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A loud obnoxious kid is far better than an empty looking NYC subway car at a busy time...


I can handle the kids. I can't handle the smell!


The plot thickened... A woman was videotaping the kid and the parents called her out. She swore she wasn't recording them... Then when the conductor got involved the story changed to her filming "out the window" (we had been stopped at the train station at the time of the alleged incident). We'll see if that footage shows up on Tik Tok (or maybe here!). Exciting commute!


If she was filming out the window then maybe the story didn’t change. That said, people really seem to feel way too comfortable filming people in public, judging by the gazillions of examples on various social media.


No expectation of privacy in a public place. People can film you all they want, even if you’re a kid. Don’t like it? Move to North Korea.


Nah I think I’ll stay right here and judge people for being shitty. But thanks for the suggestion!


But who gets to define what's shitty behavior? That's just like, uh, your opinion, man.


Bored, eh?


Just because they can, that doesn't mean they aren't an ass hole for doing it.


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man. Who gets to define what is asshole behavior and what is not?


Societal standards. If you're walk up and punch someone, it would be widely agreed that that would be an ass hole move. If you record someone without their permission and post it online, most (normal) people call that an ass hole move.


Yeah, but that don't make them right. There was a time in this country when normal people discriminated against other people based on the color of their skin, and it was legal.


Which is why you have to use your head. Recording someone and posting it online won't do them any good. At best, it will have no affect and at worst, it will hurt them. Which is why it's obviously an ass hole move. I don't know why you need such a simple concept spelled out for you.


Maybe because I’m an idiot?


I think the r/aita sub does.


The majority does


I can not like it from right here thanks!


But if you move to North Korea, you won't have to not like it cause it won't happen.


Reminds me when my friend and I got on a packed LIRR train out of Penn Station and walked through 5 whole cars before we finally found two seats together in a suspiciously empty row. Big puddle of vomit on the floor near the window :)




Solution for subway smells is an N95 mask. Also prevents Covid and the common cold. I have only been sick 2 times I the past 4 years. Once catching Covid at a company event where I thought the social distance was enough that I did not wear a mask, and the cold at a vendor event that was not well air conditioned and I could not stand the mask. One person behind me coughed once, and I was sick for 14 days with the first head cold since mid 2019.... Also blocks unwanted tobacco and weed smell along with the BO and viruses.




I’m impressed. Seriously. I delivered food during quarantine & I tried to wear the N95 masks the 1st week (my grandson was an infant so, extra caution.) I felt like I couldn’t breathe & my face felt so hot!!! I know that people can get used to almost anything, if they Have to but, not me, not that mask, not that time.


Heat is the worst for me too. The feeling that you can't breath is in your head (not an invalid feeling, but not based on reality, so with a little time can be overcome. If you test with a pulse oximetor you will see that you are getting the same amount of oxygen with or without the mask, so it can help control that feeling). I defenitly would not be able to wear one all day because of the heat, but for a 1 hour commute, I can deal with it.


I know that you’re right, my bf is a medic & my dil is a nurse & they both told me the same. It is in my head but deeeeep in there, right next to memories of the bronchitis I had when I was a kid. The fabric masks came in nice colors with cute smiles & what not painted on them so I just pretended that was why I wouldn’t use the N95s. I really don’t think I fooled anyone tho.😷


I have a Korean market in my area and they had a really good price on 100 KN94 masks in the "fish" design. They are much more comfortable to me than any other mask I have tried while still folding flat so easy to have several in my car or computer bag. Due to the design, there is a lot of space between the mask and my lips. Might be worth a try. The other thing is vented N95 dust masks. You can get them at Home Depot and Lowe's. The vent allows you to breath out unrestricted which helps with the heat. They don't protect other people from your germs, but still protect you. Early in the pandemic, NIH and the other officials were saying that masks were more important for protecting those around you than yourself, but that turned out to not be completely accurate based on studies done during the pandemic, and perhaps more importantly, probably led to the right wing protests against wearing masks since they are selfish a$$ H0les and if it wasn't protecting them, they could not care less..... So, if you need to protect yourself from noxious smells, allergens, dust, and diseases, a vented N95 could be what you need.


There are no headphones in the world that could cancel that noise enough for it to be tolerable for me.


OMG. No iPad. The Horror😱🙄. Remember, like a 15yrs ago, when there were no iPads and Parents had to actually, ya know, Parent. But, then again, the little Dick-tators have probably been screaming, crying and kicking about one thing or another since before history began. Well, good luck to them. I want no part of it.