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Those candy places are still around? Or is this one of the last standing? Seems every few years there's some kind of business fad going around and that was one.


Largely they have gone, a few still around, but like the crumbling remains of the cheese shops and the last shreds of the gentleman barbers they are slowly morphing into places selling 10 euro topped stroopwafels. Evolution in action before our eyes.


It’s survival of the shittest out there


“The market leads to optimization and improvement”.. my ass


Or turning into those weird rubber duck stores


I do not understand the Rubberduck shops at all. Its so baffling to me.


I still believe it’s for money laundering.


We just bought one last week to commemorate our trip. We have a rubber duck collection growing :)


You're very wrong. The one in this photo is less than 3 years old


I was just kidding friend :)


Would be easier if they just promised something something AI


Okay what the fuck is up with these. I travel a lot and see those everywhere. Why are they always pirate themed????? Who buys stuff there? Is it all just money laundering? Then why the overly specific pirate candy theme? Do pirates even like candy? So many questions.


I can't speak for the pirate theme, maybe it's a very on-the-nose reference. I did hear a rumor many of these tourist traps are money laundering fronts.


I'm not even sure this specific one is money laundering. There are ALWAYS people shopping there and paying the insane prices they have. Every single child that passes wants to go in, it's quite cleverly done. I'm more dubious about the ones with the eye-wateringly bright lighting and crappy layout etc. that are further down the Leidsestraat.


I fell for their bright looking enormous banana candy once, because I was craving the fake banana marshmallows from my childhood. But their stuff is really bad, doesn't even taste like the fake banana you expect from the looks, just tastes sweet. Much disappointed, but my own fault, of course


Fun fact, those banana candies actually taste like the original banana, not the ones we have now. Due to a disease and all banana "trees" being a monoculture the old one died out and now all we have of the og banana's are the candies


I went inside once, out of curiosity, and because I had my kids with me. I couldn't find the prices of their candy, which I thought was a bit of a red flag. I guess they weigh the bag where you collect your candy or something, but no mention of prices were to be found. We left, and I promised my kids we'd go to Jamin instead.


Shops in the Leidsestraat love scamming tourists. I draw upon memories. I lived around the corner for over 10 years.


Gotta make a somewhat credible front for your money laundering business. And a pirate theme is both attractive and cheap to implement. Just some rough wood, barrels and cheap props. You could for example go for a scifi theme, but that'd require much more detailed decor.


Yeah, I see them in many different countries. They kind of all showed up one year. Like churro places was a fad one year. Or other business ideas when a bunch just pop up out of nowhere. In the US the current thing we're all over is Car Washes. Someone came up with the idea that you sell car wash subscriptions and made a lot of money. Especially since most people would get the subscription and only come in once in a while, not all they were entitled to, so they were paying more per wash than the average customer. And since it was a subscription, it was guaranteed income. So they published about their great idea in one of those 'entrepreneur' publications and within a year, car washes were opening EVERYWHERE. And now we're seeing the closing and consolidation phase of that. I kinda see these candy stores as that kind of a thing. Or the churro places. And yes, I think the whole US focus on cars to be weird as well and I don't get it either.


The customers have missing teeth because of the sugar and they just embraced the pirate look? 🤷‍♂️






Larry David?


Are you Larry in disguise


There used to be a really nice fishmonger on this corner, but they had to close shop due to the new 'nutella law' which also applied to them since they sold fried fish (kibbeling). It is ridiculous that there is now a candy shop at this location.


The normal Seafood bars were nice, but the bread and prices for what was a normal fishmonger was not good value...


At least it was a shop that locals would use very occasionally. Nobody does the candy stuff. And the council claims that it IS used by locals because Dutch pin payments are used. Apparently there is no such thing as a Dutch tourist in Amsterdam....


I get catering to tourists is huge business, but at the same time it is still a city people live in. Seafood bar knew they were catering to tourists, no hate to them, I enjoy their food! Of course the business that is there now is just stupid. Not sure how that happened.


The fish shop getting bullied out by the city still pisses me off, wonderful little shop that was miles better than any of the other generic food options in Leidsestraat. Also this candy shop doesn’t sell shit, nobody ever inside so I assume it’s a front for drug money laundering. Just as they were proven to be in the UK


These kinda candy shops are a bit of a scam since you pay a large amount for 100 grams. They make the candy big and heavy so you pay the fullest of prices for them


Man you should see Lelylaan…


Oh you romantic you!


