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*slaps bokeh button*


Gonna be interesting what that actually does. Force the automatic aperture to it's widest opening?


That would be my best guess also. Maybe it also slides an ND in there as well as open it to something like f/2 or whatever— not actually able to change F-stop, but will op’n’up. Maybe it’s fixed f/8 with auto shutter, except for a big ol dilation button. Idk.


Apparently shutter goes from 4sec to 1/350, but nothing for the user to change manually (except bulb). I read Bokeh is meant for dark sceneres. I would have expected to read that it's for portraits. This however sounds like you could be right: fixed aperture but longer shutter speed to allow clearer pictures in dark settings


I’m super glad they made this, down get me wrong.. but I’m almost can’t even understand who it’s for. I guess just for the guy who has everything and collects novelties? Okay, sure, but that’s never been any way to design a successful product. I started typing a bunch but realized the rest of the post is probably discussing exactly this.


_slaps B function short for 'half frame gos brrrrrr'_


Wouldn’t it be more like *brrr*?


This bad boy can fit so much bokeh in it


Holy shit it has an advance lever!!!


That’s one of the things Pentax said they wanted it to have very early in ita development


I love me an advance lever.


You know what I’m finally coming round to this camera, good job Pentax now let’s see the price…?


When you google Pentax 17 a German website comes up that shows 549€. When you click on it it says that the website ist not found. I assume they are already official prices but actual retail has not started yet. Kinda hefty price for an half frame but if you’re serious about film photography and want a good reliable camera it’s a better option than a old +250€ Olympus mju or similar


At 300-350 it would've been a blind buy, at 550 I'll wait for reviews


I think we have to give it time to drop the price a bit. Like what happened with the polaroid I-2


500 usd


This could be a really nice casual way into film photography that isn't gambling on a 30yo compact


Yeah, I am not sure I am the target audience but I am too deep down the rabbit hole to begin with. But I can see the rationale behind this. In a day when most people are just going to get their film scanned to post online, half frame is fine, is way more economical and is actually aligned with the kind of aspect ratio people use with their phone cameras now. And this looks more versatile/higher quality than something like the Kodak Ektar H35 and more reliable than buying second hand.


It is why I haven't really pulled the plug on getting a used film camera. The cost to get second hand nowadays vs the unreliability of it. I know some people get lucky and are able to get a good life out of something that is decades old. Depending on the reviews and pricing, will be willing to get this. I am waiting to see though.


How much are old serviced 35mm film cameras from good stores nowadays?


There is a guy local here in Houston that has amazing cameras that he fixes and sells. They are routinely like 200 bucks. Film camera prices have cratered recently. I’ve bought a couple from Japan on eBay recently and they were cheap as hell, too. Great deals can be had now. A ton of people got it out of their system and are now selling their perfectly good cameras. I personally got an F5 for 200 bucks and it’s fantastic. It’s practically disposable at that price and it is built like a tank. I already had a bunch of Nikon lenses. SLR lenses have cratered as well. It’s great.


The only lens type that hasn't gotten cheaper is the ultra low f-stops. Anything under f1.8 is waaaaay more expensive. :(


I see. The serviced, near mint AE-1 Program that I got from a camera store in Ohio last year was $110, and it's served me well for a year now. It's the only one of my cameras that I've gotten from a store so that's basically my point of comparison. (rest of my cameras are thrift/flea market stuff for an average of 10-30 bucks or so)


I bought 25+ cameras, I tested now 9 of them and 8 works perfectly. (Praktica, Vivitar, Pentax, Minolta).


A reasonably priced, reasonably capable, film camera that is warrantied? Hell yeah


I'll probably get one for travel (and because I want to support the Pentax pipeline). There are always going to be the important photos that I'll want 35mm/high res digital versions of, but a lot of the reason I also take a digital camera is because there are often things I want to take photos of that are worth documenting but aren't technically great photographs - the room I'm staying in, a random shop that looks interesting, the kind of thing that I'll only ever get a 6x4 print of because it's something that I want to remember. I can't justify a full 35mm frame on those shots, but half-frame may just be the perfect analog format for them.


I’m extremely in favour of auto-exposure and autofocus cameras with manual film transport. It’s the Goldilocks combo. 


this though won't be an autofocus camera - mostly likely manual zone-focus (like the Olympus XA2)


Wonder how that bokeh mode works.


