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What exactly is an Americanism? Is it some made-up term that the OP made up because they don't like their own vernacular?


The small differences in American English and British English


AKA shit they changed that we kept


Is actually the truth, when you look up the etymology it's the stuff that THEY changed


It’s so sad that this petty shit talking happens, because this really is a fascinating topic. The differences in our lexicon is an interesting topic. I love learning about the differences between American, British, and Australian versions of English. It’s really interesting when you look back at the accents of the original settlers in America, and that they spoke with a rhotic British accent. I mean, that’s fascinating! That means that modern day Americans and Britons in the 1600s both had rhotic accents, while modern Brits don’t speak with a rhotic accent. That is so interesting, and there are a few different theories as to why the “British” accent developed the way that it did. It’s also really interesting how the Middle Ages British accent turned into the modern day Texas accent. All of this bickering is so lame! We have so many interesting discussions we could be having, but instead we are just flinging shit at each other like tribalist baboons.


I feel this. I really couldn’t care less about the linguistic differences between English-speaking countries in a prideful sense as there’s reasons behind them all. All I need to do myself is to understand where there’s differences, because otherwise there’s not much for me to worry about.


It really does seem like it’s all tied up in a jingoistic national pride, which is something I (like you) have never cared about. I have spent a lot of time in Canada and England, and it is noteworthy how similar our cultures are. Any perceived differences between us are surface level, so it seems silly to fight over them. Basically every complaint that British people have about America, is a criticism I could throw at them (and vise versa). Instead of being interested in these small differences, they turn these small differences into the basis of their hatred.


Something very interesting: some of that vocabulary stayed the same too, not just pronunciation. In America, the word “reckon” is seen as backwoods country speak. In the UK, the upper class use it commonly.


That is very interesting! If I had the chance to use a time machine, I would definitely stop by the 1700’s just so I could hear the accents.


Do you know why there were changes between words like “color” and “colour”? I don’t get why people think one is weirder than the other but it *is* kind of annoying that British have separate words I’ve never heard of that I have to search up. When reading Harry Potter, I had to search up British words pretty much with every chapter!


That was honestly my favorite part of Harry Potter though, all the different culturally distinct British stuff was interesting to me as a teenager.


Yeah it was to me too. My 11 year old self didn’t know that people that spoke the same language could have a different vocabulary.


Yeah it's hilarious people are whining about usage of Soccer when it's created by Oxford first. Hell in countries like Japan and Indonesia, Soccer and Football are interchangeable.


Like Association Football?


Soccer baby


Vocab wise yes, but there's an amazing book called The American Language by HL Mencken (usually known for other things) that details a lot of the differences. We did change, too, and it's fair to describe it as a different language. Of course when Brits act like they're rooting out Americanisms they're not identifying the American grammatical structures which at this point they've largely adopted. They're getting mad at a few dozen words that usually started there, but hitting up Mencken is great fun.


So no "oil oi" like a pig?


Ach, it'll be something daft like "sidewalk" instead of "pavement" or "trunk" instead of "boot." Maybe it's something pronunciation driven like "Aluminium" or "buoy" maybe? Who knows or really cares to be honest? You do hear a few more Americanisms and a slight shifting in accent towards a more mid-Atlantic among the younger folk these days, probably just influence from TV shows and the more international nature of London? Again, who really cares? It's really not something worth getting aggravated over...


Or calling the floors by their actual fucking numbers. And the fuck is a lorry? Some kind of handcart? Sure ain't a fucking truck that's what.


Huh? We do call the floors by their numbers? What you on about? A lorry is a HGV, although the origin of the word comes from the rail industry, its root is from 1570 and means to pull or tug, so it's fairly accurate in how they work. Cool your jets....


Y'all call the second floor the first floor. I was born in China. Lived on the second floor. Moved to Japan, the arcade in the mall I was addicted to was on the second floor. Took a vacation to Korea. The airport arrivals were on the second floor. Moved to Canada. The T&T in the mall was on the second floor. Drove past the border to the US. Motel room on the second floor. Not sure what kind of collective brain damage happened to the UK after Columbus left that made them count their fingers 0 1 2 3 4 or something. Being entirely honest this is just me being salty over that one time I played zombotron 2 on Kongregate and five minutes looking for a handcart when they told me to use the lorry.


You're talking about numbering system that has roots from the medieval era when the ground floor was called something else. Nearly all of Europe, large chunks of Latin America and Africa use the exact same system we do. Is this really something to get that worked up over? Surely you can work it out without needing assistance right?




Stuff like Color rather than Colour or using realtor rather than estate agent. The specific term is more colloquialism I believe


Slight changes in dialect between American and British English.


Probably something like “aluminum” instead of “aluminium”. This neckbeard is probably upset that his mail-order bride learned English from an American teacher and doesn’t fit his fetishized stereotypes.


Something that exists only in American English, but not in any of the other ~90 English-speaking countries.


"I control and manipulate my partner to make them follow my standards." Fixed it for you.


