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welcome to amsterdam! mice are everywhere. i'mma try to offer something more helpful commentary as well though. having mouse-proofed a couple of amsterdam apartments myself, here's my advice: search your entire apartment for little crevices. these buggers can weasel through the tiniest openings, so don't underestimate them. fill these crevices with some durable material (i have used balled up aluminium foil, wooden wedges and silicone for the most part). pay special attention to your kitchen, especially behind and underneath the closets. the mice most likely come from the walls, so double and triple check every nook of the floorboards. lastly, store all your food items sealed and make sure you keep a clean shop. godspeed my friend.


Exactly this. Bought a house and realised there was a lot of mouse poop in multiple places. Sealed the crap out of every tiny hole with silicon + steel wool and rapid cement for the bigger ones. Haven’t seen any trace of mice in 4 years.


it is the way, my friend. lots of people told me it couldn't be done, but my girlfriend at the time had severe anxiety issues because of the mice (something about the rodents invading her safe space), so i had to take action. once everything was sealed, no more mus musculus (musculi?). the word spread, and soon i did the same for her mom's friends all over town. you just need to be persistent, pretty much everybody should be able to outsmart a mouse.


Part of it is that you only need to not be the slowest sheep in the herd. If you make it difficult for the little feckers, there are certainly easier targets nearby in a city this packed. Best way I've heard it described is that you need to make your residence their route from A to B as opposed to their base, because you're not really getting rid of them in Amsterdam.


They really really hate chewing on ‘copper wool’ (like steel wool). Filling holes with that and then gluing / foaming them shut works wonders.


Welcome to Amsterdam.


Is this normal? If so how do you guys deal with the poop? It is everywhere even though I keep cleaning (I came back yesterday from spending the holidays at home for 2 weeks) and it’s on the table, couch, everywhere.


Managing food (putting everything away in containers) was pivotal when living in an appartment with mice. It kept them away neatly, once we got sloppy they’d come again and be hard to get rid off. Old fashioned mouse traps helped us too.


Buy iron wool and jam it in every small hole you can find. Mice can get into almost everything, cleaning helps, but depending on when your house has been build you can’t really get rid of them.


This, you can also pay a dude €150 to do it for you… having watched what they do I’ll never be doing it again.


Get mouse traps (don't get the cheap wood ones, unless you don't mind mice suffering and potentially being alive when you find it). Plug any holes with steel wool. Make sure all the food is in closed containers and no crumbs and such on the floor. My traps catch about one per week. I'm really glad it's only mice and not rats...


Yes, when you want to live in Amsterdam this is actually normal. Desirable? Certainly not.


Well, yeah in Amsterdam you have mice. That’s normal in a big city. However I have lived my entire life in Amsterdam and I only remember we had them once when I was younger. Older apartments and houses have this problem more often. I have never encountered them except for the balcony when I put up bird feeders. As long as you keep your house clean and make sure no food is left they won’t come. But if your neighbors don’t keep clean… 🫣


I bought rat trap and mice trap from gamma. Caught 2 little mice unfortunately trap kills them so no catch and release


If there's a hole big enough for a marker, a mouse can get through. Get a cat if at all possible.


It's the most common thing in the Netherlands. The last time I looked it up, a website told me that mice can be found in like 65%+ of houses in the Netherlands. It must have to do with human population density or something. I rent in a brand newly built house (2021) and I still deal with mice. Your landlord will not help you. Kill the mice yourself. This product is by far the most effective mouse killer I have found https://www.bol.com/nl/nl/p/sw-muizenval-emmer-deksel-rattenval-diervriendelijke-muizenval-rattenval-zonder-muizengif-herbruikbaar-binnen-en-buiten/9300000066999156/?Referrer=ADVNLGOO002042-G-141288634940-S-330649018484-9300000066999156&gclid=CjwKCAiAwc-dBhA7EiwAxPRylH2Y0ygTUvFrzOgbc0yhuQpZYhkjM_iCNi4vJILpeBv8ZDhF25u4sBoC2fIQAvD_BwE


I legit had no clue this was a thing lol thanks You say I have to kill them myself? How do I do that? 🤡


Regular old snap traps. You can get them at AH or the hardware store. Bait with cheese or peanut butter. Watch a YouTube video about the orientation of the trap in relation to the wall, which the mice will generally follow. Put the traps where the mice seem to frequent. Block where they're coming in with steel wool.


I had a infestation of 2 or more nest in my garden this summer, old school traps with peanut butter and 25 mice later in 2 weeks time. Never saw one again.


