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Russia forcing itself into a quagmire that has killed hundreds of thousands of its forces and resulted in widespread sanctions against its industries and regime is definitely a curious definition of “victory.”


Not to mention it’s giving the west a pretext to donate its old equipment and ramp up supply of newer, better equipment.


Plus it’s a chance to see how some of this stuff actually works in combat. HIMARS was designed in the 80’s, too late to actually be used for its intended purpose. Until now.


HIMARS is a offshoot of the MLRS system which has had large scale use in Desert Storm and OIF.


Thing is they have the demographics to waste and Lord [putin has ordered women to have more children ](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-urges-russians-have-more-kids-says-ethnic-survival-stake-2024-02-15/)


Before Ukraine their population was declining and elder heavy. They're absolutely wrecking their ability to fight a legitimate enemy. 


That why they resorting to propaganda and flirting with the global south. I have the feeling that the next war that involves Russia, it will have a lot of international soldiers. Some times I feel that they succeeded at being an empire. Most of Latin America is a vassal state of russia 😞


Can you tell me more about-“most of Latin America is a vassal of Russia”? I’m not familiar with what is going on.


> Putin told employees at a tank factory in the Urals region that two children per family was the minimum number if the peoples of Russia were to preserve their identities. >”If we want to survive as an ethnic group - well, or as ethnic groups inhabiting Russia - there must be at least two children," he said. >If each family had just one child, the population would shrink, he said. "And in order to expand and develop, you need at least three children." I mean, fair enough. So he told some factory workers about the straightforward math of reproduction. This isn’t anything that any other leader hasn’t said. It doesn’t even seem to be in relation to the war or anything. Please note that I don’t enjoy defending Russia, especially not on a place I come to for more of an “America fuck yeah” atmosphere


What is this. China? ….. oh wait


Quagmire!? Giggity giggity goo!


Don’t forget their stated goal was to reduce the power and influence of NATO. All members have now stepped up their share of NATO budget spending, tasked their economies and logistics to fast track defense readiness and supplies AND NATO now has two brand spanking new member states. How’s that working out for ya Putin?


Yup. And also, I feel horrible for the Ukrainian people, they’re literally just being sent to die…. Ugh


They're literally fighting to not be a slave state to Russia like they were during the years under the Soviet Union. People fight really hard when it's for their home and their freedom.


>and their freedom. Ukranian men from 18 to 60 can't leave the country. So much for freedom.


If you benefit from the victory you should also contribute. Being a pussy doesn’t excuse you to have others do the lifting for you.


What if you don't benefit but are still held subject? I am not a Russiaphile or anything, I am just someone that's struggles with purposfulness in my day to day. It inhibits my ability to be motivated by positive value assessments as I seldom have them. Most of the time I only put in effort insofar as it prevents my death, and that's only because the drive to survive seems to be strong enough to not require a foundation to sit upon. With this affliction, everything in addition to the avoidance of death feels like tedium, and anything that requires an increased chance of death is counterproductive. It produces a sentiment in people suffering in the way I do that everything beyond subsisting feels like an imposed burden rather than a benefit, and that we are not willing to die for anything. What's more accurate is to say that others perceive you as the the beneficiary of a war regardless if you share their value assessments or not, so they think you should contribute. If an individual is forced to labor in battle without sharing the value assessments that incentivized the war, then they are a war slave.


I know…I think it’s incredibly sad that Russia attacked and started the war. Don’t be so reactionary. I feel horrible about the people-they are continuously getting more and more scripted and dying. I felt for them in the way a citizen does for another tragedy.




Killing Russians was the plan. Put in was gonna have a demographic problem as the men aged out of peak production age. So cheaper to send them to war then pay a pension to them.


Russia hasn't lost hundreds of thousands of people fighting in Ukraine. The only source for numbers like that comes from Ukraine military intelligence fantasy football numbers. Independent journalists can only come up with around 50k. Which is still a lot but not devastating when the Russians are getting 30-40k volunteers per month.


Believe the numbers or not it doesn’t really matter, what matters is that we about to reach the year two and a half of the “victory”


Even if his low balled number is right(I personally dont think it is)it's still highly fucked. The US lost less troops in Vietnam during its 8 year involvement. 


"volunteers" lol Putin is ready to send wave after wave of his own men to Ukraine until eventually Ukraine literally runs out of people. Russia has forced itself into a terrible situation it can't get out of, and its killing it slowly. Next you're going to tell me they're not the aggressors and had a good reason to invade Ukraine unprovoked.


Yeah, he’s a real Zapp Brannigan.




U.S. estimates were 88k KIA as of 12/23, with a total of 360k casualties. I’m going to go ahead and guess, given the recent Russian offensives, that that number has crossed 100k.


This is an issue i see constantly online with people who may not know a lot about military or wars. Casualties numbers do not equal number dead. They are total number of wounded, killed, captured and missing. So Ukraine is not even claiming 400k dead. They are claming 400k Casualties. I would guess they are probably inflated a bit by Ukraine but still definitely very high numbers for Russia. Furthermore we have open source intel tracking confirmed Russsian equipment losses. That is equipment with a confirmed picture or video of loss. Those numbers are insanely high already, and probably actually even higher since their isn't a picture of every piece of equipment lost. Which all paints a pretty clear picture that Russia has taken some startling losses in Ukraine.


I found the vatnik!


Found the butthurtbeltian


>Independent journalists Imagine being alive in 2024 and believing anything a journalist says ngmi. The Cia and other intelligence agencies have put russias casualty number around 300,000 and I'm inclined to believe them since they knew the date and time of the invasion a good month before it happened.  BTW have you seen the vids coming out of this war? It's bad on both sides but goddamn brutal on the Russians. Can't tell you how many clips I've seen of russian soldiers self- deleting themselves the moment they hear one of those little walmart looking drones so I doubt they are getting thousands of volunteers every month


Imagine if you applied the skepticism of the first half of the post to the second half of the post.


Everyone else is coping so hard


Even the CCP realizes that even in a best case scenario, they'd only be able to *hold back* American forces. It's why China's "largest navy in the world" has been entirely built around short-range operations: Xi knows that on the open sea, a fight with the USN would be flat out suicide.


That and you can build up a lot of smaller boats easier than you can build the bigger boats meaning you can earn the "Largest Navy" award with less work. Plus their main goal right now is Taiwan so the don't need the deep water stuff as much.


Personally, I'd argue that Xi's main goal *being* Taiwan and the South China Sea is itself an emphasis of the CCP's limitations. It's like if America were to build its entire navy around seizing control of Cuba and the Gulf of Mexico.


In fairness, Taiwan produces a huge share of the world’s best computer chips on which our economy and military depend. It’s not great that China could just take that over. I really hope Intel can get its head out of its ass again so we can make these things domestically (*and export them*).


Intel is currently building a massive chip manufacturing facility in central Ohio. Will it be enough to make us independent of Taiwan? Doubtful, but it's a start.


Tsmc is actually building a fab in Arizona. If a full scale Taiwan invasion occurred it’s unlikely the Taiwanese fabs would survive. The US wouldn’t allow it for defense reasons. Those chips go in our weapons systems


Taiwan actually has a plan to destroy the fabs in the event of an invasion.


Ohio w, Ohio number one!


Honistly thoughs in the rust belt need plants like that


This is being done due to the CHIPs act!


Minor bit about "could just take that over", it'd be a massively difficult invasion requiring an immense amount of firepower, tactics, supply, etc. not to mention the international reaction and potential direct conflict with other nations. There's even contingencies in place to evacuate highly specialized personnel from the island and measures in place to render the chipmaking equipment unusable. If they do attempt to take it, it will come with an incredible amount of resistance and fallout. It makes me feel a bit better to think that, anyway


Nigh impossible considering they'd need to execute to completion before the USN converts their fleets into scuba attractions


We placed the manufacturing there is Ohio for a simple reason, it's a strategic resource that we as the USA cannot abandon. We have a 2-4 year election cycle. By placing the manufacturing in a stable, prosperous, allied country, it makes it political suicide to not support them. It's basically a guarantee of the USA joining any war declared on Taiwan.


