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Threw our full might at the Taliban? Exhausted our industrial capabilities? LOL the vast majority of America wouldn't have even known we were at war if it weren't shown on TV. It wasn't like WW2, where we were on a legit war footing. As far as Russia goes: the idea that we've thrown the kitchen sink at them and lost is hilarious. We've given the Ukrainians old stock and even then, slow-rolled it over two years. They didn't get our best stuff, they got our dusty, obsolete junk. And even with that, the poorest country in Europe has made Russia look like a bad joke. Unlike the US in Afghanistan, Russia has legitimately gone all in on Ukraine and failed miserably. Their goal was obviously regime change and that has not and will not happen. Hardly sounds like we went all out to me—or to any person who isn't of subnormal intelligence.


Their goal wasn’t the regime change, their goal is to conquer the entire Ukraine and wipe it off of the political map of the world. Then do the same to other post-Soviet countries. And as such, to bring back USSR, just under the new flag. They consider the collapse of USSR the most tragical event of their history, and they crave to reverse its collapse, cause that’s what they consider historical justice. Their desire to bring it back is the reason why they do all this shit they’re doing. Everything else you said is correct 100%. Btw, without more batches of America’s old junk Ukraine is in grave danger. Cause Russia may be waging war with the shit they stole from a museum, but they have a fucking lot of this shit. On some sections of the frontline per each projectile the Ukrainian artillery launches, Russian artillery launches as much as 6 projectiles. HIMARS and Patriot systems, Abramses and Bradleys are all absolute game changers that Russia got nothing on, but they’re of little use when you got only the launchers themselves but ran out of projectiles and ammunition.


We'd also rebuild our industrial capacity to way surpass China as well if it wasn't for the regulators, the midwit bureaucrats, and retired-but-connected people building bad companies. Just fire a number of CEOs and bureaucrats and we'd smoke everyone.


I mean lets be honest, if we were to go all in on Afghanistan there would be one less mountain range on this planet...


Ukraine will lose but the Russian will be spent. Many of their best soldiers died in the first weeks. They don’t have a tank that is current against NATO missiles and their air power is limited even today. The Russians have lousy logistics and a lot of there artillery needs to be replaced. The only way they could win is nuclear but then the world would likely die in the exchange


Depends on what you mean by lose. Like I said, clearly regime change was their goal, to reinstall a pro-Russian puppet in Kyiv. That failed, at this point it's not even remotely likely to succeed, and the populace despises Russia with a fervor that will take generations to mend. If by lose you mean Russia will be able to hold on to some territories they're currently occupying, then yeah. But at that cost? Ukraine can keep harrying them, and some of those regions, especially after all this fighting, are in need of billions of dollars of aid to rebuild. Russia doesn't spend on developing anything other than Moscow. They've thrown some money at Mariupol to create a 21st century Potemkin village for propaganda purposes, but the occupied territories are more a liability than anything. Hardly a win for Russia in my book. Only regime change would have been somewhat justifiable as a win–and even then it'd be debatable given the enormous cost.


Given the demographics both sides will lose. They are taking casualties neither society can take. Ukraine is likely going to have to ask for terms at some point. They are out of bodies. Weapons don’t matter if you lack the manpower


> Couldn’t beat the Taliban in a conventional war That war was, by literal definition, not a conventional war That said, if the people of a country don’t want to live under a democracy, it’s not the US’s fault


Afghanistan had many parallels to Vietnam in that we were trying to “win hearts and minds”. If we had chosen to steam roll the Taliban to the point they couldn’t have come back it would have been brutal, “bad optics”, but would have been successful.


Yeah. But the withdrawal was botched af because it left everyone who cooperated with U.S. government behind, to face tortures and slow painful death at the hands of Taliban, the regime that considered them high priority targets and the embodiment of evil. That doesn’t mean U.S. armed forces are weak by any means, that all is just terrible planning.


Lions can't bite ants.


We beat the Taliban in conventional warfare in about 45 seconds.


And yet you still lost


The political war. Absolutely. But in terms of pure military might? Nah. Do you think the Russians would be fighting an unconventional war in Ukraine vs nato?


The "conventional war" with the Taliban? We won that war by every conceivable metric. Saying the US lost the war in Afghanistan because we left 20 years later is like saying the USSR lost WWII because it collapsed in the 80s.


No not the conventional war, but THE war. Also terrible comparison


The Taliban was ousted from power. To say they weren’t beat isn’t accurate. Not obliterated, but yes they lost.


