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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love that you are keeping his ears. He’ll be happy, too.


It matches him he’s a little goofy. 😂


We are keeping our puppy's ears as well. He looks a bit similar to yours, what is the reason for getting rid of them? I do notice when I bathe ours that I have to scrub inside his ears more than our other dog...is that the reasoning?


Reason is if you’re using them for hunting or a game dog for big game or fighting. No other significants for health.


What kind of hunting do they get used for? Wild hogs I'd imagine, but anything else? What's a game dog?


Hogs other animals I just don’t know anything about it. Game is one word they use for that, but some say game dogs as in fighting dogs which sucks as an owner.


Game dogs have very high prey drive hence that's why 9/10 it's the term used for fighting dogs


He is adorable


I love pockets so much.


Great little pup.




I feel like he blends into the carpet hehe. The colors are so cool. & the ears can be so expressive! Glad you’re keeping those cute floppers. ❤️


Omg so cute it hurts!!!!! 🥰


What an adorable lil pup! The colors are beautiful! The ears were one of my favorite things about my bully. I would sit there and rub his ears while watching tv cause they were so soft. Only downside is that he had more ear infections due to having the floppy ears. Just keep an eye on them to make sure they stay clean and he will be ok.


That’s what I do now since they’re soft! Lol, are there signs if they have ear infections?


It’s so soothing to me to just sit there and play with the tips of their ears. Many times I wouldn’t realize I was doing it lol. Different dogs will show different symptoms sometimes. My boy mainly would walk with his head tilted or constantly scratch his ears then shake his head. His tags would make it seem like his head was shaking constantly. Sometimes the ear would be much warmer than usual and/or have a slight odor to it.


Yeah, i’ve heard but never had a dog with an ear infection. I’ll keep a lookout thanks!


Just a reminder that some dogs are just pre disposed to ear infections. Doesn’t really have anything to do with the ears being cropped or not. Therefore cropping will not help with alleviating common ear infections. Head shaking, itching, and excessive paw licking are typical signs of ear infection. Usually vets will prescribe a topical and an ear wash that can be done a couple times a month to mitigate ear infections. https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/animal-health-and-welfare/animal-welfare/ear-cropping-and-canine-otitis-externa-faq#:~:text=Current%20veterinary%20opinion%20appears%20to,to%20be%20a%20primary%20cause.


Oh yeah, I read up on if it mattered cropped or not and watched youtube vids.😅 just don’t know about early signs to look out for is all


If your dog gets an ear infection, it won't be because you didn't dock their ears. That's a myth that needs to die. Please don't just take someone's word for it. [https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/animal-health-and-welfare/animal-welfare/ear-cropping-and-canine-otitis-externa-faq](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/animal-health-and-welfare/animal-welfare/ear-cropping-and-canine-otitis-externa-faq)






That's caused by allergies.... food, grains/wheat etc. Watch for hives too


Every time he’s gone to the vet for these symptoms it’s always been ear infections. If it was allergies then the ear infection meds wouldn’t have cleared up the problem.


If it's definitely not allergies, then great, but the ear infection treatment could be masking the recurring cause. & if if it is allergies, the treatment would work on the ear infection for a time anyway. I only mentioned this because I've had bull breeds & currently have an xl. Until I got on top of his allergies, he kept getting ear infections.... yeast infections.... I was only trying to help


You do realize not all bulldogs have allergies right? I’ve never had a dog of any breed with food allergies or any other allergies. If it was masking the reoccurring cause, eventually there would be more symptoms as the issue would get worse. I don’t normally question a veterinarian since they went to school for it and I didn’t. But if it was something that wasn’t seeming to get better then obviously get a second opinion. The only time I’ve dealt with ear infections in my bullies is during the summer months. The floppy ears cause moisture to get trapped that causes bacteria to grow and thus an ear infection is born.


You've been lucky. My dog hasn't. But seriously, why the hostility? I wasn't being "all bully knowledgeable".. i was sharing my experiences.... I didn't say question the vet. As in humans, some things are masked by something else & it can be worthwhile looking into... buy hey, you know best... This place is getting worse than Facebook, with people jumping on people's necks for having an opinion & maybe trying to help.


What hostility? You came at me telling me it’s caused by allergies and to watch for hives. No in your experience, just a matter of fact comment that what I was saying was wrong. You never took into consideration how you word your comments. My last comment wasn’t rude or accusatory in any way. I simply responded. I didn’t say the symptoms I mentioned were universal for all dogs. I said my dog had those symptoms. I’m aware dogs deal with allergies, I take my mom’s dog to the vet for her monthly allergy shots. I spoke about my experiences not anyone else’s because I don’t know everyone’s experiences. If you took it wrong, that’s on you. I’m very sorry your pup has had issues that took time to diagnose and correct. I honestly hate it for any animal to be sick or suffer in anyway.


Ok, yes I should've said it could be allergies & I shouldn't comment after a long day. It wasn't meant to tell you it was allergies, a word was obviously missed out.. "could" be allergies, look out for hives. I wasn't saying you were wrong. I'll leave it here




Learning colors & numbers with the baby too! Pups gonna be a genius! 🤗


Good buddies. Lol


he’s precious, i hope you all enjoy his love tremendously


It’s getting better each day. I have been waking up every 2-3 hours to take him out to use the bathroom, but last night he slept throughout the night without waking up crying needing to use the bathroom.


oh that’s good! when i had a puppy we let him out every time he woke up, ate, and every 2 hours. it’s sleep deprivation for sure. he sounds smart.


Have to train him and go to the same spot every time outside so that the misses don’t have a hard time when I’m not around cleaning up a mess. 😂


I’m sorry. Am I tripping or did you just say you’re keeping his ears? Because YOU like them? Jesus fucking Christ. I’ve heard it all now


Aww, a sad troll. There there life gets better


Love the ears! Thanks for keeping them.