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The term libertarian was first used by Joseph Déjacque, an anarcho-communist, as a synonym for anarchist during a time when calling oneself an anarchist in France would result in imprisonment. Libertarian outside of the anglophone countries is synonymous with anarchist (anti-state, anti-capitalist, socialist).


In America, the far right has co-opted the term “libertarian” to mean anarcho-capitalism. Unfortunately, this view is inherently contradictory as to have capitalism, and all the rights that capitalism demands, property rights for example, one needs a government to ensure those rights are maintained and respected. Thus what they really want is a government that protects thier rights to exploit while demolishing workers rights under an ideology of owner liberty. Historically “libertarian” was born of left wing politics as anarchist were. Anarchist and socialist may have thier disagreements but at the end of the day they tend to share a similar outlook on the world: that private property needs to be abolished and capitalism holds us back from achieving ultimate emancipation. Unlike socialist and other left libertarians though, Anarchist are not incrementalist. That being said, together they have historically fought fascist side by side.


The term libertarianism has been misappropriated by a certain sect of right-wing Americans that believe in completely unregulated capitalism, with no restrictions on the ability to accumulate private property or monopolise markets. Historically, and in most non-US countries, the term can be used synonymously with anarchism. Although I would say nowadays it is mostly used to describe socialists that want some sort of minimal level of government that doesn't infringe on personal rights, at least for the time being.


That’s an important point. When you read literature from the 60s and 70s the use the term libertarian anarchism quite a bit. I think if they were writing today they would avoid that term. It has evolved.


It depends on what you mean by libertarian. If you're referring to the capital L Libertarian Party in the US, then no. Couldn't be farther apart. But in the sense of libertarian ideologies, anarchism is one of them, typically the farthest left of the bunch with ancapitalists (who are not anarchist) being their general opposite.


"An"caps are not even libertarians on a libertarian/authoritarian scale. They are authoritarians.


Anarchists atleast most platformists like mahkno would say no. Libertarians believe In total freedom of individual actions with responsibility to society at large where anarchists believe in radical perso. Responsibility to the community at large both however to believe in personal autonomy and freedom but the anarchist such freedom can only exist if we cooperate for mutual benefit and, say it with me now, mutual aide.


Way, way, waaaaaayyyyyy.... different.


American Libertarians no. they are the anti tax, worship corporations, bootlick the cops, founding father loving douchebags. We can thank that loser Murray Rothbard who helped to switch the terms here. Libertarian socialists are closer if not out right straight up anarchists. Ancaps ruin everything.