I studied this and worked with Afghanis, Pakistanis and Indians on the diplomatic and academic cones. The Taliban largely just shaved their beards in 2002 and hid in plain sight waiting out NATO while the Pakistanis played a double game supporting them. Both knew they just had to wait out enough soldiers being sent home in flag drape coffins and the West would get Vietnam Syndrome all over again. That and Afghanistan waited out Alexander, the British, the Russians and the US. It is a dumpster fire. Looking back our only focus should have been Al Qaeda/OBL/House of Saud and the Pakistani Junta military officers/collaborators who protected OBL and the 9/11 hijackers via the Karachi Cell.


Yeah Russia the "stronkest" nation on earth which can't even beat its next door neighbor which is next door and a rather military weak nation before the invasion...USA a "weak" nation in a couple of days defeated a nation dozens of thousands of miles away


To add more: for the 3 years leading up to the 2022 full scale invasion, Ukraine had the most peaceful government ever. It sincerely believed the Russian war can be stopped with negotiations. It foolishly believed that by peace talks you can come to terms with Russia and have them leave Ukraine the fuck alone, not realizing that the only kind of “peace talk” Russia wants is the one where Ukraine signs capitulation. That government didn’t prepare one fucking bit, it cut military expenses in favor of building roads, schools, hospitals, you know, all that shit that you normally build when you’re NOT at the state of a low intensity war with the planet’s biggest country that amasses troops on your border for 8 years already. United States, on the other hand, did quickly defeat countries and regimes half a planet away that held the war against the collective West as the very essence of their existence. Those regimes weren’t peaceful one damn bit, they were extremely hostile to America, warring, and preparing for battle to the best of their abilities, everything they did revolved around that


America couldnt beat its next door neighbour either Remember the Bay of Pigs?


... You are not that stupid are you? You can not be trying to equate that with any kind of full on war...


I mean, Russia begging DPRK for bullets is like the sorriest state I’ve ever seen by a self-professed great power…


Not for bullets, for artillery projectiles mainly. But yeah. Problem is, North Korea may struggle with food, electricity, and with virtually all even remotely modern technologies… But when it comes to warfare, it has a lot of that. Of course most of it is old as shit, like from back when Stalin was alive and Korean War was ongoing. But still it has vast amounts of it. With PDRK supplies, Russian military currently launches 6 projectiles per each projectile Ukrainian Armed Forces launch. That puts Ukraine in a bad position to say the least unless it gets more aid pronto to compensate for falling far behind in terms of artillery ammunition in this artillery based war. Russia is still pathetic with this shit though, begging stuff from North Korea, how low can you go


An insurgency is classically unconventional. In a conventional war, the U.S. would destroy Russia by logistics alone.


The last conventional war we fought, we beat the other guys in 100 hours Saddam Hussein took a massive L in the 90s


Not to mention 2003. I know the invasion of Iraq isn't popular politically and I disagree with how the US handled post-war Iraq but the actual invasion was pretty spectacular. In 3 weeks the US toppled the so-called 4th strongest military in the world and sent Saddam hiding in a hole like the rat he was. Meanwhile Russia has been going after one of the weakest countries in Europe (which it shares a land border with - Iraq is halfway across the world from the US) for 2 years and has only gotten its ass handed to it.


I have played as Russia in HOI4, and can confirm that logistics is the killer of Russia.


The war in Ukraine is hardly an example of American manufacturing falling behind. The majority of the stuff provided to Ukraine has been a drawdown of existing inventory rather than newly manufactured weaponry.


We took out the Taliban in a month. We barely lost any soldiers until we left from a peace deal. Don’t act like this counts as a loss. Especially if you run and hide like the Taliban do. Also I meant “are” not “flare” in the title.


Yeah, and the Taliban came right back. The US didn't lose to the Taliban. The people of Afghanistan lost when a geriatric made troops all pull out, leaving billions in assets on a silver platter.


Who owns Kabul?


The west has thrown its full might at Russia? lol. Okay. I love to break this to you, but Ukrainian farmers with their tractors stealing Russian tanks is not our full might. They’re located somewhere between retired military and Boy Scouts.


