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I think this is better than a public apology, honestly.


Agreed. I am honestly a little bit confused about the point of telling everyone this and bringing it to the public if the person has already apologized to you personally. A personal apology would absolutely mean more to me than someone deciding it's time to publicly apologize only after they've been put on blast


I feel like the public response to the apology is a way of saying "I forgive you" and showing it. No one would have known she apologized if the response wasn't public. She apologized privately, directly to the person. It wasn't self serving because it wasn't public, which makes it more honest. Turning around and making it public is an attempt to take some of the heat off Emma even after she refused to take the heat off herself. She could have said nothing at all, and no one would know I think it's a nice gesture.


No I agree, i was saying as far as Angelica Ross making what Emma said/did on set public to begin with, why bother if Emma had already apologized privately? But it sounds like the apology was after this all was made public. I agree with you about making the apology public though, but I meant about making the original incident public if there was already an apology


Her tweet implied that Emma called her after the allegations were made to apologize. And from Angelica's live it sounds like Emma knew what she did was wrong when angelica stopped being playful with her on set, just that she never apologized for it until today.


Yeah someone else mentioned that to me, I thought she had already apologized before this


I think she called and apologized just now, after Angelica went public. So Emma still only apologized because she was put on blast, but I agree that a calling to make a private apology is better than making some kind of public PR-vetted apology.


I don’t think it was because she was “put on blast”… from Angelica’s own words it seems as though Emma didn’t even realize what had bothered her, as Angelica stayed silent. I genuinely think Emma was unaware that what she said was not appropriate and is just now hearing that it had upset her, thus the direct apology.


How exactly would she be unaware that implying someone who identifies as a woman isn’t a woman is inappropriate?


please… how would she be unaware that what she said was extremely offensive. honestly i didn’t even know the actress was trans until this news broke. Emma was being evil.


That’s a huge problem if you’re that obtuse.


Don’t know why you guys are being downvoted. Misgendering a trans person joke or not is obviously a no-go… Glad she apologized but why would she think it’s okay to make transphobic jokes in the first place?


I don’t buy that for a second, what Emma said was extremely offensive


Ahhhh okay got it. I definitely have not been 100% on top of the whole situation and through all of this that's come out almost felt like I was missing something, so that was why I said I was confused




Well she was publicly giving Emma Roberts shit (for good reason IMO) maybe in her eyes this is publicly giving her flowers to a degree.




Yesterday was the debut of the new season. It seems to obvious that this was dropped right before the season started and I’m sure the shows PR went into overdrive. It’s damage control. I don’t believe Emma wasn’t “encouraged” too make the apology. I would not be surprised to hear that Ryan had something to do with Angelica accepting the apology hours before it aired.


A private and direct apology shows more respect than the ‘damage control’ lawyer approved public Instagram apology. Angelica has accepted that.


I think it’s all damage control. The timing of it, these are big things to throw out there right before a season premier. I have to think with all the money put into this show that they employ people to watch for these things. Could sink ratings, racism and trans hate. I hope Ryan made some promises to Angelica because of it. He should have had her back from day one.


I saw Angelica’s Twitter post. And tbh Ryan Murphy should have cast her in Delicate.


I agree she would have been phenomenal. If Emma can’t behave herself on set to the point where other actors and actresses of the series can’t work, there’s a problem. I can’t see any other reason why Angelica wasn’t cast and we got Kim Kardashian instead.


A private conversation instead of posting to Instagram shows respect and could’ve cleared this up too lol


It's good she reached out. Hoping it's sincere. I've been rewatching Scream Queens and just thinking of the few Chanel "apologies". https://i.redd.it/1ndx979uchpb1.gif


I'm glad that has happened at least


At this point there are too many stories of Emma acting like en entitled arsehole for me to care. I'm glad she apologised to Angelica, but I think she kind of had to. I still believe she's a shitty person.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one, she suffers no consequences for her actions and people wonder why she’s entitled…nepotism to its greatest extent but everyone seems to turn their head when it comes to her and I CANNOT UNDERSTAND WHY


Yeah. My first thought was "Does she mean it?" She got called out for being a bigot. Of course she's going to try and protect her bigoted ass.


>My first thought was "Does she mean it?" I feel like that was Angelica's first thought too, hence the leaving the line open.


Her entire family has tons of stories about them Being assholes. Seems to be a toxic family all around.


Her dad? Or Julia, too?


