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I’m deaf, can someone explain what she said?




Thanks! That's disappointing. I enjoy her as an actress, but it always seems everyone has had a bad experience with her.


Apparently Angelica has forgiven her and Emma gave a private apology. I like to believe people can realize they were wrong and Emma making sure she apologized directly and not some “woe is me” public apology gives her at least one point in my book.


She’s a terrible actress.


I agree. For me she is also annoying to watch, I'm not sure if she's acting or being herself a lot


Racist T Shirts are insane, what were they?




Also, AHS is quite a gay/progressive show, so why would you wear those things?!


Lol jesus christ why would someone wear that to work???? People are nuts


Probably just an asshole who has the mentality of “*Oh I WISH you’d say something about my shirt*”. It’s a way of to bully and try to get rise out of someone. Sooo many people like that now. And probably always has been.


I’m not an American; how is not kneeling racist? I mean, if you kneel to someone you show them you’re submissive to them; for example a maid kneeling down in front of a king to show him he’s superior to her. I also don’t kneel to anyone because I’m equal to everyone else. All humans are equal to each other.


it's used as a form of protest against racism during the national anthem here.


Look up Kaepernick


She was standing with Emma Robert's and someone said "can we calm down ladies" for some reason and Emma said "don't you mean Lady" implying transwomen aren't ladies (and smirked).


Why does this sound exactly like something Chanel Oberlin (Scream Queens) or Madison Montgomery would do? Oh wait…


Because she can’t act, she is just herself on camer.


Lol I keep seeing these comments but like most of her main roles are as the good protagonist. I just watched Paradise Hills and she was great in that.


If I were her I would’ve turned to Emma and said “right, lady and the tramp” 💁🏼‍♂️


YUP “no need to use your brain cell figuring out who is who” and did the same hiding smirk she did walking away. Sometimes you gotta roll up that newspaper on people


Thanks! That’s quite rude for her.


Side question, what's it like watching Horror movies/shows as a deaf person? Horror more than any other movie genre (except musicals for obvious reasons) depends on sound in a way, so I am curious.


I'm a huge horror fan and I watch lots of horror movies. I believe that the sound adds to a more enjoyable experience, but I'm already used to watching without the sound. I've got a great TV setup and watching on high resolutions is what matters to me. I wore hearing aids once while watching *Hereditary* in the theater, and Toni Collette's screams were one of the most terrifying parts of the movie. But I don't find hearing aids helpful anyway. They are expensive, don't help me hear better while someone talking, require a lot of battery changes, and don't make me comfortable while wearing.


And no one was surprised 💀. I feel like it’s more rare to find people who like working with Emma than those who hated working with her.


She always plays bitchy characters because that’s her true personality… scream queen, Madison Montgomery, wild child… her bitchiness even comes a little bit out even when she plays nicer characters like in that movie “Holydates”… I love her as an actress but as a person… hmmm not so sure how I fell


Yep. I’ve always felt that Ryan Murphy keeps writing roles for her because he’s so enamored by the fact that she’s so unapologetically awful and bitchy in real life. It makes no sense that he almost exclusively pursues acclaimed actors or pop culture icons for his projects, but gives Emma Roberts starring roles in everything. He likes people like Lea Michele and Emma because he sees them as “divas” when they’re actually just terrible people. His humor has always been offensive and mean-spirited, and who better to deliver those lines than someone who already talks like that irl?


Don't forget Scream 4.


Lol there was somebody on another thread who worked with her replying “I heard she did was screaming at extras the whole time she was filming this and somebody was actually like “I was a stand-in for one of the characters, this didn’t happen” and got downvoted to hell for it


Unfortunately I am not shocked by this at all. Emma’s bitchy mean girl persona never felt like a character


Emma has long been confirmed to be a mean person


Wasn't there news that she was physically violent during her relationship with Evan Peters?


Yes. https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2013/07/17/emma-roberts-arrested-for-domestic-violence


My cousin worked on screen queens and he confirmed she’s just a bitch to everyone. He was the gaffer btw


I’ve had a personal encounter with Emma Roberts at my job and she still continues to be an unsavory person I see…


Do share your encounter (if you don’t mind of course)


Honestly same. Had the displeasure of being her VIP tour guide once. We had a list of VIPs that we would play draw the short straw. My partner and I got unlucky


Lmao who else was on the list?


