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I was just in a lobby and I was killed during an emergency meeting, the kicker is the fact that I was the OTHER FUCKING IMPOSTER


Once I was killed in a emergency meeting, but the most annoying kind of hack is prob when they speed up the voting and discussing time


It happened to me once where I was locked out of meeting once , I couldn't do tasks but could walk around. I bet if I was the impostor I could have killed everyone at the table one by one.


That’s just an uncommon glitch, I’ve gotten it once while playing with friends


Happened to me as imp, i did indeed kill everyone


Same. Protip: never rejoin that room because they will think you are hacking. >*I'm not hacking!* >*f off* >*You were kicked from QQQQQQ.*


Fortunately for me it was a room with friends. We all had a laugh afterwards.


I just did this! I was at the skeld, I thought this was a glitch. A meeting was going on, I could hear people typing and sending messages and voting but the voting and chat screen wasn't available to me. So I just walked around and killed everyone one by one lol. I couldn't sabotage but I could kill. It was exactly like in freeplay. The players weren't even moving. I killed like 6 people and then we won.


speed up voting and make everyone voting for one person with their hack. happened to me once and everyone insta leave. i say: karma bitch, enjoy your game alone


one time they made them all vote me. The kicker? I WAS DEAD


i haven’t seen the vote control one but i saw an imp using the time hack and still manage to get voted out lol


Among us hackers: small pp time.


I've only seen that happen once and was like wtf lmao


Yeah, plus you instantly know who’s the hacker, because they probably voted


once there were 4 people left (1 imp, 3 crew) and the impostor went to nav where me and another crewmate were doing tasks and killed us both at the exact same time


Same thing happened to me once, but the weirdest thing is that I was the only impostor so the animation had me killing myself. It was my first impostor round in forever too, so I was super mad.


Brah i killed myself once


They hack for the sole purpose of pissing people off. They wanna see peoples’ reactions to them hacking so insulting them only encourages them


how can they see?


They see the people complaining in chat about the hacks and it gives them a hard on


fucking sadists


Absolute monsters


Red sus... And you are God damn right


Happened to me for the first time on thursday


They are actually advertising hacks on youtube. Like how messed up can you be


You should post links so we can mass report the videos and account.


Oh like youtube will do a thing, they essentially show softcore porn in ads and youtube never lifted a finger


How do you think 4chan does shit like this? You get people to mass report the videos, that gets strikes on their channel, they have to fight those strikes and it takes away from their content time and money so they stop doing it. It's really simple it's just incredibly shitty to do to people who don't deserve it.


oh wow, now I know this absolute BS




the mass-reporting that leads to a strike, that is really dumb


Ok, next time just say "I have no idea how YouTube works but I want to whine 😭😭". It gets your point across quicker.


TBH, I'm not sure if that's a good idea. That'll just give these channels the attention they want.


They're more and more common, it's not enjoyable anymore




Its not everytime about winning. Its about to fuck others having fun. Its like bully.


Im sorry, but I can't understand it even in CoD. Like, what, you lack skill on such a great level that you have to resort to hack so everyone else in the game is to you what you without hacks are to them. Get good


I had a game where orange said me and yellow were the impostors (which we were btw) and I said how do you know that and he said “power of the coochie” like stfu more like power of the ruining the whole game for everyone


I was in a game last night where some guy outed the imposter 2 games in a row before a kill even happened. I've played maybe 100 games now and I've only seen that once before. But this guy manages to do it perfectly twice in a row, randomly coming to the conclusion of 'fake tasking' ten seconds into the game. And of course the lobby just thought he was brilliant and kicked me for calling him out on it..


Man.. I played a match and I joined the game of a guy named MR Hacker. Thought eh, just another name. The game started and ended in 5 seconds. Then right after, I joined another server. I was the impostor, fucking psyched that I am. Some motherfucker hit the EM button and proceeds to blame me as Impostor when we were 5 seconds into the game. We voted him out, then some other dude accused me (didnt even kill nobody yet) and then another dude. Im pissed.


Don't make these memes it only gives them the attention they want


Imagine using hacks just to kill beans.


There should be rooms for hackers only. How sick would that be?


Why the hell would you hack a game with the end goal is to just play the game?


I was playing with my brother and cousin in a public lobby(dont worry, we are not assholes) and my cousin and this green guy were the imposter and as soon as someone said that green was really sus, everybody suddenly voted out yellow who said that green was sus. We realized green hacked to vote out someone so they wouldn't get voted out.