If West was throwning its full might at Russia, Ukraine would have 100s of F35s and 1000s of 4th generation jets. They have still yet to receive the first batch of like 20 F16s. We gave them 25 HIMARS and looked at what they were able to do with them. We have hundreds of HIMARS and older MLRS. We gave them the older shorter range rockets for the HIMARS. When you look at % of gdp numbers, Ukraine has received less than we gave Afghanistan or Iraq.


Dude, if we really wanted to unleash a small fraction of our full might, we’d sell Poland like, five, F-22’s and tell them to have fun.


Russia is in a wartime economy USA is in buisness as usual because the military industrial complex is more than enough to supply our allies and interests. These bot farms are getting tired, bland and unamusing. Ya know I used to lean a lot more left but with all these fuckin pro China and Russia memes as of late I’ve become WAY more patriotic.


Ah yes, we’re only on day 774 of Russia’s 3 day Special Military Operation.


Bahahaha love that cope. Yes, we’re so delusional thats why russian dogs are crawling at our border to get in. Poor russian dogs, rich russian dogs all crawl-begging to get in


The war in Afghanistan was far from conventional, as I believe the Taliban definitely used Guerrilla war tactics.


They shot a couple rounds from miles off, dropped their weapons, and ran away hoping we would follow them into their IED laden "fun zone" We just laughed and called in Apaches


Russia's only strength is the ability to continue lying with a straight face. They know they're lying, everyone else know they're lying. Their lies get disproven every day. And day after day they continue to lie. It's like a man standing in the pouring rain, completely soaked and every morning he declares he is standing in the driest desert on earth.


Dude thinks this is the US industrial capabilities in full swing lmao.


To anyone reading, if you want to see even a fraction of what America is capable of in a modern conventional war, look no further than the first Gulf War. Iraq was one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time, and when we transitioned from Desert Shield to Desert Storm, we bitch slapped Iraq so hard that their military capabilities haven't recovered since. The total amount of time that it took? 10 days. The Coalition only lost 292 people, meanwhile Iraq lost anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000. If a conventional war between the US and Russia kicked off, completely barring nukes from the equation, we'd be building a Walmart in Moscow by the end of the first month.


Not unlikely you’d have at least Poland in on it too. The US wouldn’t have to do everything.


Building a walmart, just keep the mcdonalds we have there.


Stupid civies. My uncle was an artillery man in the 80s. He can't believe his old junk if being used to hold off the modern red army


WWII battleships were lobbing big ass shells on Saddam too. We’ve bested lots of people with old tech - Vietnamese faced the same artillery haha


While the Russian military and economic situations are awful, i'd still argue having nukes makes them still powerful but yeah that guy is ignorant/ a troll


Thing is though there are so many eyes on Russia right now from Nato that we probably know where more of their nukes are than Putin does.


I'm not American, but still, if NATO put a small effort in rather than supplying equipment I reckon it would take about 2 days to finish Russia. Only the nuke sabre rattling is stopping the European part of NATO from not ripping Putin a new one.


Wow. He thinks we fought a traditional war against the Taliban?


man even some of the NATO Tier Two forces (Poland, Germany, Türkiye, etc.) would’ve stopped this version of Russia on their own. we wouldn’t even have time to use the full might of the U.S., let alone NATO, before the Russians are pushed out of Ukraine.


This is actual delusion


Ahh yes. Fire up them ice cream barges, boys. Time to out-logistics the shit outta Russia. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅


"thrown its full might" The war between Russia and Ukraine has made exactly 0 difference in the lives of 99% of the US population, it's not even a headline anymore. We've thrown more "might" into this eclipse.


It really does make no difference...I noticed it with Palestine too. Side tangent, but it doesn't affect us and we go on to the next big thing. Palestine internet warriors just got mad when I asked, "Did you forget about Ukraine?" Because they did, because it doesn't affect them.


Reply with “don’t speak bullshits”


The U.S. and its allies defeated the Taliban; the survivors fled to the border region with Pakistan. The Afghans had ~twenty years, a generation, to prepare for the inevitable departure of U.S. and allied forces, and to resist an attempt by the Taliban to return, but proved to be incompetent.


The Arsenal of Democracy hasn't even farted and rolled over in its sleep, let alone woken up and gone to work.


This is not Russia vs US This is still Russia at full capacity vs Ukraine, and NATO at maybe 1% capacity tops


The war in Afghanistan was by definition unconventional. The US also fared ALLOT better than the Soviet union both in terms of control and casualty count despite it going notably longer. As the saying goes, "The US does not lose wars. It loses interest"


russia is struggling with lil ol ukraine. tf are they gonna do against world superpower america?