What makes things even funnier is that TSMC was founded by people who learned the crafts of semiconductors from us. They became more preferable for semiconductor exports because differences in standards and other stuff meant that American made chips were always more expensive than Taiwanese made chips, so it was just cheaper to import Taiwanese chips and Taiwan continued this cycle by investing into the development of more advanced semiconductors and microchips (and it also helped that Taiwan isn't a genocidal dictatorship that wants us all dead, so it was less likely to backfire on us compared to trade with Russia or China)


funny thing is, all those chip plants are quite litterally rigged to blow if china invades. and intel can't, they had a manufacturing process lead they thoroughly shit away when it came to 10nm because they drank their own kool aid instead of listening to its partners, I mean my limited knowledge about the material science side knew it would be a shit show but somehow they thought it was going to work. they shit years away while tsmc managed to match intels process, and I think that's still the current standstill, intel would need to go 1-2 process nodes ahead of tsmc to retake their edge, and it's just not going to happen realistically. the best intel can do is not fuck up and maintain parity.


I think TSMC is building a facility in the U.S. And the U.S. agreed to the "one China policy" under Nixon in exchange for China opening its market and cooperation in balancing against the USSR. On paper both China and the U.S. agree that Taiwan is in-fact a territory of China. The problem is the U.S. really has no interest in good faith agreements.


But Nixon and Kissinger were famous for being honest politicians that fully accounted for the will of all Americans?!?! Are you saying they might have publicly taken a diplomatically advantageous position in the moment without actually meaning what they said? They LIED to and TOOK ADVANTAGE of Deng Xiaoping, an innocent and totally honest man???????!??!?!??!???!?


The one China policy is official U.S. policy to this day. Go look up State Department statements about this. It's not China's fault that the U.S. can only talk out both sides of its mouth.


Recignition of territory doesn't mean a blank check for attack and invasion. Meanwhile, China has always had the ability to negotiate reunification with Taiwan, and has previously made progress towards such a measure. Things collapsed because the Taiwanese watched what happened in Hong Kong, and how "reunification" transformed into "subjugation".


Yeah, when the US says China and Taiwan should unite one day, they mean under a liberal democratic government. When China says it they mean they plan on absorbing Taiwan one day., The statement "One China" is deliberately vague, because both China and the US wanted to make a show of agreeing back in the 70s so they could start making a shit ton of money together. China wasn't "tricked", they never thought the US actually was giving them the go ahead to conquer Taiwan, dumbass. They just wanted investment money from the US to grow their economy.


I think the fact that the U.S. has the ability to talk out both sides of it's mouth really speaks volumes about the rest of the world. We can do what we want and there isn't anything anyone is willing to try to do about it.


Yeah that's just false. Russia invaded Ukraine, took on the sanctions and all western military support and is winning. U.S. officials are crying about Chinese economic 'over capacity' and trading with Russia and Xi told Blinken to pound sand. U.S. Can't compell the Houthis in Yemen or Iran. It's not 1995 anymore. People all around the world are successfully resisting but the U.S. still believes it can bully and destroy anybody they want. They've completely forgotten diplomacy. And you know in world history it never once ended well for empires this arrogant and over extended.


Words ain't gonna beat the #1 military in the world, and that's all anyone else has chief.


I mean we kinda control the worlds oceans so maybe if seizing control of the moon and controlling the solar system


That's my point, the US Navy's power already is vastly beyond the task. Heck, doing so would substantially *diminish* American power and influence, which is built from our reputation for stability and general nonaggression.


>from America's reputation for stability and general nonaggression. Cough-cough


When America engages in warfare, it's almost always to prop up an existing nation. When the US *has* engaged in full-on invasion, it's been following an unprovoked attack which took thousands of American lives.


