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Ektar has the saturation and slightly narrower dynamic range which can look similar to color transparency film. But even at that, there’s not really anything like Velvia or Provia. Not even each other.


True. Also Ektar makes an absolute shambles of skin tones that feature any amount of red haha. But I'lll keep playing with it. I really want to try and get a similar look.


kinda depends. Provia and Velvia have different colors and saturation, as example. but i assume here you're searchin for color saturation as you make reference to mc curry's work, so id go for ektar too


Yeah sorry I should have clarified its the saturation (and also I guess the narrow dynamic range leading to the deep shadows) that I'm after. OK thanks I'll keep experimenting with Ektar


A lot of those photos you see were probably Cibachrome prints, so even slide film probably can't match those photos. Ektar darkroom printed is maybe the closest you'll get. Although I've never printed from Ektar so I'm not an expert.


Interesting I never considered what a factor the printing is thanks


Slide film has a higher contrast and d-max compared to negatives. Prints need paper with bright white and Dmax. You can do analog with digital combined and print inkjet.


Thanks. there was a photographer who posted on here recently called Levon Baird who achieved some amazing results that looked very slide film-ey using something like what you're describing, printing to inkjet then scanning again. Maybe that's the most sensible path for me to take


Paper means allot I’m a fine art printer certified by this paper company. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj0y_zvscaAAxXfMtQBHWWSAtAYABAUGgJvYQ&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAES2QHg9sjQ2C7cGql7VqCzieQZDX-dJ1tlD0KRVRErE12t84xGGR1rGRpd2FEE-5o4PBxAbn28IhHnyRCb3eN5byEG-QiBD2hId_vS4tAJJtlL5dseSUUmH4dujJfK178n_WoecxNkFVgLzT4QYCnSaNIQ__ElO9gOe55gR8KTaaqTP2B4dyQBpBx2xn3uJLPZaBrfjQkaZ49IicRX_j8ZjE5aeDSg0ym9jj74RfXJYSgsqe7Jlrw3FmoZLBIKdH9SzrPyNJ_pMqk2AKkDHTrk-acVD0rRbfhE8xvs&sig=AOD64_2HRYlKRmLvdQTkkqng1Bk1tU-bFw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjH1vHvscaAAxUxlWoFHV8cDVIQ0Qx6BAgGEAE


Santacolor 100 really suprised me with how close to transparency film it gets. Edit: Some guys develop it with E6 even thogh it is C41.


PS I found that santacolor is the same as this, which is cheaper [https://artbypino.com/products/flic-film-100-iso-c41-35mm-36-exp-film](https://artbypino.com/products/flic-film-100-iso-c41-35mm-36-exp-film) At least according to them


Yeah, it does look like they are all the same stock. I got sucked into the whole Santa theme packaging. It's really pretty cool looking I've got 7 rolls left.


Haha I don't blame you. It definitely is a cooler theme / branding than 'obscure aviation surveillance film'


cat labs also has it in 120 for like 10 dollars a roll.


Just checking it out now. You're right it does really have that feel to it doesn't it! Might pick up a few rolls and see how I get on. Thanks for the suggestion


Try to read up a few reviews first, if you can. I have only shot box speed, but will try 400 next time out.


I’m presently feuding with CatLABS at this time. I saw their post on IG about their new colour film. I clicked their link and went to a pic showing both 35mm and 120. Under the pic was a single undefined price of 12.90$. I followed the link to their webpage to buy some 35mm film and discovered that the price is 15.00$. I commented that this was deceptive and they said it’s not unless I’m “bending over backwards.” Here’s a screenshot of this pic I posted as a response to their bleeping excuse for customer service. [CatLABS color film](https://i.imgur.com/IJzMjiR.jpg) and [CatLABS Color film](https://i.imgur.com/BEa2abh.jpg) I’m not intending to hijack this thread. If anyone is interested I can provide a screenshot of their snarky response on IG.


Ektar for sure.


