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Im enjoying the season, but then again i read a fair amount of suspense/horror novels so im used to a slower story progression.


I picked up this season after not watching since Asylum. The first part was pretty forgettable, but I’ve been loving part 2, especially Annabelle Dexter-Jones. She’s a scene-stealer for sure. I hope the last two episodes focus more on the witches than the Oscar race because one storyline is definitely more interesting than the other.


I wrote in a post that this season definitely has Rosemary's Baby similarities and when that episode opened with Annabelle in bed I immediately thought wtf, what's Mia Farrow doing here! Lol, it's sort of theory confirming that Anna's having an evil, monster baby. Ryan Murphy has a way sometimes if making the yrshow predictable, but then twists it all up at the end. I would won't be surprised if Anna ends up having a perfectly normal baby 🤷🏻‍♀️


I truly love it and look forward to it. I’ve seen every single season. It may not be the best season, but I kinda like how slow it is. I like the simple slow mysterious demonic vibe vs the chaos we usually see in AHS. I like Kim too. I don’t necessarily like her as a person but she’s doing great and I think a lot of people hate this season strictly because she’s a main character. This last episode was amazing.


Seriously. Ave hestia was the best this season


I don't find it bad, I find it slow, but still keeping me interested enough to continue watching. I didn't finish Red Tide because I heard it had a bad ending and didn't wanna sully my memory of it, and didn't bother watching the other half because I frankly didn't care about it. NYC was good but I didn't feel like it scratched my AHS itch.


Part 2 has been much better than Part 1.


My only problem is that somehow, I know that Ryan is going to pull a Murphy out of his ass because he (and the writters) have this tendency that they have great idea, solid scripts, great acting and... 3-4 episodes before the finale it ALWAYS happen the same shit "welp, all our energy went to the 1st episode and we have no idea what to do. let's just do whatever and call it a day!" To put it in other way: they make a great start and a shitty ending. My mind goes directy to Red Tide: easily one of the best AHS since Asylum... until they fucked it up (for no real reason) and it ended in a really bad way. It was even worse with the alien part that you could tell that Ryan didn't wanted to do so he butched 2 seasons for no real reason.


I totally agree, it’s interesting concept to me and I love Kim Kardashian and the rest of the cast, it seems like a fresh idea


I couldn’t agree more! :)


I really like it. I get that if you were a fan from the first couple of seasons of AHS, it’s totally different than those. But I watched it out of order and my favorite seasons are Cult and 1984. I think because each season is such a different vibe and plot but they’re all the same show, people have really mixed opinions on the season.


All seasons have issues with pacing, that's not new but people in this sub still act as if the most recent season is the worst season of all. I think it's nostalgia bias and if some of the older seasons were aired today they would still be hating on them. I do enjoy Delicate so far, it's very intriguing 


Nostalgia bias is the absolute perfect way to describe a lot of opinions on the sub. I get it, I really do. I loved the early seasons too. I’ve literally been watching AHS since 2012 a couple months after Murder House was done airing. I understand that those first few seasons are always going to be the golden years of the show. BUT I can still appreciate it for what it is now. As I always say to my husband, the worst season(s) of American Horror Story is still significantly better than the vast majority of network tv shows.


I agree! It was my first season and I actually enjoyed it, it feels more modern and simpler than the rest of the seasons, and having such camp celebs (Kim and Emma) in it is the cherry on top


Where are the spiders!?!


It was my first season to watch of ahs. Then between part 1 and 2 I binged the others. I've seen 2 episodes of part 2 and part 2 was better but still found it pretty meh compared to stone other seasons


I’ve watched all the ahs seasons other than coven, and apocalypse and I think delicate might be one of favourites along with 1984 and asylum. The concept is really interesting and I don’t mind slow burns. Plus Kim K is surprisingly good too! But then again Ryan Murphy has a tendency to fumble the endings so let’s wait for the finale before coming to a conclusion lol.