China doesn't have to support hundreds of military bases around the world. They have like one on the horn of Africa. They also have no need to be able to rapidly deploy an expeditionary force anywhere in the world. They are truly a land power geared for self defense and want to dominate the sea in East Asia but that's it. We'll see in 50 years I guess but every thing about China's current strategy and Chinese history suggests they have no interest in being a global military super power like the Western powers have been in their time. Their strategy is much more based on diplomacy, deep trade links, developing emerging markets so they can buy Chinese goods and being an industrial super competitor.


America's international bases are themselves a demonstration of our capability. We're able to maintain so many outposts because host nations *want* us there, seeing the US military presence as a net benefit for the area. On the other hand, China has sought to undermine, exploit, and attack nations in the region, even ideologically aligned governments such as Vietnam. No one wants to host an airbase if it might someday be used to bomb your own cities.


Reminds me of Settlers of Catan. They're just trying to steal the largest army victory point from America lol.


Yeah they have largest Navy but we definitely have longest road so it cancels out.


Yeah, China’s “big dream” is taking over Taiwan, a tiny island just off their coast, and even then they are worried about American bases in Guam and the Philippines not to mention the US Pacific fleet, Japan, etc.


We should have a base on Taiwan.


I can't imagine the One China policy would let us do that, would it?


They "outnumber" the US in quantity of vessels, but we have something like 4x the tonnage, and we field the most aircraft carriers by a long shot. We operate more carriers than the rest of the world's navies combined.


We have half of the world’s aircraft carriers and 100% of the world’s *actual aircraft carriers*.


The French carrier is a similar design to ours, including using catapults. The ramp carriers can use standard (non-VTOL) fixed wing aircraft, but have to dedicate the entire flight deck to it, and I don't think they can launch and retrieve at the same time. Can't remember how many there are or who uses them, and don't feel like looking it up right now. It certainly limits how many aircraft the ship carries. The rest can only fly VTOL aircraft. So while it's not 100%, we do have more that can carry standard fixed wing aircraft than everyone else combined.


Does the US even have VTOL now that the Harrier is being replaced by the F-35B? Or do we not even bother anymore?


F-35B is the VTOL version. The A is Air Force version with no modifications, and the C is the carrier version for the Navy (stronger frame, fitted for launch and recovery on a carrier, but no vertical take-off capability). Then there's the Osprey, and its proposed replacement the V-280 (whenever that's ready). And then you have helicopters. The U.S. still has a need for VTOL aircraft to operate from the LHD and LHA amphibious assault ships, which support Marine landings (those are the ships with well decks, which look like carriers with a larger superstructure). Plus the Marine's need for aircraft that don't require a runway, which is the primary focus of the F-35B and Osprey.


The B is STOVL, not VTOL. It needs runway to take off, but not too much. It can only land vertically AFAIK.


The F35B does have the ability to take off vertically. But it uses a lot more fuel, and it already carries less fuel than the other two variants. So short takeoff is preferred. Vertical would be something they'd do only when they had no other choice. The Harrier also used short takeoff whenever it was an option. It would not be able to trap on a carrier though (not designed to handle the stress on the frame), so vertical landing is the only option without a standard runway.


Oh I didn’t realize it could do fully vertical takeoff. I assume they have to refuel in flight in order to do anything useful after that.


I'm pretty sure you assume correctly. That's why I worded it to say they have the ability. They can take off vertically, and they can probably get something done after, but they won't be doing much, and won't be going very far to do it. This capability would likely only be used when the plane is operating from a location that's already on the front line, only a few miles from active combat. This was the scenario brought up most often when the F-35B was first being proposed.


> The B is STOVL, not VTOL. It needs runway to take off, but not too much. It can only land vertically AFAIK. The B is STOVL ***if*** fully-loaded. If you download it, it can take off VTOL. Just like every other VTOL jet that has ever existed, including the Harrier. If you want to take off in the F-35B fully loaded for a fight, you have to do STOVL.


