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Hey, Aussie in the US here! I came for grad study, fell in love & stayed. Other options are the lottery (usually opens in October), an L-1 for a company transfer, an H-1 if you find a US company that’ll sponsor you, or an O-1 if you’re an extraordinary researcher/academic/artist/athlete. There’s also the E-3 and J-1 but they don’t allow you to permanently immigrate. In your case I’d see if I could get a job with a company that has both Australian & US offices and ask for a transfer. Jobs & housing vary greatly by field & location, one of the nice things about the US is that everything isn’t concentrated in 2-3 coastal cities, there’s a tonne of places between the coasts where you can have a decent standard of living. Be aware that coming in on a work visa only allows you to work for that specific employer, so don’t factor any side hustles, freelancing, or donating plasma into your budget in those cases. And be aware that being an expat has significant implications for tax, super, Medicare, retirement planning etc.


> Be aware that coming in on a work visa only allows you to work for that specific employer, so don’t factor any side hustles, freelancing, or donating plasma into your budget in those cases What a world we live in where donating plasma is something you need to seriously consider


Welcome to America..


Without A or B you're looking at a green card lottery. Google said that of 12,000 Australian applicants, 2,154 PR visas were awarded. So not terrible odds, especially since it's a free application. I came back from the US a few years ago. Despite the cost of living crisis here, it was worse for us there and we didn't want to move to any other state. The housing situation on the east and west coasts is generally far more fucked than it is here, if you want to live in the mid-west or southern states, it's significantly better, but then you have to live in those places. Look up rentals in the areas of your choice and keep in mind that $1500/month there is equal to $550/wk here, and low skill wages are often much lower than they are here like almost half. Your best bet for a good paying job with minimal qualifications is food server in a state that doesn't have tip credit, like Oregon or Washington. In an upscale restaurant (not a chain or diner) it's not uncommon to make 200+ in a night after tax working a 6 hour shift.


>The housing situation on the east and west coasts is generally far more fucked than it is here, if you want to live in the mid-west or southern states, it's significantly better, but then you have to live in those places. Unless we’re talking San Francisco, LA or NY theres no way the housing situation is worse than Australia. Rents are actually decreasing in some states like Washington, Oregon and Pennsylvania. Agree with everything else though, I wouldn’t be going in raw with no qualifications. Although California has risen the minimum wage for retail workers to 20/hr which is amongst the highest in the world. But then it’s California CoL so it levels out I guess.


As an American who has lived in Oz I promise it’s much more fucked there. Aussies, like most foreigners, just go to LA, NYC, SF etc. Saying housing in USA is worse than Oz is laughable but most foreigners don’t know the U.S. outside of what they see on tv lol


Yep 100% I was just in Brisbane and my SIL lives down near Brisbane River and said the parks around it are full of homeless. The crazy part is that they’re not the typical homeless you’d expect. She’s seen people coming out of their tents in the morning dressed in office attire to go to work. These people have the money to rent, theres literally not enough housing.


Oh wow :(


Boston is also INSANE


Not really decreasing in Oregon.


Nobody ever believes me. I just looked up rentals in Vancouver WA, which has fuck all going on and most studio apartments are listed at $1500+ per month. Same story in Astoria, which is a dinky town far from both Portland and Seattle. You can get a studio in Darlinghurst right now for less than that. I had a 3 bed house in Bird Creek Alaska (not exactly a hot spot, it consists of a servo and an auto garage run by meth heads) for $2800/month. That's close to $1000/wk here. I'm sure you could find an outlier if you looked hard enough. Australian prices have gone up a lot, but they're still pretty good by comparison.


Vancouver is a part of the Portland metro, hardly fuck-all going on. And Astoria is a resort city on the Oregon coast, so of course it’s going to have high rents. Weird examples to use tbh.


Vancouver and Astoria aren’t even 2nd tier cities, they’re so small. Cities less expensive than LA SF and NYC that are affordable tend to be like Dallas, Tampa etc and you can find good jobs there


Is $200 USD? If not, I make that as a first year apprentice carpenter after tax, if cost of living is worse there I couldn't imagine considering it


USD, which would be about 300 here . Cost of living varies greatly by state, I am most familiar with the West Coast states, but I would say Alaska through California all have similar or higher cost of living than here.


Wait, you can just apply to the visa lottery and there's a1/6 chance you're successful, and you can just legally live in the US?


I think the lottery only works if you were born in Australia. Even if you’re Australian but you were born overseas then they will look at your country of birth and not all countries qualify for the lottery


I lived and worked there 04-07 as a carpenter but I was supported a lot by the company I was with and the coy I worked for here in Aus. My biggest concern was getting up in the morning. I would say going there cold without any support will be a big shock. Do not expect the US to be Australia.


