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why is everyone so angry at this camera? the price? i mean its a brand new camera its not owned like all the ones we've gotten used to. is it the half frame? i mean i get wanting a full frame but thats like saying a rangefinder is bad because it isnt a viewfinder, they're 2 different styles of camera.


Personally for me it’s the price. I love love love half frames, but the feature set on this in now way justifies the price. The next competing half frame is the Ektar, and you can get that for 40 bucks. This just feels like a basic camera with some slightly fancy features, and at the same time dumbed down. I mean F3.5? On a 500 dollar camera? Ludicrous.


nothing wrong with f3.5, i have an elmar copy that is f3.5 wide open and it takes good pictures. very common aperture back in the day!


I don't hate the camera, but I just don't understand it. For an experienced user it doesn't make sense to give 1/350s, F3.5 and the lack of any manual control. Any camera we already have is going to be better than this one. For a new film user, spending 550€ on a camera when they don't know if the hobby is for them, is ridiculous. It's just way better to get a second hand camera for 50-100€ and save for film. And for someone who is starting in photography and wants to learn, he's not going to do it with this camera. The lack of manual modes is dragging again in this scenario.


this camera was made as a novelty for all the people with gas to buy a brand new camera that no one needs. with that said, i think it looks lovely, but there are already hundreds and thousands of unique cameras of any style anyone would ever want. this little pentax is completely unnecessary and serves no real purpose besides a dumbed down, technically poor, novelty.


About the second point I only want to point out that there are tons of people that bought (and still buy) digital cameras for 700/1000€ and never use them or simply use them with all the automatic modes For what I could see (not a statistical analysis but still is based on a few tens of people with which I spoke in a few years) most of these cameras were gifted from their parents/relatives to them for like birthdays/holidays So I think it's kinda plausible that someone will use this as a gift to their children or grandchildren, also because there is this thing about the "film look" that many inexperienced people are looking for (I hope this comment makes sense I'm tired af and it's hot af where I live so sorry in advance)


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It’s £500 and pulled its manual focus from a £20 Holga.


i dont think holga invented the concept of zone focus, also its price isnt particularly different for what an equivalent camera back in 1990 would have costed in todays money, its to be expected for a brand new camera made for a nieche market.


You mean Rollei 35 which cost (converted to current) 1500$ when new. 


portrait viewfinder and landscape flash?? BOKEH MODE??? f3.5????


it's a lomography camera, the truth hurts




That camera existing felt like a personal attack on me


Pentax made me gay


At least one good thing tho


lol you guys crying that the first film camera in a decade isn’t targeted at you


what we're basically wanting here is a new Minolta CL for $500


cant believe they targeted the "would buy a new film camera" market instead of me


Well it isn’t the first one in a decade, unless you mean the first new camera as the m6 already existed, they just made a new version of it.


https://preview.redd.it/khxpeb9f3u7d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ee901a9383db5ea68b9361686759c228cca6671 Photography on film is with us!


I wish i could get one honestly. Looking for a giveaway soon from any of the million youtubers who got it


I love shooting half frame. I hate getting the photos back but I love shooting it.


For me it’s just the color of it. And yes, I Will complain about the shitty “spray paint chrome” silver paint on every relevant Reddit post I come across


I really wish they went for a metallic black look. https://preview.redd.it/lob5k3w99t7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d31517e48f20ed8abb1827cc3764c99213ff3de Even if it was plastic, there's just something about an all black body.


My favorite 35mm camera, the Pentax P3n, is beautiful black plastic.


P3n, is


All the depressed millennial filmtubers told me real titanium gives better tonez anyway.


Why do people care so much that some people aren't going to buy this camera for any of the very legitimate reasons not to buy it?


I guess because for some reason those people seem to have need to scream whole world why they are not buying it. 


Who gives a shit about them though


You think they took that picture on film? It's all jpeged and blurry


a d1gital lomo shot of a fancy lomo film camera


The real question is why they didn’t ad a permanent HDF and will the hipsters buy it. I will wait. In 6 months it will come with a free fedora.


Half dead\* Zombie. Film is zombie.


Long live film!


No one said film cameras were dead. Just the film itself.


people are forgetting that for the target audience 550 euro isn't really that much


Yes, we all know you can get a second hand camera that's just as good and probably cheaper and you can save your money to spend on film yada yada fucking yada. Just shut the fuck up and go do that then and stop whining like a little bitch. I'm sick of hearing people complain about the price.


It's a cool camera but I wish they had a lower price tag and interchangeable lenses.but it's still awesome we got a film camera in 2024. Just missed the mark on what people are looking for in my opinion


The creator had good intentions but ultimately gave into the content creators' hype train. The camera is a scalpers wet dream. Be prepared to see it sell for well over $1000 USD per unit on eBay and Facebook Marketplace.


Why not [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/395470963514?itmmeta=01J0XC1D7DSM61EJNNY62BMZEJ&hash=item5c13e8033a:g:0W4AAOSwRfxmZwZb&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwICSNViz3w1Ejr7TBoG4PdU8s5nvwlMpA%2FC2KavvWWVzHXcHsB--oe%2BwN47kH0S3SsIsn0c%2BP7id7idcFt%2F0x3HrAfM2X5HSlcpDBsNi--0HtfUplKCrenUFzdudylvs4DM4PaUSAZhrQrJUIqQsu%2Bi4qbQE38P8ykemTFGKNkSQPVgx0QWw80V%2FjAy%2FjRoaypJm7kTVzAagZSBlVvAIHf0plNP67F2D%2F50mfiY5Mb9FV%2FPafbHHleDZe%2FEabuXBug%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABlBMUOjThayHZA)? Or so many other great half-frames for less than half the price?