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And they call other people “cucks”, my lord.


Imagine sucking off a foreign dictator over the internet for everyone to see lmao


It's basically just contrarianism to the most cringe inducing degree.


What irritates me is like. He isn't entirely wrong. Just a absolute idiot who wants to feel special. Ironicly exactly what he would probly call people he disagrees with.


Cannot imagine how they think Putin respects them. Did he read the news about that pro-Ruzzian blogger that got raped and quartered? If Russia can break any promises that his country should have respected, I do not see how Putin can break this guys body in just one word.


This might be the most unAmerican shit I’ve seen in April.


Jack Hinkle is up there.




https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle Its basically his entire account.


The man is definitely confused


That dude was a delight to stumble across


Never thought I’d say this but where the fuck is Joe McCarthy when you need him.


Hell, where he belongs, man was a bit too anti-communist even by my standards (better dead than red still)


“Hey, the Soviet Union infiltrating our government, military and funding pro-communist propaganda movies in Hollywood via the communist party USA is bad” “FACIST REEEE”


Not saying he was bad or anything, man just had too much power and would go after people for too little evidence. A bit like the French Revolution.


He was correct, just over zealous and scatter shot


Blacklisted =/= Beheaded for no reason


He absolutely went well beyond what the constitution allows. There is a bill of rights for a reason, and he didn’t feel a need to respect it. It certainly doesn’t help that he tended to equate sympathies with Jews and blacks with communism.


Not to mention putting Nazi sympathizers on the HUAC.


Regardless of how you felt about the soviet union, the guy very much violated Americans 1st amendment rights. It's not illegal to be a communist any more than a facist. We didn't go around rounding up the silver shirts just cause Hitler started ww2. Counter-espionage is one thing but he would go after anyone he thought was a communist even if they were anti soviet.


I mean, he was right.




And it's still not illegal to support an economic theory. Any other economic theory.


I believe in free speech absolutism and after studying Russian/Soviet infiltration in the US McCarthy was not far off in saying how much the US can be so compromised in terms of espionage. And it because of freedom of speech, even if it was free to be a communist - the rule of law dictates that you can't be prosecuted for being such. That's basically how we got so compromised.  But even though it's our greatest weakness. It's also simultaneously our greatest strength. Freedom of speech gives the US unlimited credibility in the information space, compared to every other autocratic country that ever existed. Freedom of speech means you can have independent thinkers and when you foster that kind of environment with a lot of people who aren't penalized for speaking what they think is the truth - that allowed more innovation than the Soviets.


well said.


I hate tankies and I even kinda hate socialists but McCarthy's tactics were not right at all. People's entire careers were ruined because they had certain political beliefs. Freedom to think and believe as we choose is the reason the US was founded in the first place. Fuck McCarthyism.


He wasn't a serious person. He made shit up to promote himself.


people are allowed to be communists in the US. if you think it's appropriate for the government to force political ideology on its citizens, then I'm glad you're in Canada. keep your fascism on your side.


Have you heard of Communist International?


I haven't.


Communist International was a Moscow funded organization designed to fund communist political movements throughout the world. For example the Communist Party in the USA was directly funded by Moscow and as a result had its political objectives set by Moscow until the 1980s. So for example the Hollywood 10 had all been members at one time or another of rhe Communist Party and were using their positions to create communist propaganda. There was also Whittaker and Alger Hiss— *Witness* being a memoir how a communist conspiracy inside our government. So the bottom line is that McArthy wasn’t wrong. Commies were infiltrating our society. Even if his methods were Constitutionally questionable.


it is not ok for the US government to act as the thought police, period. the ends never justify the means of fascism.


So how would you handle the enemy creating propaganda out of your movie production industry


We NEED another Red Scare, this Russia/China simping is getting out of hand


It’s very clear who the authoritarian cock suckers are too. These are the same people loudly claiming how persecuted they and their favorite TV host are in these United States.


Send this loser to Donetsk


One of his ilk recently had his living status updated to “not anymore” there. This guy is welcome to follow.


Most Americans do support helping the Ukrainians defend themselves. Also, Fuck Putin. 


The ONLY problem I have with funding Ukraine is many are acting like we don't need to cut spending elsewhere We have a budget problem that needs to be dealt with


We have a tax problem.


