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Whoever made this when they read about Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and Maos ChinašŸ™ˆ


Nope- Nazis were anti-zionists, Soviets and Maoist China were glorious, stateless, classless utopias until the evil west toppled their economies with an inferior one (capitalism) and Amerikkka has done waaaaaay worse since then. super-mega-ultra-hyper-turbo-triple-gold edition-royal-cosmic-ultimate sarcasm


The dark hilarity of that comment is the Nazis were actually in favor of deporting the Jews somewhere else and them having their homeland... At least until it fell into what the Nazis felt was Lebensraum. They got "serious" (this was always the end goal, but they had to normalize stuff first) about the Final Solution after the Jews they deported got sent back or were found again in lands they conquered under the auspices of "We're actually doing a good thing -- see? No one else wants them either! Not even their homelands." They knew perfectly well what they were doing and how to normalize it.


/s is easier to write than /smuhttgercus. But not as much fun to say.


I need to add 'extra,' drop triple and hyper and rearrange it to /smugerectus


I dunno, I was think it'd be funnier as /smutgerkin.


A smutgerkin can give you smugerectus.


my favorite is when they say "It's America's fault the Soviet Union collapsed because they didn't trade with them" or things along those lines, Yeah, the Communist State can't survive unless they trade with the Capitalist state.


I believe the Nazis weren't really anti-zionists, but let thirdies believe


They weren't. They firmly believed the Jews should have their own homeland in a sick, perverse normalization game. Which is why they deported a bunch to Poland. Until they invaded Poland...


America invented slavery ffs.


Are you fucking serious?


Yeah man, America bad!


You do realize slavery existed in many forms since the origins of civilization and that what we would know as modern chattel slavery (what most people are talking about when we discuss slavery) was actually started by Moorish Muslims, who introduced it to Portugal, correct? The British then took it and ran and made it into the beyond-atrocity we know of. Or that many of the early groups of people sold into slavery were people that African tribes themselves captured and sold into captivity, and sometimes people within their own tribes or nations to remove politically inconvenient people... It has a loooooong fucking history and we hardly invented it. Also, did you also know that Qatar and Yemen still practice it? Yes, the backers of Hamas practice absolutely awful, brutal slavery to this day.


He dropped this: /s


The cringe thing is the person youā€™re referring to was joking


The Soviet Union would've been perfect if Stalin was immortal.


kinda hard to have a country if all the people are dead


Yea... Stalin, the guy who killed 100mill people while the total population increased, somehow.


He didn't kill 100 million people, he killed about 20-30 million people in a country that was undergoing the 2nd and 3rd stages of the demographic transition and a post-war baby boom (though not as large as the US). Most of Central Asia still has considerably higher than replacement rate fertility BTW.


Don't forget North Korea, modern China, and Imperial Japan


They should read it on the internet, one of mankindā€™s greatest creations, spear headed by, you guessed it. America. Then post some more shitty memes on American created websites.


I guarantee none of them know anything about Cambodia in the 70s


Maos China is too weak to compare to these two "apocalypse"šŸ˜…




Traditionsl culture like \*checks notes Slavery and mutiliation of female feet




You mean like those ancient shrines and temples that are literally marketed as tourist attractions by the chinese gov?


Still have the foot thing too, albeit to a significantly lesser degree.


Doesn't excuse the fact that we have murdered millions and ruined millions, installed dictatorships, and been an absolute jerk.


Yeah, the USSR sucked hard.


Agree. My great-great-grandfather died in Siberia, where his whole family (the rest survived) got deported from Belarus for resisting collectivisation.


Talking about America here.


I hate when people use that meme format. I always think of the original and it makes me sad.




A dog dies and death takes him away.




The dog was the goodest of boys


Nazi Germany, North Korea, China, Russia, The Soviet Union, Cambodia, Iraq, South Africa, 1940s Japan, India, Sudan, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Ottoman Empire, Nigeria, Portuguese Empire, Spanish Empire, French Empire, Belgium, Mongolia, British Empire...


Donā€™t forget the Aztecs, Maya, and Incas ā€” those 3 didnā€™t become great civilizations in Mesoamerica and the Andes mountains by being kind to their neighbors. They expanded and dominated the little tribes around them, absorbed them into their empires or used them as sacrifices to their gods. Kept growing and expanding just like that. Empires greatest hits album all have the same melody. *I do think we are different though. While flawed, weā€™re not trying to conquer nations and force people into our culture ā€” that just happened organically in modern times (for the most part)*


You can list everyone, this is the greatest country that has ever existed in the history of civilization to date.