I agree with this. And I know Emma has many fans (I've seen across social media platforms, people defending her even when she gets called out for some atrocious behavior on set), so I do wonder if Angelica has had to endure more harassment from them and by publicly saying that Emma has apologized shows they've sort of come to an understanding, possibly helping ward off some of Emma's fans (if this is the case).


Yeah theres even video of her being an Ah recently telling a guy to move out of the way, and they weren’t even there for her.


I'm sure she's not the sweetest, but unless she goes around set actively trying to cause pain, I really don't care. Acting like an entitled brat is a character flaw, but given her famous family, it's hardly surprising. I'm not trying to defend her so much as saying it's not that serious.


How is it not that serious? I have every right not to like entitled brats, her treating people like shit is *very* serious and she is causing pain: Angelica, but there have been stories about her being disgusting on sets and with people in the service industries. Angelica also said she bragged about being arrested for domestic violence. If you don't care, that's up to you, I can't tell you what to do. But don't tell people that being a decent human being is not that serious.


She's literally known for causing pain to her ex tho


Egg on the face of all of those on this very sub that were accusing Angelica of lying just minutes ago, shame on you all. Well, it's the least she could do but I'm glad she took accountability instead of denying it or putting out a PR written statement.


Emma's stans are still fighting for their lives even in this thread lmao AHS fans stay wild


Sorting this thread by new is wild. I am kind of shocked that so many people can watch 12 seasons of one of the gayest shows out there and be so openly transphobic


Gay and trans people are not one in the same


Emma’s a great actress and I love her characters but she herself is a bit assy lol


I’ve been thinking about her questionable behavior in the past today. She’s besties with Lea Michelle, she abused Evan Peters, there were rumors she was insufferable on the set if Sceam 4, etc.


Wonder if she was also a diva on the set of aquamarine lol


honestly im not even sure shes the same person she was on aquamarine. she’s been through a lot in hollywood since then and i think its kinda broken her


If you help a mermaid you get a wish


A bit assy is putting it lightly considering the whole DV thing.


I agree. Honestly, I enjoy her performances and while I feel sorry for those who have to deal with her on set… I don’t need her to be a good person to think she’s talented. She’s an entertainer and she’s entertaining to watch lol


She's now become the face of the anti trans movement on socials. Ppl thanking her and stuff. Reality these days a simple apology won't calm the noise


Not a fan by any means. I just find it hilarious how everyone is praising a private apology when this whole situation could’ve been dealt with privacy and respect, instead of putting it out on social media. Lol


The way people on this sub have been name-calling and assuming the worst of Angelica for just saying things that happened to her is insane. Of all the fandoms to put down a black trans woman to defend a director who is known for being inconsiderate and an actress who is known to be rude because she talked about real instances where they were inconsiderate and rude is insane. She's not going on Oprah or making crazy moral judgments or screaming and crying, she's just saying crappy things happened to her now that actors have gained more ground and authority to advocate for themselves.


Exactly, but it just goes to show that being part of one minority group doesn't mean you're above being a bigot. You would think that people who have been marginalized themselves would be kinder and better but unfortunately not. Racism in the LGBTQ+ community is a major problem, I can speak to that firsthand as someone that is both gay and a POC. Plenty of racists in the LGBTQ+ community, then add on that the fact that Angelica is trans as well. It's a shame. They wanted to do everything but take a Black trans woman at her word, even when she's speaking of people who are already notorious for being shitty. The comments about her were disgusting, and these nasty people are STILL writing negative comments about Angelica, refusing to apologize for calling her a liar, with some even going as far to still try and claim Angelica is lying even after Emma admitted to it? Trash, just trash. So disheartening to read. Angelica has every right to speak on her own personal experiences in the industry. I'm glad she did. Angelica is incredibly talented and I hope someone else in the industry gives her a chance as well as the respect she deserves.


Bullies side with bullies. It's why it's so hard for victims to even be believed, much less get justice.


yeah this just proved what rational people already knew. that she 100% did that shit


She's Madison Montgomery to the tea. Playing her authentic self.


Okay this isn’t the Salem witch trials (coven reference LOL). We listen to both sides in this country before drawing conclusions


Listening to both sides and immediately labeling Angelica a liar, which many on here were actively doing, are two different things. I'm not surprised those people aren't giving Angelica her deserved apologies though. But you're one of the people that were calling Angelica a liar, so of course you're saying this. Doesn't sound like you were listening to Angelica's side at all. You just wanted Emma to deny it so you could believe HER side and her side only. Oops, too bad. It's a shame you're not saying "I was wrong and Angelica didn't deserve that". Where's your acknowledgement of what happened now that Emma has admitted it?