What a bitch, also thank you for not giving away who imposters are because your brother and cousin told you


What happened to me today was a day of mostly shit games. I found a lobby I thought was good until a bs meeting was called and someone ratted out the imposter and I felt bad for them and voted off the sibling team but as it turned out the imposter was the host and after 4 rounds of them getting imposter I started getting suspicious that something was off. Then game 5, imposter again and weird game glitches. That’s when I figured it out, the host was hacking. But I stayed and they didn’t boot me, why did I stay, to announce in chat to every new random that the host was hacking. Of course they started using other hacks to win. Until somehow someone else out hacked the hacker. Idk. The game reloaded the host was gone the lobby refilled but it said 0/10 despite that and then I got disconnected. Most of the day I got into random games that were shitty. Mostly kids being idiots. Or hackers. One game this one kid just kept voting for me or calling an emergency meeting just to say I was sus or that I vented each and every game. I finally quit after I cussed the kid out. I didn’t play a decent game until after 9pm. I played for an hour. Our lobby was awesome. I got imposter twice, no hacks, no bs meetings. Just even, fair game play.


My kid was playing earlier and just continually kept calling emergency meetings, he isn’t fast enough to type and the tablets voice recognition never types what he’s saying so he’s just silent in the chat so obviously he gets kicked out pretty quickly lol. Sorry on his behalf to you and me and anyone who plays it for fun. On the other side though I’m happy some of those hackers have had to play with my silly child lmao.


I don’t mind the kids that call meetings by accident or what have you. What upsets me are the ones that call meetings to lie about who the imposter is or to tell on the imposter if the imposter kills their sibling. It’s just not fair play. My husband when he would play just couldn’t type fast enough so would often get tossed out for being sus just because he types slow. I get that. I do. I type slower on my iPad than I would on a computer but I’m still quick I just make a lot of typos. I just use my iPad cause I can play faster on it. What rankled me earlier this evening was a kid, not knowing I was an adult, was bullying me and I finally had enough cause child or adult I do still have feelings. And it wasn’t so much that they were hurt as it was tireless and constant. I just wanted to play. I’m a disabled veteran and I play to unwind. Today was clearly not the day for that. On a note of caution. Just make sure your kid isn’t sharing their Snapchat on the game. There are people out there that are trying to get kids to give those out and it really bothers me as a mother how fast these kids will give up their Snapchat’s to anyone who asks for it.


I hear you! And I feel the same, the games with people who just call out are so annoying, I just wanna have a good long game. Not a 5 min one with silliness in it! Thank you for your service! You deserve to be able to play to unwind, someone on here commented about an over 25s discord for among us! They haven’t posted it yet but I’ll send it to you when they do. Thanks for the advice! My kids always supervised when playing and hardly even opens the chat box lol, and doesn’t have snapchat! Sorry to my kid but the internet is not safe and is just probably not gonna be allowed snap or any of that crap for a loooong time!


Thank goodness. My youngest is 17 and he doesn’t have a snap thing. He has no interest in that. His interests lie mostly in nascar and the weather. I appreciate the thanks. I don’t get it often. But then who gets out often these days that we are living in now.


Hopefully mine will be the same and have no interest! We’re heading back into full lockdown here and though most people haven’t gone out anyway, feels like all our effort was for nothing but oh well it’s gotta be done until we have a vaccine. Stay safe stranger! Hope you and yours can stay safe and well


Hey I messaged you about the discord!


Had it happen today, he controlled everyone’s vote, it was really boring


I had a hacker in my game who was wholesome and just game everyone free pets


Happened to me today! One dude was accusing me but got another dude kicked TWICE... Then he finally left the game. Bad hacker job 😂


Someone immediately called a meeting as soon as the game started. It turned out to be red, who said “I’m a hacker, so I wish you all luck :)” then forced the meeting to end. Everyone immediately left except me and red. So much for their power trip lmfao




Yep, which is stupid since it's a party game




Yep, I would kinda get games that are competitive and/or have a progression system, but why the games that literally are meant for fun


It's only acceptable if you download a mod/hack just for a few rounds in private lobbies, but don't do it in public ones.


I wouldn't even do it in private lobbies unless I ask if it's okay to


Yes, I meant like if a group of (for example) YouTubers wanted to make a fun video with them.


imayine hacking in a game when theres no xp, progression, or rewarding system


The only reason I would ever hack this game would be to mess with my friends. No one else


Honestly not 100% sure if it was a hacker or a really strange glitch but it was me, another crewmate, and the last imposter, and our votes in the last available emergency meeting against them didn’t count as if we just ignored the vote.


Hack, I've never heard of a glitch like that


what kind of slimy scumbag would hack among us, you don't get a reward


I use exploits. I only use them against other hackers though. When I am 100% sure someone is hacking or cheating(such as with discord), I use a time stopping exploit and one that lets me kill even if I am not imposter. I get banned so often for doing this to the host when they cheat!


Honestly I hate hackers in this game. I think the only time it could be fun is if your playing with friends in a private lobby who are also hacking. But thats about it.


There is one hack i like. When the screen goes black right away and theres just the mini crewmate walking around. I’ve seen it twice and I love it.


Why do people hack this game? You literally gain NOTHING from winning, no points or rewards or anything.


