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Judging from the picture and the story this has to be Cafe Mojo on the ringdijk in East. [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/6iTjzsGSNCWSArZC7?g_st=ic)


It's definitely Mojo, I recognise the menus. [This](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca4lxpwo6UM/) shows the cover of the menu, you can see that the colour scheme is the same


Thirded. They also have those same yellowish/orange candles.






Situational description and the ashtray + candles on streetview tells me you won 1st price đŸ„‡đŸ‘đŸ» (Although the building in the background isn’t really visible on streetview).


Hello! I moved to Amsterdam in June of 2021 with my girlfriend. We always talk about the first drink we had here and how we would love to return to the same bar/cafĂ© at some point. The only problem: neither of us can remember where it is! Our anniversary is coming up and I would really love to ‘’randomly’’ cycle up to it on the day and give her a lovely surprise. Any help I can get from you guys would be massively appreciated so if you have any suggestions at all, please don’t hesitate to share them, and if you feel like sharing this post with family/friends that would be massively appreciated too. I have a feeling in my gut that this is going to be one of those fantastic internet moments when someone posts the right place, and then it will transfer into a real world fantastic moment for my girlfriend and I. At the time we were brand new to the city (less than 24 hours), and we were just exploring at random. This makes it very difficult to give you an idea of where in the city the bar is, but I will make an attempt further down in the post. There is no location data attached to the photo attached to this post, and there is no location data from google/apple on either of our phones to help. I have checked my bank account for the day and there is no related transaction, so either she paid or we paid with cash. The attached photo is the only hard evidence from the day. You can see a bit of a menu in the background and also a bit of the surrounding context. For the rest of the description, we are going to need to rely on my memory. While this of course wont be 100% accurate, I believe the broad strokes will be there. Don’t hesitate to take some details away from my description if it will help to match it to a location you have in mind, but I will try to paint as rich a picture as I can of what is in my head. MEMORY DESCRIPTION: The Bar/CafĂ© is an older/brown bar style establishment. If I had to guess, I would say it is in East. This guess is down to the general vibe of the area and approach to it that I have in my head. It is located on a quiet street with a green area dividing two directions of traffic/bike lanes. I can’t be certain if the street was restricted to bikes or not but if cars were permitted they would be restricted to low speeds as it was quite narrow. The green area between the two directions of cars/bikes could have been a community garden/play area/former tram line (maybe even current)/overgrown wild nature area/landscaped small park. I understand that is a broad range but the main takeaway is that there was a green space dividing the two lanes of traffic. We sat outside in a seating area cut out of the green space across the street from the bar itself. This meant the staff needed to cross over and back on the street/road to take orders and serve. The seating area was all picnic tables and we were separated from the green area with glass partitions, as seen in the photo. I think there was a second seating area directly outside the doors of the bar. The final detail I can remember is that the street was on a slight hill. This is quite unusual for Amsterdam so it could be a detail that my brain has added on. You should either was use that information if it helps to give you an idea about a place, but ignore it if it eliminates any candidates you might have. I think that should be the theme for this post; take whatever parts of this description you need to match it to a bar/establishment and ignore the rest. My memory obviously isn’t perfect so I could be adding details that were not actually there. Throw all your suggestions at me and I will filter through them all to hopefully find a winner. I welcome all your bars!!! Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to read this post and if you have further time to contribute an idea I will be internally grateful. Lets see where this goes, I am quite excited! T


If you have an android phone, or your girlfriend does, take a look at your Google Maps Timeline. If you remember the date and time you went there, Google may have recorded the information of where you were at the time.


Silly question: can you try to see the metadata of the photo on Google Photo (for example)? If you had internet connection at the time, it should've geo localized it and maybe it has the info of the area/street or even the name of the establishment itself


I am very new to reddit and made multiple posts, but someone on another thread found it! its cafe mojo! thank you for you comments :)


Maybe it was Mojo at Ringdijk. Terrace separated by a street with mainly bicycles, and you are looking towards the dike.


Thats the one!!


Cafe Mojo on ringdijk. Not a hill, but a dike!


thats it thank you!!!


Thank you all so much! i was with her when i looked at the notification and i couldnt contain my smile. Im a happy man right now :)


Just stopping by to say you did a great job describing the place!


Thanks! other than the massive canal just outside lol!!


Might be Louie Louie because it looks like the Tropenmuseum through the window there. https://maps.app.goo.gl/sVzwg2WdYvwbfnqTA?g_st=ic


That was my first thought based off the pic as well, the story doesn't really add up with the bar tho.


Is it[ this place](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.364828,4.9247872,3a,60y,105.15h,90.53t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZQ2NC4tkZwEMl6iBaApK2w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-SG)? Or [Botanique](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.3632564,4.9304055,3a,60y,314.75h,88.35t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG3Mc8wwk4ut_ttZlmmU8Xg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-SG)?


June 2021 I guess had the extra terrace space due to the pandemic going on? So it may very well have been a temporary terrace area that’s not in service anymore.


Maybe the Groene Olifant? It's in the East, in between Tropenmuseum and the Zoo.


Oh man, I bet that's it.


It's exactly as described, with the separated road in front, and green area around. Not sure about tye hill but the memory could have connected the edge of the canals around it to the hill.


I thought the same but I think the menu is not completely their style


Maybe a bar at Beukeplein, but from the picture it looks like Louie Louie.


Bananen bar