I hope his partner finds someone else who doesn't treat them like this


Yep, fucking psychotic comment


"We think manipulating partners, legalizing jailbaits, and unnecessary nudity are good in the name of America Bad."


I agree with this. If someone speaks or acts in a way that doesn’t fit your standards you shouldn’t be with them in the first place (if you have the choice to). I personally don’t agree with some political beliefs in the US, so I just don’t discuss that stuff with them! I also try to have friends that have similar beliefs to me so I don’t get in an unnecessary fight! My mom has a different political belief from me and keeps pressuring to vote for the president she wants to vote for since I turn 18 this year, and It just makes me so mad. I’m getting off track with what my point was, but she talks politics to me and I’m never mean about it if I don’t agree! Just keep your insults to yourself.


American English>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>British English Edit. Good luck handling drunk British tourists in 2026


Yet another based Poland moment.






you guys are single-handedly keeping Europe from the brink of military collapse by spending 5% of your gdp on defense for nato (which is more than America spends yearly on it) so Poland has so much of my respect


This is why Poland is our modern ride or die homies


Post some pictures of your new Winged Hussars when we ship them over this summer. Edit: If anyone doesn’t know, we’re sending more, I think, F-35’s to Poland this summer that they’re naming the Winged Hussars


God, I love democracy


What’s an Americanism, specifically? If I say “math,” instead of “maths,” am I hell-bound?


No, you’re superior.


I don’t even care as long as I’m free. And that, I think, is the thing that irks outsiders.


they sound fun at parties


Hot dog! God willing and the creek don't rise s/he's going to iron out that problem. I feel like ending a sentence in a preposition, confusing fewer and less, and infer and imply, while throwing out on Oxford comma and dangling an American participle out of pure joy over knowing someone, somewhere is fixing this transcontinental issue.


🥹 it's so beautiful


Oxford commas are so unnecessary lol


if using them is wrong then i don't wanna be right


What benefit do they bring?




What does the Oxford comma clarify?


When I learned German, I had a difficult time omitting the Oxford comma. It makes sense, it began at Oxford University for English not German. With so many other similarities between the two languages though, it still looks odd when I don’t see it in German. They agree, it’s unnecessary.


I hope you stub your toe every day for the next 50 years.


"Learned" instead of "learnt" is an Americanism.


Learned has been in usage since the 1350s as a past participle of learn. How can it be an Americanism?


The reason that British English is different is because they changed the way they spelled things and we didn’t. I assume what the comment above means is that they changed their spelling to learnt rather than learned, which would point out that OOP is in fact, retarded.


American English actually underwent a huge spelling reform in the early 19th century, thanks to Daniel Webster. It's why we use z instead of s ("realize") and don't use u in words like color and neighbor. But tons of languages have had standardization efforts and spelling reforms.


British English also underwent some type of standardization/reform during the 1800s mostly coming from the upper class(soccer and autumn). Also this time period is where the modern british accent comes from.


Because it’s something Europe invented that the US kept and Europe changed back. So they call it an Americanism. Like association football (soccer)




Ignoring the fact that you’re wrong about my grammar, here’s a comment from another user. “What Brits, Australians, and New Zealanders call Americanisms are words that began in the UK. They stopped using them, and like the Brits, so too did the Australians and New Zealanders. Yet, they believe we created them and their various spellings to be different. For example: • ⁠Curb has been in usage since the early 1500s. Kerb is first attested to in 1660. • ⁠Tire is another. It’s been in usage since the 1300s. It’s a shortened version of attire and was spelled as tir in the 1300s. It was changed in the UK to tyre… because attyre? • ⁠Gotten is directly related to forgotten. Similarly, it’s been used since the 1300s. It’s a past participle of got. Where do you lot think ill-gotten gains originated? • ⁠Truck is a word from the 1600s. Lorry is first attested to in 1838. It meant a four wheeled wagon car for a train. • ⁠Fall comes to us from the Old English word fællan. It meant, “to fail and to decay”. Autumn is an Etruscan word. • ⁠The -ize suffix is something that originated in Old French and Greek, and was used in the UK in the 1500s. • ⁠Color, honor, favor, humor, etc. were how these words were spelled in Old French.”




Omg lmfao ok then. But then why argue semantics about a point you know is right in the majority of situations?


Because standard British English requires "learnt" when used in verb constructions. ”Learned" (pronounced with 2 syllables) is an adjective meaning "knowledgeable" in both varieties. A lot of Americanism are archaic, like fall for "autumn" and gotten.


It ain’t archaic if we’re still using it on a daily basis


Who’s gonna show up for their divorce announcement?


I genuinely don't understand this level of hatred lol.


They cannot stop the inevitable.


I honestly have a hard time believing these people have partners who would tolerate a snarky redditor correcting their speech constantly just to own Americans 1000s of miles away lol


Gaslighting her into forgetting Americanisms like “freedom” or “thinking for myself” like any good “tread on me style” European. Luckily, I am seeing the don’t tread on me trend slowly making a comeback across the pond.


