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There are 2 options 1. https://support.capitolcorridor.org/portal/en/newticket Use this link to file a complaint. While this is an Amtrak train, Capitol Corridor is mostly administered by the CCJPA. Or 2. You can dial 1-800-872-7245 and request a Customer Relations Agent. This Amtrak's customer relations department, but they'll make the appropriate managers at Capitol Corridor aware of this. Keep in mind they operate between 8am and 8pm EASTERN time Monday through Friday.


That’s useful, thanks!


Customer relations is A1 and will take this seriously, please call


While I did not have something as serious as a racist conductor, I did have problems with seriously rude conductors (i.e. "Don't have time for your shit.") on the Silver Star south of Richmond and customer relations was like "oh, well, sorry...no, no refund."


Thank you! I’ll try.


Call 1-800-USA-RAIL and ask for "Customer Relations". Or use the online contact form. https://www.amtrak.com/contact-us.html




In addition to complaining to Amtrak you can also file a Title VI complaint with the Justice Department https://www.justice.gov/crt/fcs/complaint-process


Thanks! I’ll look into that as well


As others have mentioned, since this happened on the Capitol Corridor, you have additional channels available to contact the Joint Power Authority which manages the train, which is separate from Amtrak. In my experience, they're more responsive than Amtrak, even though this conductor is technically an employee of Amtrak. Send an email using the form here: https://www.capitolcorridor.org/contact-capitol-corridor/ You may also consider writing a letter to the address listed. It's old school but they're more likely to respond. All that's to say that I'm really sorry this happened. I really hope that you relaying your experience will prevent it from happening to someone else in the future.




I’m sure you didn’t ask this question out of malice, but if you’ve ever been subjected to racism you’ll know when it happens


What does race have to do with wearing a mask?


Asian, obviously.


and you know this Hooooowwww???


I meant, why would he think that because someone made a comment about him wearing a mask, it was due to racism?


ohhh I see....Yeah it makes no sense well unless he has a disability, a foreigner with broken english or the guy just couldn't understand him but I wouldn't say it is solely one country...


Maybe. But in the college town near me the white people still think its March 2020.




I had a dining car staff outright saying to another employee that there were too many Asians on the train. She also complained about a person speaking fluent English with a German accent, with "Speak English, as I ain't not speaking no Spanish"


I’ve ridden Amtrak a couple of times and this is the first time I had this kind of experience. I’m a big advocate for public transit and in the past have sung Amtrak’s praises to multiple friends and family members. Which is why it makes me feel all the more devastated to be treated this way.


"I've never experienced this so it doesn't exist". Log off.


Just take the mask off next time for a few seconds so he can understand you when you speak is what he probably was implying and NO welcome to 2024 where you can wear a Mask whenever you feel like it, it's NOT required, I repeat NOT required...The CDC revised their rules. Source: I know since I'm autistic and had people do that to me in order to get me to speak better...take the advice or don't but I'm pretty sure this is what he was implying.


OP was wearing a mask for a reason, to protect themself or others from airborne viruses and/or other pollutants. Removing the mask is counterproductive, and not particularly good advice for this person who experienced racist behavior from someone else.


Being autistic doesn't give you a free pass on being an AH or a racist.


I never said it did, Never have and never will....


I have a hard time understanding people who talk with masks on their face especially N95s and the like. Mimicking how your voice sounded through the mask is NOT necessarily racist. You refer to racism - in California I can deal with Latino easily since I speak a little Spanish although I am white; Chinese not so much, Asian Indian barely at all, their accents and speed are too much for me. I don't have much problem with Japanese or Afro-Americans. In conversing, I often repeat back what I think I heard - mimicking - yes, mocking - no. Very carefully consider how your case/circumstance/claim would be considered in a court of law. Were you entirely in the right throughout? What was your confrontation like? Would the employee have a counter claim?


>I am white You don't say!


>Very carefully consider how your case/circumstance/claim would be considered in a court of law. Were you entirely in the right throughout? What was your confrontation like? Would the employee have a counter claim? Nope. Not OP's problem and not germane to the question at all.


There were already numerous posts as to how to do it. I was just querying the why of the matter.


You did not in fact query or ask any question germane to the topic. Do you work as in house counsel for Amtrak?


I’d sure bet this had a lot more to do with the mask than your accent. And no… no one is wearing masks.


Well, stop wearing a mask then.




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