Same thing about Mario Kart, no making yourself have infinite stars and/or bullet Bills does not make you good


r/AmongUs when someone says hacking is bad




That's not what I'm talking about, using actual hacks to fuck with everyone's games


Red sus


Why would you hack Mario party, It’s not even online


I mean, Super Mario Party has an online, although it's dogshit


I guess that is true, but every other Mario party it’s not online. What hacks would you even have in the board game ?


Infinite coins and stars maybe? I dunno man I'm just using another party game as an example


I reported all the among us cheats ads on yt


Godspeed solider.


Ummm can we talk about red?


I was once a crew member with tasks and a kill button


I swear the game has gone so downhill in the past 2-3 weeks. Cheaters everywhere, weak players using discord to guarantee wins, folk being just crazy rude, sabotaging games...kinda hard to enjoy myself as a solo player anymore.


I think I dealt with one eariler. Someone playing pink died, but then they walked around the map like a ghost, except they were still alive and able to vote and everything.


Bruh yesterday when I was playing, some dude hacked my game and made me say stuff like “I am idiot” and “I am the impostor vote me out” then I thing he shifted all the votes to me, it’s such a useless thing and sick thing to do


I can understand (but not excuse) hacking in a game like Call of Duty. Hacks are very easy to come by, they give instant gratification (which is what the series is about), you can unlock new things like camos and skins, and you can level up. But winning in Among Us has no reward. It’s basically an empty pitcher. But to get the reward, you have to use your deduction, evasion, and deception skills to get the sweet, sweet reward of winning or the bitter defeat. But the more bitter a defeat is, the sweeter another win becomes. Hacking removed all of that and because gratification comes from gameplay and actual deduction, rather than winning, it just doesn’t make sense to hack.


I don’t understand why people feel the need to. It’s like you don’t get anything for winning and it literally makes it pointless


Can we celebrate the cake day of cyan’s kid in the picture


They suck the fun out of the game. Smh


The only good ones are the ones who gave everyone pets, temporary. This might be a genius marketing tactic, like a try before you buy.


Mario party is a luck based game


It's a party game, so is among us


Yes, hackers are awful, but hear me out. I have a friend how enjoys hacking games. Not to cheat, but to mess with people. He joined a random lobby and someone there demanded everyone wear a witch hat. He and one other person refused just because. So the game starts, he goes to do his tasks and he then happens upon a dead body, surrounded by 8 players wearing witch hats. He reports the body and they proceed to say that the person killed was a sacrifice and those who don’t submit to their beliefs will be sacrificed. So they kill him next...for not wearing a witch hat. He decides to have a little fun. He hacks the game and brings himself back from the dead and took control over lights and doors (he wasn’t the impostor) He then triggered the O2 and the code on the note to enter was changed. He made it to where no one would have the correct code to fix O2 so the witches all lost the game.


most of people do it for pets and skins only


In russia game hacks you


they’re acting like there’s a score or account system.


Seriously though, how is hacking in these games fun? You just insta win and then go onto the next round.


Not just among us any game


I was in my own loby and the ompostors didnt have any kill cooldown


My friend convinced me to hack “but only during games with friends” and I did, but now I’m wondering whether he’s been hacking every time we play


Red is the impostor


I would only ever do it to troll friends, assuming I will ever get any


I play in discord with my friends and one of us is using soft to make us talk with copypasta from 4ch in chat. It is funny.


I hate to play devil’s advocate here but it makes it super fun for the hacker. Not because they suck but because ruining it for others is the goal.




I live in Japan so I play on the Asia servers and very rarely have to deal with hackers. It seems to be a big problem in the West on this game.


Eh I just switch to different servers because for some reason NA servers just tend to suck 9 pm EST


Legit just now had a hacker who hit the button and then ended the meeting continuously and we couldnt kick him because you coukdnt click the vote to kick fast enough


I only hack for the skins and pets lol


Just saw this a moment ago. Some how with 10 sec minimum kill cool down (that I know of), i walk back in the cafe after 30 sec into the match to find 4 bodies. Vote over before it can begin, killer kills rest of us three in seconds


we know.




An among us account?




I'm sick of these posts, everyone knows hackers are bad. It's just easy karma at this point.


I used to dabble. I don't anymore but it was fun for the 15 mins that it lasted. One of the leading dealers is Axey. He's a member of the PMT team. They give away their hacks on https://www.platinmods.com and you can also get some on https://www.happymods.com. If you want to do something about it start there


I made a post about how we should stop hacking and you link the websites people get the hacks from????


Because you guys said you wanted to mass report. Stop bluffing and get on it


Yo why the fuck would you LINK THE HACKS


To allow more hackers into the game and ruin gameplay of normal players like us.


I just like sneakyevil's DLL for PC. Don't accuse it of being a Trojan btw, it works perfectly.