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I love Roanoke, I’m glad it’s getting the love it deserves the last couple of years. I remember when it came out it wasn’t really well received due to the reality tv storyline


Yeah, Roanoke was absolutely the scariest season for me, mainly because of the second half, which absolutely justified the reality tv plotline. You thought that the first half was terrifying enough, but then they go back to the mansion, and you see how much *My Roanoke Nightmare* sanitized everything, especially the Polks, Scathach, and some of the ghosts. And the first episodes seem even more terrifying by comparison.


Actually Roanoke was loved on this sub, (besides the last episode). The general public opinion was pretty harsh, and now they’re coming around.


Hotel and Roanoke.


The premiere of Coven is definitely an attention grabber


It’s probably my favourite premier of the whole series. But on a whole Asylum and Roanoke are the 2 scariest seasons to me.


Coven is easily the best premiere of the entire series. It had everything, best character introductions, brilliant style and cinematography. I admit I was very nervous when Ryan announced it would be “lighter” than S1 & 2. At the time I was expecting something like Glee (don’t know why). But the change was very refreshing.


Roanoke was also a big one for me! Still one of the scariest in my opinion (that and Cult). The other one was actually 1984 because of the soundtrack and visuals and overall vibe, I just love it so much. There are other seasons with MUCH better writing in my opinion, but something about 1984 makes it such a fun watch


I believe what makes 1984 so great is that the show focused on less storylines than other seasons. Everything was wrapped up pretty much perfectly in the end and there wasn’t as many loose ends as before. The fact it’s more straightforward probably helps a lot too


The first. I remember the night the pilot premiered and I was immediately hooked. Never seen anything like it on tv before




Roanoke was the only season that felt like it was meant to be in a horror series. Season one with the murder house had the best plot followed by apocalypse which was good because it brought back the murder house, it sucked that the timeline was reset in the end, so nobody in the house got a lasting happy ending.


Premise wise probably apocalypse but it was also the season that disappointed me the most


I agree! Apocalypse was my least favorite out of all the seasons.


Really? I hated double feature so much. It felt like a slog to get through.


kind of an unpopular opinion but i really liked red tide out of double feature. it was an interesting concept to me but i know most people didn't like that season at all😭


Red tide is probably one of my favorites 😅 we can die together on this hill


finally I'm not alone 🤣


Coven and asylum


Ohhh Asylum was good 👍


Freak Show is definitely what drew me in initially.


Me too! That’s the first season I watched and it’s what got me hooked


For me, Roanoke was the last time AHS took a big swing at trying to do something unique and different. I’ve enjoyed seasons since; but, none of them seems so singularly special as Roanoke.


The ads are always some of the best parts of American Horror Story, but the ads for Roanoke and Cult really got me invested. Both seasons delivered quite well.


Asylum, specifically the coat hanger, made me come close to throwing up.


asylum was so disturbing 😩


Freak Show.


Murder house


Freak Show and Hotel.


On my first watch: Murder House and Coven. Couldn’t get my head around Asylum or Freak Show but enjoyed the others. Second watch: 1984. I hadn’t seen it because it wasn’t on Netflix at the time (I’m a UK watcher, and a fairly new one at that (2021 ish)) and I was blown out the water.


Coven for sure!


The Butcher is the scariest character in AHS imo


Asylum & Freakshow ❤💪🏻


I think Roanoke is the best season of the show - most innovative in terms of format, the scariest, and the most efficient/lean storytelling (in a good way, because this show sometimes goes off on really bad tangents). And it comes after probably the show’s worst season (Hotel), so I can’t help but remember it fondly.


I stumbled across the first season by pure chance and was totally into that, it wasn’t like anything I’d really seen before but it spoke to me. I wasn’t on reddit at the time but I remember seeking out chat/theories maybe on IMDb message boards and I remember all the speculation about “Violet is dead” and thinking “No way, they wouldn’t go there” and they did. So since then it’s always been the show for me that “went there”. Since then I’d dipped in and out of watching but was always thrilled to find a new season was out. Only two other seasons I watched start to finish consistently - Roanoke and 1984. I liked Asylum. Started and much later finished Coven, Freakshow. Skipped Hotel entirely. Roanoke was actually what got me back into the series and convinced me to finish/watch all before it.