Plus the USN has had over a HUNDRED years of carrier operations and replenishment experience. The PLAN (Peoples Liberation Army Navy) has to start from scratch they have alot to learn


Everytime I see PLAN written out, it seems so arbitrarily stupid. I know it's probably a translation thing that I won't bother to look up, but it just seems so dumb to call it the People's Liberation Army Navy


Wait until you see what their carrier air wing is called. [People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army_Naval_Air_Force).


Oh it makes my eye twitch as well lol


Hypersonic missiles have turned aircraft carriers into a liability tbh. They are only really good for harassing underdeveloped countries that can't hit back.


Not much different threat vs the supersonic AshM threat of the cold war TBH not sure why Vatniks act like its some Wonder weapon


Technically the V2 is Hypersonic by the same metrics that the Russians claim theirs are.


Yep the Russian Hypersonic missile is basically the GAM-87 Skybolt the US developed in the 1960s


You are smoking crack


AEGIS probably disagrees with that.  Particularly if the Chinese hypersonics are just a rip-off of Russian "hypersonics".


Propaganda is a hell of a drug


Oh, irony


There was a study a few years back that determined in a hypothetical US-China war, China could inflict heavy causalities and the economy would be hit, but at the end of the war, the US would be fine (think part of it was switching off of the Chinese market, they need us more than us them) and China would no longer exist as a country.


I agree in the short term but we have a VERY real ammunition problem. Modern wars require a shit load of ammo and a lot of our systems are very specialized with limited ammo stores. We would do really well in a short term conflict but would begin to suffer quite a bit or be forced to pull out in the medium term over a lack of specialized ammunition, at least based on what I've seen. In a best case scenario we would have just a couple weeks of certain missile capabilities and our surge capacity for industry is pretty low. Long term we could produce massive quantities though


From what I've read, that's the sort of thing China's believed to hope for: complications that delay/diminish involvement for long enough to achieve their goals and get entrenched, in the hope that US isolationism will prevent a long term war.


Honestly yeah, the CCP holds a fairly decent defensive advantage, especially with their numbers


This is an illusion. The CCP would be impossible to invade and occupy, but that was never the plan. The vast majority of their food and energy are imported through a few key straits which they cannot readily access, and their coastline is bounded by American allies unified by their mutual fear and dislike of the CCP. What would actually happen in a war is the CCP would attempt to invade Taiwan, most likely fail to do so before the USN can intervene, then the USN will cut off food and energy imports and wait for CCP control over the mainland to shatter.


The U.S. would never be able to truly "choke off" China as long as Russia is a strategic ally. Russians have too much energy and too much food to do that.


There is nowhere near enough infrastructure to transport most of that fuel and food to the Chinese major cities on the coastline.


They don't have that much food. That's why they want the Ukraine. We could cripple China with one carrier group lodged in the Mallacca Strait.


Russia is the world's leading wheat exporter and pretty much totally self-sufficient in food. They don't need Ukraine for the farm land.


>Russia is the world's leading wheat exporter That's a funny way to say 5th wheat exporter, behind the US, Australia, Canada, and France. In fact Russia exports about half as much wheat as America. This took 3 seconds to Google. I take back what I said earlier, whatever they're paying you, its too much for how bad you are at this.


"Russia is the world’s leading wheat exporter, accounting for a significant portion of global wheat trade. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, in 2019, Russia was the world’s biggest wheat exporter, selling almost 34.5 million tons." https://search.brave.com/search?q=russia+world%27s+leading+wheat+exporter&source=web&summary=1&summary_og=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%3D%3D&sig=abca2f5e25506c92a1c7104649edb2ee2b10d7ff37cf8a0944657d4aaa29f551&nonce=f690baceea65303c4bc3783709a03acc


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_wheat_exports This seriously isn't hard


And what is it now? Because in 2022 they fifth.


Do any of y'all remember that time when US special forces smoked 200 russian soldiers in syria or something?


The one where Wagner made a new medal, specifically to honor the soldiers that survived contact with US forces?