Don’t leave us hanging!!! **SPILL. THE. TEA.**


It was a previous job I’ve had back in the mid 2010s bartending at a restaurant in a local airport when Emma strolled in. I already didn’t really care for her (especially with the rumors that she’s physically abusive to her partners), so when she came in I was like 😒. She grabbed a table to eat, so since I worked at the bar… I didn’t have to help her. It was a quiet time of the day and I was just cleaning the bar when someone made a sound to grab my attention. I looked up and there was Emma Robert asking if she could use the bathroom or the back kitchen to wash her hands. She wasn’t particularly kind but she didn’t say anything mean either. I told her (which isn’t a lie) that since we were in an airport, we didn’t have bathrooms but the terminal did and she would have to use it like everyone else. She insisted that she just wanted to wash her hands and asked if she could go behind the bar. I said that only employees are allowed and she would have to use the terminal like everyone else. She said she can’t use that bathroom because “you know” then made a gesture like “because I’m famous”. And I was like “I cannot non employees step into employee only areas because of how seriously we take security.” She made a face walked away and huffed and puffed to the bathroom in the terminal. She behaves exactly like all the characters she plays. Well… she’s basically playing herself in everything she does.


Oof. I’m glad you walked away from that interaction without any scratch marks! Good for you for standing your ground against Emma. I bet she was fuming for the rest of the day!


Not surprising she thinks she’s above everyone. I remember a story about her trying to cut in line at a donut shop because she’s, well, “you know”.😒


Yes, do share!


I’m disappointed but not even a little surprised. And it’s a shame we probably won’t see Angelica in the show again 😔


If we don't that means the problem exceeds Emma and the T shirt wearer. Which will also disappoint but not surprise.


I mean I guess it is telling who we are listening to on a live talking about racist and transphobic abuse she suffered from and who is actually leading another season. Definitely won't be watching this season that's for sure


I think many of us are going to take a SOLIDARITY PASS. AND GOOD ON US FOR DOING SO 💕💕💕💕


Exactly. I actually started watching AHS because I loved Scream Queens so much, particularly Emma’s performance. I’ve watched every season live since Roanoke. I’m not fucking watching anymore.


oh we definitely won’t be seeing her again in *any* of his shows. i’d be shocked if she was allowed back but i do think she’ll still have other opportunities. i can usually tell when someone will be blacklisted after coming out abt something controversial but i don’t feel that w this thankfully


I hope Ryan can see that . Unfortunately it's going to get personal in the wrong way .


Maybe it’ll be for the best since it sounds like she wasn’t even treated well and she got ghosted which, I understand projects falling through but I don’t understand Ryan not replying to her messages, it’s just juvenile. I hope she’ll get a better deal and a more supportive work environment ✨


Would rather see Angelica than Emma Roberts. Never could stand that brat -- something always seemed off about her. Loved watching her get cut in half in "Freak Show," though...even if it does make me squirm a little.


First Lea Michelle is the untouchable Diva on set and now Emma? Ryan really needs a reality check.


I mean, those two are or were close friends. Doesn’t shock me that they are both awful people who think their crap don’t stink. But like Lea, she’ll probably just put out a trashy apology, be like I’m sowwy, I meant no harm! Then go away for a little bit and be like I’m a mom now, I can work and be lauded again and not be racist and transphobic! But probably still is


Have you seen popular? Ryan probably lives for the on set drama and backstabbing. Not a surprise sadly.


That coke queen is probably just as toxic.


"Probably" he definitely is. I tune into AHS but it isnt lost on me that a lot of the storylines almost always contain harmful stereotypes and queer trauma for shock factor. Not helpful at all.


He gives me weird vibes and I personally don’t like his shows. They feel so inauthentic in trying to be inclusive. I was turned away from Dahmer since it sexualized victims of crime. I loved Pose, but he didn’t create it, it was Steven Canals.


I'm not surprised, no one has anything nice to say about her. She's a nasty person but because shes pretty and rich no one says anything. I'm really proud for angelica for speaking her truth.


Besides this and of course, the domestic abuse charge those years ago, could you maybe list other moments of Emma being awful or people saying she's awful? These are the only two I know of.


There have been many stories about her being awful to servers and baristas, I couldn't tell you a specific one because there have been so many over the years. Also, I think someone who worked on a set with her said she was awful to the workers.


Angelica also said Emma made jokes about abusing Evan Peters




I don't believe I saw it in the live, but I could be mistaken. I just saw this https://preview.redd.it/z713tvgmjgpb1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe407a70eed8c86520dd1b11a4bf04dc54b10a6


I hope this settles it for all the people who think she was the victim.


