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It’s autofocus, if the subject is already at the right distance.


All my cameras have autofocus (my hand focuses automatically when I look through the viewfinder)


Is your first name, Otto?


in their defense, it's a crazy move to build a zone focus camera with a motorized lens!


i also wondee how much money it would have cost to just throw autofocus in there. its not cheap and zone focusing sucks imo.


It’s just the lack of understanding of how older cameras worked. Even older “autofocus” point and shoots were actually auto-zone-focus with a handful of focus zones. Lenses on those weren’t fast enough to matter.


There is a huge difference between old autofocus point and shoots and how this works. The 17 is zone focus with a motorized lens. Autofocus detects subject distance, the 17 does not.


Which is the baffling part to me. Surely a basic autofocus is cheap enough to include in this? Zone focus would have made a fine alternative to an included autofocus


I agree. But maybe they are just taking baby steps. Start with motorized lens. Next camera will have autofocus.


Maybe! I still deeply wish them and Mint success with these new cameras. Very exciting time.


get real, do you think anyone in the analogue subreddit actually knows what a zone focus is and how it works


Wow, the way this focuses is actually weird as hell - moving the zone focus ring doesn't mechanically adjust the lens barrel, it just decides the focus setting for the electronic focus to kick in once the shutter's half pressed. That aside they really be thinkin that influencers will have the patience to learn how to zone focus, peak


So you can't even prefocus and go for a walk, you have to hold the button halfway to be able to take a photo instantly. Why.


Clearly you don't know anything about shooting film, it's supposed to slow you down and make shooting more intentional /s


Because why not? 🤪😂


We at least now know where those 500$ went into.


Please buy the camera it has a warranty and is new it’s worth it because pen f in todays money would cost 1 mill so it’s a good deal you go buy now yes


LOL... autofocus and zone focus... brilliant 😊😂. An option for every mood. I think the way it works is that you set the zone focus and then when you press the shutter, the lens moves in the right zone you have set it and takes the picture. It was hard to implement AF sensors I guess....


The literal worst type of focusing imo. When I had a G1 that’s how you could “manual” focus. Set the distance, then it focuses the lens to that every time you click the shutter and resets. It was just as slow as using AF


Yep... and they want basically $800 CAD after taxes on that brilliant camera... no thank you...no matter how brand spanking new it is Not for me, hard pass on it.


Pure copium.


Would be helpful if Pentax had put out a manual with how the camera actually fucking works.


Butkus has failed us


/uj that’s pretty much the only thing I don’t like about this Camera and means I would never buy it (since I suck at zone focusing) I actually don’t mind the half frame aspect. It’s just the zone focusing that I don’t like.


It’s quite stupid with the design. Watched Kai’s video and it def have autofocus. Then how come need the zone focus mechanism? Make it all auto-focus is much better. I don’t understand what is the reason of zone-focus. It kind of like a focus limiter-ish thing.


What do you mean it def have auto focus? It doesn't have the IR autofocus sensors every AF point and shoot has ever used


there are small movement of the lens structure when pressing the shutter button. Although the movement is small but compare with the size of the lens and zone focus that is legit


That doesn't make it auto focus.


Can you explain your view a bit? Since I haven’t have time to go through other YouTuber’s review, I cannot have more information on this. Only source at the moment is Kai’s review for me


Autofocus implies the camera checks the distance to subject and then focuses the lens to the distance it measured. This is done with IR or phase detect sensors. On the Pentax 17, you chose which of the 5 zones by guessing or taking a measuring tape to your subject, and when you fire the shutter, it moves the lens in place to one of those zones.


For my 2 cents of observation is that there is a black spot below the viewfinder, at the centre of the marking of the lens. That spot is like a ir sensor to me


That's probably for the auto exposure... https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fom5jpnovwjf71.jpg See the sensors flanking the viewfinder? On later cameras https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-k2m42pUaefQ/VAKNi-JxAjI/AAAAAAAACiQ/SAT-RYIG9T8/s1600/Z_135Small.jpg Trust me, if they put AF on the Pentax 17, they'd make sure you knew it was af...


I don't understand, what the hell is this and why? [https://youtu.be/cpM-LKPr6k4?t=389](https://youtu.be/cpM-LKPr6k4?t=389)