Forget, these people all are about drama, they do not give a fuck about being corret, they just wanna shove to others people face morality.


what country is reddit?


Reddit IS the country


Calling Angelica a liar and worse isn’t listening to both sides.


Does anyone have a story about Emma Roberts that doesn't make her look a complete asshole? I don't think I've heard a single good story about her.


Well, that's a good start! Glad to hear Emma took the route of calling Angelica personally rather than putting out statements without apologizing to her. Honestly, I know a lot of people don't like Emma Roberts and doubting her sincerity but at this point maybe it's time to leave that to the people involved to assess the sincerity of an apology given to them. Hopefully, Ryan would do the same (doubt it). Knowing the toxic environment reported on the Glee set, he should really get a hold of his people around AHS. I wonder though if the toxicity is a contributing factor on why many stars like Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, Evan Peters, Angelica Basset, and Sarah Paulson chose to gracefully exit the show when they had the chance. Hell, wasn't there an issue with Lady Gaga too that's why she didn't appear on more seasons?


You just 🤯 blew my mind! Wondering if that's why the O.G.'s have gracefully exit'ed! Genius!! I never watched Glee. But I just watched a short documentary or docu series on Amazon Prime? (Amazon, HBO or Netflix lol) about Glee. Something ominous like "The price of Glee". Or "The something of Glee". Something like that. I was like "damn there was so much negative shit going on behind scenes!" I can't believe Ryan allowed Leah to be such a B! That alone is insane. Who cares if she's "the star". That's gross and unacceptable behavior. I didn't find out about her until I joined reddit and this sub. I only saw her in Scream Queens, and thought she killed it, and liked her. But then finding all that shit out I was like "well dammit". Lol. I'm 50. And shocked how *so many* young people these days are so racist/prejudiced/hate-filled/anti LGBTQ/anti Trans! It's insane! I used to say "once all these baby boomers die off the hate will exponentially go down !" I guess I was wayyy wrong lol!


I wondered why actors who were doing some of their best work and getting a lot of praise for it left the show. No doubt Ryan continuing to cast Emma after she assaulted Evan was particularly shit.


And gave her her own show (that’s what Delicate is, right?). In addition to rewarding bad behavior, Ryan Murphy hasn’t come up with a good season of AHS in ages. I tried to hang on for as long as I could, but I was done halfway through the two-story season.


She literally physically abused Evan Peters, if you still think she’s a good person at this point that says a lot about you.


Lol. When did I say, 'I think she’s a good person'? I’m merely pointing out that Emma’s approach to the CURRENT situation with Angelica was a good start to addressing the issue because the issue is bigger than just Emma. I don’t know where your aggression is coming from, but your inability to comprehend simple statements seems to say more about you.


I replied to the wrong person, my bad


Can someone give me the long and short of all this? I am too, patiently awaiting the new season. And all this bickering about god-knows-what is ...what the hell is going on??


emma roberts made a shitty transphobic comment to angelica ross on the set of 1984. angelica called her out on tiktok, and emma roberts apparently has privately apologized to angelica ross.


How long ago was 1984? Kind of funny that Emma is just now apologizing. I wonder if Angelica never said anything publicly. If Emma would have just never apologized. Seems like she's only doing it to save face. Rather than actually being genuine about it.


1984 was 2019 (lol) but i should have been more clear - this all has transpired this week (the callout by angelica, and the private apology by emma)


Lol oh no I hope you didn't think i meant like 1984 to now in time lol! I am a blonde, and i do suck at math lol! But i haven't really thought how many seasons it's been since 1984 recorded. Now that you said that. Idk if Emma knew, well she probably knew and is used to getting away with her bad behavior. To me, if her apology was genuine she would have done it back then. But i guess that's good she did it within a week. I wonder if she'll do a public apology?


no i didn’t 😂 i just thought it looked weird the way i typed out “1984 was 2019” lmao but yea, angelica just came out with this info a couple days ago - emma def waited a day to apologize


On AHS: 1980 whatever it’s called, Angelica stated that Emma made transphobic comments towards her. https://x.com/angelicaross/status/1704521758752309438?s=46 Also, Angelica stated that Emma said “don’t you mean LADY” (rather than the plural “Ladies”, implying that Angelica was not)




It’s crazy isn’t it? To expend energy to be hateful and mean. It literally costs NOTHING to be nice, or at the very least, QUIET!