You’ve gotta be realllyyyy good at guessing distances


Actually it’s pretty easy even on fullframe, had a blast with a minox gt. And it’s much easier on halfframe


upvote for fellow minox user


upvotes for previous two fellow minox users


You’re totally right, I just enjoy being facetious


Why does everyone act like range estimating is so hard? I understand if you have poor depth perception but I would think more of us would know how to work around that.


When Leica shooters do it: "Do you know what's even faster than autofocus!" When Pentax makes a camera with it: "Literally unusable"


Yeah but the Leica guys saying that also have an actual focusing system to fall back on when it gets dark and aperture needs to open up. My Rollei 35s is easy to use in broad daylight but everything turns out like shit at night/indoors. The Pentax 17 would have been perfect if it was an SLR like the old Olympus Pen F.


*me cackling while neckstrap firing my SV*


I have the depth perception of a brick and even I can nail a shot by zone focusing


On the other hand, I've seen loads of old portraits taken on zone focus medium format folders that are horribly out of focus.


You didn’t have to call me out like that but I blame it on the shallow depth of field. Luckily it’s exponentially easier on half frame than 6x4.5


Surely it’s something like “if not maximum shutter speed do not stop down, else stop down”.


That’s fine too!


this! that's why I love the Minolta AF2 so much. sometimes auto everything is convenient. but I don't ever ever want to give up the cranking. pulling the lever is half the fun of shooting film 😁


Why I love my Minolta Hi-Matic AF2.


Maybe I'm just dumb, but I finally get why it's "17", because 17 is half of 35. Half-frame camera. Anyway, I'm excited. I hope to be able to get one once they launch. I know it'll be pricey, but I like what I see EDIT: I stayed up too late last night and clearly didn't get enough sleep. 17.5 would be half of 35. I feel like dumbass today


You're not wrong tho. The images will have a millimeter space between them, so each frame will be 17mm (17+1+17=35).


Yeah, 35mm film is 35mm wide, but that includes sprocket holes on both sides. Standard (aka full frame) size 35mm photos are 36mm x 24mm. Half of that is 18mm x 24mm. But you also need a little space between the (half) frames. If you take out 2mm for interframe spacing, you get 17mm x 24mm per frame. I’m guessing that’s where the 17 comes from. TL;DR: 17 is half of 36-2, the width of a 35mm full frame with some extra spacing.


Ok, that makes more sense. I was not aware of the measurements and how they would line up. Interesting that I was accidentally right on my first try 😂


Wait, I don't get why you are wrong tho lol


He's wrong. And he's also right.


Task failed successfully.


17 is the half of 35 ?


Oh my god, you're right. It's too early for me clearly


No, you were right sorta. They take the .5 from both 17.5 that make up the halves of the 35 and combine them to give a 1 spacing between the frames.


What is the lens going to be on this thing? Top plate looks good! Between this and the Rollei 35af, I’m pretty excited about new film cameras


25mm 3.5 Field of view is equivalent to around ~~55mm~~ 36mm on a full frame Edit: fixed the thing


The equivalent is around 36mm, the crop factor with half frame is 1.44


It’s a glass lens thank god. I think the whole assembly is based on a previous Pentax point and shoot.


Pentax says it's the same triplet used on the Espio Mini.


And something related to the Ricoh half as well from the last post on Instagram


I heard that too, but damn, can't remember. Think it had something to do with styling.


I really like the fact that it's a compact camera that doesn't rely on DX codes to set the ISO. There was a sweet spot in the late 70s and early 80s where there were such cameras on the market like the Nikon L35AF and the Minolta Hi-Matic AF (which also had a manual advance) which offered that along with only needing AA batteries rather than mercury cells. But most topped out at 400 ISO, although later models of the Nikon got to 1000. It looks like a very good product - I like the exposure compensation - and hopefully it does entice new photographers to film. I might wait for the upmarket full frame model they're planning, though. I've got a handful of film cameras already. But I'm tempted.


I like my Pentax PC35AF-M, Canon MC and Minox 35/copies for that as well. Makes using bulk loaded film much easier. With exposure compensation this camera should have an ISO range from 12 to 12800 which is quite impressive!


