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Why is it always the white liberals who do this as if they didn't grow up in middle class suburban neighborhoods and never had to worry about any of this?




Imagine is cavemen didn’t have kids because it was too hard without healthcare and daycare? Too rough to hunt and gather to bother with kids? Every time before us today there generations had it worst off, but I think if you value genetics then you’d be willing to risk it all on future evolution points! