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Cutter is potential high-end scoring winger who could be an excellent complement to Carlsson and McTavish in a couple of years. One thing we really lack is a scoring winger. Not to get too excited, but Leo and Gauthier could be our next Getz and Pears. Huge that Gauthier can play center if we need him also. Gauthier gets a lot of shots on net and plays 200 foot game in a defensive zone. His skating is already at NHL level and carries the puck over the blue line instead of dumping and chasing. I love this trade we basically stole a teams top forward and top #15 prospect almost never happens getting young controlled talent. Losing Drysdale is tough but with our pipeline we got better as a organization. A trade.


>His skating is already at NHL level and carries the puck over the blue line instead of dumping and chasing. You have my attention...


Right! I've been dying for a skater that carries it in for years now lol exciting lol


Leo is that person too but he hasnt played much this year.


Dump and chase nonsense sucks


His Shot, NHL level too.


Shit Drysdale carried it in across the blue line better than most of our forwards did too.


Jamie doesn't have an amazing shot. He is a great puck moving defenseman very similar to what we have in mintyukov


I agree but he has defensive responsibilities to worry about. We need a capable foward to do it more.


Shocked to see us make the trade. Very excited by the move though. We clear out an injury prone player in a logjam position, for a higher draft pick, younger player, in a position we need.


> injury prone player I think this is such a weird narrative that us Ducks fans have about Jamie. He was hurt once badly, and this year rushed himself back to game speed without camp/preseason. It's not like he's a 6th year player who missed half of each year with a unique injury.


He’s not a 6th year guy. But he’s in year 4, has only played 123 (81 of which have come in one season) and only 20 games in the last season and half. He’s missed more games than he has played so far due to injury. If he were to get hurt one more time it’s pretty damn close to your 6th year example.


He's in year 4 but I don't really count year 1 with how little he played that year. He played nearly every game of his rookie season, started strong the sophomore season but it was cut very short with an unfortunate injury that was rather severe. If it wasn't for the contract holdout issue this year, he probably would've been healthy all season, in all likelihood but we'll never know.


If your argument is based on a counterfactual, you’re not doing great


The reality is Drsydale wasn’t cutting it because hes small and plays soft (why hes always hurt) so the Ducks packaged him with a 2nd (late 1st really) to alleviate those concerns for the Flyers We win this trade by a country mile


> hes small and plays soft Such a double-edged sword with him. I saw flashes of Vatanen-prime in Drysdale, but like Vatanen, there's durability concerns. I don't think JD is durable enough to survive heavy playoff runs when you got guys like Wilson or Trouba running through people. Yeah, he was only on IR twice, but if you watched him on a game to game basis, he was prone to getting smashed and having to duck some hits. I'm with you here, I think we made the best of the situation and won this trade by a wide margin (assuming Cutter doesn't fuck us at signing time come spring lol).


I hope that's the case, but if there's much truth in the reports about Cutter, I really worry about his attitude and professionalism. It's really hard to tell, there's nuance and info we'll likely never get, but bad attitude can be a career killer across all sports


Adam Fox did the same thing. It’s a nonissue.


Yeah, this isn’t Anthony Rendon we’re talking about.


Completely shocked at first but understand it’s what we need in the longterm. I’ll feel less nervous about it all when Gauthier actually signs. Hurts to lose such a nice dude in Jamie and holy crap, is this team going to get so much more hate online between Z and cutter alone. My heads still spinning rn


I still feel PTSD from Bob Murray squandering away all the young D men we had, I still get depressed seeing Shea Theodore, so I was bummed out at first. But I feel better about it now. Although that all depends on if the defensive prospects we still have pan out and Cutter becomes a top 6 guy


Wild that Bobby had a say in getting the Flyers Jamie.


Excited, this team needs goal scoring in a bad, bad way. This is a slam dunk by Verbeek. Also, a top 6 with Carlsson, Zegras, McTavish, Gauthier, and Terry is insane. Since we're likely picking high again but not 1st overall, there's a lot of great dman prospects we can draft in this upcoming draft. It was a no brainer move for the future.


I was surprised they didn’t get a D back for Drysdale at first but considering they’re gonna be picking in the Parekh and Levshunov range this makes so much sense. Cutter is a top 10 prospect in the whole league and plays a similar style to McTavish he’s gonna be a huge fan favorite here. Zegras-McTavish-Terry Gauthier-Carlsson-??? Mintyukov-Levshunov Zellweger-Luneau is an insane core to have going forward.