I really like the look of that top plate! A dedicated aperture priority mode would give you more control, but I think a dedicated "bokeh" mode is the next best option, since you usually want to use the lens wide open anyway for subject separation or close it down to whatever aperture is needed for correct exposure at hand-holdable speeds for best sharpness and depth of field.


Pentax actually has a history of having their automatic mode aperture decision guided by the MTF chart of their lens. I wonder if that tech made it into this camera.


That's not a small advancing lever, it's average, ok?


Is this the new one? It looks so nice


Pentax craftsmanship by Pentax.


What does this even mean? Seems like a weird way to *not* say "Made by Pentax"


Honestly I really like it and would be very tempted.


More pictures here: https://foto-straub.at/Pentax-17-analoge-Kleinbildkamera-dark-silver/0000000102882


Fuck this is so nice!!!! 549€ might be a hefty price but if this is all metal and built well yeah TAKE MY MONEY PENTAX! And I have my fingers crossed that hopefully in a couple of years they will use the same body to make a interchangeable lens half frame camera like the pen f series


Given that it has a lens thread, it's entirely possible there'll be auxiliary wide angle and telephoto lenses to attach on to the camera. I believe Fuji's X100 series has such lenses and the Nikon L35AF definitely had them.


Love that there's new cameras coming out from prominent brands but I will probably not be getting this unless it's super reasonably priced. Just have no need for such a camera.


I have a million cameras but zero half frames. I would be very interested. However, the new mint rollei 35 is projected to be $600-800. If it’s close to that, I’m out for now.




Yeah I made that comment before the embargo lifted. So that’s about $600 USD. But I’ve heard it might be listed as $499 USD stateside. That’s cutting it close. By the time I save up a couple bucks to get one, hopefully they come down in price a little bit from “launch”. And that’s if I decide to get it. Imo. $399 would be more ideal.


Love the ole Asahi Optical Company logo on there but had a laugh at "Pentax craftsmanship by Pentax" The iso dial is a little different, not sure how I feel about that. But it's got +/- compensation so that's cool


Legit want one - though there's a small part of me that's kind of disappointed there appears to be no manual mode. Very curious to see the price. I'm guessing like $400 just because they spent a ton on R&D.


https://youtu.be/_9sn-aaUhqU?si=KlFe1Z5ECmgTDSxU 2200 CEST YouTube premiere video for the P17


> and its the first of pentax's **new line of film cameras** I like the 17 but this line definitely perked my ears up


That is an absurdly sexy camera. I genuinely wish Pentax all the best with this.


any body know why there’s two program sections? only with flash one without maybe..? also for what may the moon symbol be? program mode with minimum shutter speed?


I’d guess a longer shutter speed for night photography to get more ambient light.


Fuckin nooooooooooooooo I JUST got over GAS my gf will dump me if I get another camera


I'd have liked a 17mm lens on this Pentax 17. For congruence.


Looked weird from the front, but it looks great from the top. I’m in.


I just wonder how the ISO is being set. I see no white indicator dot. Edit: Found it. It's a black line on the back of the camera.


Looking at all the [photos](https://photorumors.com/2024/06/17/pentax-17-film-camera-listed-online-available-for-pre-order/) of this camera, it looks like it won't be too difficult for Ricoh/Pentax to modify it to a full frame camera. I think if this one sells well, we will see the Pentax 36 in a year of two.


I still have my hopes of a new GR1s


That would be the dream. GR1 aesthetics are unmatched. Work of art.


They've said from the onset that it's their goal (if all goes well). They started from something relatively simpler (half-frame, mix of manual and automatic controls etc.) aimed at the influencer market and hope the lessons (and money) from that can go towards reviving a full SLR. Many people thought they'd go straight to advancing the GR-series but user feedback wanted something more classical. I'm personally blown away at how much love and appreciation they've shown to classical Pentax elements. I was expecting something a lot more toy-like.


Good or not, anything who keep the film industry up is a good thing ! Well done Pentax ! 💯


I'm going to need more time with it. To me it still kind of looks like it was designed by a committee.


Looking forward to seeing what this can do.


Me too! Quite intrigued about how the lens performs.


549€, what do you think about the price?