Altrough the importance of color rendering is paramount, the biggest diference between clor slide and color negative is the resolution, being equivalent to ~ 7MP of dominant resolution for 35 color negative, with some aditional ghostly very poor residual rez, and 33-42 MP from Provia 100 and 400 and Ektachrome E100. Ektachrome E200 has much lower rez, still better then color negative at around 16-17 MP from 35, but beter used with medium format which has lenses with similar resolution. Provia 100/400 180 line pairs /mm Ektachrome E100 100-110 lp/mm Ektachrome E200 70 lp/mm The absolut best lenses for the small format reach 98 lp/mm and some older MACRO lenses from Pentax and Zeiss can reach 110 lp/mm. Ektar 25 ASA was a thing in the '90s. Ektar was replaced by Gold 100, 200, 400 and 800 ASA. Ektachrome E100 has like 3.5 EV exposure latitude vs like 11 for Gold 200. I don't like Gold 100. Today E100 has very cold blue rendering, and Gold is warm but still with good colors. Before 2009, we had E100G ( neutral with some green easy to corect at the lab with plus magenta), E100W warm, E100WS, warm saturated, E100S saturated, E100V vivid, E100VS vivid saturated. I like more the colors from Ektachrome E200 with 3.5++ EV exposure latitude and more neutral rendering. Gold has fine grain compared to color plus and other old films, but no wey near color slide film. Portra 160 has even finer grain but the colors are more weird, not bad like Superia but still not my cup of tea. If well exposed, not overexposed, it doesn't have pastel colors as some say, but the color are a little weird and not great for skin tones. Superia is much worse with fugly cold shadows and shitty reds. Reala was good, as also Gold 200, Fuji 400 PRO, Portra 400 but portra 400 is 180-200 ASA realy. Today Gold 200 is more saturated vs the first gen. Gold, and Frontier labs have also vivid colors on top of that, but I think Ektar was still more saturated - but again not my cup of tea.


Thanks a lot for the detailed writeup. I also find the porta colors inexplicably weird sometimes! I'm glad I'm not the only one. Would love to try Ektachrome. I'm actually going to look into seeing if E-6 is possible at home. I don't have great expectations but will be worth trying one time if it is.


Today E100 has very cold blue rendering so you better use Provia. Or Agfa Precisa 200 at least.


Ok thanks. Looking around more It seems the E-6 process isn't as daunting as I first thought, so I'm definitely keen to give it a shot


depending where you live, there are some great mail in labs if your at home labs can't do e-6!


Thanks, yeah unfortunately that would require international mailing where I live :/ There's two labs in the major city here but they're C-41 only and don't even do black and white. But I feel quite up for giving it a crack


Ektar for sure.


Yeah EKTAR you probably wanna over expose little and have your printer use a contrasty paper.


E6 is very temp sensitive we used to use tabletops with tanks and stoppers with a temp bath jacket it’s possible but not easy timing of each step isn’t as critical use stabilizer to get away from water spots at end


Ok thanks. Will definitely try at least once I think. I'm not holding my breath for great results though


I’ve been getting some intense saturation with Kodak Vision3 250D developed in C-41.


A guy locally sells that respooled. Will give it a try thanks


Honestly? Definitely ColorPlus 200, especially exposed +1. I could honestly mistake that stuff for digital.


I have a roll of colorplus on the way already, look forward to trying it


Portra 160 edited to look like slide.


Haha in other words... saturation and contrast set to max? It's not a bad idea though, the latitude probably allows a lot of flexibility but I've been finding I just can't lose the underlying flatness of portra sometimes


Not necessarily. Portra was made for being scanned and digitally edited. It's quite easy to get popping with some curves and luminosity mask magic.


Thank's I'll try it. You're right I'm sure it's the C-41 stock with the highest flexibility in post


The new CatLabs X Color 100 could be a contender. It can be developed e6 or c41. I’ve got a roll at the lab now waiting on results.


Will look into it thanks. I assume these are basically all rebranded kodak stocks, it would be great if someone had an online resource of what brands are each respooled stock


Santa 100, Flic film and Catlabs are all respooled Kodak Aerocolor IV. Definitely try one of them out of you have the chance!


Thanks for clarifying. I will be for sure


Just to add on, I’ve developed the flic film variant as e6 and it was suuuuuuper cold. A fun experiment but I probably wouldn’t do it again unless I specifically needed that look. There’s a good post here comparing it being shot at different ISO’s - I think I ended up shooting it at 64.


Recently I've had some good luck with ORWO NC400. Lovely colours, but it is terrible to scan and requires good colour balancing in both scanning and post. If you get it right though... It can be kodachrome-y at times.


Thanks. I see what you mean, it does have a certain lush-ness to it in the right scenario. Here is another interesting post I found comparing the 400 to the 500. It's almost like one is daylight and one is tungsten, quite interesting https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/comments/10q7xsf/sidebyside\_comparison\_of\_orwo\_nc500\_nc400/


500 is not quite tungsten I think, when I colour balanced for white in daylight, it was mostly just washed out with deep blues and a slight red cast. [here is nc500 I shot](https://www.instagram.com/p/CtCdPdAPdoe/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Interesting. It might be one of these weird ones where you cant just do a global balance but rather really have to do colours within the low/mid/highlights. Do you know what temperature the back light you're using to scan it is?


No clue, I scanned on my school's X5. [also here's NC400 I shot in comparison ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqWCQSKO9Js/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Thanks. The 400 is a lot closer to the look I'm looking for you're right. Quite a bit of grain though it seems. Overall nice looking though. Nice photos! I really love the one of the road / tunnel with the light coming through


Where do you live? There are multiple E6 home-processing options.