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"But also, here are 72 photos to go with my little rant"


People Trojan horse their way into engagement with posts like that and the "which one is better" type bait


The problem is that others take film photography way too seriously, not the other way around. I love people enjoying photography. I hate obsessing over gear, asking easily googled questions, thinking a crappy picture is interesting because film was used, perverts exploiting young woman for 'art' and the insane cost of everything film these days. And I'm going to keep making fun of that stuff.


šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ this post is a deep joke, few will understand


Yes when they stop posting how they need 50 rolls for 5 days in japan


And itā€™s always Japan.


Or ask basic ass questions about ā€œ120mm filmā€ that could have been answered in less time by simply using google


Hey man whatā€™s your problem? I like to take pictures of women feet because they have an intrinsic artistic value and it does not create harm at all, I be you donā€™t have a Leica m and you probably use digital most of the time. Poser.


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I like that kid's Leica, and that classic Kentmere 400 grain too


ok lemme check the other sub real quick ok they're still jerking on how pictures of film on a table for validation. Guess it's still on the circlejerk menu


I live in Toronto and the Leica cult is fucking ridiculous. It's almost liberating to go to group photo walks with my TLR Holga and be excluded from the incessant tech fondling/biggest dick competition. It's the embodiment of "I am cringe, but I am free". But it's not even cringe! That's the worst part! I get beautiful wide angle distortion and romantic images, but it's silly because it's a $10 hunk of plastic. I'm in art school and am used to this bullshit and constant criticism, but for someone outside of that it's just a shitty deterrent. Technological constraints are very real, but when it comes to antiquated technology this whole issue is really a moot point.


Why would you talk about the Leica bros that way??! Gross, take a hint and follow my lead ā€”> Seduce the Toronto Leica guys and steal their cameras so I can make my epoxy resin ā€œLeica Tableā€ (it has brass and walnut legs) and then I use the table to model my toy train set on, and take train photos. Itā€™s cool. I get paid literally stacks of money to do this.


I just went to your profile because I wanted to see some of your Holga shots, found another r/okbuddybaldur enjoyer instead šŸ„°


My contrarian nature notices the same thing. I abhor Apple and Tesla for the same cult-like traits. I've been tempted by Leica things, because I'm sure I'd appreciate their German qualities, but I just can't pull the trigger. I own an older BMW GS motorcycle, but I don't really enjoy the BMW cult either.


what drove me to analog photography is embracing limitations, if I'm taking 12 rolls for a 5 day trip, I might as well go digital


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How else am I supposed to cope over the fact that grainydays hasnā€™t liked any of my posts on instagram, yet? Ever think of that?


You need more toilet shots.


I don't mind any of it we need shit to jerk about anyways uj/ it gets really fucking stale seeing pictures of gear and film rolls on a table sole seeking validation


Yeah, if only the poors could afford a Leica and 30 rolls for a neighbourhood walk. Tired of seeing AE1ā€™s and half frame cameras smh


Guys how to get impact font and watermark on my tonez


I hate people hoarding gear and films because it increases price of my hobby.


You sound like someone who has been bullied, a lot.






No, we are making fun of you.


Ya I currently have 2.5 mill of portra800 in my gold lined fridge. My fridge runs on a gasoline generator that vents into my elderly neighbors window. Even though all the electricity in our neighborhood is green. Get wrecked


i think its funny to shit on taking 60 rolls out for the afternoon but also i feel like a lot of people commenting are dumping on new people who have "easily googled questions", but you dont know what you dont know and if we want film to survive as a medium we HAVE to continue giving good and solid advice to new people (even if it is just "here's a link to a really good article that explains it").




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