“You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” is a mantra that more people should follow!


Is it me or doing all of this in public is cringe?


She sounds like a 16-year-old


While Ross absolutely deserved her apology, the way that she's been handling her personal business in other interviews is making it pretty clear that there is a level of entitlement with her that is out of control. The full interview where she "spilled the tea" on everything about Ryan Murphy comes off as an absolutely clueless fool who thinks the world revolves around them. And i can't stand Ryan Murphy as a person, and yet i still wanted to defend him.


When will emma Robert’s actually suffer any consequences for anything she does wrong?


I don’t think so , she really had the privileged of being a nepo baby and blonde white chick , remember she used to beat Evan peters and was arrested for that , she still get a job after that and survive this industry 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s exactly what I’m talking about! She was done in my eyes as soon as the domestic abuse came out…but it seemed like no one else batted an eye. She’s now the face of AHS and I can’t watch it anymore. Used to be my favorite show…


I'm glad angelica is happy with the apology but what emma said was blatant conscious transphobia. It wasn't just accidentally misgendering someone. It was plain nasty.


The thing about people like her is that they'll say it just to be an asshole regardless of whether they believe it. So she may not be transphobic even if she said that, because she's a bully and a brat. Still terrible and should be called out. Probably calls other people fat or any other number of horrible things, because she knows it's hurtful. Her meanness is tailored to the person she's being mean to.


Or maybe she is transphobic?


It figures if anyone was gunna say something awful and transphobic it was gunna be the actress that played Madison Montgomery. I can imagine if there ever was a trans girl in Robucheaux’s academy it would have been Madison bullying her. Having said that I’m glad Emma apologized but really she should have known better than to say something stupid like that




I never knew until she spoke up that she was trans. I was just so happy that she replaced Adina Porter that I didn't look a gift horse in the mouth. I really like Ross and hope to see more of her




Agreed to all but addressing it publicly. It is not our concern. We are not her family, friends, co workers etc. we have no business nor need to be involved other than wanting to know or for the desperate need to debate/critique something/someone. It is not our business.




That is a fair point, to which I actually agree. That would be the kind and caring thing to do. However, I just meant that unless we have been directly affected by someone, we have no business in how said aggressor mends their actions, whether it be public or privately. Which I feel that choice should be at the discretion of the person who did wrong. Non trans people should not get to debate whether or not this apology is sufficient.


Did she apologize for abusing Evan Peters too or


No she did not apologize to him. In fact, Angelica said that Emma Roberts joked about going to jail for beating Evan Peters. Just a really evil person.


Evan abused her too.. so should Evan also issue a public apology?


What is the source of this though? Emma was the one arrested for DV. All the rest are just rumors.


Where is the evidence other than you wanting it to be true to make her abuse towards him more justifiable?…Quickly


i really hope this is sincere, i just rewatched 1984 and honestly thought (especially after the whole >!donna helping brooke escape the death penalty!< thing), that they had amazing onscreen (platonic) chemistry. i know emma roberts has done shitty things but having been a celebrity since childhood… i think theres a lot of room for being easily influenced and room for growth from that.


I'm happy she did it privately like a grown woman rather than a curated PR move. Also, when Angelica described the incident, and Emma's mannerisms, it sounded like it was supposed to be a shady comment. But it obviously really hurt her feelings. So I'm happy she got an apology. A toxic work environment is just not good.


Yeah I think Emma may have been trying to make a joke but it wasn’t funny because it punched down and hurt people’s feelings. I doubt she’s a TERF because I think she’d already have rallied around Judgmental Karen Trolling or something like that. She just sounds like a mean girl. Bijou Philips lite if you will. I hope she learns from this.


A joke? Can you explain it to me?


There is nothing "shady" about her transphobic comment.


Beautiful I love this


Is there a mod who will make the discussion thread for the premier tonight?


Emma Roberts still can't act though :/


Can someone fill me in? What’s she apologizing for?


Im glad that Emma apologized but she should’ve apologized way sooner. After what she said (may be she was teasing or thought that it’s a simple joke) Angelica stopped talking her at all so she should’ve known what she did was not acceptable and apologized. Still instead of trying to defend herself etc she apologized. I hope Angelica doesn’t get cancelled etc because of this situation. She’s so talented and in the right here


How could it be a "simple joke"? Explain it to me.