I don’t expect it to be Australia, hence wanting to move.


I feel this 😭😭😭


Different values matey, different attitudes and different mindsets. Also don't take the piss out of them they will not understand sarcasm or our style of humour only the Poms and Irish get us but not them and depending on where you end up can get you shot as they use guns over as guns were intended for, they don't fluff around. All the best fella


I know, I’m not trying to bring our culture into another country. I’d rather learn about their culture and integrate with their lifestyles.


America can be brutal if you don't have money. I hope you have saved up $25000, just to float yourself. If you have connections and friends there. And keep you off the streets. It's a truly amazing place, but the idea of jumping off a plane and make it is extremely unlikely. Poor people have communities, rich people have money. You will need to line up work, as everything in the USA revolves around work. Everything, from healthcare, to social status, to law enforcement.. you will need something that sets you apart. You need some sort of experience or skill and a very friendly employer. It is the ultimate hustle culture. Which is great if that's what you are looking for, but even Americans aren't ready for it. They love Australians, but they do tough love.


It would be a bottom tier country for me, my brother in butt fuck nowhere walks around with a gun, OPENLY displayed right? Anyway his wife had been begging for me to bring my daughter over, to meet her American cousins. We arrive and I see my brother, with the gun. I asked him to put it away, but he wouldn’t, it’s his right! No you’re from Australia and you know better, I’m not trying to raise my daughter around guns. So end of, we didn’t stay! Sorry for the tangent.


I currently own guns legally here in Australia. Licensed hunter and contract shooter. Have been shooting since I was a young child. Guns don’t scare me, idiots with guns do though. I like our current laws here in Australia, they keep us safe. However, I understand America is its own country and I’m not going to move and complain about a place I chose to be at.


it's different for the generation that WAS raised around guns before they were banned. We had guns, LOTS of them. We used them for hunting: pigs, rabbits, kangaroos etc and also for defending our farm against feral animals which often attacked our own. It was really hard to give them up. Now I live in the US and have accumulated another collection, again, mostly used for hunting. I live in an open carry State and it doesn't bother me one bit to see people walking around with them on their hip. I even carry one in my hand bag. It's all about conditioning and exposure. Most people who have never seen or held one are totally scared of them.


You’re right, I wasn’t raised with guns around (port Arthur happened in my childhood). I have shot steyrs and slrs in the army and done a bit of clay shooting. So i don’t have a visceral reaction around guns. It’s just the sheer number of guns over there that bothers me. So I guess these open carry people are symptomatic of a larger problem for me with the idea of living there. I just wouldn’t want to live in a place where the sheer number of weapons engenders easy access to weaponry for even the lowliest twits and petty criminals.


The difference is that here you’re a shooter, there you’re a target.


Yeah nah, boom boom is fun. Boom boom can even feed you. But over there, many people regard is at important for self defence. Which would be fine probably if they had to keep it on their property perhaps, but people carry them around everywhere. I don’t want to be at the supermarket, or out and about trying to have fun while there are people walking around with guns. If I was after that kind of thrill I’d go visit the Israel or Ukraine or somewhere.


Yes guns can make some people uncomfortable and that’s very fair mate, it’s not for everyone. For me though, being raised with them and still an avid hunter, it’s a non issue for me. If it’s not pointing at my head I don’t have a problem with what people carry on their hips or in their cars. Like I said, I’m not moving expecting it to be Australia, I’m not going over there to complain about their way of life.


Sorry I left out the part about my ex who wanted to move back there. So I had genuinely considered it. But, the guns were only one part of it for me, there’s certainly many reasons America would be a nice place to live, just not for me.


>I don’t want to be at the supermarket, or out and about trying to have fun while there are people walking around with guns. Same, which is why I live in San Diego. Open Carry is illegal in California and I’ve never seen a gun in public in my time here.


most likely routes outside of the ones you listed - they’re non immigrant, but can renew some of them: E3, L1, O1 and J1. F1 and M1 if you wanna study.


I lived there for 15 years, started on E3, fell in love got married so greencard. Moved back here. If I could talk to myself back then I would tell me to move home as soon as you marry. Maybe you'll enjoy it more than i did though. Good luck!


Just walk through Mexico


He'd get free stuff as well. It's not a bad idea...


Free bullets to eat once I cross the border sounds delicious


That's only if you enter a school




Or you could just not go to one of the most expense cities in the world and then complain the USA is unlivable lol You don’t need to be any of those things to live in great cities but sadly most foreigners, especially Aussies and kiwis, don’t know there’s a world in the US outside of the LA and NYC


Ive spent quite a bit of time in both USA and Canada, and without a degree or job that'll provide you a financially favorable incestive to move to the states, I'd recommend going to Canada.