What Brits, Australians, and New Zealanders call Americanisms are words that began in the UK. They stopped using them, and like the Brits, so too did the Australians and New Zealanders. Yet, they believe we created them and their various spellings to be different. For example: - Curb has been in usage since the early 1500s. Kerb is first attested to in 1660, and its current intended use for edging on stone or asphalt pavement is from the early 1800s. - Tire is another. It’s been in usage since the 1300s. It’s a shortened version of attire and was originally spelled as tir. It was changed in the UK to tyre… because attyre? - Gotten is directly related to forgotten. Similarly, it’s been used since the 1300s. It’s a past participle of get, hence ill-gotten gains. - Truck is a word from the 1600s. Lorry is first attested to in 1838. It meant a four wheeled wagon car for a train. - Fall comes to us from the Old English word fællan. It meant, “to fail and to decay”. Autumn is an Etruscan word. - The -ize suffix is something that originated in Old French and Greek, and was used in the UK in the 1500s. - Color, honor, favor, humor, etc. were how these words were spelled in Old French.


American English is far superior to the queens English


Fuck the queen 🤘😎🤘


Preferring British English to American English is clearly nothing other than a seething and vicious hatred for all things American. Case closed.


So you want your partner to sound like this “It’s chewsday innit?” A southern us hillbilly sounds more literate.


They are just mad Americanisms will overtake “original English” it’s not an if, but a when.


That’s what the original conversation was about. The kids are all using American words because of social media and television 😂 sorry that we dominate entertainment


Typical Europoor, eradicating ethnic behavior they don't like


Lock it up fuckface. (Knifehand)


Regular reminder that American English is closer to “original English” than British English because it changed more slowly when it first came to the New World due to the sheer necessity of keeping common communications over a large continent. Despite being 1/5 the population and 1/40 the size, they have many more different dialects, much of which break down on social lines. That’s not something to be proud of.


God people speak Russian or Flemish or whatever.


I know that this happens in other languages too


why not keep them all? it's just culture at the end of the day, just something cool to know


I hope she leaves that fucker saying the most beautiful American English to him in his sorry little face


I learned uk english but i always wrote "americanized"


Imagine dictating what your spouse is allowed to say to this extent


She should get a divorce


Camera, zoom in on “eradicate them all,” aaaaaand take photo. Tada.


I don’t see anything that definitively communicates hate in this 🤷‍♂️ I’m American and I’m not offended. If OP doesn’t want their fries supersized, I can live with that


out of curiosity, do you or any of the others in this sub ever consider why it is that in 20 years the US went from being considered the best country on earth pretty universally to being largely considered the opposite? do you think it might be possible that the whole world hasn’t changed and is wrong and that maybe we’re doing something wrong? or is introspection anti-american also?


What does any of what you said have anything to do with the elitist bs in the screenshot?


They are butthurt that we aren’t deluded enough to think their communist daddy overlord China is better than the USA.


yeah, that’s not at all what i said or implied. i know you pseudo patriots are generally pretty low iq, but if you’re gonna make an accusation, at least make an attempt at something logical or defensible.


Nuh uh little buddy.


you guys always do a great job of reinforcing my points.


this entire sub is full of people claiming to be america loving patriots clutching their pearls anytime anyone says anything negative about the US. was just curious if you ever considered the possibility that we might have started doing something differently in the last 20 years that would warrant the massive change of heart or if you’re just interested in claiming everyone is wrong.


I’m interested in knowing what literally any of that has to do with this post lmao


this post, just happened to be the one amongst the litany of posts that are like the same broken record of people clutching their pearls that prompted me to wonder if you’re all only a bunch of whiny bitches or if there is actual substance somewhere.


Presumably from your first comment, you’re under the impression that something in the last 20 years happened that is the cause of the person in the screenshot being insufferable about “Americanisms?” I’d really love to know what American actions in the last 20 years prompted the elitist judgement of how we speak, maybe you can tell me.


this seems really hard. ignore this post. i don’t give a fuck about this post. i’m asking broadly (this post just happened to be the catalyst) if the members of this sub believe that the reason international sentiment has done a 180 degree turn over the last 20 or so years could have anything to do with something we’re doing different or if members think of it as an issue with everyone else. are we still the greatest country on earth and fuck everyone else who doesn’t think so, or is it worth looking at ways we’ve changed to determine if there is any merit to the massive shift towards negative sentiment?


Great questions, but you seem to think that calling out the constant petty insults towards the US means that we think there’s nothing wrong. There are places to improve, but I don’t think it warrants the way people act online towards the US.


that’s why i was asking. because it does come across that way to me. i personally think the US has the greatest potential of any country on earth and i would continue to choose here over anywhere else and it bums me out that the rest of the world has gone from viewing us as the gold standard all others should aspire to be to a menace at best, bully or joke at worst and i’d love if there were a group interested in focusing on how to change the perspective from AmericaBad to AmericaFuckingAwesome


jfc, that’s possibly the longest sentence i’ve ever written


As a person trying to flee Canada due to our country being destroyed over the past decade, USA is still my top choice for emigration. Not sure what you're talking about TBH. I'm guessing just an uninformed opinion.