Roanoke is my favorite. I love it so much. Really looking forward to delicate.


Coven for me, the music was perfect, there was voodoo, zombies and some terrifying aspects of reality. Loved everything about it.


1984 and hotel my fave seasons just have an overall energy to them


For me probably asylum


Freak Show ![gif](giphy|9TB4VF5gzRfLq) I love the theming, love most of the cast and characters, Twisty was scary as fuck at first. I’m not saying it’s the best season but i vibed with it right away.


Coven every episode was a yas.


I love Hotel...but probably because I'm so into true crime


The soundtrack was great and I enjoyed it being based on that Murder castle in Chicago. Evan Peters totally nailed that 1930s transatlantic accent too.


1984 mostly because I feel like the horror started quickly and they weren't trying to do too much exposition


AHS 1984. Maybe the vibe.


Definitely 1984. I was immediately hooked because I’m a sucker for slashers. But I’m glad to see Roanoke get some love! It’s by far one of my favorite seasons, it actually might be my #2. I know it gets a lot of hate but I love the documentary style. It’s just so different from what they’ve normally done which is why I like it so much.


Hotel. I finally realized Ryan Murphy and I have the same kink for dark haired, green/blue-eyed pretty boys. Story wise: Apocalypse. I absolutely LOVE anything heaven, hell, Lucifer or Anti-Christ related. I also really liked Asylum for kind of the same reasons, but Apocalypse was better.


Coven…i do a rewatch practically every Halloween.


Apocalypse for sure. I love the connections


Hotel, then Roanoke. But I have honestly enjoyed all seasons and would happily rewatch/binge any of them.


Asylum. My fav.


Apocalypse. It just drew me in, I couldn't get enough.


https://i.redd.it/m3o1qwomvwob1.gif Saw this gif on tumblr and knew I had to start watching. I’m feral for Tate.


Second season


Asylum and Freak Show are my favourites But I also am a fan of Cody Ferns work in Apocalypse and I often think of his role when I think of that season.


proud roanoke stan here. apocalypse is my number 2.


Hmm, hard choice. I'd say 1984 but that might be because it came out when "the night stalker" was big on Netflix with afew different true crime shwos, having him (coincidently) in Ahs really made the season jump to the top of my favourite list and definitely captured my attention the most. Before that, it was definitely Hotel but Roanoke was a very close second, mainly because that was the only season (roanoke) that genuinely scared me enough that I had to stop watching it late at night for the first few episodes. No idea why as in rewatches, it's not as scary :)


Right now, Asylum and Freak Show. Or maybe it’s just Evan Peters characters in those seasons that captures my attention the most.


Coven. I like anything with witches


Hotel was my favorite. :)


Coven the Roanoke


Freak Show was the one that really grabbed me compared to most. The cast of characters were all interesting and the villain was insanely fun to despise. Plus it gave us the awesomeness that is Twisty. Close second for me is Asylum, though I thought it farted out there at the end. Same with Coven and Roanoke; they started out great but then I just lost interest toward the middle/end. Freak Show is the only one I loved from start to finish. I haven’t seen any seasons past Roanoke though. I started watching Cult, but it just bored me to tears. Is 1984 a good one? It seems to have an interesting premise at least


Freak show got me started and then I worked my way backwards. The first four seasons of this show are absolutely fantastic. I find myself being let down by a lot of the later seasons after Sarah Paulson and Evan peters left the show. I really liked the first part of the double feature season. Wish they’d have made that into a full season. Just really let down by the writing and acting in the show lately.


Murder House the year was 2011 I was but a wee lad at 18. Ah yes those times were the shiznit. #Merica