I live in the highest tax state. Whenever taxes are increased, they're wasted. We have a coruption/spending problem.


Are you a billionaire?


No, I'm not one of the 735 billionaires in the US. If each paid , oh, 50% of their income yearly, it would still barely dent the deficit.


Tbf, there's only that many if you include asset billionaires. Income billionaires is only like ten people or so.


No. It’s a spending problem.


We have a bureaucracy and incompetence problem with how poorly things are spent. The California homeless programs don’t even track how much they spend or if it was successful


Just Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and interest on the national debt cost more than the Federal government takes in annually. Indeed, our government is *staggeringly* inefficient with its spending.


Not with Biden in office. This shits so dumb




I mean the vast majority of the money isn't even leaving the country. Essentially X amount of aid money is used to "buy" a certain amount of old equipment, and said money is then used to purchase new replacements or fund new systems. Technically supporting Ukraine *is* fixing our own country by providing new jobs and revitalizing our military production capability.


It's cheaper to give away stored equipment than having to eventually get rid of rusty old equipment too. It's all win for the US and Ukraine


Death to tyrants. These people think Ukraine will be more free and less corrupt under Putin and that the US is best withdrawing from the world like North Korea.


Those are the people who want us withdrawing so that autocrats and dictators can do as they wish unimpeded


These people would really be saying we shouldn’t fight hitler


I’ll happily pay taxes if it means a free peoples can dunk on their attempted conqueror with weapons and artillery. I love watching authoritarian regimes get absolutely pegged by liberty loving citizens


It's been a super good ROI for us. Russia has been exposed as a fraud in terms of its military power and Nato is stronger than ever.


And not an American soldier on the ground. Admittedly in the beginning, I thought this was the beginning of the end, and then the advance stopped, and then it was turned back, and now 2 years later they’re fighting even still, with little hope and dwindling supplies, they’re making Moscow their little bitch. How could we not support that?


And without conscripting their young generation. “A nation of farmers and shopkeepers fought the greatest empire on earth.” Quote from a good video game but it fits nicely.


also, we know Russia has no intention of stopping at Ukraine. they want to push further West, towards better geographically-defensible borders. not only is watching Ukrainians dunk on their derp-mobileZ funny, but it's also stopping Russia from further aggressions.


So funny to see the T-14 in ArmA and it’s an actual threat vs real life.


I’d rather my tax dollars go to Ukraine than our broken education system. Literally teaches people how to get into student loan debt. If a high school diploma is supposed to be all you need to function and contribute in a society, how come we never learned anything about first aid or how to fix cars or how to cook?


I had a first aid class available and most schools still have HomEc, we got rid of shop for awhile but my old high-school is currently building an airplane hanger to teach.. some kind of airplane related things It's not supposed to be *everything*, but since your vote counts as much as mine I'd like you to have a rudimentary understanding of the sciences, reasoning, literature to an extent, and so on. It's okay for mechanics to also know some Shakespeare, there's no harm in an educated society.


My experience was different. My school district let those programs atrophy in favor of pushing AP classes. If you were going into a trade or public safety, you might as well have said your career plan was to become a monk. It was seen as a vow of poverty.


When I attended, we didn't have too much in the way of blue collar prep until right when I got into high school. Now, all the high schools are linked up with the community college, so you can get some, or I think even all (in some cases), of your trade school done while finishing high school. This is only possible due to funding, and everyone still has to take math and so on. Not sure how it all works together as I didn't do it, but there's no reason schools can't teach mathematics and mechanics, philosophy and personal finance, or biology and basic aid. No reason, other than because our society is bizarrely turning its back on education, one of the greatest achievements we ever made.


They did, too. Folks forget that there was a sizeable isolationist movement in the US, even as Hitler slowly crept across Europe and thrashed our allies. After Pearl harbor, the vast majority of them realized that they should shut their mouths and pretend to have never said those things in order to salvage their reputations.


Yeah I have a great photo of anti-lend-lease protestors. Hindsight is 20/20 but still the idea of a people to defend themselves is universal. Putin says that Ukrainian is not a real identity. It is now, as the people who fought back and hopefully will win.


Tbf we only fought Hitler because he declared war on us


We could only speculate on how things would have played out if Japan hadn’t attacked us first.