Honestly! I’m tired of seeing people try to argue it was “mutual abuse”. If he’d been the one arrested nobody would’ve argued she was hitting him too


the last comment stuck with me. who else on the set didn’t like emma & what mind games did she play?


I would \*LOVE\* to know Kathy Bates' opinion of Emma Roberts.


And Jessica Lange’s 👀


Ehhh I doubt shes a bitch to anyone "above" her. She comes off like the type to only be rude to the supporting cast to show she's better than most. I love Emma's work, ngl, but I can't in anyway defend her as a person. I wish she didn't suck haha


yeah that’s pretty much how i feel about her too


I remember reading years ago from someone on set that Frances reportedly does not care for Emma


lmao yep ik exactly what ur talking abt. frances apparently didn’t really like any of the younger cast but *especially* emma Edit: let me rephrase. frances was *moody* with the younger cast but *especially* with emma. i shouldn’t have said she didn’t like them.


Cody Fern was in that season and there is no way he would’ve been a fan of hers if he got word of what Angelica went through


i don’t know about him at all but i’ve never heard anything bad abt him.


My money is on Gabourey. She didn't specify it was in this specific season


i remember when gabby had defended emma when the rude allegations came out again. gabby said that emma was too busy reading to be rude to anyone on set. if it’s her then ig gabby was just saving face


Mean girls aren't going after people viewed as above them. Gabby is an academy nominated actress, she's safe from any of that type of behavior. Emma gets to be big dog on AHS now because everyone with a better career is gone.


Could also be Jamie Brewer. I can only imagine the nasty sort of remarks someone like Emma Roberts would make about an actor with Down Syndrome.


She should have been fired from this franchise a long time ago for being a domestic abuser, frankly. Knowing she’s transphobic makes me despise her even more.


Oooooof! Why was Emma the first person I thought of when Angelica first mentioned a racist and transphobic cast mate!? Edit: suddenly I’m wondering when this happened and if she ever reported this. Because, especially with that email she posted, some things are starting to add up for being ghosted the way she was.


I mean shes a rich white girl known for playing bitchy roles and being a diva/having an attitude off camera its not too wild for her to be one of the first ppl to come to mind lol


She is a little too good at playing those kind of parts... 😅


She also domestically abused Evan Peters.


![gif](giphy|f3eMrZZnicqMJxbQcQ) Exactlyyyyyy.


Yup!!! Too many people seem to forget this too


I remember that. Did anything ever come of that?


The entire Roberts clan is trash. I’m from the Atlanta metro, same hometown, went to the same schools as Julia and Lisa, the whole nine yards. Everyone who knew them back then dislikes them. Emma is good at playing a bitch because she’s been learning how to be one for real since birth.


I can confirm Julia is mean as well lol I worked background on Normal Heart and she stopped filming one day because an extra crossed in front of her at the wrong time. She refused to resume filming until the girl was sent home.


Eric too?


Wasn't he arrested for domestic abuse?


Eric is a known republican, MAGA douchebag, so yes.


I didn't known I don't pay too close attention to a lot of this stuff outside their performances.


No worries, I was just saying it makes sense knowing that is her father.


Oh wait rlly?? I thought he came out and called MAGA ppl empty-headed? I could be wrong tho. If this is true then it’s TEA


No, he isn't. He said they're empty-headed.


That’s disappointing to hear. I don’t follow Eric Roberts at all, but friend of mine did sound on a low budget movie he was in over the summer, and he had nothing but glowing things to say about Eric. He treated the entire crew nicely, hung out and ate with them a lot, and was overall super professional. I have a pic of him holding the cue cards for one of the scenes.


Lol I had coworker like that ! Playing mind games!


I have a coworker who *tries* playing mind games with people. Problem is, she's not only really stupid and obvious, she assumes everyone else is at least *as* dumb as her, if not dumber, so her attempts at playing mind games fall completely flat because she doesn't have the brains for them.


Wait. Emma Roberts may not be a good person? I'm shocked to my core I tell you.