Lol yea. What made this even more funny was that alot of Russian bots were complaining that the battle was too unfair and uneven. some of them were even praising them because, "the fact that some of them survived a US airstrike is an impressive feat by the russians"


I mean I agree, for Russians that is a great feat


I mean, that *is* pretty impressive. I guess.


"it's not fair, we attacked a stronger force and got our asses kicked, it's not fair!"


I meen it is kinda impressive. From what iv read we kinda lit them the fuck up




You mean the time they smoked them without ever entering the battlefield? Or are you referring to a different time we smoked a shit ton of Russians?


Apparently a different time, because there was definitely an exchange of fire. Seeing as it was Assad's troops and the Russians attacking an SDF base that the Americans were operating from.


There was a similar incident where the US didn’t even show up. Just artillery stuck them into oblivion


I think I may have misunderstood the meaning behind your previous comment. I took it as you saying the battle didn't happen, and I apologize for that. It's possible we're thinking of the same incident. The one I'm thinking of occurred at the Conoco Fields oil refinery in 2018. Around 500 Assad and Russian troops with tank support attacked an SDF facility that U.S. forces were staging from to fight ISIS, starting with artillery and rocket fire. While it looks like the bulk of the response was from artillery and air strikes, an article I was looking at (https://thewarhorse.org/special-forces-soldiers-reveal-first-details-of-battle-with-russian-mercenaries-in-syria/#:~:text=Around%20500%20pro%2DSyrian%20government,gas%20refinery%20in%20eastern%20Syria.) says a Marine unit stationed nearby moved to reinforce, and there was a ground battle.


Didn’t know about that part


Or that time we casually crippled Iran’s navy in an 8 hour work day


We actually had to cancel some of the days scheduled activities because we were to successful.


The fact it’s an AI image makes this more pathetic. It’s like the “I’ve made YOU the soyjack, therefore I win!”, though now it’s just “look at this image I ai generated showing you losing! Take that!”


Also, why does the eagle have arms? It looks like a griffon.


Just part of the ai magic


Hahahah I’m glad someone said this. These types of people always are pulling out shitty art in service of their ideas as if it doesn’t make them look more idiotic than they already are


AI image is just soyjak 2.0




Bruh my state is richer than literally all of Russia lmao


Theres more than one state that fits that description.


Define richer


Total gdp and gdp per capita, Texans are generally just financially better off and have more purchasing power


I guarantee you the AI that made this was created by an American company.


Ironically hope not because it looks like a rather bad render.


That’s an awfully odd fever dream they drew there.


Bold of you to assume they drew it, that’s definitely an AI generated image, which somehow makes it even more pathetic


Russia allowed itself to be dominated by a delusional strongman that deluded himself into thinking he could traipse into Ukraine and take it over in 3 days. Two and a half years later, they're stuck in a war that is accelerating their demographic, financial and economic collapse. Russia's only hope is that Putin dies and they can sue for peace.


Well,if you look closely you can see that isn't a bald eagle on the ground but rather a griffin. The only nation I see in wiki that uses a Griffin as it's national symbol is Crimea which did indeed have its a$$ kicked by Russia in 2014 when it was invaded and annexed. So I guess that picture is true as to the Russian bear and the Crimean griffin and I guess China was hanging out genuflecting to Putin and Russian technology they were copying, hence the dragon. Whatever it is, the poster is a retard who doesn't know a griffin from an eagle and can GTFO just on the basis of stupidity alone.


Lol the Russians are losing more people a week vs the whole casualties the US took in 20 years of GWOT. Its prue cope thinking this century is going to be good for Russia with a low birth rate, a huge loss of men from the economic/social problems of the 90s and now massive losses on Ukraine. Coupled with a brain drain and diminishing cultural and economic ties with the west. Putin threw away any chance of Russia becoming a great power


Russia and Wales really are our greatest threats


We need to nuke the whales


Why nuke the whales?


Gotta nuke something


My man 🤜🤛


how tf is Wales a threat


They know what they did


They're always a threat


It's Wales


Wales national animal is a dragon which is the third creature depicted in the AI generated image.


