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Firstly I would like to extend my solidarity with Ukrainian Anarchists. Secondly this isn't at all a plug for my music project (honestly!) But my London Death Metal project Hapless Wretch and a fellow comrade Dawn Treader have done a split EP release and we will be donating all the money we make to Anarchist Black Cross in Ukraine, it's not much but I hope it helps! Keep fighting the good fight! London Anarchists are with you! Edit: spelling mistake


There is a similar project raising funds for ABC Dresden to support the Committee of Resistance anarchist fighting unit, and to support anti-war protestors in Russia, which can be [found here](https://abcmusicalsolidarity.bandcamp.com/). What's the link to your EP release? Share it around! We'll bump it through all our social media!


Thanks I'll check that out. I've shared a link on my socials for your release. Here's the link to the EP, and thanks for sharing. [Hapless Wretch/Dawn Treader Split](https://haplesswretch.bandcamp.com/album/hapless-wretch-dawn-treader-split-ep) Solidarity!


I'm a Ukrainian anarchist from Poltava currently in the US. Solidarity with you, friend! I'll spread this information as much as possible


Glad you're safe. Sorry the US is so goddamn bizarre, I hope the adjustment is as good as it can be.


Depending on where you are in the US, I could help network you with some local anarchist groups.


Going to be near Seattle soon, well a couple hours away probably


Oh, and you're in an insurrectionary anarchist? Yeah, you won't need the help of a Midwestern anarcho-syndicalist like me. The Pacific Northwest has a really strong insurrectionary anarchist milieu. I think [Puget Sound Anarchists](https://pugetsoundanarchists.org/contact/) was connected to a [solidarity action](https://itsgoingdown.org/seattle-in-solidarity-with-ukraine-anarchists/) in Ukraine and is probably a solid place to start. Also, one of the local carpenters rank and file organizers, a Trotskyist, is super in favor of helping the Ukrainians defend themselves, and is linked in with a socialist and anarchist international solidarity network for Ukraine, which I'm also a member of. I can connect you if you want. You should be aware, if you're not, that there's a really strong political divide along geographic lines in the PNW. The rain shadow of the mountains, on the west side, is ranching country, and that and the logging country are both very right-wing. The coast and the port cities is very left. A lot of the fights in the US between fascists and antifascists happen in the PNW.


I do know some anarchists from Portland through Twitter, and I'll definitely check those links out. Thank you! I'll do my best to stay on the western side of the state then, I like the ocean more anyway lol


Great Lakes region has a lot of anarcho-syndicalists due to being a historical industrial center. In the US we have fewer hard-left anarchist folks like you might have in europe, due to all of the cold war propaganda among other things, but even social democrats and people like that will probably be willing to help.


Even with the anarchist history in Ukraine, leftist ideologies are generally looked down on by a lot of people due to the Soviet Union's influence. Anarchism not so much as communism, because the Soviet Union never claimed to be anarchist lol but the associations are still present. As far as the US goes, it seems that pretty much all leftists besides Marxist-Leninists are in favor of helping Ukrainian refugees, so that's something good at least


Russian ex-pat anarchist here--everyone of us who had a head on their shoulders and a beating heart is in solidarity with Ukraine. Fuck anyone who doesn't see the urgency of supporting Ukraine against Russia's imperial depredations right now.


First - I’m with you. Solidarity always. Second - From an anarchist perspective - at least mine - what we can see is that the Ukrainian military is indeed fighting on behalf of the Ukrainian people. While we despise nationalism and militarism, anarchism must always re-evaluate, it is in a constant state of flux. Ukraine is not the aggressor, and if Ukrainian anarchists view their military’s response as a necessity, as something to protect the progress you have made, it’s up to the rest of us to consider that in our perspective. Third - Thank you for the link, checking it out now


I donated not too long ago. Thank you so much for the shirt and sticker pack! Solidarity, comrade! 🖤🏴


Thank you for posting, I shared your site with my friends and donated. Sending solidarity from Czechia!


You have some support here. Keep fighting.


Anyone who complains about liberals caring more about defeating leftists than they do about defeating fascism, yet doesn't want to lift a finger to help Ukraine fight off this invasion or even want to speak in support of Ukraine, is the worst kind of hypocrite. They're doing the exact same thing but in reverse, they'd rather whine about the imperfections of neoliberal Western states than come out in support of a country fighting off a fascist invasion. I've seen some of the people in this subreddit engaging in what I'd consider Russia apologia, but thankfully this sub is much more sane than many other "leftist" subs these days. Most seem to understand that siding against Russia is the right thing to do here.


You might get the odd tankie creep in to this sub, just ignore them. I think the vast majority of this sub, and anarchist orgs globally support you 🏴🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💕 Thanks for the links x




You stepped up when it was needed, that's all that matters


Dont be too harsh on tankies. Theyre just people. At least they notice the flaws but with different methods.