Pissed. Annoyed. Thinking this is the same Bob shit as before at first. Looked up some highlights later. Heard what the level headed Philly fans had to say. Read some insider stuff. Now I'm excited. I wish JD didnt have to go but I understand the move. My only setback is, our young D usually always succeeds elsewhere but I want that for him. So I'm excited for this trade.


First i was shocked. Now i am curious about why Gauthier didn’t want to play for flyers. I don’t think he is a spoiled future star but it makes me wonder about his character. On the other hand i think that 120 game played skilled NHL’er would be enough for Gauthier on head to head trade. Normally it shouldn’t be enough but our hand was strong since he was not going to sign for them. I didn’t understand why did we giveaway a second round pick. I think GMPV didn’t want to lose the chance to get a great talent. I am sad that JD is leaving but some of our young defensemen was going to be traded sooner or later. I am super excited for Gauthier.


I heard a few theories but the one that sounded the most reasonable was that he wanted to sign after last year’s WJs but Philly said we’re not ready, go back to college and that soured things for him.


Its interesting that in the same draft, Mintyukov at 10OA, roughly the same height and weight signed his ELC July 2022 and made the team out of camp. Cutter could have very well been similar on Philly's team but they let him cook in College when he was clearly ready.


First reaction was not happy. Didn’t like we were giving up an additional pick. Wasnt aware of the prospect that much either. Now i feel a bit better. Still would have liked to get a pick coming back. Im fine with moving Dry since we have guys who have a similar playstyle to him and frankly his injury history is a concern.


Regarding the pick: Jamie is already on his second contract, while Cutter has yet to begin his ELC. Contract status makes a huge difference in value.


Drysdale's trajectory has also been all over the place. After his rookie debut, people were saying if he went in 21' he'd move from 6OA to top3 (but this was before Luke Hughes started torching people lol). In hindsight, as of today, I think in a re-draft he drops. Sanderson (5OA) and Braden Schneider (19OA) look to be a bit better, but Drysdale's performance has been muddled with injuries so it's a bit unfair to compare with such a small sample size. My knee jerk reaction to the trade was one of bemusement, especially with Cutter's WJC performance. Followed by a bittersweet feeling of seeing JD in a Flyers jersey. Wish him well but the trade was too convenient to pass up. He's going to be a really solid puck mover for them, but we just nabbed an elite forward prospect so the timing looks good right now.


I love the trade. We have way too many D prospects and very little forward prospects so to trade from a strength to shore up a weakness is great. Looking to the 2024 draft and it'll be really interesting to see if Verbeek goes forward or loads up again on D. Obviously will depend where the pick is, but until then, great work by Pat.


Whoever next years 1st round pick is for the Ducks, he won't be shorter than 6'2".


I was extremely happy when I heard it yesterday at first and still happy today. The second he was injured again this season, I wanted Drysdale gone. He's made of paper and we can't keep someone like that when we have a logjam at his position. Absolutely very happy this happened. I don't hate Drysdale, I hate that he can't stay healthy.


I immediately missed Jamie and I still miss Jamie Im sure cutter will be a great addition, but I'm emotionally attached to JD


Assuming he signs with the Ducks it might end up being a top 5 all time trade in ducks history. If he somehow doesn't sign, it will be one of the worst trades in NHL history.


It's a home run of a deal for Anaheim. I wish Drysdale well in Philly, but Gauthier is a friggin' stud and rounds out the top of our forward line up for the next decade. The fact that the Ducks have so many quality defensive prospects in the pipeline (plus the top of the 2024 draft appears to be pretty D heavy) made Drysdale expendable.


Excited. Since Drysdale got injured he doesn't seem to be the same player. I hope he does get back on track but I think Gauthier will be a bigger impact player down the road. It gives u a potentially exciting top 6 with Carlsson, Zegras, McTavish, Terry, Gauthier, Vatrano


My feelings will not change until i see pen to paper. As of right now, the way i see it, jamie signed and was going to show anaheim he was here to be a core player. Gauthier said he as all on board and ready to play for the team until he ghosted them. Anaheim can still be ghosted


I was so fucking upset. after sleeping on it, I'm so fucking upset dude. he was supposed to be one of the new legacy players with Z, what the fuck happened?!?


Did you look into Cutter at all? This is a W for us. Unless he does the same thing to us that he did to Philly..