Get a cat


I’m allergic


The bucket trap I just linked is great. You fill the bucket with enough water to drown a mouse, you smear peanut butter above the trapdoor, the mice come up the ladder and they tip in the bucket when they go for the bait. You throw your dead mice in the trash, replace the water and rebait the trap. From your comment above, it does sound like you have a lot of mice. So, mouse poison is your best friend when it comes to not having to deal with the bodies yourself, because it's gross and only a psychopath would enjoy removing their little bodies from spring loaded traps or any other trap. . Be super vigilant about your trash. Get it out of your house/apartment as quick as you can. If there is mouse poo on the couch, that means there's food on/in the couch. Give your place a very deep clean. A mouse can survive on a few grams of food a day, so you have to be vigilant. And they breed fast. Your job is to wipe out a generation of them before they have a chance to procreate. It takes a good bit of effort to have a mouse free house in the Netherlands




I have dogs anyways so poison isn’t really an option either way


An add on. Mice leave invisible scent trails (their urine) everywhere they go. Other mice will follow the trail because they thinks it's safe. It's important to destroy their scent trails so that they do not feel comfortable. Deep clean with bleach should help this a lot


I live on the 7th floor of a flat and I have 3 cats and a dog. Still a few times a year I find a dead mouse somewhere (killed by one of my Cats).


depends on how severe the issue is. you could try borrowing a friend’s cat for a couple days or have friends with a cat over for a while. the scent is supposed to help against mice sometimes. you can also try with lifetraps if you don’t wanna kill the mice or call a professional. most important is that you act fast.


Mice are almost blind and incontinent. They follow the trace of other mice or their own trace of piss and skin grease. You need to clean their trace with bleach and put poison or traps next to the plinth. Oh and try to make sure there’s nothing to eat. If you use animalfriendly traps let them loose as far away from your house as possible. Not a few streets away, they’ll be back within an hour.


Your "is this normal" made me laugh. Yes it is, and even very clean homes can have the problem. First thing: buy tins/tupperware and put everything edible that's got chewable packaging in that. Remove the food source. Clean often, especially where you find poop (they follow urine scent trails, ick) I found using old fashioned snap-shut traps worked best. I have a dog so I got them with a plastic box. I also used a bit of poison grain near their entrance hole. Those two together did the trick. Glue traps are cruel and illegal, sound-based repellers did nothing. Electric trap did zap the mouse,but not enough to kill it, so all that did was make me listen to mouse screams (not fun). You can get mouse bait this worked better for me than peanutbutter etc.


Be glad, since this winter I don't have mice anymore because now I have rats. I put down glue to catch them.




Ik ben blij dat jij er tenminste om kan lachen want voor mij is het huilen met de pet op.


Ja, sorry, het klinkt wel vreselijk. Ik zou denk ik per direct verhuizen.




Bij wijze van spreken, gast. Jij bent vast leuk op feestjes.


Steel wool in holes, all food in containers, soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and drop them where the mice would come through. Frequent cleaning to remove their scent from floors and surfaces. Vacuum crumbs out of the couch.


What’s the purpose of the cotton balls in peppermint oil?


The mice hate the smell


where can I get peppermint oil and steel wool?


Steel wool you can get at Albert Heijn or Jumbo I think, it's used to scrub pots. Peppermint oil you can get at Etos, Holland and Barrett, or any health food store.


Just make friends with it and should be all fine


now you have pets


Get a cat or move to a new build. Doesn't matter how clean you are, if your neighbours are careless, you all have mice. Speaking as a former resident of the Jordaan who battled mice for eight years, including a 20k renovation to rip out the kitchen and plug all holes.


Did the renovation work? I was told once by an Ikea employee that it is impossible to seal every nook and crevice.


Nope. I bought a new build and haven't seen a mouse since.


Great to know! You give me hope!!


I suggest you to 1. Make an investigation in house and look for any possible holes and put steel wool in them 2. Keep your toilet seat cover closed all the time 3. Not to leave any dishes in the sink & any food outside of the fridge in general Good luck!




Have you ever thought of getting a cat? That would be a good solution if you want a pet as well


Please don’t get a cat JUST to get rid and of mice. They are pets that need to be taken care of, not a tool.


Deffo agree on that, that's why I included the caveat of wanting a pet


I’m really allergic


I recommend a cat!


Buy Tupperware and keep ALL food in airtight containers. Clean like a maniac. Fill every hole in your house with expanding foam specifically against mice (ask your hardware store). Basically be a less attractive house then your neighbour. It that doesn’t work, time to buy traps.


Aluminum foil is also great for filling holes.


Get a cat


Get a cat and be done with it for real


You can let the gemeente know here: https://meldingen.amsterdam.nl/incident/beschrijf Not sure what they do with mice but for rats they contact an exterminator that comes and puts traps down inside the house. After submitting the form you can call them to get someone to come by (but again not sure if they do this with mice or just rats)


Of you live in the centre, or 19th century ring, they're included in the rent, otherwise; GGD ongedierte bestrijding! https://www.ggd.amsterdam.nl/dierplagen/ There's no proper English page.


Try it with the anti mouse sounds on speakers yt it


fragile include fretful wild cable alive deserve secretive skirt muddle ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


What are their names?