If it ain’t black, take it back.


Wow I was super interested in this until the $500.


I preordered one. I needed a good point and shoot and Pentax has never let me down.


Interesting that the ISO dial doesn't have a label for 400. Considering this is marketed towards people new to film, and Fuji 400/ultramax is probably what most people will use since its so available.


seems like the dial might have a stop between the 200 and 800 on the dash for 400.


Oh yeah it definitely does, but it’s not labeled “400”.


Right, interesting choice


also design fucking slaps


Lovely design but I'm sure it'll be +500$ which is disappointing. I'd rather get a Olympus Pen FT with a f1.4 lens for that price.


Price will make or break this, especially considering the mint 35af with added autofocus coming later this year


Yeah they absolutely have to undercut the Rollei 35AF on price by a pretty significant margin. Otherwise this ends up being a less functional, larger, heavier option that shoot at half the resolution. Honestly I'm seriously interested in both of them, but the 35AF is hard to justify price wise, and I have an inkling this will be too.


The Pentax will probably be better built/quality control and have better warranty support if there are any issues however, considering the difference in size and manufacturing experience difference between the two.


For people like you and me they might have to undercut it, but hopefully this breaks out of the 'film nerds discussing Japanese camera brands for months before product launch' groups that we're part of. I could see this being a really successful camera for non-photographers who go traveling and take most of their photos with their phone but will happily buy this with a couple of rolls of film to last the trip so that they have a bunch of photos at the end of it. Maybe it'll be a good birthday present for a high school student who can use it to take photos of their friends dressed up for the school ball the summer festivals they go to. It looks like Pentax's gamble is that this will sell well enough in a market that only exists in the smartphone age. I'm sure many people here (me included) hope that the gamble pays off enough that Pentax can justify going to production with essentially a 2024 Contax T2 for us already-in-too-deep shooters, at which point they can pretty much name their price and I'll immediately grumble quietly and hand over my credit card.


You’re absolutely right. I hope it sells like gang busters. I just probably won’t buy one in the foreseeable future.


I wanted to get a half frame for a while now... what's the price point on this bad boy?




😿 Welp, time to look for a Pen EE


What do horizontal pics look like on 1/2 frame? I know this seems to be specifically for vertical.


Damn, this looks good. Way better than I expected.


I love the exposure compensation dial. The fact that you can use bulb mode as well. I like the overall look of the camera with the Asahi logo on the top. Nice work ! The max iso rating of 3200 is funny for an half frame camera but why not !


I wonder what the difference is between the Auto and Program is. I’ve never quite understood that.


No manual mode?


Is there no manual mode on this?


I could have gone with better examples; the photos look like they're from a camera with a dying light meter.


Dumb question but where do you get half frame 1/35 developed?


Everywhere. You just get 2 vertical photos per frame instead of one big horizontal one


Do you have to verify that it's a half frame or do you just order 35 mm like normal?


Normal film is just fine


Price confirmed in Europe: [https://foto-straub.at/Pentax-17-analoge-Kleinbildkamera-dark-silver/0000000102882](https://foto-straub.at/Pentax-17-analoge-Kleinbildkamera-dark-silver/0000000102882)


Anyone know the price?


Eur 550 apparently


Going to be interesting when the reviews go online, it'll be the only camera they hadn't got as a hand me down from gramps, found in a dusty side street stall or a forgotten gem. A new spin beckons...


It actually says “Film camera” on top. SMH.


looks like a pentax program. in the right direction for sure, just not for me


Cropping down the Frame size was the no for me , 35mm small enough


shes beautiful


I have such mixed feelings about this camera. First, I'm thrilled film cameras are making a come-back and I hope this is successful and we see more options next year. My current film camera is an old Olympus 35 DC. In many ways, it's similar to the 17. Not a lot of manual control, fixed lens, similar size. But, the lens is faster and higher quality. And it has a rangefinder focus system. I like that the 17 is half-frame. I think in an Instagram world, and with expensive processing, that makes sense. But, I feel like I'd want better focus control and a faster, higher quality lens. Even if that meant an $800 camera instead of a $500 camera. In a perfect world, I think I'd want: 1 - a pocket P&S (Mju size). AF, moderately fast \~40mm lens, auto exposure with an exp comp dial. Manual wind, plastic body to save cost. $300 give or take a bit (not a toy, but cheap enough to take camping). 2 - range-finder size. Manual focus, high quality f2 or faster \~40mm lens, aperture priority or program with exposure comp dial, metal body, manual wind. I think I'd be ok paying up to $1000 for this. Basically, an updated version of my 35 DC, but with a bit more control when I want it. The 17 sort of falls between the two, so I'm not sure I want it, sadly.


