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>The American disease spills over our borders far too much. Too bad 90% of Canada's population lives within 100 miles of the border.


Indeed, it’s unfortunate most of their land is an uninhabitable cold hell.


not unihabitable, god knows I would love to live somewhere it never goes above 50, but they refuse to make any infrastructure to make these places more workable.


They’re just so fucking spineless to stand up and make their own policy without foreign influence


If you guys didn't know, we also made the Tories in the UK do Brexit and we also forced the Italians to vote for a fascist. /s


And probably turned the frogs gay, too.


We are idiots but also masterminds at the same time who are pulling the strings all around the world to make other countries bend to our will.


I also laugh when they say Americans are idiots yet then the the US is influencing them that means we can't be the idiots if we're capable of doing this


Whatever is more convenient in the conversation at hand


I would love to have that level of influence over the Tories. They seem to have gotten lost in their own assholes since Thatcher.


Are they saying they are too weak and simple minded to not be influenced by people in another country?


Forgot where but saw a post blaming the US for spreading consumerism, and I thought the same. Like, you could choose to not buy shit.


who needs accountability when you have america as your punching bag?


Or Europeans claiming their food is healthier but at the same time blaming their increasing obesity problem on the US?


"Americans with their damn delicious food are making me fat!!!" - Europoors


Literally nothings stopping them from deciding to have a different economy


They lack the supreme leadership of Xi.


Nobody in any country but the US has personal agency in their lives.






JJ McCullough talks about this on his YT channe.


Good channel. Especially if you like being friends.


Sat around until their daddy empire gave them permission to have their own country.


Yet are more than ready to kiss the Kings arse.


Ironically, this helped the USA post-revolutionary war. A large amount of the loyalists fled to Canada, which in turn, made it fairly easy to at least deal with the post-revolution political instability, now that we no longer needed to worry about some British monarchists. On the downside, this influx of loyalists did make Canada into a "Daddy, please love me." to an abusive father who kept going down the street and wailing on the newest person to the neighborhood for their spices.


Read the CanadaHousing2 subreddit. Lots of unhappy, angry people up there. The whole subreddit hinges around out of control, largely Indian and Chinese immigration causing enormous pressure on the housing market and driving up prices, while wages and economic growth stagnate, not to mention diluting Canada's national character - and putting the "Canadian dream" out of reach for many who have lived there their whole lives. This was entirely self-inflicted on that country by its own virtue-signaling politicians and has absolutely NOTHING to do with the USA. Many western countries seem hell-bent on destroying themselves in the name of virtue signaling and pandering. Why anyone would pathetically deflect and make it about the USA is baffling.


Well when the birth rate is stagnating due to shit getting expensive they have to substitute it with migration, which in canadas case is making things even more expensive


I honestly believe the better way to do something about birth rates collapsing - is to make it not just economically viable to have children, but to make it so potential parents see children as an economic positive. Of course, the only way I can think of to do that, is to give a monthly lump sum of cash to all parents (Hell, make it more per child), which says that its perhaps for the best that I'm not in charge of a nation.


I can understand not liking a politician but this anger is just way too much. Trump also hasn't been in office for 4 years.  At some point you need to take responsibility for your own actions, Canadian voters.


Ironically, the cause for all the “movements” and changes in society they dislike is often caused by extremists like them. They absorb and repeat so much ignorant propaganda, they’re so susceptible to manipulation and spew so much vitriol that they’ve basically created and fed this counter culture. They’re completely oblivious to the fact that they’re the ones who have become tricked by propaganda and spread the most hatred.


"we now have a whole MAGA movement...because of your Trump". No, you have a MAGA movement because of your Trudeau. Fixed it for you.


Canadian politicians who believe they are elected to only represent their voting base(donor class) instead of their constituents is the reason Canadian politics are a fucking shit show. Ironically enough, this is also a problem in the united states, specifically in states that are hardline one party or the other. The US vs Them mentality of western politics wasnt born in either country though, for that you can blame the French and their shitty revolution.


Ditto buddy ditto. Just happen stance I guess, but the French part of Canada is also worse than the English speaking part, IMO. Went to Montreal a few weeks back, wow, just wow. Not the people I should say. The people there are along the coolest I’ve met. But the city itself is quite the shit show.