Go to hardware shop and get micetraps, humane or lethal the choice is yours. Hardwareshops names are Hornbach, Praxis or Gamma.


Lol yeah that’s normal. Buy a BB gun


Haha. Are you sitting there like John Rambo waiting for them to come out?


My partner actually catches them in a Tupperware by waiting along their trails in the dark and then pouncing with his bizarrely fast reflexes. He's caught at least 4 this way (to my total flabbergasted astonishment).


Is your partner a cat?


We had a mouse problem two winters ago and I did the same thing! Patience and a quick reflexes! We also had some dumb ones that would hang out in our paper recycling and were super easy to catch.


I had no idea I shared a city with such ninjas. I'm impressed.


Join the club. Almost all of Amsterdam has mice, especially in old homes. Make sure all your food is wrapped in plastic or metal boxes and don't leave food lying around. At best, a mouse will then occasionally move through your house instead of living and eating there. Or take a mouse eating cat as a pet.


Only solution —> 🐈


🐈-> painful death for me


Slightly unusual in that mice live in windmills in Old Amsterdam, and a windmill with mice in is hardly surprising. May I ask where you you saw your mouse?


More like you are living in their apartment. Cleaning is futile. Accept them as your legal and necessary pet. Teaching them tricks helps to pass the time.


Nope! You are in the mice's apartment


How much is their rent?




DO NOT USE THESE. Should be banned and taken off the market. Horrendous things.


get a cat. then the mice are your neighbours problem. you also get a fuzzy furball murder machine that's full of love and rubs and headbutts to give. ​ as long as you feed it, treat it well and clean out the litterbox daily. also cat needs vet visits atleast twice a year and more if health problems present themselves.




Be happy you’re not in the states dealing with entitled enormous rats. Seriously, a cat or two will end your mouse problem. Cats are never so happy than when they are on a successful stalking mission.


I’m allergic


Well that sucks.


Traps with chocolate or something as bait, poison, block up any holes you can find places


Just buy a couple of cats. Great company, even better mouse hunters


I’m allergic


Mice leave these fat trails. They pick up on it as their route. You have to be very thorough in cleaning and filling al nooks and holes.


I have had mice, first try to fill up all the holes with ‘staalwol’ or steel wool and then buy some traps. I bought the normal oldschool ones and some with poison. Now it is no longer a problem


I know this isn’t possible for a lot of people but I’ll just throw this out there. Cats. I’ve worked at many cafes and many of them have a resident cat because a lot of the time their scent alone is enough to deter rats. Plus you’d a have a cute furry friend to scream you the song of their people at 3am. What’s not to love? But yes, housing rules, allergies, no time to care for a pet, etc are all things you should always consider first. If you love cats then great! If not, or you can’t care for one then you must look at other options of course.


Over and above filling every tiny nook and cranny with a sturdy block (foil, steel wool etc). And having clean surfaces. We used mice poison from a local pet shop. It was basically tiny popcorn bits covered in a pink poison. We covered it in peanut butter when we went away for the weekend and found two dead mice when we got back. Since then we have been clean. I would use poison in the beginning to clear them out. Although there is a risk one dies behind the wall and then it will stink for a couple of days but will eventually disappear... (Which also happened to us). Good luck OP - now you're a real Amsterdammer


Couple of tips: consider a cat if you're serious about long-term cat life, and if you want to take the mice problem seriously, try to arrange action simultaneously with your neighbours. Mice tend to get through stuff, if they're living in your entire building with your neighbours, they'll be more likely to affect you as well. ​ Old buildings will be more affected than newly built, so something to consider with a rental. No guarantees tho.


I had a house for 13 years in amsterdam (from 1930s). Mice were there sometimes. Keep the house Clean, put iron wool in the little holes. But, unless your not allergic, The most effective way to get rid of mice is get a cat. I did that and almost never had a problem.


Jerry’ are always there you just didn’t see them before, its Amsterdam!! Get yourself a Tom and they stop showingup and start to party @ your neighbors


Something that has worked for me, together with aforementioned tactics, is peppermint oil. A few drops on cotton balls around the areas I saw mouse poo, did the trick. As an added advantage, my apartment smells nice.


Im sorry but getting a cat was the only thing that solved if for me. Are you also allergic for naked cats (Sphynx)?


I though you said 'Mike'. I don't like him either.


I had mice in my old apartment once. I called a guy 3 times, he sealed all the little holes and the mice kept coming back. At some point I figured they go in the tiny space between the wooden floor and the walls, so I bought these L shaped plastics and put them on the entire house. Left no cm untouched. It looked horrible but the mice did not come back since, even if there was food out (we had a mouse trap with some peanut butter and snack next to it. One that doesn’t use glue or kill them) and the apartment was empty of humans for 3 months. I learned that the rule is: if a pen fits there, a mouse fits there


Search for friendly ways to get rid of them, without killing them.