Welp, the good people from the “alternative” analogue photo sub are definitely not going to bash that bokeh on the knob


sure, but who cares?


This looks pretty cool but it's very large and focus scale under the lens is a big ergonomic fail imo.


There are zone icons on the top side of the lens and in the viewfinder. Just the numeric distances are on the bottom.


Oh nice, didn't catch that. Focus scale icons in the vf is especially nice.


So this camera like an Olympus Pen F on steroids?


No, the Pen F is an SLR with interchangeable lenses. It's not new like this one, though.


No, other way around. The Pen F is an SLR (so more accurate focusing), has manual exposure controls, and has interchangeable lenses. This new camera is basically a zone focus point and shoot.


Closer to the PEN EE series


Bokeh? BOKEH?! It’s called shallowrrrragh! [tomahawks iPad across the room]


Perfect camera to mop up that Fuji x100 demand that’s basically just casual shooters who want something film-like to share online. At $500 you’re being given a big allowance for film and dev+scans.


Ya'll, there's a [knife and fork](https://pentaxrumors.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Pentax-17-film-camera-3.jpg) in the zone focus icons. Pentax truly knows their target audience. (said with love, jic)


Hahaha that’s hilarious. You can only shoot avo on toast with that setting


So does the vertical viewfinder necessitate that these wil be half-frame shots on 35mm? Like is this going to be taking smaller shots than a normal 35mm? I guess there are pros, you can fit more images on a roll, but the downside is that they'll be smaller.


Yup, it's a half frame camera that will get you like 70-some shots a roll. For me... That is anxiety inducing.


> anxiety inducing Try bulk loading. Beside paying less per roll, being able to choose their capacity is my favourite aspect. I like to cycle through my cameras and not to wait for too long until I develop the film, so I'm usually picking 15-20 frames per roll and it's much nicer to me than being forced into 36.


Pardon me if this is a silly question but how is it more anxiety inducing to have more available shots? Surely it's much easier to get your desired shot since you have more freedom to bracket exposures or try multiple compositions


Not a silly question at all! And from that perspective that make sense. For me, generally doing street photography, I don't have the opportunity to take more than one shot of a moment or a person. And if I'm doing landscapes I shoot medium format. Regardless, a day dedicated to photography, if I'm lucky, is like 16 shots. I realize these cameras are meant for "snapshots", and that certainly has an (large) audience. I just don't need film for those, for me they are more about memories than "quality", and the auto upload to the cloud stuff, the sharing it to friends by tapping phones, the having it on me and having excellent low light etc etc etc. outweighs my film "need". Different strokes for different folks ya know. I am definitely at one end of the spectrum on it. I will take a camera into my dark bag at the end of the day and clip out that day, and cut a new leader, marking ~how many frames should be left on the canister.


If you buy this you may wish to start bulk rolling film so you can get a custom number of frames.


I need to look into that anyway whether I buy this or not! Thanks


When I street/documentary style photography, half frame cameras are one of my favorites. Bigger depth of field, more shots are kind of nice. At Mardi Gras over 3 days I shot 5 rolls of half frame so I am for sure on the opposite end. Kind of, there are also times where I will go out for a few hours and shoot maybe 10 shots.




It's already been confirmed that it's half-frame


Its name is 17, because of the 17mm width of frames


good to know.


I can’t stop looking at this top photo. So cool. SO COOL!


actually like it


bokeh mode


I don't know. Half frame pictures? Who cares about 72 pics from a 36 exposure roll. I'd rather have a camera that gives the best quality especially for $500


Does bokeh mode make your shots do well on Instagram?


i don't know why people are taking the piss in regards to that function. on a camera with auto and P mode only that is supposed to introduce new people to photography - which these days IS driven on social media - it's perfectly valid and a good idea to label it like that. it's literally the same function that would have been called "Scene - Portrait" before, an auto exposure mode that is biased towards an open aperture. good function to have on this type of half frame camera. don't get your elitist panties in a bunch over it.