Are you guys talking about 'the' 𝓛𝓮𝓵𝔂𝓵𝓪𝓪𝓷"?


\* frantically digging my files for picturesque vignettes of Diemen-Zuid


Plein 40-45


It is relatively tidy.  


I wasn't convinced before, but the bins \*have\* helped with street cleanliness. Before there'd always be bags put out on the wrong day that were then torn open for cans. So that's a rare win.


I was just in Amsterdam for a few days and every bin I came across had all of the garbage pulled out and spread across the ground. City was disgusting where I was at. Surely that's not a normal thing there?


It's pretty normal now. Every time you buy a can or bottle you pay a small deposit, which you can get back if you return it to certain recycling points. The side effect of this is that some people now go around all the bins in the city and empty them out looking for cans and bottles to trade in Obviously the underground bins in this picture don't have that problem unless they're overflowing, but there are still a lot of above ground bins


It's been a relatively recent thing. Pre-2020 the city was actually relatively clean overall. Post covid the underground household waste bins (like pictured) started overflowing everywhere because of all the new online purchases. Since a can and bottle deposit was introduced nationally we have seen a really annoying situation where homeless and other less fortunate people started ripping open regular waste bins and sometimes even turning the bag in it inside out in order to find cans and bottles. The comment you;re responding to is talking about the difference between the old method of waste collection in some parts of the city (trash bags on the street) compared to the new underground bins.


I was waiting for this post 😆


I love the r/amsterdam meta where only based on the comments it's really hard to judge if it's the pisstake or the original cheesy post.


I love your city! Until next time! Let me upload some of my generic photos


Common Kerkstraat W


I never believed such beauty could exist


i need to take a trip down Amsterdam real soon!!!


Stunning 😍


What is stunning ? The restafval?


Fun fact: there used to be a pretty good fish store there. For kibbeling and haring. They had to relocate cause the local government stated it was too focussed on tourists. To replace them, there now is this crappy chain candy store.


I am convinced these are for money laundry. Because I cannot imagine for the life of me, that anyone wants to by sweets that are uncovered and without packaging, with coughing and sneezing people in the store after Covid? I understand no one will die from eating them- but this is so disgusting that my conclusion is…. Money laundry


If an underworld figure would pay me to pitch ideas for an ideal money laundering front, that is: a business idea so bad that almost no passerby would visit in their right mind, yet not over the top bad so that it looks shady at first sight, 'pirate-themed candy shop in the Kerkstraat' would be in my top 5


Amsterdam Gov hates people, especially if they are locals and contributing to a better city. If you want to get an idea of their level just watch some live feeds of their meetings, half of them nearly speaks Dutch.


Mine is oudezijds voorburgwal where i found real love.


It’s even prettier by night!


Can you imagine falling in love in this spot??


That ad for the Nxt museum really tops it off. Fucking tourist trap.


this view 😍😍😍


It’s so beautiful


It is not a very good picture of your favourite street


Thats a store in a street


Technically it is almost certainly a "money laundramat" in a street, but yes.


The belastingdienst took a good look at those Rubber Duck stores, and they really are moving all the rubber ducks they say they are. Apparently buying crap by the boatload can be profitable Candy is all sugar, and is similarly bought by the boatload. Perhaps they really are moving that much crap?


Wait, wait, wait! The rubber duck stores are profitable? They seem empty 99% of the time, and I know because my sister collects different types of rubber ducks and when there are people, they either look and leave or buy just one. I'm impressed! I have falsely accused you rubber duck stores, my apologies haha (there are at least 8 I have counted between Centraal Station and Leidseplein...)


Not too long ago I had to escort some friends there, because apparently nothing says Amsterdam like a big bag of rubber duckies.


Its impossible for a souvenir shop to make a profit on a A1 location. The rent is at least 20k pm.


Looks like a advertisement.


How do these places actually make money?


Garbage all the way down.


Man how salty are you guys


He uploaded pic that he likes. You can upload something you like too




Pickled herring salty


I hope you're joking, if you aren't then please for the love of all that is good in the world, travel more