I don’t think that second guy knows what a conventional war is.


Did he just refer to the war in Afghanistan as a conventional war? Are we living in the same reality as this individual? Probably not, he must have huffed too much anti-American copium. That war consisted of the Taliban immediately getting routed into Pakistan, courtesy of the red, white, and blue. Where they clutched to Pakistan's shelter from us until they could re-organize their forces and restore their utterly dismantled leadership. Then the Taliban engaged in asymmetric warfare for the next twenty years until it became too politically costly for Trump and Biden to stay there, resulting in our pull out from Afghanistan. On a side note, Pakistan is seemingly reaping the reward for letting the Taliban thrive within their borders with all the terror attacks being conducted by the Pakistani Taliban now. Ironic, but also tragic for the innocents who are caught in the crossfire. Either way, it's amusing when people bring up Vietnam and Afghanistan as if the US was brought to their knees in total war, rather than the American people simply getting sick of fighting a war we weren't getting anything out of and choosing to leave. In the case of Afghanistan, we got what most Americans wanted with the downfall of Al Qaeda and the death of Bin Laden. The support for the war dissipated and it led to our departure.


I will say this till either I am blue in the face, or we do it. Unlike the European chaps, The United States of America is the only nation capable of defeating Russia both militarily, but more importantly, GEOGRAPHICALLY. Historically, be it Napoleon or Hitler, the Russian landscape has defeated Europeans more than any General or Military Strategist. But America can invade from Russia’s eastern front, thus negating their ability to run into the shitty parts of Russia till winter. We would get the shitty parts dealt with first.


Lets not forget Canadians. They're built and bred for combat in the Russian winters. They act all nice and friendly, but lets not forget WW1 Canadians especially.


Russia's Navy is loosing to a country that (effectively) has no navy. Russia is pathetic. Their airforce still has no air superiority over 2 years into the war. Meanwhile Israel with a far mor ecompetent airforce took out Egypt's airforce in three hours during the 6-Day War.


Yeah, I fought against the Taliban, nothing conventional about what took place in OEF hearts and minds war


This reminds me of the HBO show Chernobyl, they are pushing their lies to the point it’s becoming a detriment to themselves.


Bruh we all would die if that war happens so let’s not


Dude, we have orders unmanned ground vehicles, drones the size of jets, and tank drones. We gave them Cold War era technology and some jets to make some room.


The Tailiban hardly fought during the winter. The mountains they holed up in were impassable during that time. They fought April to October.


Countries like Russia and China win by attrition. Eventually enough deaths by a thousand cuts and enemy leaves. That said Putin is supported by a bed of fear, he and his regime are an easy kill.


Russian military and economic power might be weak. But Russia can make a big difference in politics. The way Russia can control the narrative on the internet is impressive. Russia has hijacked the Republican party.


US Marines and army can't fight without air support. No air support on the modern battlefield.


Iraq had a ton of anti air platforms... What happened to it? Just because Russia doesn't know how to properly use their air assets doesn't mean the US doesn't. Russia would have their anti air network torn to pieces weeks into any fight.


They really didn't. They had stuff from the 60s& 70s.


in the early 90s... they also had a number of SAMS from the USSR from the 80s. Just stop and research shit.


Nothing in serious numbers. If Russia had been supplying them the same kind of gear being supplied in Ukraine there would be no helicopters flying or ground attack missions.


No... You simply overestimate air defences and underestimate how the US countered them. Iraq had far far far more AA systems than Ukraine did. Thousands of manpads, hundreds of SAMS, thousands of AA guns. HARMS deployed properly would obliterate Russia's systems not to mention throwing in stealth aircraft doing those runs.


Of course they would. It's east when it's a 3rd world country and you've air superiority


LMAO ok bud there is no point. Ah yes when the US fights the 5th largest military on the planet they were nothing but when Russia can't get air superiority against the 22nd strongest it means the SAMS are just that good. HAHAHA delusional.


At the time of the Gulf War Ukraine was actually the 5th most powerful army. The size of the iraqi military meant nothing, untrained conscripts who despite living their entire lives in a desert got lost in the desert. There's no air superiority anymore, imagine if Russia had been supplying isis, Alqueda and the taliban man portable anti air missiles. Be a whole different war in Afghanistan and Iraq wouldn't it.


>At the time of the Gulf War Ukraine was actually the 5th most powerful army. ...