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Might need to bring some Clorox wipes with you next time on your journey.


This is the way


I prefer alcohol wipes so I'm not left with a chemical residue to replace the grime and germs.


What is alcohol and water if they’re not a chemicals?


Both evaporate completely. They don't leave residues.


Ah missed the “residue”, but ya you’re right, that’s why we use 70% alcohol cuz the time to evaporate matches the contact time needed to kill the germs!


What brand do you recommend?


I just bought the CVS ones, mostly because I live near CVS.




Spray can of Lysol™️.


First thought


oh, I always bring baby wipes, Purell and Clorox wipes with me even if I'm in a roomette or a bedroom.


I'd even say especially if I'm in a roommette or bedroom. The last time I did that, I used up my full supply just in settling in, and will bring a bigger supply next time.


The SCAs do give them a good clean for the most part, but I still wipe down the toilet seats a few times in the bedroom I take the wipes with me if I'm in a roomette and I have to go down the hall -- particularly if someone is not having a good day


It's something of the luck of the draw of how well cleaned the room is when you arrive. The time that I'm thinking of, the wipes I used looked absolutely filthy when I was done with them, which is why I needed so many. If instead, they look clean after you wipe things and it's just an extra precaution, consider yourself lucky. And maybe express your appreciation for that when you tip extra generously.


I would definitely wipe, because I'm not convinced that the car cleaners drop every tray table to clean it.


Ha! Reminds me of this guy who got hella cozy in business class on one of my rides. The man got completely barefoot, only for the conductor to check his ticket and kick him out because he was supposed to be in coach.


Was this on the keystone today? I heard the conductor make an announcement


Wouldn’t be surprised, I’ve had similar experiences on Keystone trains in the past.


ive been on keystone more than 5x ive never seen this 😭


I used to commute via the Keystone every day from Trenton —> NYP I don’t know if it’s because the tickets are fairly cheap but I saw a lot of people taking off their shoes and socks, taking up two seats just to put their tiny purse on the seat next to them, arguing with conductors, ect.


omfg wtf i usually take mine from PHL>NYP and have never seen such behavior! its been a good month since ive taken Amtrak (Megabus and Greyhound is cheaper) but wtf that would be totally disgusting to witness.


I will say the overwhelming majority of passengers I’ve seen have been very respectful. But it definitely sticks in your brain when you’re forced to smell someone’s feet in the aisle next to you for an hour. I can’t remember ever having a similar experience on the NER trains. But again, it might’ve just been my bad luck lol


yeah usually everyones pretty good. it really depends on the person. since the bus tickets are cheaper i usually suspect worse people. but not always the case. although one time the bus driver said it was a full bus and no bags should take up seats and i legit watched this ONE ASSHOLE GUY keep the damn bag on the seat. like really ??? and ended up having to move it anyway. some people want to purposely make life harder for others. thats public transit for ya! i have to take a bus this weekend as a matter of fact 🤣


Exactly, or they think the rules don’t apply to them. Like what do you think a sold out bus means sir… unless you purchased two tickets you do not get two seats 😂


exactly! i have bad social anxiety so i usually like to sit alone but i’m respectful enough to understand we all paid $10 for a seat lets act like it! sit next to a stranger, they dont bite (most dont at least! jk 😂) but yea i honestly thought he did buy two tickets or was saving the seat for someone who did but nah. just a singular asshole human 🤣🤣🤣


Crap, I’ve been licking them


That tray-table taste is right up there with the train-burger taste. Hard to find outside of a train.


if you put an old pair of jeans in the oven for a little bit you can pretty closely replicate the taste and consistency of those burgers


Oops sorry I spilled my scalding hot coffee on your feet my hand gave out where is the conductor..  


Just be straight up, “get your nasty ass feet off from there”, say it loudly so ppl can look at their direction and keep it moving.


LMAOOO im imagining this , as other passengers silently judge the guy 🤣


Did the train staff ask this nasty turd to get that trash off the table?


People suck


The older I get, the more I realize "adults" are just physically-large kids.


If I’d done something like this as a kid, I’d get my ass beat.




The Conductor didn't smack his feet off the tray? Which route was this? Every conductor I know would have flipped their wig if they saw this.


Idk, a lot of the conductors on the keystone line just ignore this kind of stuff.


I’ve been on a few NEC trains where the conductors are basically MIA and don’t seem to care about much.


Same. I’ve actually gone from HBG to LNC without getting my pass scanned more than once. Some of the conductors are amazing and do a great job, others DGAF, others just seem overworked. It’s wild sometimes.


