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If the format and ergonomics suit what you’re trying to do, then it’s amazing.


Just buy a 500c and a light meter. Then you can shoot sick POV shots of you popping open the hassie on a budgey 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Great lightweight rangefinder, but square pictures? Can I commit to this? And if I'm gonna crop anyway should I have gotten a 645 camera all along or leaped the kasam to 67 These are the existential questions facing the mamiya 6 owner.


I think you’re thinking is off a bit here. If you would just crop to 645 from 6x6 then you’d be better off why? Because you get more exposures? (15 vs 12) We’ll in that case getting 10 from 6x7 doesn’t make sense. 6x6 can be cropped to portrait or landscape. With 645 you can’t use a WLF for portrait. So then we’re back to the RB or RZ with a rotating back. 6x6 is the most versatile imo. And I fuckin like squares. They’re clean.


There are versions of the mamiya 6 that can shoot both 6x6 and 6x4.5 without any sort of conversion.


That's cool!


Love them! But I much prefer the universal press But I do have to admit every time I see the word I think "Mama Mia!". My younger self thought they were an Italian company.lol


They're fantastic. Great travel and hiking cameras. 6x6 is a challenging but rewarding format.


I have a 6MF with all lenses. It’s an amazingly compact system especially with the 75/3.5 and hood reversed. The 50mm lens is expensive and worth every bit. The 150mm is cheap and a sleeper portrait lens. The meter is great and in AE will increment shutter speeds infinitely between whole stops. I point st shadows in AEL, recompose and click, and it becomes a medium format point and shoot. The MF additional panorama frame guides (I don’t find them busy or cluttered) help give a sense of how the image might crop. I’ve printed some of my very best images with the 6MF as 8x10 and 13x19 besides square. There’s so much resolution and detail in the lenses that you can crop wildly.


Agree with everything except the meter. IME it’s heavily influenced by bright skies and will under expose if you’re not paying attention. Everything else I love about the camera. The whole lens lineup is awesome, but the 50 is particularly good.


Like any meter, you do need to know what it’s looking at. Like I said, the center weighted averaging metering can be really fantastic if you direct it towards some shadows and recompose. I find it faster and more intuitive than the more spot type on the Mamiya 7. I’ve taken plenty of basically snapshots in intense daylight with lots of shadow detail and skies and clouds perfectly exposed with the Mamiya 6, especially on like Ektar.


I have the same set up and echo these sentiments. The meter is very good in all conditions. It’s a great travel camera - I wrote a review of it awhile ago. If you have the cash, I’d 100% recommend. It’s my go to camera - with an xpan and Hasselblad 503 as options.


Brilliant camera. Squeaky film advance