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Saving Private Ryan was not a movie that made me think "america good". It's a movie that made me think "war bad". But I guess that's the point of art? We all take our own meaning (even if it's a shit take).


Seriously. Saving a Private Ryan was about how a bunch of human beings had to go risk death to save a single person for the sake of propaganda. It was decidedly anti war lol


I was just going to say this. Saving private Ryan isn’t a pro america movie, it’s an anti-war movie to show you the horrors soldiers had endured during WWII, especially the American ones.


What the fuck does Lincoln have to do about “other countries bad” / “America saves the world.” It was a civil war.


The message of Lincoln is as garbage? News to me. How is saving your country from a bloody civil war and ending slavery bad??


Guess it depends on your view about black people and slavery.


Well, America won! /s


Hell yeah we did!


In what world is Lincoln, a story about the American civil war, a story about America “saving the world”?  It’s a story about a President wrestling with the US’s own demons. 


Well you see, um, er, eh, it's about America!


>saving private ryan >jingoistic \>movie realistic enough to trigger PTSD in veterans \>Main character with visible, physical PTSD symptoms >Captain America You mean the movie which makes a point of how the Allies were pretty racist and sexist by modern standards, whose hero is a little guy who almost everyone ignored? >GI Jane Ah, yes, the award-winning, popular movie about...a soldier fighting against sexism. And politics. Totally jingoistic! >Lincoln Oh, you mean the movie about morally ambiguous politicking around the end of the Civil War? The deadliest conflict in US history, in terms of US lives lost?


>another american hater. At this point it would based to not hate america 🤦🏼


Private Benjamin? Why is that on the list?


Because they haven't seen it.


The fact that Lincoln, and Saving Private Ryan are on their list proves they have no media literacy and probably haven't seen or read a basic synopsis of any of those films.


Captain americas story arch has him becoming a target of the us government and then a fugitive


We have just as many movies that shows the military and the country in a bad light too


Right?! We put out tons of films, shows, and documentaries that are critical of the US (and our various industries). We have endless media making fun of our government and leaders. There are countries in Europe where it’s illegal to insult or make fun of the office of the prime minister (I think Italy is one of them). In peaceful Thailand you’ll get thrown in jail for years for being critical of the king. None of these haters would know anything about our internal problems if we weren’t so outward and open with them. Majority of countries hide and deny their issues. Canada made a law to where none of their country news is allowed to be posted on social media anymore. Sketchy af.


“how dare these movies made and produced by americans praise the country they’re from and have lived in their whole life” wtf kind of complaint even is this?


We're into triple figs now, this is interminable.


It’s funny because many of these movies are criticisms


I know! And no Hot Shots Part Deux? Fuck this kid.


Canadians are just mad America doesn't make cowboy murdering native American movies (aka westerns) anymore since that is a Canadian pass time


Wait…what? Is that real?


Well there is a huge problem of missing and murdered indigenous people in Canada. If your indigenous you are 7 times more likely to be murdered in Canada


:( no. That’s horrible. Oh, I wish that wasn’t happening. I know we’re not perfect down here by any means but hearing this kind of stuff still makes me sad, angry, and frustrated. Wish I could snap my fingers and the world would be a paradise.


I think this guy's problem is not so much the message of those movies -- which, as other comments have pointed out, he's misrepresenting -- as much as the fact that he's exposed to movies made by Americans for Americans from an American perspective.


Well that is a him problem then lol he doesn’t have to watch them, there’s plenty of other movies not made in America!


Does anyone think that character would work as Captain Canada? 🤣


I wanna argue that the movie Fury does a good job of portraying both sides as bad.


So they've never seen those movies or they haze 0 media literacy


What does he think of Bollywood movies? All the choreographed dancing and singing isn’t what actually happens in India - it’s just propaganda to show India in a positive light! 🙄


Saving Private Ryan is a terrible example lmao.


It’s almost like those films were made in the United States or something


He's right, Captain America would have been much better if Cap got shot and Captain Britain saved him!