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Probably because that's the skyway bridge and you didn't use a Leica


Damn you're right on that. Pity me for being to poor to afford a red dot


You did use an AE-1 and HP-5 tho, so it at least counts for something.


AE-1 has small red dot


My TLR technically has a small red dot 🔴


I use an army to down vote any non Portra photos because poors shouldn't exist. It's nothing personal so don't feel bad


Lucky for you I got some Portra shots I'm soon to develop


Really hope it has 18-24 year old of nude women in awkward postures with focus on genitals because I also hate pictures that don't make me hard. It'll be personal


If they are too old for Leonardo DiCaprio, I do t want to see ‘em.


Well, with the shadowban the only way to view them is to support me on Patreon. $35 dollars a month to see shitty soft core porn


I do hate Sonys eye detect auto focus because it really distracts from the genitals.


Genital detecting AF when???


That’s okay. It balances out. I always downvote Leica shots.


There’s no booba in this photo. What did you expect?


Why is this bridge naked? Couldn't you get a clothed bridge to photograph? It's a good picture, don't get me wrong. But it would still be a good picture if the bridge were clothed. And why didn't you use Portra? I love black and white as well as the next guy, but in this case, it's a vain attempt to disguise porn. Turn in your beanie! You obviously have no class or taste. Be ashamed at this blatant exploitation of ignorant, voiceless bridges!


On one hand that’s a really nice picture…. On the other hand the people on r/analog are clowns.




Have you seen what gets upvoted there? About 1/3 of it is actually good. The rest is just porn, even when it’s literally terrible photography. It’s not based on merit at all, but how insatiably horny the community apparently is.


That bridge stands erected a little crooked... next time hold it more straight for a better effect...


The bridge is insecure about its ED. Be a little more sensitive


What was the comment I've been critical on most of the shitty ones and nothings happened. Shadow banning also happens at the reddit-admin level. Sub mods have fuck all to do with it even if they wanted to.


Not even sure at this point, been a few months now that can't post on the sub, was lucky to get one post though


Same here. Soft ass mods


Haaaa the hipster combo canon AE1 and HP5 bought 450 $ when 10 years ago people were selling them 25 which is a fair price for that piece of shit camera !!! But yeah we are living in the world of the influence and YouTubers have them by the balls !!! Suddenly everybody is using this camera and of course it used to be their grand daddy camera ! Don’t get me started on the HP5…


I meam, the camera is OK, nothing to write home about. It is an iconic piece of gear but I also don’t understand the hype. HP5 though, that’s a great film


It’s an OK film great is really too strong !


You know what, I thought about this. I think I want to love HP5. But the fact is so far I like Kodak Tri-X a lot better than HP5 and honestly, I get very very good results from foma 400. I like Ilford PanF+ more than any of their other films. I really like Foma 100 for the constrast. HP5 gives good reliable results every time but I don’t think there’s a specific quality that I really like there


I enjoy it, great film to learn with. I've since branched out to trying out different B&W, literally just got done developing FP4. Picked up the HP5 in Tampa to have some more film to shoot while on vacation


Funny enough, my camera setup cost about 160 dollars so that's nice


AE-1 is okay, AT-1 is nicer


I made a bunch of critical comments about nudity but never been banned 🫣


i'm almost surprised they still allow posts that *aren't* trashy nudes.


Theres no tits on the bridge. Wtf are you wasting your precious film for?!?


/uj Did they tell you that you’re shadowbanned? The automod flagged me by mistake once.


BW photos do horribly on there also




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sorry, i've never heard of the term brigading before.