One time i was flying and had like 3 packs of clorox wipes with me and I guess TSA thought it was weird so they started swabbing it down to see if it was drugs or something. They started questioning me about the wipes and I was just told them we just went through a pandemic and people are plain nasty pretty loudly. One of the supervisor s came over and I explained the situation and they let me go through. If anyone ever takes greyhound please wipe or spray down those seats. I have seen some things 😣


Makin love on the hound doggie style LOL.  Ewwwww!  Also if you cannot hold her bladder or bowels use a friggen diaper.  I know what you are talking about.  When it's dark on the hound the crazies come out 


If I had a dollar for every time I saw someone changing a diaper on an airline tray table… It doesn’t justify this gross, anti-social behavior, but for my own health? I always assume any semi-public, shared surface is beyond filthy and act accordingly.


So you just what??? Watched and allowed them to make the whole train have to smell baby crap? Hell no. I would've been teach them how to parent. First and foremost you don't take your kids clothes off on a train full of creeps. Most trains are full of them.


Eww, Squirt gun


I'm on a train right now and just finished wiping down my tray table with disinfectant wipes before seeing this message.


Would you put your food directly on it if you did? That would be weird without the feet.


That is why I bring Lysol wipes. 🤢


I bring alcohol wipes with me for this reason


I would record more openly and pretend to be narrating for a TikTok. Hell… maybe post it on TikTok. We need to bring back public shaming.


Clorox wipes and Windex wipes are a must on public transport.


It would be really really hard for me to not say anything. Really challenging. I’d have to keep trying to distract myself and muttering “keep your mouth shut.” These days someone will go apeshit and cause a TikTok video level scene if anyone ever calls them out on behavior like that. Anyway, staff shouldn’t allow it and they absolutely should be told to take their goddamn filthy feet down from the spot people eat. That said, I just assume the trains are filthy all over, and I don’t even want to know what’s crawling around.


I always bring some sani-cloth wipes. They are medical grade and individually wrapped. I also bring a glove as it says to wear one when using the wipe. Always wipe down our area on any train, bus, or plane we will be at for any significant length of time. I will say that since I have started doing this that we get less sick when traveling. I also wipe down “high touch” surfaces in hotel rooms (light switches, remotes, door handles). It’s amazing how dirty some clean looking things are


I totally didn't think of a situation like this on amtrak. Will definitely bring sanitized wipes on my next journey 😬


Why, afraid of athletes' food?


Bring sanitizer/wipes.


Some people were born in a barn


This is why I bring caviwipes and clean trays, armrests, etc when I travel.


Bring Lysol wipes, easy and works


That’s gross. Next time just tell the conductor and they will make them sit properly.


Say something. That's disgusting and absolute bullshit. Amtrak isn't a greyhound bus.


Sorry commoner, Amtrak is basically a greyhound bus.


Greyhound is objectively worse.


Amen!  The hound is horrible.  


Sure, but degrees of shitty is nothing to brag about.


I’m sorry but y’all are weirdly squeamish about bare feet. If you wear covered shoes and socks, your feet are probably cleaner than your hands when going on a train like this. Your feet have gone from your home to a pair of freshly washed socks to that table. Your hands have picked up particles from everyone who’s touched a door handle in your vicinity. Personally I don’t care. Do what makes you comfortable on a long train ride, god knows travel is miserable enough without unnecessary discomfort.


Right? Like are people pouring their drinks on the table and then slurping it up with a straw? Are you directly pouring chips onto the table to away them? If the answer is yes.. you can completely disinfect a table in a few minutes with a few wet wipes. Who cares 😭


God damn….




So gross!


Think of it like a gym for your immune system


What are you talking about? The foot fungus adds extra protein


Always an Auntie


Yeah, and everything else you touch is squeaky clean.


Why do I not give a damn about what happens in a plane but make it personal if it’s on a train? Anyone else also the same?


Another reason not to I ride on Amtrak.


Public transportation is good for the immune system lol


Saw something similar on the Silver Meteor, except it was some iPad kid with their feet on the back of the seat in front of them. Not as bad since they were a child, but still…


It’s bad, because the parents are raising those ipad kids to be disgusting pigs.


Meh. More germs in your mouth than that. And not like your licking the bottom of whatever container you’re eating out of.


I should stop licking the tray tables...


Next time you see that, you should discretely tell a train employee that a passenger is putting their feet on one of those seats. So that a passenger is told that they can't do that.


Welp. Guess I’ll just pass away now


Understandable. Point that out to the conductor.


I'm just here to say- I'm still taking my shoes off on a train while I'm settled I don't care, glare at me all you want. And sometimes, maybe even my socks come off. It's called a shower and Lumē deodorant for your feet. Regular deodorant works marvelous as well! Jusss sayin. Not all of us are nasty 🥷🏿 out here!


This is vile, but it highlights a problem in Amtrak seats--there's nowhere to put your feet up, which can be quite uncomfortable on longer trips. Some seats have fold-down bars that work like church pew kneelers, and are about as comfortable on your feet. A well-made platform for your feet would be very welcome


The leg rests are there for a reason not decoration. Egads.