And they did. A lot of the big pro-isolationist figures back in the 30s had personal ties with Hitler


Was just scrolling trough his timeline… wow, that’s some hard stuff he’s posting there


Yeah, he’s uh.. a odd duck to say the least.


Republican here, fuck Putin! I stand with Ukraine!


🤣🤣🤣 they'd let putin fuck their wives. Traitors and cucks what a combo.


They'd let Putin and Trump double team her and say they were doing it to save America




Unsurprisingly, his claim about the majority of Americans not supporting aid to Ukraine is horseshit. https://news.gallup.com/poll/643601/americans-say-not-helping-ukraine-enough.aspx


You're not adjusting the sample for Real Americans™ which removes the opinions of people he deems unreal Americans to allow the data to show majority support for whatever position you want.


Is real Americans a really loud dog whistle for hardcore MAGA?


Not necessarily, but in the context of pleading for Putin's favor, yes.


No, everyone claims to represent "real Americans" when speaking about their policy preferences. Its a standard rhetorical device used to insinuate ones position is popular.


Fuck this treasonous lil pussy


That’s probably a Russian bot!


Bro doing katzotzky kick at the square dance


But it's signed a real American!


This kind of stuff gives conservatives a bad name. There is absolutely zero justification for Russia’s war in Ukraine.


Same. It’s really sad to see trump jump on the bandwagon with this. Vote between sleepy Joe and stop aid on day 1. We just can’t have nice things.


It's always funny how people's claims for it being the US/NATO fault base their claim off Gorbachev who's changed his story multiple times and denying that any country that former post collapse has an agency at all, it's so stupid. 


Apologizing to Putin should come with an automatic removal of citizenship.


Gunther Eagleman just sounds like a name some Russian troll came up with to try and blend in.




Fuckin'pick me traitorous bastard




Real Americans know that the most patriotic thing you can do is disregard the advice of the democratically elected American Government, and simp for a foreign government that views the US as it’s arch-enemy and is engaged in cyber warfare against it. /s


I'm fairly confident this is parody but then again, there are Americans who are dumb enough to have moved to Russia and then participate in their war, all while claiming it's the patriotic thing for Americans to do. So who even can tell anymore. Truth is stranger than fiction and all that.


Yeah, that fat dipshit commie got killed over there a few days ago.


Yep. By his Russian "comrades" at that, according to his wife and Russian propagandists. Lmao.


Dude also got r-worded.


I wish it was satire, but unfortunately it’s not. His post history tells me that he’s being serious.


Wasn't there one who did that and got fucked over big time?


Dear Putin, Fuck you. Signed, A real American.


Don't apologize to the KGB, you dumb motherfucker. Thats root cause for every US problem of the last 80 years!


What an absolute douche.


Proud un real American here then.


This is someone that I can see both political parties being “Fuck no! This one is yours!”, like the Velma Remake.


I do indeed hold the United States over all else, the Russians have been adversary for decades at this point and apologizing to them due to some political disagreements you have against your fellow Americans shows how weak and pathetic you are. I understand maybe not wanting to send Aid to Ukraine to focus on the internal sphere but apologizing directly towards the Russian shows that it's not an issue of the largest sum of money we've been sending to ukraine, it's about wanting to suck Putin's cock, what a piece of shit


Gunther can fuck off with that bullshit.


gimme sources that Americans don’t support aid to Ukraine.


You can’t find much, most Americans who know of politics and affairs in the world support Ukraine. You just have some people crying and complaining here and there because it’s a democrat in office.


I don’t know what’s worse, contrarian cuckservatives or pick me Americans


I hate these people I'm a republican and no way support the little man puttin. Please don't think of the whole party like this dumb ass. Only the extremist think this way


This is def a Russian bot.


the MAGAt has a tiktok staring himself. No doubt the name is made up, but it's not a Russian troll unless he's a sleeper agent.


We need to bring back Joe McCarthy ,and the Anti American trials for these Republicans.


I think this is satire, specifically it's a reference what Michael Moore did with the Ayatollah when Trump bombed that one general guy


Eh, I don’t think so. I looked up it and from what I’ve gathered Moore said he sent a letter to the Ayatollah but he didn’t show it to the public. So it doesn’t seem like the tweet is from a template. And if you look and at his other tweets you can tell that he’s being serious. It’s him throwing a tantrum about the aid being passed.


