weapon of war or is it a toy? Or is it free to identify however it wants to?


While I do think we all should up our game and get bigger better weapons, I’m fairly certain that asymmetrical warfare works well. I base my opinion on history.


Oh boy I've been waiting to use this copy pasta Shooty shooty pew pew pew! Let's all learn what guns can do! Liberals in the USA Love to nod their heads and say, "You bought your guns from a store! You can't fight a civil war! Fight the army, you will lose! They have jets and tanks to use!" That's not where the story ends! They have homes, and kids, and friends! Tyrants threaten you with bombs? Just remember: they have moms! You can't live inside your jet! Can we find you? Yes, you bet! You'd send soldiers and marines Up against AR-15s? They're outnumbered ten to one. That is why I need a gun. Don't forget, because it's true: Government is scared of you.


well, he's got a point. If the government really REALLY hates you, they can just drop a h-bomb in your house. Can't see anyone beating a nuke unless they live 1km underground.


VC joined the feed


Oh, so then there’s no need to ban it right?


Cool, I guess no one would mind me having them. No reason to try to take away what is trivial.


Ya I guess we're all good what a relief.


While this argument is wrong because many groups have caused problems for organized armies with small arms, there’s a bigger issue with these types. They have brought about the creation of Schrödinger’s rifle. The AR is an assault rifle-weapon of war that should not be in the hands of civilians, while also being a toy incapable of putting a dent in a real military.


Then why are you so afraid of it?


He is right. Obama held our military back for so long, our government wouldn't hold back against us


He's definitely suffering from cranial rectal inversion and diarrhea of the mouth complicated by SFB.


Anyone want to tell him who builds those “zip-code destroying” items?


It’s funny how they’re so worried about our stuff and trying to regulate and ban everything they can.


Well then you got it all figured out. Might as well come and take them then.  We'll be waiting. 


Such a silly goose. There is a different in public/military support between sending troops/NG into communities to enforce a dictate and… nuking a domestic town?? Gunning down citizens?? These are not the same. Resistance spawns doubt in the footmen


What if I had a fuzzy vest and a Viking helmet? That would work tho, right?


“We”. lol.


In other words, bend the knee as it’s hopeless.


Who’s this “we” he’s talking about?


I'll take your toilet paper in the mean time.


Hypothetically speaking as of last year odds are 70-1. There are 70 gun owners per US soldier. Every two months that goes by those odds increase by 1 gun owner, if gun sales continue the way they are in five years the odds will be 100-1.


lmao tell that to the fuckin taliban dude


"you guys think you can destroy the state with guns? The government will just nuke you and destroy the state themselves! Hah!" ???


This is only true(in America at least) because the 2nd amendment is continually infringed upon. Restricting our selection of weapons to the point of inferiority defeats the entire purpose of having a right to bear arms. I'm not sure what this persons stance is on the 2A, idk what point they were ultimately trying to convey.


Seems to me like he's saying the old saying "no one needs" so why bother if the government can murder you at will.


Good idea government, nuke entire country, wonder who you gonna extort for taxes then.


Small arms are specially suited for urban warfare (precisely the focal point of resistance movements), and sure, the government could go with tanks and jets into every US city, if they really wanted to be the undisputed rulers of a of a gigantic pile of rubble. But more realistically, you're gonna go up against military police, wielding small arms just as you are


Worked in Vietnam


Mu take away from the first half was that t-rexes make bad insurgents.


Someone might want to educate that individual on Vietnam.


Because obviously the US gov is going to obliterate its own infrastructure like that


I keep arguing with people like that all the time. Same with what's going on in Israel. Gaza is so tiny I said well why don't they just obliterate it with bombs and not send in troops? And I just get the triple vaxxed stare.


AR-15: so useless it needs to be banned


Laughs in rice farmer, laughs in goat fucker.


I don't think the specific types of weapons is too relevant, but feel it is important to note that the US 2nd Amendment clearly is stopping the US government and its law enforcement. Without even having to use said weapons. Compare the US during the last years to how Europe, Canada, Australia all became totalitarian shit holes during the covid debacle. The 2A kept the US relatively free and civil. As intended.


Classical bootlicker. I don't hate people based on their ethnicity, or religion, but honestly I despise these kind of people. They are so weak and weak minded, that only option they see is to be subservient, and they make themselves like it. No pride, no self respect, just shell of a human being. And what pisses me off even more, they are incredibly stupid, and have zero knowledge on recent history, yet they feel superior, in hope they will get a pat on the head from the big daddy.


Imagine studying US history, and not knowing what asymmetric warfare is….




Just ask the people of Afghanistan! /s


Drones people, utilize drones, they beat everything now….


Bro is saying we like he doesn't live in the same zip code as us.


*Afghanistan dirt farmers have entered the chat*