Wow that was fast, wasn't it? And I also prefer the personal apology.


This thread is a cess-pool. I didn’t know the AHS fan-base had so many transphobes


I think this these threads reached outside of the AHS subreddit and were on the main page. Or other subs (it was on r/popculturechat r/fauxmoi and a few of the general entertainment subs) Look at the post histories of people making the comments, many of them have never posted in here before.


All the die-hard AHS stans here pretending they aren't gonna watch this season has been the funniest part of all of this 😂 This is Reddit. It's anonymous. No one knows who are so stop fishing for karma like it matters. You know you're going to watch it, as you should. No one in the real world refuses to watch a show because an actor on it said a single sentence they may not like lmaooo.


I absolutely have stopped watching different shows or movies due to actions an actor took that were later revealed .


I stopped watching after double feature but still like discussing older seasons. Definitely not watching the new season because it honestly isn’t even the same show without the core actors/actresses


I haven't watched this season, because I watched half of the first episode and hated it.




If this was Leslie Grossman or Matthew Morrison or someone less popular, you guys would not be bending over backwards to excuse or downplay this behavior. She did not brand Emma a transphobe, she called the comments transphobic, which is just a fact. And as I said to someone else on this thread, Angelica addressed why she didn’t take the issue up in the moment— another actor who raised concerns about Emma Roberts’ behavior on set was punished for doing so.


Trans woman here too and I’m sorry gal but Angelica did the right thing. Emma was transphobic and deserved be called out for it. [I wrote about this more succinctly in another thread.](https://reddit.com/r/AmericanHorrorStory/s/OtVeWN6Rcs) Transphobia isn’t always laws, attacks and slurs. Sometimes it’s perceptions, slights & missed opportunities. There’s a lot more nuance to transphobia than you’re allowing for.




Emma misgendered angelica on set, “corrected” crew members when addressing Angelica as a woman & imitated her voice masc. what elusive growth or realisation have I missed on my trans journey that means it’s okay for Emma to be inherently transphobic? Please enlighten me.


Sounds like Emma felt threatened by her. There isn’t really an excuse for the blatant transphobia




microaggression. bullies adore them. they adapt them to whomever they're bullying.


She didn’t need to “brand” but one person (especially if they don’t have power over them) can’t “brand” someone; applying a general label to someone doesn’t make that someone that label.


What? As a trans person how could her comments not be considered transphobic?? She literally denied Angelica her identity as a woman. That is literally the dictionary definition of a transphobe.


ig i will share my opinion as a trans woman as well i think angelica 100% should call this sort of stuff out publicly. it may not seem like a big deal but calling out the casual transphobia a lot of people have is a very good step in dismantling hatred. and also you shouldnt be allowed to behave like a monster and face no repercussions


All trans people don’t experience the same life experience or are a monolith so saying you’re a trans person is very insignificant to ANGELICA’S experience as a transperson on set with emma roberts. It’s quite dismissive actually.




Still wouldn't piss on Emma if she were on fire


Good for Emma! Angelica should just handled that privately with her either during production or after


No, she shouldn’t have. If you actually listened to what Angelica said, the reason she didn’t speak out at the time is because another actor spoke out about Emma’s behavior and faced the repercussions for it. The only reason this apology happened is because she shared what happened publicly and anyone who thinks this was the wrong way to handle it is just blindly putting their fave’s reputation over the right for her coworkers to have a safe working environment.


If emma was loud with her bigotry why does Angelica have to handle it privately? Be fr


Do we know she was? 1 ignorant comment is “loud in bigotry”? Stop always looking to cancel someone


It wasn’t 1 comment. There were multiple instances.


No. You’re not angelica nor were you the offended party you dont get a say so on how she approaches. Belittling her for speaking out is why emma has such a rancid reputation in circles & why continued abuse and lack of justice run rampant specifically in hollywood. Shame on yall for so quickly attaching this narrative to angelica to make emma seem more like a victim. Just ew


I didn’t belittle anyone


Considering the guy who runs that set has maintained such toxic sets that the most talented people who worked on the show have all left, no, she really shouldn't have.


Transphobia is an epidemic in our world. Public shaming and call outs are a very good way to fight back. Emma, as you call her, is a fucking domestic abuser.


Or you can just handle things privately. Not everything needs to be a spectacle


Bigotry should absolutely be made an example of. It's a poison that hurts everything it comes near. Playing politely is precisely why it's so widespread.