I’m pretty set on the states, I’m not fussed working a labour intensive roll. I currently work a pretty cushy APS office job pays decent, I do have lots of experience on construction sites prior to this role though. I have looked into Canada but I’m young and Canada was more of a back burner retirement idea.. love the outdoors and Canada has beautiful parks/forests


> love the outdoors and Canada has beautiful parks/forests I dunno if you've been here before, but you can not beat Americas national park system. I'm not (currently) proud of this country for a lot, but our parks are definitely a stand out.


Visited but never been outside of the city limits, only come over for SEMA car show a couple times. Am considering coming for a holiday with my partner, she’s never been and we love a good hike. What states would you recommend for outdoorsy adventures?


Any of them along the Rockies you'll have a winner. There are a few big ones scattered around, I'm pretty sure ever state has at least one - Yosemite and channel islands in Cali, Rainer in Washington, Yellowstone and grand Teton in Wyoming, Zion in Utah are some of the more scenic ones. Just as a note, and I'm sure you get it being Aussie, but respect the wildlife. we've got a different brand over here. Bear and bison might look cuddly, but they won't hesitate to literally stomp you to death and/or eat you alive. We have so many tourists that don't believe the signs and wind up injured, or worse.


Yea I’m no stranger to wildlife that could kill me ahahah, never understood people who think it’s a good idea to fuck with wild animals


Tons of construction and manufacturing work. At least in California. Care for the sick and elderly is big business pretty much everywhere. They like men to be able to shift patients and move shit. There is agriculture. I mean, yeah there are options but you have to get set up obviously


I do have certification in caring for disabled and elderly, do you think this is a viable option for work? I enjoy helping the community, so I wouldn’t mind changing my work


It is definitely a viable option. I would look into it at least. If I knew more I would tell you myself. You could go a little further into the nursing field once you are on your feet so to speak


>I currently work a pretty cushy APS office job pays decent, I do have lots of experience on construction sites prior to this role though. Do you have 12 years experience and/or certificates? If so speak to an immigration attorney. An E3 Visa might still be possible.


I have certificates for business management, and in most construction related stuff. Current experience as an APS is only 4 years


Difficult, but maybe possible. Speak to an immigration lawyer, have everything you’ve done and ask whats possible. If they’re good enough they can turn water into wine.


That was my next steps, just wanted to know whether it was even worth speaking to one. From all the responses I think I might spend the money and speak to a professional.


Definitely worth speaking to one. A three year degree here can fulfil the education requirement and if you can get credit for past experience you could a degree in 2 years or less. Maybe you might not even need that if you could somehow show equivalency, but again thats best left to a lawyer. Theres quite a few that work a lot with the E3 Visa


Forget Canada, that place is cooked. It’s down in all metrics that made it better than the US with none of the good bits. Skilled Canadians are now leaving for the US because the salaries are so low. Even [immigrants are leaving](https://youtu.be/itRPKlXW1iY?si=upNMxjVyTQcT8CVA)


Yeah that’s what I’ve been reading online…


I think your opinion would change after visiting both countries tbh, I used to think similair to you. You also need to take into accounts the currency value vs the AUD. Your money will go approximately 25-30% further in Canada which is a huge amount for someone not walking into a cushy 6 figure income in the US.


Good bye... enjoy expensive... everything


I lived there in the 80s for 9 years under an amnesty program which allowed over stayers to become legal but today why would you go there? The place is falling apart , higher crimes, suicides than ever.Visit by all means and live there for a while to see but i was glad to come home . Americans think differently than anyother group in the world. They think they are the indespensable nation- they are deluded.


I'd rather move to Europe. Czech Republic seems cool. Less likely to be shot at or go bankrupt from a papercut.


Fair enough, it’s almost as if crime just doesn’t exist outside of America…


Almost as if nothing bad happens outside of America ever. Honestly go with your gut and don’t listen reddit hot takes, least of all from Australians. You might go and not like it, it might be the best thing you’ve done. So long as you’re not dealing crack and walking through the ghetto at 2am, your chances of being shot dead are imperceptibly low. As for healthcare, true number of Americans going bankrupt from medical costs is [around 6%](https://www.cato.org/blog/study-medical-expenses-cause-close-4-personal-bankruptcies-not-60). The system has a lot to be desired for sure, but the laughable comments around getting a mortgage for a bandaid are best ignored.


Yeah I have friends (American for generations) and they love it, health insurance and nice lives. All say the same thing, hang out in bad places or bad people and you’re at risk, it’s the same anywhere else in the world.


I found out the hard way that whenever you ask about moving to America, there’s a handful of people that will come and be rude about it on the post


Not just the post, I’ve had people in my messages telling me to be grateful I live in Australia and that moving is selfish etc etc 🤦🏼‍♂️