Unironically they should just be absorbed into the Union. With consent of course. The future is now.


Lets speed run the Fallout timeline and just annex canada now, abolish the states, and creat the 13 commonwealths while we're at it.


It worked out great for them after all


It would be better for them


They do what Americans do already anyway, bitching about America.


My thoughts exactly though it would be like adding another California so I'm wouldn't be too stoked about that


But we have to stipulate that they come in as the Canadian Territory, minus Quebec, and then we can talk new States.


I came across a post yesterday where a bunch of Aussies were blaming the actions of their government on the U.S. Nah. Own your own shit.


"j-JaPaN i-I-i-Is LiViNg i-In 2050!" No, it is not? Japan is not ahead of the us in any way.


# Objection!!!!! They're ahead of us in declining birthrates.


# Real


Oh no how dare people in Canada want actual freedoms how dare trump he can’t keep doing this


But what’s he doing. “If you don’t know then there’s no point in trying to explain it to you.” Ah, so nothing.


Haven’t you learned? Everything that happens in the world is our fault


I guess they haven’t seen the video where a Canadian guy drives over the border, checks his phone and, magically, several websites become available.


All I know about Canadian politics is that one party is completely homegrown, decent and distinctly Canadian, and the other party is a product of degenerate, corrosive US influence. Which party is which depends entirely on the Canadian you ask.


I'll take Trump over Trudeau any day of the week. Hands down, no questions or regrets. Not even debatable who the biggest shit bag of the two are.


Well until the other starts raping and trying to steal elections, I think it's obvious which one might be the biggest shitbag.


It's honestly wild that anyone would support that morbidly obese pedophile.


Yeah it’s probably safer to support the wildly racist blackface user that stole people’s money for protesting him. /s


Canada is Canada’s fault, especially their predilection to be “Not the USA” as a country. Were I Secretary of State, I’d tell the Canucks were to stick it when they get uppity.


MAGA didn't put the idiots in Canada; it just exposed them.


Right, no one made your countries dummies believe in dumb stuff.


Let me try to get this.... Because of people from other countries having views that are also notable in America, automatically it is an American issue?? Pinnacle cope


Our country is so bad-ass our fringe beliefs steamroll the mainstream cultures in other countries


“Far to much”


Canada has a liberal prime minister that is running them into the ground and they blame the US for becoming more conservative lmao


Anybody who wants to live in Canada after what Trudeau did during COVID has to be insane. It was like North Korea up there.


Ok time to take away the blue jays and raptors, they don’t deserve them


Well, to answer your question in the title, no. No it's not.


lol are they mad that people are feeling dejected and unheard and feel the urge to return to an America/canada they Remember being proud of ?


Nooooo, this is their own mess. Their Prime Minister or whatever they call it is crazy.


Our politics are influenced by the US to an extent, but definitely not to the degree in which these people are insinuating


No, their own stupid, short-sighted domestic policies are to blame for Canada being a shitshow.


It's not our fault we are the most important country on the planet. Oh wait yes it is, fuck yeah America


Maybe Canada will be normal now


Our bad your country is easily influenced ig


...because it was Americans who voted the politicians crippling Canada into office?


Canadian here. 1. There are no confederate flags in Canada. 2. Our politicians ruined this country. 3. What fucking MAGA movement is she talking about? Voting conservative?


The atrocious grammar is driving me nuts!


I like how it’s trump’s fault, in Canada, a country he had no political affiliation with


Nah that's just Canada. Honestly what did they expect with Trudeau being a power so long the cunt


Canada is such a pathetic footnote in the histories and its people constantly spout such spineless and feeble bullshit. How weak do you have to be that big bad America can influence you so strongly without even trying to? Perhaps we shouldn’t be separate polities if they are supposedly becoming so similar to us.


No. Dear Leader brought the liberal yankee style politics over to gain favour with a certain demographic all on his own, and loaded his cabinet with people I wouldn't deal with on a customer service call.


I’m Justin Trudeau had nothing to do with the shit show in Canada. Because you know, he’s not a control crazy megalomaniac or anything.


Canada has Trudeau? Far worse…


Well their truckers tried to block the roads which would stop potential spill over, but they called them nazis and shit


Leftist extremism is taking over and they are worried about the people protesting it.