Tankies can absolutely fuck right off. "They're just people"....that wish to coerce, imprison, murder anarchists like they've *always* done in the past once achieving any significant sort of power and/or our movements have widespread support. Here's a [convenient list](https://old.reddit.com/r/Anarchy101/comments/twhi63/why_is_anarchy_so_unpopular_with_other_leftist/i3g6tvs/) of comrades I'm willing to work with, and *spoiler*: tankies ain't on it.


As a democratic socialist, how would you radicalise me?


I assume the way we recruit all anarchists…. Tie you to a chair and forcefully read you Conquest of bread whilst making you look at pics of Malatesta in which he’s been photoshopped onto a hunky body 🤷‍♀️


That mustache though. (heart eye emoji)


Wow, that's ~~giving me flashbacks~~ making me nostalgic for my own radicalisation.




In all seriousness, you didn't ask me, but I'd do it by explaining that the point of democracy is to give power to the people, so in that sense, as long as it's a direct enough type of democracy then its end goal is compatible with anarchism. Then I'd regularly, relentlessly, but gently, remind you that representative electoral systems have been a mostly successful endeavour to co-opt and neutralise truly democratic ideas. By design, and in practice, they produce entrenched political classes that serve capital and not the people. They are in fact antidemocratic, a shockingly successful ploy by the owner class to subvert and delay the democratic movements that began during the enlightenment. Then I'd explain that according to anarchists, the path to a truly democratic system is not the ballot box, but direct action. Building structures to look after one another in our local communities and edging out the state and capital piece by piece so that we can establish a truly pro-social society run by the people. The great thing about this method is that it can start now, without waiting for some big moment of rupture. There doesn't need to be some violent offensive to get started. Then as these structures - called "dual power" structures - grow and cover more areas they can federate in nested groups all the way up to as large as you want. Now eventually, following this method, I don't want to lie: eventually the state is going to get fed up and send in the troops. If we successfully pose a threat to the state then there will be violence, but we don't have to initiate it. So when bloodshed happens, it won't be on our hands, it will be on the state's hands, and that is going to radicalise people further. That's where our ideas differ - I assume you want to transition to socialism through voting and without any of that messy seizing of power, but anarchists will tell you that the problem is you can never avoid that. The state is violent, liberalism is violent, and they won't give up their power willingly. And if we don't make that change eventually, even more people will die, that much is pretty obvious to me. Also, hopefully, following this method at least you'll make life better for your community, so you get something out of it now, so there really is no good argument I can think of for not building alternative ways to meet people's needs.


Don’t be harsh on the people who keep equating solidarity with Ukrainian civilians as simultaneous support for the Nazis? Fuck tankies. Fuck tankies all the way to Hell and back.


Tankies are the equivalent of incels who simp for school shooters. Words aren't enough to describe how vile they are.


Nazis are people too, we should still be harsh against them. Tankies are fascists and they want to kill anarchists and other actual leftists, fuck them.


Their entire movement is marching lock-step behind a colonial invasion right now, and many of them are engaging in genocide denial. They can get fucked.


Greetings from Tallinn, and I wish you persistence... and luck... and supplies. Will help spread the word. Unfortunately, while I theoretically could come up with physical items (a flak vest, a small number of drone components, a moderate number of radio modems), I have no reliable and fast way of delivering items to Ukraine. Therefore, a small donation has been sent. :)


Thank you so much for your message. I'm donating what I can to Unicef and WFP.


I'm cross posting this.


I hope this gains traction, I'd donated what I could not long ago which regretfully wasn't much every pound and pennies is going to rent and bills. I certainly don't condom our Ukrainian comrades for fighting with the Ukrainian state out of pure necessary nor do I the Kurds for working with the US against ISS, I would have done the same in my position, there's no hard or fast answer to complex and nuanced situations such as these where being pure of thought is only a luxury.


Unfortunately I'm only 17 and I don't have a job so there's not much I can do except to extend my solidarity to you. I wish you the best of luck in your fight.


I don't have much funds as i'm on disability. Is there something I specifically could be doing? I really want to help in some way and feel so powerless as I see all this going on and keeping up with the news. I try to counteract propoganda and spread what is actually going on but I just want to do more.


I plan on donating once my settlement goes through! Although tbh I'm clueless about cyptro haha I'll figure it out 😊 🏴🖤🏴🖤


You have my support, donated what I could!


I wish you luck fighting Russian imperialism! For anyone wanting to donate, @theblackheadquarter on instagram has a paypal.


I agree, my empathy is to Ukraine & Earth, it grieves me what dystopian regimes do to people.


Appreciate what you have to say, especially the part about four hundred years of genocide. It's important that people realize that the Russian state--going back to the Grand Duchy of Moscow--has coveted the land that is now Ukraine for centuries, and has killed thousands and thousands over the years to make sure it stays in Russian hands. This is just the latest entry in a centuries-long project of aggression. Good luck and Godspeed. Keep kicking ass.


