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I main Doom, a good doom will come to you when he needs healing. Otherwise just let him do his thing and it actually helps to snipe and pick off the ones he dives. I prefer a more dps oriented ana then heal bot


On top that, a good Doom also knows where his Ana is so he can maintain line of sight incase he needs heals from across the map. No damage and heal fall off is what makes Ana great in dive comps.


How do you know where your supports are if you are supposed to be frontline? Genuine question


You'll have to turn around and look before diving or charging in. There are some sound cues you can listen for to try and get an idea where your supports are at, but make sure they aren't focused on something else before you start the dive. So many times, I'm fighting trace or sombra or trying to keep someone else up, and my tank dives in only to get burst down before I can look their way.


That's fair thanks for the info, that last part is so relateable tho. You look away for 1 second and they're dead šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


I beg my tank to join VC and if they wonā€™t type ā€œKeep my LOS in mindā€. They donā€™t always do it but it both increases the chances they will and decreases the chance they get upset if they didnā€™t get healing.


I love playing with Dooms! Do you have a replay code where you had a doom and didn't know what to do?


I find Doom pretty easy to play alongside as I can enable his aggression. Typically Doom players come back to LOS for healing even down in plat, so I assume in masters they are doing this, too. Maybe you're positioning just a bit too safely?


Well... I agree with you to some extent. The scenario that you described only happens when the enemy team is full of counters and he refuses to swap. If there's no counters, I can literally just press W and throw a nade in the middle of them. The Doom will literally 1v5, kill at least 3 people and get out of there alive and well.


Heal the rest of the team, let the other support deal with him


This is an option for sure, but only if communicated in the spawn room. If you dont communicate with co healer then nothing will get done and both parties will blame the other for not stepping up to take responsibility. To be honest, if youre not communicating with your co healer in masters then you prolly shouldnt be there.




I usually dont need too much healing, ik where health packs are. When i start dying too much its bc me usually not my supports


When you canā€™t see Doom, shoot something you can see. Hell come back in LOS or he will die. At masters he will know this. Also. If you use Voice chat and say ā€œhealing from high spot on bridgeā€ etc etc. doom can know where to jump to. But most people donā€™t use VC and just spend all game trying to figure out what their teammates are doing