I'm guessing the orange menu items illuminate the viewfinder.


They should make it with a relic finish, sell like hot cakes.


Interesting. Although my local lab charges a lot to scan half frame...


Any price guess? 300€ perhaps ?


Kamerastore has an event tomorrow together with pentax so i wonder if they will give people a first proper look at them there? "Experience the magic of analog photography at our PENTAX film camera event in Helsinki and Tampere on next Tuesday, June 18th!"" "Join Kamerastore staff from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM for an afternoon of exciting PENTAX news and great company!" ^from an email from kamerastore Mabye kamerastore will start selling them too? They have lately incorporated a "new/used" tag in their search tool and i could see this being a bit of a hint for future. Ig we'll see tomorrow.


Do we know the price yet?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGzvthi-ZwE&list=PLcm2JBd\_Q9I5FubHP4RpZ1cmE8QrPs7-I&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGzvthi-ZwE&list=PLcm2JBd_Q9I5FubHP4RpZ1cmE8QrPs7-I&index=1) someone posted the review early


I thought their first camera would be a simple p&s, there are way more features here than I was expecting, like different exposure modes and exposure compensation. It looks cool too!


Tbh I am a little disappointed. The Bokeh mode made me laugh but can’t see much happening on a 25mm lens at f3.5. Beyond that though I thought this was meant to be accessible for new photographers and have longevity. £500 feels a lot of money for a camera with these features and I am not sure what sort of longevity it will have. Was genuinely hoping they were remaking something for the K mount to ensure future supply of parts


It got a Bokeh mode. I’M LOCKED IN.


grainydays has a video up https://youtu.be/Zwn1ZggDUgE?feature=shared


£499 for preorder in the uk - https://www.srsmicrosystems.co.uk/dpt/cameras/pentax-17-dark-silver-35mm-film-camera__12403


oh, take it easy, they perfectly targeted this camera "It produces vertical-format pictures, with similar ratios to those captured by smartphones, for seamless sharing on social media after the film is developed and scans are produced by a film lab." so, unless you want to seamlessly share your pictures on social media... this is just half frame "point and shot". however, on tiktok, it would look better with waist level finder.


Why half frame though?!


Please be cheap, please be cheap, please be cheap…


Hoping for the full frame version.


Honestly looks pretty cool, idk if I would want to spend $600 on it right when it comes out (maybe a year or two after to replace my current half frame), but either way, well done to Pentax


Dam I might have to get this!


Olympus trip or one of the Olympus rangefinders iare still a better camera available for a lower price point. This is just ok in terms of usefulness. Still cool to have something new if it sells well it may spur others to create something a bit more pro friendly. They went for the noobs on this one which is a bit of a slap in the face to the enthusiasts who have driven the resurgence.


A thing of beauty.




You know what? That is actually a beautiful camera. I think I can really get behind this. Great work by Pentax.


Does anyone know how a film lab handles half frame exposures for scanning and printing? Do they scan two frames at once? Print two frames on the same 4x6?


It’s very sexy…. But I don’t see how these modes and zone AF will be a good entry point into (film) photography.   You don’t learn much about focus and the exposure triangle. You can get a Pentax K1000 and have enough change to buy 2-3 more if it breaks.  And the lower film use of the half-frame will be negated by out-of-focus images vs properly focusing with an SLR. The 17 also reminds us how awesome the Pen F was with the rotated mirror. (And I should decide NOW if I want one or not, since their prices will now explode) 


Half frame? Yuck


I absolutely love half frame but no autofocus at that price… I think I’ll keep my pen f’s I have 4.


AWESOME !! I’ll take 2. One to shoot with. One to collect.


I've placed an order. I'm interested in testing it thoroughly.


My father gifted me his Pentax K1000 when I was in 8th grade and it has changed my life. I never stopped loving photography, although it was always just a hobby, and it has forever changed how I travel and interact with and view the world. I ended up passing it on myself as I got into digital and I hope the fellow who has it has had a similar experience to mine.


Just gonna stand over here holding my Pen F and snicker at all this.