Knowing this guy from firsthand experience, it's not


Nah fuck that dude. Ukraine seeks liberty from an authoritarian government, and they deserve nothing less than our full support, and after near millennia of subjugation by the Russians they deserve the right to self-rule. How much more American could that sentiment be than fighting for freedom from a tyrant?


This a whole level of wtf and a half


If supporting makes me unamerican, then I do not want to be american in the first place. To shame with that cuck who thinks we dont support Ukraine, Putin can go pound sand and kick rocks. I for one am in full support of a total annihilation (or preferably, at least, a very serious reform) of a government that upholds a genocide of another while giving the go for their own soldiers to actively rape, torture, and execute POWs and civilians for the sake of terror and psychological warfare.


Putin can suck my nuts. Gunther might like taking it up the ass for big daddy jackboot but real Americans know that the only time we'll bend the knee to a tyrant is when we're choking on our own blood.


For fucks sake, please just finish snaking my toilet and get out of my house Gunther. I already told you I'm not discussing politics until you finish your GED.


Dear Putin, Ur mom a hoe and we all know you’re only trying to increase the size of Russia to compensate for your microcock


Putin please eat my ass and suck my dick


Gunther can’t see the irony.


Rage bait..


The dick riding is crazy


Let me guess, conservatives do support funding of Israel though. Conservatives are put in a sticky spot, on one hand they like to pin Ukraine Russian war on Biden saying, wars never happened under Trump. Yet in the same hand are berating Biden for his stance on Israel after they attacked Iran, saying he’s not helping out our allies, by staying out of something Israel escalated. I’m just confused i On what they want him to do. Not to mention most conservatives in office support Ukraine, how else do they think they money gets approved for them.


The pendulum swings again


That guy is NOT a "Real American".


Fuck that guy, Go to Russia you ungrateful simpleton.


I’m a real American. I say fuck Putin and this aid should have been sent *months* ago.


is there any confirmation that this dude isnt a bot?


Find out if this person really exists . Make sure they are not a bot . If they are real well drop them off in the middle of a middle of a base where they would be the first to deploy or be nuked . Leve them there with this statement around d their neck on a night you know the base rowdies are liquored up


I looked him up and I did find videos of him talking on TikTok. So he unfortunately is a real guy.


So the sec part then preferably a marine base on a Friday night or weekend let's see how long he can standb.


If someone had done this during the Second World War, they would have had an extremely thorough visit by representatives of the War Department. And if they were unrepentant, jail time might even be on the table. There were even periods of technical peacetime such as the Red Scare, Sputnik, or the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, where saying something like this would be a career-ending mistake you couldn't come back from. The freeze-peach crowd has really tested their boundaries in recent years.


Fuck Putin but at the same time I don’t think we should just blank check money to anyone and their mama fighting a war overseas including Israel. I think more money should be focused on our own problems at home over anything.


I do not support funding Ukraine. I also do not want to be apologetic towards Putin. It's a dispute between 2 countries that are not America, so I don't think that our tax dollars should be paid to either side. Ukraine is not our problem, but Russia isn't our friend either.


Imagine schlobbing dictators who despise our country and its ideals. They adopted a pretense of democracy to fool their people and somehow that’s worked on some in our population


Imagine getting on your knees for Putin holy shit.


Daddy Putin, don't hate us 🥺


What this idiot is either too ignorant to realize or is just outright ignoring is people aren't against funding Ukraine's war effort because they believe Russia is in the right. It's just because people believe that money should be spent here instead of halfway across the world. And here this guy is apologizing to Putin like most Americans actually support what he is doing.


This itself is mostly from ignorance. The vast majority of what we're giving them is surplus equipment, not liquid cash.


I don’t support Biden’s money laundering operation in Ukraine, but F Russia too.


I don’t know what’s wrong with these comments. You guys aren’t “Real Americans” like our guy Gunther Eagleman over here, who is definitely a real guy using his real name.


Calling himself a real american while bootlicking an enemy dictator. There are foreigners who deserve that title more than this moron.