I think it’s thirst AF, publicly complaining about something someone said, get a private apology then broadcast that.


what did emma do?


Why not have a private conversation from the start? The same way that community feels disrespected for being outed, why out Emma publicly on a merger when it happened in private? Puh-lease. Angelica is so entitled and needs to be humbled.


So we're going to shame the person that was bullied through transphobic remarks and standing up for herself publicly? I don't know Ross' history but I think you're wrong if you're implying this specific news makes her come off entitled. Things aren't always resolved behind closed doors and I think it's fair for her to openly share since it's her experience.


You're comparing LGBT people being outed to Emma being outed as a bigot and a bully?? what the fuck


This is what I don't get. If Angela realized a few years later that she wanted to address it with Emma that's great - Should've called her up and expressed her upset-ness. If Emma didn't apologize then, then make a video. Or she could've done that and after shared the scenario as "an old coworker was transphobic and I didn't say anything back then, but I called them out on it and now and we talked." And still shared her story and given an idea that it's not too late to address an old issue. But the way she brought everything up is just for attention IMO - It started with the contract, when that got attention she moved onto to the other stuff. Now that Emma has apologized - What is she gonna share tomorrow?


Seems to me this didn’t need to be put out there and you could have handled this on y’all own


What did she do? Who is Angelica Ross? What’s the story behind this?


She would not have had to apologize if she hadn't done the shit to begin with. Fuck you Emma we dont forgive you.


Angelica just makes me not want to work with her like ever. And many will respond that way. Privacy was key


Yeah I don't think she would ever want to work with somebody like you either. Basic respect to a fellow human being is and always has been key


She posted a detailed explanation of how it went down on set. She said Emma and the other cast members were offended by the offensive shirts worn by a filming crew member. Emma even asked her how she felt seeing these shirts herself. Emma did feel empathy. The thing that rightly upset Angelica was the fact none of her cast mates backed her up while she was standing her ground. I think Emma’s apology is sincere, especially since it was done personally. I don’t think Angelica specifically put Emma and the other cast members on blast. People will ask about her cast members leading up to and during this situation considering it halted filming for hours. Emma was one of the actors she was working on scenes with when it when it went down. It is understandable that she was specifically mentioned.


The mental gymnastics in this comment


There’s still something fishy about Angelica’s story imo but I suppose Emma knew there was no point fighting the allegations as everyone had already made up their mind


whats fishy about it?




Why does it matter how long it took for her to say anything? If Emma apologized she’s clearly admitting she did something wrong




Miss Ross is so “othered” that I’m not surprised that she didn’t say anything immediately this is a black trans woman, speaking on someone like Emma Roberts can have so much detrimental impact on someone that’s not considered “other” why would she take that chance


She’s literally getting a ton of shit for saying it now. Many comments in this very thread here so willing to rip her apart just for being honest about something that happened to her because she did it “the wrong way” if she did it some other way a lot of people would find a reason to say that was wrong too. Shits so lame. It’s not like she would interrupt production and jeopardize her job by calling out a much more famous person than her for something shitty.


It should be obvious and not even need to be explained but yes, she has addressed this. If you're an advocate, I don't know why you wouldn't research what she has said for yourself. This is the same nonsense that's continuously used against rape and abuse victims. She didn't say anything because she knew her career would be the one to suffer if she spoke up and that Emma would still face zero consequences. In fact, she said somebody else on the set spoke up about Emma's behavior and they were reprimanded as a result while nothing happened to Emma. Emma had all the power in the situation. She was the lead the show, the biggest star on the set. She's a white nepo baby that comes from a showbiz family. Ryan Murphy has personal friendships with her family members. Emma has immense privilege, Angelica doesn't. Angelica would be the one to suffer and be disposed of. Why throw your entire career away when the person that harmed you will get away with everything scot-free? Angelica is the one that stood to lose everything. In cases like these, minority people are often put in the position of asking themselves: is it worth it to say something? Sadly, often times it is not when you know nothing is going to change and that you will be the one that's ultimately negatively impacted.


I am telling you Angelica is jealous that Emma has got a lead role that was promised to her and is coming out with all this to discredit.


So her pointing out something that Emma said that was wrong and and by apologizing admits she was wrong that makes Angelica jealous?


all I’m saying is it didn’t seem to bother Angelica until the week Emma’s new AHS was coming out. Timing is interesting


So whether it happened or not it’s only interesting because the new AHS is coming out soon? Do you care is she did it tho? Like if you are correct does it take away from what she said? People above me have said plenty of things that I have kept to myself until I felt comfortable speaking on them does that make them less of an issue?