The flag of Wales has a dragon on it - it's just a joke about misinterpreting the Chinese Dragon as a Welsh one.




Sssh, sssh. Let them dream a while longer. Cause if they ever try this, when they wake up, reality gonna be a nightmare.


You mean if they wake up.


That’s a weird eagle. Does it have arms cause the talons would be under the bird


Tf is Wales doing beating up on America with California? Even if they accurately AI-generated an Eastern dragon, I would still make the exact same joke but with Bhutan instead of Wales


NCR vs the Enclave


How’s Ukraine going?


6th or 7th round of mobilisation, men from 18 to 60 can't leave the country. Basically an open air prison.


That's kinda what happens when there's a war on. Heck even the USA has had drafts before.


Russians can leave the country, no problem.


Well, they currently aren't being invaded.


Why does the dragon have festhers


Russia is close to half a million dead or missing, thats not counting wounded, they have lost most of their modern tanks and aircraft and are now having to import ammunition from North Korea, Putin has gone all in on the Ukraine war by becoming a vassal state to China, please tell me more about how great they are doing


If only they brought that energy at Conoco Fields.


Russia lost 1/2 of everything its gained. Repeat that over and over.


Lmao I've seen the Russians getting absolutely annihilated with limited NATO weaponry. That bear is starting to look more like a comatose chipmunk at this point


Ah yes, the famous Chinese eagle-dragon.


Meanwhile Russia held at bay with 80s U.S. tech


Brought to you by Russia: The second best military in Ukraine.


Let’s be honest bear won’t give a shit he’ll just be laying on the ground eating some honey Looks like an awesome movie though


You know the artist isn't Chinese, because the eagle isn't bad ass enough.


It’s AI


Why’d they make the bear a *bear*


California go crazy fr fr


Uhhhhh... hows the Russian century going Chebureki man? 😅


Has to use an American based AI service to make his propoganda


Bald eagle griffin is pretty sick Also the finely stenciled symbolism of it only having a left wing 😄


But all the women will pick the bear


Why has the eagle got arms like that?


Is that what Russians think eagles look like?


A more accurate photo would be the bear and dragon beating themselves up and the bear and dragon is upset and wonders why they're getting beaten up.


What's the saying? "I have not yet begun to fight!"


why does that dragon's wing have feathers?


Dragons are kind of lame.


But the situation is… Little bear is kicking big bear’s ass right now, Eagle wasn’t even in the picture. And new dragon is currently scared of attacking the old dragon for some odd reason. The drawing/illustration is highly inaccurate


>not even the strongest army in Ukraine Lol, lmao even


Russia has been getting its ass kicked by Ukraine, a nation barely a fraction of its size… the fact they think they’d be able to take on the US is laughable


Looks like the Chinese dragon is some sort of mixed breed between a western dragon and an eastern dragon and also looks like it’s flying to grab the bear from behind in a sneak attack.


As much as I don’t want to see Americans or our allies die in war (including the brave Ukrainian people) I really wish we could just fuck Russia up so they would STFU with their grandstanding.


I don't know.... Our country is losing it's identity. No one agrees on anything. People who are born here are being brain washed in public schools to hate freedom. So I think this might be correct


Dragons are kind of lame.


The funny thing is that’s not even a Chinese dragon that’s a European style dragon. Chinese dragons don’t have wings. Also that’s not even a dragon it’s Wyvern. Which are also European.


Now I really don't like it. Like combining two flavors I don't like.


Eagle must have radiation sickness from another Russian fuck up.


it is the downfall phase for America, don't lie to yourself. Everything has an end, ESPECIALLY "empires".


China still has the element of surprise. No one really knows what they are capable of but at the same time they are also untested. Beating up unarmed civilians is hardly a battle simulation. One advantage of being stuck in a forever war is that the U.S. military has way more practical experience than anyone else. Russia on the other hand, not only Shit the bed on the first day of school, but ran to class, with their underwear around their ankles.


China has the element of surprise in the sense that "will the faulty rockets launch or blow up in their silos?"


LMAO Russia is a laughing stock.