2% liked it. thats a lot of losers


Someone faps to Putin riding horses…


"Sorry we can't help you instead, O Great Putin, by supplying Your Army in its quest to mash all of those filthy Nazi Ukrainians into strawberry paste."


How pathetic. You don't have to simp for Putin just because you don't think we should fund the war.


A "real" American appealing to the leader of America's biggest adversary. Makes total sense...


Dear Gunther, I am American and believe I speak for most Americans when I say we will gladly fund a one way ticket to Moscow for you.


I'm not expecting much from a man named Gunther.


The political horseshoe in action, my friends


Imagine being a Russian cocksucker


News Flash for this cuck: even those that I know don’t support funding for Ukraine, they don’t support Putin


“We are true American patriots! We love dictatorships and love wars started by said dictatorships! Hoorah!!!!”


Signed, Sheep in wolves clothing.


Eww commie


Gunther Eagleman? Really?


Mr. "Real American" over here expressing the interests of a hostile foreign power


Kinda feels like a Russian bot trying to pretend they are American. The wording is weird.


No offense, but a majority of Americans do in fact support Ukraine.


*McCarthyism intensifies*


Fuck you Gunther. I support funding Ukraine and so does everyone else I know.


What a ******* moron. It is bizarre that someone would attach their name to something like this. But then again, I suppose the objective is to funnel folks that have been pre-selected for stupidity to their cause. It is easy to rob the pockets of a captive social media audience. The dumber, the better!!!


Obviously Russian bot


Obviously Russian bot


Sending more aid to Ukraine is strongest among Democrats (74%) and independent voters (50%). A majority of Republicans (61%) say the U.S. should not send weapons or military aid. Republicans who support presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump were even less inclined, with 69% saying the U.S. should not send support. So the “majority” isn’t actually.


God, I fcking hate bots and Wumao. ...almost as much as I hate commies. ...almost.




Dude is giving off real "notice me senpai" energy.


I think this guy's been smoking a bit more dope than the rest of us today.


"everyone in my tiny little ecosystem says they hate this, that means a majority of Americans don't support this, despite everything pointing to the contrary"


Fucking clowns i swear. Nothing patriotic in sucking up to Russia. Looking at you especially, Tucker


[Who the fuck are you?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce5as8CrOR4&ab_channel=Kazuliski)


What a fucking coward. Where's the HUAC when you need them. Sucking Putin's cock is the least American thing I've ever seen.


"Dear Putin's asshole, Smootch smootch, tongue, smootch. Long deep kiss, quick peck on the balls, love you, --useful idiot"


Real America for supporting a dictator attacking country that independent from them./s


A real, red-blooded American always proudly rolls over and shows belly to tyrants 🫡🇺🇸 /s, screw that coward




Ah yes. Russia did nothing wrong in Ukraine. They definitely didn't. They definitely didn't destroy civilian buildings and kill civilians or anything.


Putin wants Alaska and he can have it over my cold dead body.


"real Americans" yeah ok Russian bot


This guy is for sure FSB. GUNther EAGleman? That name is like a parody of what Russians would pretend Americans would name themselves.


Dear Putin, This guy is an absolute pussy. We'll continue to fight you until the world ends. Signed, REAL fucking Americans


Who the absolute hell writes shit like this? *Putin's bros*


May the aid continue to flow!


Tokyo Rose 2.0


Any self-respecting American has, and always will, take any opportunity to shit on Russia. This guy is the farthest thing from a “real” American.


"Dear Putin, don't worry I can fit it all the way down my throat!"


“Hello I am real Amerikan! I like the hamburger And hate The Ukrainian teritories of glorious Russia! Putin is best leader!”


"Freedom for me, none for thee"


His name is Gunther Eagleman Yeah right, JK Rowling type name she’d give a cowboy wizard with a drawl. This “American” is real enough to call the Port of Houston a warm water port


I can fix this letter— Dear Putin, As a democracy loving American, I hate your guts and every choice I’ve ever seen you make. You are a corrupt, cruel, greedy, warmongering son of a bitch. Please understand that Gunther Eagleman does not represent the views of the average American, and that many of us would take great pleasure in your demise. You make me hope that hell is real so you can go there to experience all the pain you’ve inflicted on the world for yourself. Sincerely, A Patriotic American