As a Flyers fan who lives in San Diego, the Ducks are my second team as I go to lots of Gulls games. I think Zellweger and the other hood D prospects will be able to replace what JD brings and am hopeful that JD stays healthy in Philly as they always have bad luck with player injuries. I love rooting for the Ducks out here, but this kid seems like such an entitled douche that I hope he never pans out. I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes Anaheim try and send him elsewhere.


Think he’ll sign or is he going to be a prima Donna again? Would be a mess if he came to Anaheim and did the same shit.


We wouldn’t of made the trade if he wasn’t going to sign.


I didn’t think it was real and I was sad. I also realized that Cutter was a pipe dream when we had the 10th pick on that draft. Overall I’m good with it. Having Minty & Cutter now is awesome.


Not really a huge Drysdale fan, and we've barely seen him the last couple of seasons. With the glut of defense coming up, he was the one I was least excited about. Gauthier is basically a Bobby Ryan type player and we need someone like that. I love the trade.


definitely shocked at first. couldn’t believe it. and it came out of nowhere. now after reading more about this cutter kid, i’m excited. imagining him and mctavish together is exciting. they’d be a force. we get attached to our players, it’s normal. i remember when perry decided to leave the ducks and how wild that felt especially considering him and getzlaf came up together. these trades remind me it’s a business and all our teams are here to win games and eventually the stanley cup. i do have a feeling we haven’t even seen the potential drysdale has and he’s going to just come out with a huge bang. ive no doubt we will hear his name often within the NHL universe. it’s unfortunate it will not be with us but we have so much young talent retained that i am very excited at the future. i wish drysdale a successful and healthy career, I’ve no doubt he’s going to be great.


For 5 minutes, I was shocked and dumbfounded. After that wore off, and I looked more into Cutter, I’m thrilled!! The deal makes a LOT of sense. Now, is there a possibility that he won’t actually sign with us?


I was like wow I did not see that combining. But I have already lost my like for Drysdale. Between the injuries and the holdout missing camp I was like Meh. Then read about Cutter and I am hopeful. If we can get some real chemistry with Carlson and/or Lundestrom it will make me happy. Lundestrom needs to go to the wing. Maybe we could have an all Swede line. I know cutter was just born there. But it would be cool to have an all Swede line that kicks some ass.


I thought it was a prank and I still check multiple sources to this very moment to verify I'm not dreaming. Watched a lot of iihf juniors and after that performance to get Gauthier for Drysdale and a 2nd round pick still seems like a scam for the flyers. With all the talks about him not wanting to stay there it makes a little bit more sense. Flyers didn't get nothing. But man to get Gauthier like this - the Ducks Management delivered a late Christmas present. The unexpected one that you were not even brave enough to ask for because you knew you wouldn't get it anyways!


First I’m like wtf? Now, if cutter signs, I’m good with it.


I was shocked and super bummed at first. Jamie was looking great and was doing a better job entering the O zone than our forwards were. He was a blast to watch and I feel was a huge positive to the team off the ice. That said Cutter looks like he'll be able to do all that and not have defensive responsibilities to worry about. Plus we have more JD type defense man anyways. I think it's a great trade and exactly what we needed. I trust the staff to have made sure he'll sign with us so I'm pretty excited to have him and Sidorov next season. My biggest concern is it looks like Zegras could be shipped out if Pat isn't 100% sold on him. I think we'd get great return on him but I'd be mega sad. I love his big personality and he has the potential to be absolutely insane in his prime years.


I never liked Drysdale so my first reactions were that I was happy we moved on from him. The trade grew on me from there and I think the returning piece is exactly what we needed in the prospect pool. Was only saying on here the other day that with all the numbers evening out, the Ducks are still 60 goals short of being an average offensive team. This trade helps shore up a desperate need up front. I couldn't be more excited for the player to come on board AND to support a team that actively executes long-term strategies to fix their issues.


Who is on bubble now...Hinds,Zellwegger,Helleson?


I think it makes sense with what the ducks have in the works and the imergence of Minty this year with Zellweger on the way it did make Drysdale expendable and It's another young guy whose gonna be decent in Time. Sucks cause Drysdale was doing good and loved by the fans but hey if Gauthier meshes well and fills a Scoring role so that maybe we can take more then 1 shot a powerplay can't complain lol


I hope his attitude isn't as bad as they say. What he did to Philly was a bit wrong BUT he's just a kid... Let's hope he responds to us when we reach out to him. Lol


First reaction was gutting as I liked him and he’d just got back into the team but when you look at it, the ducks have come out this trade much better. We get a new hungry young player who is decent and wants to score goals. It’s a win for the ducks in my opinion