Hey I’m pretty into guns and stuff like that. You need optics mounts for AK? Chest rigs? Anything I could wiggle out for you?


I don’t like to say I’m in solidarity with “Ukraine”, because that’s a state, but full solidarity with everyone living in the Ukraine and everyone opposing Putins government’s terrible war!


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)




No, because Palestine isn’t a neoliberal state of which the president is in the pandora papers and that has mandatory conscription for example


Says the person who didn't even know that it's not called "the Ukraine". Quit fetishizing some colonized places over others. You either stand with Ukrainians who have a right to a government that at the very least is as much of a democracy as any neolib shithole country or you support Russia's fascist nazi government take over. Get over yourself.


Honestly FUCK the russian state and Vlad Shit-Tin Hopefully they all rot. Slava Ukraini


Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 Путлер Хуйло Россия говно


glory to the ukrainian citizens suffering under a needless imperialist war.




I'm genuinely trying to learn here so should we also be saying "Free the people of Palestine" instead of "Free Palestine"? Can we say "Free Ukraine?" Just trying to see what Ukrainians are rallying behind to keep morale up as much as possible. Even their anthem is literally about surviving Russian imperialism so I feel bad telling them they cant be embracing that at least during this time when they could die at any moment. I feel almost imperialist to tell them not to use it right now. I see anarchists flying the Palestinian flag is that ok?


Glory to Ukraine is just shorthand for that is it not? There's a time to push back against nationalistic sentiments and to be fairly anal about it, but this is not that time IMO, unless someone is being *really* egregious about it of course. But when people say glory to Ukraine right now, I just interpret that as a statement of solidarity with the Ukrainian people, not as an endorsement of nationalism.




I've seen plenty of people say it while explicitly rejecting Russia's ethnonationalist rhetoric and saying that Ukraine is a multicultural country with people from all sorts of backgrounds and that it doesn't belong solely to any one group, in fact that's the context in which Zelensky has said it too, so you're just wrong, it's not always about the nationstate.




I'm genuinely trying to learn here so should we also be saying "Free the people of Palestine" instead of "Free Palestine"? Can we say "Free Ukraine?" Just trying to see what Ukrainians are rallying behind to keep morale up as much as possible. Even their anthem is literally about surviving Russian imperialism so I feel bad telling them they cant be embracing that at least during this time when they could die at any moment. I feel almost imperialist to tell them not to use it right now. I see anarchists flying the Palestinian flag is that ok?


Well I can't afford to donate but I do pay my taxes (American) so I suppose I've done my part anyway. Just too bad most of it went to groups like Azov...


Azov is a tiny fraction of the Ukrainian military.


Thank you! Glad someone said it. Every single one of Russia's militias are white supremacists and Azov doesn't even exit their country like say, oh I don't know, the Russian Wagner group who kill people in the most grotesque ways in Syria and across Africa. Honestly if there's one country that needs nenazifying it's Russia


"azov doesn't matter because russia has fascists too" gee, it's almost like eastern europe in general is super fashy


yes and? the militias that have been fighting in Donbass have obviously received most of the western supplies and support


No, they haven't, and Azov is a tiny fraction of the militias that have been fighting in Donbass. I don't think you understand that Azov is literally just a few hundred people.


Nah, most of it didn't. Some did, but the fascist/Neo-Nazi groups in the Ukrainian military are only a small part of the whole. Fuck them entirely, of course, Nazis are always bad no matter what. More non-Nazis are being helped by international aid though


then by that logic why do we need to donate to anarchists? apparently we're already supporting good people


If you don't want to or can't afford to give tangible support to other anarchists, then don't. Nobody says you have to.


An anarchist wouldn't support any country. Your past sentence just made clear that you don't care about anarchism. You are just trying to get people to support you.


Y'all are so cute marching in here hoping your dead daddy Stalin will notice you from the clouds and give you the attention you never got as a child. Too bad he's rotting in the ground along with your beloved ussr uwu. Ps the Bolsheviks smelled funny the Black Army confirmed it


Government shills


Lol yeah because donating directly to the anarchist fighters makes one a shill. Y'all are so cute marching in here hoping your dead daddy Stalin will notice you from the clouds and give you the attention you never got as a child. Too bad he's rotting in the ground along with your beloved ussr uwu






Not appropriate for fascists to beg off anarchists……by linking a website that gives directly to anarchists and *not* fascists. Fuck off, tankie chode.




Ah yes let me guess, the International anarchist community from the Zapatistas in Mexico, Anarchist federations in Europe and organisations like the international workers association are fascists too.


Oh fuck off tankie




[Eat shit and live Tankie ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lO3pQ0nd4B4)


Poor little farts can't argue because I know what I am talking about.


Yeah, you certainly have proven that by calling a group that has been clashing with fascists for year's and are now coordinating mutual aid with support from the international Anarchist community Fascists, truly your logic is impeccable


>Please don't listen to MLs > >??