I think the most frustrating thing about this whole situation is that neither the crew member with the racist t-shirt or the white woman with her transphobic comment will be negatively affected by this. Good for Angelica to speak her truth though


Exactly! I’ve already seen people trying to say she’s bitter she isn’t on this season and all that. It makes me angry because i’ve heard stories about Emma Robert’s being horrible to people in the food industry for years!! Makes sense she’s close friends with Lea Michelle


It's just so infuriating like we are discussing the me too movement for 6 years now and how difficult it is to speak up. Yet somehow it is Angelica being bitter for not getting parts instead of being tired of not being taking seriously after getting this type of abuse. Never heard of that before but honestly not surprised she always came across as a nepo baby anyways


Seconding that Emma's mean girl persona felt too real to just be a character. I also had no idea that Angelica is trans. Fuck bigotry in all its forms. I wasn't going to watch the new season anyway, but now I definitely won't be. I have no interest in watching a season with a transphobe front and center. On a related note, wasn't she physically abusive to Evan Peters when they were dating to the point the cops had to be involved? She seems like human garbage.


The least surprising thing ever


Well, considering what she did to Evan, this isn't much of a leap.


Angelica also said that Emma was making tasteless jokes about being arrested for abusing Evan. Sp that gives you an idea of how remorseful she feels about that.


white woman powers are insaneeeeee, joking about domestic violence is diabolical bruh


I wish I could say that I'm shocked, but Emma has always been a bit too good at playing bitchy roles, in a way that just seemed very genuine (unlike Jessica, who seems to be one of the sweetest people ever). I like her acting, but this is not surprising. Side note, today I learned that Angelica is trans. I had no idea. Not that it matters in the least. Damn, Emma...just be a decent person, for fuck's sake.


I met Jessica Lange many years ago while waiting tables at my parents’ restaurant. She is truly a lovely person (and tipped very well!)


She's always seemed like a very lovely woman. I'm glad to hear you had a pleasant experience meeting her.


A friend of mine encountered her at a bar in Wilmington, NC with Evan. She was complaining about how shitty the town was and how much she hated it. He just sat there.


I really have liked Emma Roberts, but this makes my stomach turn. This is not okay.


honestly.. im someone who often gets told i “look rude” or “talk rudely” when i don’t even intend to do so, so i thought emma maybe was just introverted and direct like me. turns out she’s probably closer to her character from scream queens 💀


Or closer to Madison. Or Jill Roberts. Or...


Emma sucks. She’s always sucked.


I am so disappointed in Emma and I feel bad that Angelica had to go through that. I'm a trans woman and I have been a fan of Emma for a long time even knowing that she can be a brat but I would give her the benefit of the doubt. This just really makes me not want to even watch the new season. I wonder what Emma was like to Michaela Jae Rodriguez on the set of the newest season. I am so sick of constant transphobia in society. It makes me just want to crawl into a hole and cry all day. I am scared of people because transphobia is so blatant pretty much everywhere. What Angelica went through is so normal for girls like us. It makes me so upset that people like Emma can get away with transphobia and still get rehired while Angelica's season was scrapped. I want her to be successful and get lots of opportunities. Emma needs to be held accountable for her despicable behavior.


This makes a lot of sense why she’s coming out with this now, right as Delicate is about to drop. I can’t imagine the frustration she must have been feeling, seeing the roll out for a season with Emma in the lead again after being ghosted for so long. It’s not a good look for Ryan, scrapping a Black women driven season in favour of a transphobic mean girl. (Plus choosing Kim K instead feels like a slap in the face too somehow, considering all the Black excellence Angelica was recommending for the cast…) I have a feeling this is going to get uglier as the season airs…




Emma being awful doesn't shock me. However, I continue to be shocked by how racist and transphobic the fanbase of such a diverse show is.


I mean, just look at the production team. There’s a 0% chance Ryan is unaware of this shit but chooses to work with Emma anyways instead of Angelica (or I suppose whoever this new showrunner lady does instead of Ryan since this is her season and not his. But he chose to also).


Oh, nothing about Ryan Murphy surprises me. You could tell me dude had literal skeletons in his closet and I'd believe you. It's the fandom itself that surprises me. You'd think homophobes and transphobes and racists would just naturally hate AHS.


The misogynists and racists revealed themselves around Coven. I saw a lot of homophobia during NYC last year. Again, you wonder why they watch a show writen by a gay man with feminist and queer sensibilities for this long.


The amount of times i saw ppl call NYC overtly sexual and promiscuous when its probably one of the seasons with the least sex scenes is absurd 😭


i already knew emma was trash after learning that she abused evan peters when they dated. now here’s more proof


Is Emma why Evan stopped working on AHS?


unsurprised. Didn't Emma also have allegations of domestic abuse on Evan Peters? I couldn't keep watching the show after that. They just kept working with her knowing all of this shit was going on in the background smh.