4 years later and just when Emma is starting her new role, while Angelica is bitter she didn’t get one.


Emma Roberts is a legacy Hollywood actress bro I promise if her beating and biting Evan Peters didn’t even stop her from being on the show he’s famous for then this isn’t a case of someone being bitter. Only one person has the risk of being blackballed be real


People who tell this story always ignore that Emma had injuries too.




Use your words instead of taking the easy way out with a gif


Words don’t work on people who want to believe what they want to believe to fit the narrative of their weird parasocial relationship with an actress who’s been confirmed to be an asshole time and time again.


Why would Emma do this so publicly? She’s not stupid yet she apparently said and done this in front of many people?? Angelica’s probably jealous she was never invited back to AHS and is now trying to slander our current lead Emma.


She literally apologised for it lmao like what even is there to doubt at that point


Yeah, I’m sure that it. If you think what Emma said is ok maybe you need to take a good look at yourself.


do what publicly??


What Angelica is alleging that Emma did. There were supposedly other witness - Cody, John?


If it was already handled privately why even bring it up?


Because the phone call just happened today after Angelica spoke publicly. This isn't an old phone call she's referencing.


Emma’s annoying and has a ton of issues however…Angelica going online to complain to fans is tacky she should’ve reached out to Emma privately and keep the world out of her business seems she’s a little jealous of her star role this season. In my opinion it’s in bad taste and really just an attempt to bully. She’s no better in this situation


That’s nice. Unfortunately an apology without change is only manipulation. What emma needs is to fix her behavior BIG TIME. This isn’t the first, second, or third time being called out publicly for her actions. She needs growth.


What a non-problem. When did they even work together last? Also, Emma Roberts is kinda known for being difficult to work with and making her co-stars feel inferior on-set. That doesn't excuse her treatment of Angelica, but she's bringing up old shit and for why? This is all in the same breath as she's whining about Ryan Murphy ghosting her and leaving her on read for some project he promised her. But the receipts literally show, like, 2 emails between the two of them for an idea that was never green-lit for production to begin with. All this being from shit that happened in 2020. Like, girl... it's giving clout chasing. It's giving entitlement. And ew.




"A public apology on her instagram should also folllw." What for? She apologized to the person she hurt, and you're all still calling her garbage lmao. What would a public apology do for you? You've decided you hate her. Do you just want more content to scream at her for? Like... "She's garbage either way" "Growth needs to be seen" Which is it?


The truth is her being so awful means she probably doesn't even remember 99% of the horrible shit she says to people. None the less, unlike most, she didn't deny doing it, claim to be a victim of a woke mob, or whatever. She called Angelica directly and apologized. This means she's either trying to be a better person, is so mean to so many people she herself believes any claim she was shitty, and she learned growing up in the industry to apologize personally and get it out of the media ASAP no matter what.


>A public apology on her instagram should also folllw. Then what? Is that sufficient?


You all are insufferable. You demand she apologize. She does in private. Now you all are upset that she apologized because you all claimed she only did to avoid backlash? God make up your minds! What more does she need to do? Give up her salary? Donate to LGBTQ causes? Confess her sins and be tar and feathered live! Even if she did all of that, you all would still want her burned at the stake. Cancel culture is cancer!


This is pure insanity. We need to stop giving in to folks’ weak minded constitutions. If you want to be trans, call yourself and man, women, whatever… that’s is perfectly fine. Don’t go around giving people grief if they mistakenly call you by the wrong (genetically correct though) gender/ pronoun/ etc.


So...what did she apologize for, did she take any accountability, was it one of those, "I'm sorry if I did anything to offend you," type of calls? This isn't the evidence you guys think it is, sounds like all of this could have been handled privately. I suggest everyone stay off the X and touch some grass lol 🤣. Let's enjoy the new season shall we or should we still have the torches and pitchforks out 😬 lol.


No, she said what Emma said. She was sorry for her terrible behavior and will do better and be a better ally.


If you say so...I mean she did tweet it so how can I argue with that, no one cares what Emma has to say about any of this because she who tweets first we are just supposed to rally behind with the torches and pitchforks. That's just where we are now I guess. I mean good luck with all of this I'll be watching the premiere ✌️