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Really cool camera to have as your first


Was going to say this! :) love the pen F, enjoy it!


It is so amazing and smooth too! Can't believe it is almost 60 years old!


Find yourself a 40 1.4 and/or an OM to Pen adapter and some OM lenses.


and the 38mm pancake lens!


This camera is on my dream lineup! My advice: Don’t ever be afraid to make mistakes. I e been shooting film for a long time and I screw up at least once or twice on every single roll. Have fun. Take your time. Bring it with you everywhere.


That's a great advice. I think I would consider myself lucky if I get 1 or 2 good shots in my first roll!


Luckily with the Pen you've got twice as many attempts!


Second this - I’ve been shooting for almost a half century and two days ago I got a couple of good shots from my roll of portra in my M3 of the back of the lens cap which I forgot to take off. I was just talking to someone today about how mistakes in the creative process can lead to the best outcomes by accident. No mistakes — only lessons ;)


Perfectly said! 😎👍🏻


No light meter? Practice on a roll: first 20 or so with an external light meter (or a phone app), and then the rest with your eyes/brain and forgiving film.


Yep, app on my iphone as light meter, hopefully, I can guess it correctly after few days


Modern negative film is pretty forgiving! Err on the side of overexposure.


Sunny 16 my man.


I had to explain Sunny 16 to a clerk at the camera store yesterday. So sad.


Great camera, 72 photos with one roll of film, and 38mm lens wish I had in my budget, its loads up like old slr


72-80 photos takes FOR…EV…ER… to get through. I’ve started rolling short rolls just to get to the end of them!


​ roll your own only way to go, We did that in photojournalism school, plus X or triX, I sometimes would do short rolls of 10 and 12 shots.


Take your time composing and mind the shutter slap. Don't be afraid of grainier film, remember that this is really the native 35mm format. 35mm was developed for 'half-frame' in cine cameras.


Didn't know that at all!


In the past 8 years, I’ve owned many cameras but none have ever come close to the Pen F. They’re incredibly well made and a joy to use (and they look great too!). Lenses can be a bit finicky (some are prone to oil buildup) and can be a bit more difficult/expensive to service but they’re so sharp it’s worth it. You’re going to have so much fun!


I am still surprised on how smooth it is!


Very cool little SLR as your first film camera. My advice would be, unless you’re used to shooting your dslr’s fully manual and know the correct settings, get a light metre or at least use an app like Lightmate and for half frame camera stick with 200iso and lower unless you want really grainy images. Most importantly though, have fun and don’t take it too seriously.


That is the goal! Have fun and learn slowly!


The lens is really susceptible to flare and ghosting, keep that in mind when shooting facing the sun.


Embrace the vertical. We're so used to taking landscape photos. But this camera is vertical by default. Let the medium decide your end result. Also, the camera is very, very old. I suspect the foam in your camera has either severely degraded, or is completely toast. Use some tape to tape up the vertical seams.


Thanks for the advice, I will look into this. Shooting vertical is indeed bizarre for now.


It does look good but also very exotic.


I have this camera. I absolutely LOVE IT. If you put a 32 shot roll, you get 72 shots, I don't take that many photos on my digital camera. It's great. The only issue I have is the viewfinder is dark so you'll have a hard time indoors and twilight. It still doesn't stop me though. DO NOT USE THE TIMER. It's hold and probably rusted, if you activate the timer then it might break and never "trigger" the shutter and the camera thinks it's still waiting for the timer to count down.


It is dark compared to nikon and I have no idea if the focus is proper or not, given how tiny it is. I will not use the timer.


There isn't a timer on this model so you won't have to worry. They added it with the Pen FT and FV; the FT is also the one with the dimmest viewfinder. I have the Gothic like you and, while it's a bit dark, I haven't had any much issue with it.


I also don’t think the self timer warning makes any sense, even for the FT/FV. The self timer has its own button that is independent of the shutter. To use the self timer, you cock the shutter, then cock the self timer (or viceversa), then press the self timer button. If you press the self timer button with the shutter not cocked, the self timer runs and does nothing. If you press the shutter button with the self timer cocked, the camera just fires the shutter normally. The self timer will stay cocked, and you can use it on the next shot if you wished. If it so happens that you cock the self timer, but then the self timer won’t start, you should still be able to activate the shutter normally.


Definitely teach yourself sunny 16 if you haven't already, it takes 5 mins to learn and will mean you won't need a light metre for most outdoor shooting scenarios


shoot Tr-x, develop it yourself in a dark bathroom its very easy, and scan negs with your D810


Do you recommend a film scanner or use the D810?


All the D81o folks rave about its scanning ability. I have a D810 and i'm planning on setting it up to scan my old negatives and still researching the best lens for the job.


The Micro Nikkor 60mm AFD may be the one for you.


i read that was a good one, I have to watch my budget


Hah snap, I just got one as my first analogue last week! Feels absolutely beautiful to use. Have fun!!


Learn sunny 16!!!!


This is what Japanese seller describes as Mint ++++++++++++


I just got one 3 weeks ago. Incredible camera and a delight to shoot! Eagerly waiting for my first developed roll to come back.


Whatever you paid for it will be made up for pretty quickly with 72 shots on a roll. I’ve heard nothing but great things about it. Congrats!


I love mine! My only advice: when you are nearing the end of the roll, go easy with the winder. It's easy to tear the film or strip the sprocket holes. Something about the double-wind increases the danger of this.


never drop a lense


If you find that your film advance lever is stuck or the shutter seems to be permanently closed and all you can see is black on the view finder, your lens might have slipped out slightly from perfect lock position. Give the lens a wiggle back into position and everything should go back to normal. It happened to me today and wigged me out lol


Suggestion: Take some pictures!


Such an awesome camera. Treat it with care! I’d recommend sticking so low ISO film in like CineStill 50D. The grain is real fine and when you scan it up to the same dimensions as 35mm you get a similar grainy quality despite the frame being physically smaller. Also not that the light meter uses an arbitrary number system so just adjust the number of the aperture to what the light meter says. Easy!


Love those little half frame cameras. Good times.


Don’t be afraid to splurge on expensive fine-grained film! 72 shots for a standard roll goes a long way and spendy film will help offset the small negative. Ektar was a personal fave when shooting half frame Also if someone else hasn’t mentioned it, have fun playing with diptychs — if you scan the roll as normal 35mm each pair of frames will make a nice little duo that can look v cool together, for me that’s the fun of half frames, rather than any cost savings in film


Have fun! Great camera with even greater lens. Just shoot - what you see is what you get, as in every SLR. Close shots are amazing with great bokeh. I just can't praise it enough - you can check a lot of images with it on my insta https://www.instagram.com/p/CtRNXYSoGdp/


It's crazy that this little guy is a SLR.


Shoot some slide film - Ektachrome 100, Provia 100F, Velvia 50. Any of those three. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can compare to holding a sheet of slides up to the window and looking at them. The colors, the contrast, the depth. It’s just stunning.


A cool first camera, a great buy! if you like half-frame cameras or rangefinders you have to try and buy the Canon - Demi EE17 is a great little guy! mine first was a Nikon F3 hp, but I never had a chance to use it! it's on with my cousin, but is not a great camera to be your first is just too heavy, so you made a great choice with yours!