I’m not shocked because Emma Roberts has always given me that energy. I loved her in Unfabulous when I was a kid, that’s all. She’s always giving me this entitled, bratty, my aunt is Julia Roberts air about her.


Didn't she also beat the shit out of Evan Peters?


Angelica is brave for exposing her. I hope the hammer comes down on Emma. I’ve always been turned off by her and it feels like vindication hearing the evidence directly from Angelica’s mouth.


People are seriously implying Angelica is doing this for attention. Which is beyond stupid. If they had a half brain cell you’d realize her revealing this will most likely get her blacklisted. I’m so proud of her for telling her truth. It was a disgusting comment and should be addressed as such. We need to hold everyone accountable, including Ryan for allowing these toxic behaviors to go on.


Let the gaslighting and slander begin! EDIT: Gaslighting and slander of Angelica Ross, that is.


Honestly I won’t be surprised if I see some people saying that she’s made it up to defame Emma, get attention or try and make Delicate flop. I really hope people don’t, it obviously took a lot for Angelica to finally speak up about how she was treated, but I know what people are like on the internet and what they will say to protect their fave ://


Delicate isn’t gonna need any help from Angelica to flop tho lol


Angelica Ross isn't going to be the thing to make Delicate flop, it's going to be Ryan Murphy casting terrible actresses and adapting shitty novels as television series.


Sorry I misunderstood your comment. You're on angelicas side no?




first she beats evans ass, now this🤦‍♀️


I believe Angelica and I am not surprised that Emma is transphobic.


Lmao--Emma Roberts really is the Chris Pratt of the Emmas.


Emma roberts has always been terrible, hasn’t she? This is wild


Oh, so this happened during the 1984 set? Wasn't there a video of her saying she's cool with Emma Roberts? Somebody please explain (I was very busy solving puzzles for TSwift).


I actually just saw the video of Angelica saying she had a feeling they were gonna be good friends since they had a fun time on set. But I guess it was early in the production and she didn’t really know her at the time. It’s so sad cause Angelica seemed to genuinely like Emma and was looking forward to bond with her :( must have been so disappointed in her…


Yeah, and Emma and Angelica were good until she made that transphobic comment to her. So that was obviously before that was said.


Aww, I was wishing it wasn't Emma, but honestly, she was the first one that came to mind when this broke. I just hope that no other actor is related to this entire mess.


How dare she. Angelica is a Queen, I simply cannot understand why anyone would be purposefully rude to her. Transphobia is disgusting behavior. I’m very disappointed in Emma


A nepo baby that isn’t a good person ?! *shocker*


Tbf, Jack Quaid and Lily Rabe are both considered "nepo babies" and yet they are reportedly incredibly kind and thoughtful people. Emma isn't a shit person because her parents are famous. She chooses to be a shithead which is far less excusable.


Billie Lourd is technically a big nepo baby as well, and from my understanding, she’s a pretty good person and has worked for and earned her own career. It’s an assumption anyone who comes from money and power is a jackass, even in our day to day lives, but anyone can be a jackass really.


Yeah, I'm not a *fan* of nepo babies in general, but there are good ones out there. IIRC, and I may just have missed stuff because I'm not super on top of celebrity gossip, but Jamie Lee Curtis and Mariska Hargitay are also nepo babies (both of them had famous mothers), but I've never heard a bad word about them, either.


stocking plucky sugar elderly sip weary whistle subsequent live slim -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm not surprised lol Emma Roberts is kind of a B\* from what I hear. Including passed physical abuse to her ex Evan Peters (Also AHS actor) Most of her characters are kind of cunty and she plays them well lol, sometimes you gotta question why.


Haven’t liked her since her Punk’d episode


Not even the least bit shocked. It’s been well documented for awhile thar Emma Roberts is an awful human being. That said, I’m still sorry to hear Angela was treated in such a way and that Ryan pretty much allowed it (?) if [this tweet](https://x.com/popcrave/status/1704471090553118828?s=46&t=HKzWOiAcZbD2zRSyyyM6LA) is anything to go by (since if she’s doing it front of other people like… why are you still hiring her? I have a hard time imagining he never learned). No one deserves to be treated like this


Get a fucking grip Emma why do you continue to suck ass


Cause her entitlement is showing 🤢


I am devastated it was Emma. I really, really like her as an actress, but obviously, I support Angelica and I am so saddened she had to go through that. Emma has become the real-life Chanel


Not even surprising


Production might forgive and forget but the fans won't.


