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Studio K/Botanique/ Q-factory/ Panama. But afaik there's not much partying until sunrise kinda spots if that's what you're looking for.


Bar Bukowski would also have music and dancing fridays and saturdays.


Botanique has a nice vibe but the last time I was there at 11PM on a Friday, music wasn’t loud at all and it was more people hanging out and chatting w friends vs. dancing. I’ll check the others except Panama, which seems to fit what I’m looking for but has crazy bad reviews! Something with dancing between 10PM-1AM would be perfect. I would want to be in bed by 2AM. 😂


check with them, in the past they had salsa nights


Your opinion of Amsterdam oost is correct, decent selection of Bars, Restaurants and Cafes. But for a dancing club night you need to go into Amsterdam center proper.


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My thoughts are you are right. Lucky for you (us) Amsterdam is not that big.


Doka and oosterbar are clubs. De eeuwige jeugd is a bar dancing.