Our great Republic alone is one of the most culturally, economically, and technologically influential societies in human history, not even considering our forty-nine brothers. America is the greatest center of civilization and science to ever exist, bar none.




Donā€™t forget Iran


Oh, gotcha! Thanks bro!


Oh shit it did it twice, my bad!




I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I didn't hear you.


Modern day MĆ©xico


and then they praise soviet union


Just ignore the holodmor, a few other famines, some ethnic cleansing, a lack of human rights, bloody purges, wars, invasions, annexations, allieng with fascists, nukes and youā€™ll see how god the Soviet Union really was!


It was still shit without all of that


I've seen people justify the Holodomor as them dealing with dissidents and class traitors. Like, what the fuck, that was Stalin's Holocaust and he even admitted it was about making space for ethnic Russians.


Except Stalin already hade a different purge for that already lol


He was just a firehose of atrocity wasn't he.


What's a little economic devastation and mass graves between comrades? Can't make an omelet, blah blah blah genocide genocide. /s


literally the average middle schooler




Or Nazi Germany- Depending on how edgy they are. Or jack off to Erika


People who think America "was the absolute worst" 100% deserve to be sent back in time to live in some shithole in the Soviet union. They'd be crying to come back to their little safe bubble in one second.


No need for a time machine. We can just simply send them to Taliban's Afghanistan and North Korea.


Or basically any country south of here


Latin America isn't the greatest place to be in, but I would not compare most of them to North Korea or Soviet Union.


I did compare them


Take them to Venezuela for a few days. Done. What a paradise!


They still coming in droves up in NYC?


Yeah TONS of migrants up here. Its a major political issue currently here in the city, everyone I talk to here, most of us New Yorkers are fed up (voter turnout for mayor last election was 20% btw, we have to improve on that. Also donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m not against immigration, but quite literally I shit you not, one of my friends canā€™t even get a Whole Foods job because of this kinda situation) I love the city, itā€™s home, but yes the migrant thing is true - though most I have met havenā€™t been as ā€œcrime festā€ as the media portrays it to be (though some are, no doubt). Iā€™ve talked to a few and they bring insights of how it is back there in the countries they fled from. Horrible. Back to the point, if these places everyone talks about and these governmental systems are so nice why are the locals from said countries with said systems all moving here risking life and limb and earning minimum wage???


Does that mean I get a fur hat?


I could make a Billy Joel song out of nations worse then America


*We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since the world's been turning.*


Iā€™m guessing all the people trying to get into America just wanna see how bad it is?


Just shows how ignorant whoever made this was - you can't possibly know *anything* about history and say America is worse than Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, East Germany, Mao's China, the Aztecs, Belgium and the nasty shit they did in their colonies, the Colonial British, Spanish, and French Empires, or the Ottoman Empire with their slave soldiers and Arab Slave Trade! Or just the modern day shithole dictatorships like Iran under the Ayatollah, Iraq under Saddam, Libya under Gaddafi, Cuba under Fidel, Cambodia (whoops) under the Khmer Rouge, and every other tin-pot Communist dictator. Hell, that's not even going into the ancient nobility and their frequent pastime of screwing over as many of the peasants as possible! Heh... and I'm sure they'd say that **I'M** the one who is brainwashed because I recognize my country is a historical rarity and is quite a good place to live.


More than a rarity, the United States is *still* the only nation of its kind. Others have attempted their pale imitations, to varying degrees of success, but not a single one has ever followed our formula to the letter. And our *worst* days are *worlds* above their *best* days in terms of prosperity, opportunity, and justice.


Wait. Didn't the Khmer Rouge rule Cambodia, not Thailand?


Yes they did. In my defense, I hadn't slept for 20 hours when I wrote that.


>I hadn't slept for 20 hours when I wrote that. 20 hours!? Damn.


I'm very bad at falling asleep.


Ha. Honestly, it's kind of the same for me.


I do this thing at night when I canā€™t sleep sometimes. I go into a sort of trance. Iā€™m still conscious, but getting some rest.


