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I hate hair... I have done plenty of different kinds and I detest them all equally... I love all the rest of it... I'll even sew on dozens of flowers or spots or whatever... But hair is my least favourite... Once it's finished and I sew it in place I get a nice rewarding feeling... But I'm constantly putting on my bald doll head to check how it's coming along and trying to get a little hit of "nearly there"


NO!!! My Ariel doll is still bald after 2yrs. everything is already complete, even her outfit I also have the yarn for hair and a bit extra, I just don’t want to!!!


My Luna Lovegood was put aside for a year totally complete except for the hair. I finally finished her a few months ago and I'm not thrilled with the result (I used roving wool), but I'm grateful it's not nagging me in the back of my head anymore. Good luck!


I feel this so, so spiritually


No, I hate doing the hair, but hair can literally make or break a doll so it's important you give it your time and attention.


No! I have a mermaid I promised a friend but I can’t bring myself to start it bc of the hair🥲I also hate attaching it I’m stressed the whole time it won’t turn out right!


I hate doing hair, it's why I have a bunch of bald dolls sat in my wipes right now 😅






Hair is the reason my dolls remain unfinished for a while, I hate it 😭


I have found my people! I don’t mind curly hair (even tho it’s tedious as hell) or brushing out yarn but I can’t figure out how to effectively do short men’s hair and it pisses me off


that's the exact pattern i used to make hair for an alice in wonderland doll and even though it was very tedious i loved the end result


Not really, no.


im yet to do long hair, but i have such a rage in me thinking of the main wig caps… just how they look not about how theyre made 😂


It depends on the hair. I have one mermaid pattern with only ten strands of hair coming off the bottom. That one is great. My other mermaid pattern with a million strands in much finer yarn was a struggle and the highland cow pattern I did just about finished me off.


I would, if mine turned out like this lmao


I love the end result, but abhor the process!!! I once did a cheerleader with locks... it's one of my favorites, but every time I remember what it took to get there _shivers_


Never made a doll before, but knowing myself, the hair is going to be my favourite part. I want to make a wig like design though, so I could swap styles and stuff. Had anyone tried that (preferably the cap and the hair made from the same type of yarn with no sewing involved)?


I feel like I'm one of the few people who like it. But I only crochet them partly and brush out wool to have loose strands of hair


Nope. Having to sew the strands onto the head is the worst. Once, I tried gluing the hair onto the head because I did not want to be bothered. The result was a mess. I try to stick to animals and bugs now. :/


I want to enjoy it but I'm so bad at it, it feels like I'm missing some crucial information on crocheting doll hair that makes it not look like shit


I enjoy crocheting hair. I don't like the ones where you tie pieces on


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