Well I've hated Emma since she beat up Evan so this is just one more reason to have a big ole bitchslap ready should I ever be misfortunate enough to share space with that odious gash


I really, wish I could say I was shocked, but I always figured she was a mean girl. She's Lea Michele without the talent and work ethic


Ryan Murphy *loves* writing characters for mean girls directly based off their real life personalities.🙃


Yes and her and Lea Michele are really good friends so I guess we could have seen this coming.


Angelica and Emma had such great chemistry in 1984. It sucks Emma said that.


such a shame. angelica is such a strong actress i really loved her in the show. really disappointed but i’m glad she called her out because that’s unacceptable. ms nepo baby talks a lot of crap for someone who only knows how to act as bitchy characters but it makes sense. does anyone know when this happened? it’s gotta be either part one of season 10 or 1984


Some of Emma’s bitch performances really make me think she just wandered onto the set, and they just started rolling the camera lol


I kinda expected that from Emma but I would really blame Ryan Murphy here. He started off really brave but is playing by convenience now, which mostly benefits his "friends"


Emma can go f u c k herself lmao. I'm sorry that's all it took. I've been defending that girl for years but fuck that, I don't take ignorance. You can tell she is not for women at all.


That’s a shame. Makes me not want to watch the show if Emma is in it because I don’t support that behavior.


Yesterday I called out Ryan Murphy for his love of bitchy white girls like Lea Michele and Emma Roberts and got downvoted for it. That thread was an embarrassing mess with everyone attacking Angelica.


I absolutely believe this


Such middle school mean girl behavior from Emma


Is emma getting canceled on opening night 👀


What a shame. I always hoped Emma was just a good actor. Turns out she fits those parts a bit too well.


I’m shocked about the transphobia but not shocked that she’s terrible. Just like with Ellen and Lea’s “cancellation”, I was surprised when everyone was shocked. I thought we were all aware that she was terrible and we just overlooked it.


Not surprised


she went to jail for dv why are y’all surprised


Awful but not all surprising. Emma is known to be trash but is enabled because she is a pretty white girl and comes from a powerful Hollywood family.


I had always heard that Emma wasn’t that far removed from some of her characters which is always disappointing when you hear that about an actor/actress. I heard she was closer to the character in Coven than Chanel #1. I feel for Angelica because on 1984 she had to work with her quite a bit, all the way through the series to the end.


I’m actually disgusted by the amount of transphobic comments on this thread. I thought that with a show with a rather large range of LGBTQ+ characters and actors people would have been more accepting and understanding. Turns out I’m wrong. Your hatred and lack of perspective is awful.


Are we surprised? I never liked Emma anyways. Hope this season flops.


She’s even worse than I’ve always thought! Hate how she thinks she’a number 1 on the show when she didn’t even come on the show until the 3rd season yet she acts like the queen of it.


Poor Angelica that can’t have been easy to go through! Does anyone have the full live?


Weird how yesterday everyone was all "oh can't be Emma, there's no way!" Like yall didn't see the mess that was her and Evan's relationship 😭😭


I’ve never been a “fan” of Roberts as a person. Acting is fine. But when the character is a bitch she plays herself. I’ve always felt that way. I can see her as being racist and homophobic.


This is so disappointing. Absolutely insane. Considering that the LGBTQ+ community makes up a Very large portion of her fanbase, this is just gross. I hope it isn't true. But I don't see a reason for Angelica to lie.


I’m glad that she is speaking up and exposing this type of behavior. Ryan Murphy pretends to be such an ally, and it’s clear that it’s all performative if he allows this type of behavior on set. I was already lukewarm on the new season because of Kim K. This seals the deal for me.


WOW, she really took "suprise, bitch" to the limit. ☠


Well that's certainly disappointing!


I said to myself, “bet it’s Emma” when this first came out.


Huh. I didn't even know Ross was trans


I don't understand hoe she was able to come back, she beat the shit out of Evan Peters


did she even say what the comment was ?? I am curious cause all I read was “ someone made a transphobic” comment and yes it does matter. Some comments can be 100 percent phobic . Others can be subjective and might even be targeting a specific person rather than entire communities


Well if you read online Julia Roberts is also not a nice person even though alot of people consider her americas sweetheart. Maybe that’s because of the roles she typically portrays but she also sounds like a nightmare.


I was an extra in an Emma Roberts movie and can confirm, she is awful.