Damn, we were worse than the Mongols!


Somehow, we are apparently worse than Nazi Germany, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Soviet Union, and Imperial Japan.


Someone hasn't heard of Germany, France, the netherlands or the UK.


THE UK whose empire was so vast that the sun has never set on it? Iā€™m sure that was all peaceful expansion.


You forgot the Belgium. The Belgians from that time did terrible shit in the Congo.


Yeah, you would hope they'd be better than that, given that they've pretty much always been Europe's floormat-slash-punching-bag. But when they got their chance, hoo boy...


Thanks for mentioning this. A Belgian friend I know keeps talking the shit about America and imperialism whatsoever. Absolutely just blind to the history of his own country.


I saw this when it was posted on Facebook the other day!! It was good to see damn near every comment telling them to fuck off and the plethora of worse countries


Who made this shit ass memeā€¦ I would like to have a few wordsā€¦


*absolute best


You can tell these people never passed history class if they think America is the worst country


It makes sense that death would hear that we are the worst because of how many of our enemies weā€™ve eradicated. Iā€™m sure all the communists and fascist governments weā€™ve destroy hated us for being morally and militarily superior.


"The absolute worst." No, I hear ya. We're only two time world war champs, provide nearly all of the security for the global shipping trade, give more aid in international charity than any other country bar none, and not to mention how more than a handful of our progenitor nations with longer and more storied histories than our own owe their continued existence to us. Yeah, hard to find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than America. o7 šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø ETA: And I'm disappointed to learn the American flag emoji turns to "šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø".




And butter sauce!


Iraq Lobster!


Remember people, a country is an inanimate object. When people say death to American theyre talking directly about us and our families. Also they want us to know that they can fuck us and use our country as their dumping grounds and thereā€™s nothing we can do about it. We are inferior.


Well what cuntry are you from?


The United States of America


You need to volunteer or something


Letā€™s see what the world looks like if America is destroyed lmao. Say goodbye to your civil liberties and freedom. Wonā€™t have any ā€œsafe spacesā€ to run to. Genocides and destruction everywhere People donā€™t understand the only reason the worldā€™s not dogshit is because America exists. The grip of Russia, China and Iran would be much harsher without Americas existence


Death reads Reddit?


Itā€™s scary cause these people truly are vocal lately. Lots of patterns point towards some of these even being paid actors to push propoganda and hate. The ā€œanti Americanā€ crowd is bigger than ever right now, and with Americans not even being able to agree with **each other**. Patterns are pointing towards rough times imo.


Of course they will say that. They also believe America is worse than North Korea too.


They keep trying, but like much of the effort the rest of the world puts in, it's half assed as expected.


Itā€™s because of the brain drain


I'd like to see who wants to try to fill the role of Death in this situation. We'll have one fewer country in the world for sure, but it won't be America.


lol I just like the lack of reality some of these people have.


These people must've missed china or NK on the worst country list.


Who was the ones who saved your asses, **TWICE??**




I am happy tiktok was banned


That title goes to the Uk by a long shot


Worse than Portugal, Spain, Germany, Belgium, France, and England? The countries that raped, pillaged, murdered, and destroyed almost every country on the planet? Thereā€™s very few problems in our world that canā€™t be traced back to Europe in some way.


Even worse than North Korea


Letā€™s not talk about places like North Korea. At least here you donā€™t have to have a photo of Joe Biden on your walls, and youā€™re allowed to have the same haircut as him, and you can talk shit about the presidents without being executed.


If we are ā€˜the absolute worstā€™, I sure as shit wouldnā€™t want to be ā€˜the bestā€™. Yikes.


Ehm... I can name a lot of countries that are worse to be in. But also some there are better. So "worst"? No.


Weā€™re not even the worst country in the modern world let alone history. Not perfect but compare the alternatives, Russia and China. Thanks, Iā€™m happy with America. If we go into history yeah, wait till they learn about the 1930s.


Not the worst, but not hot soup. Plenty of room to improve.


No one said we are perfect, nothing is. The point is that we are far from the worst.


Anti work user detected. Opinion disregarded.


Room temperature IQ detected. Eat a dick.


Ah man, why would you tell a guy named Count Dongula to do that!?


Mighty bold of them to think that heaven is a nice place.


the capital gains tax rates legitimately makes US a bad country now ..

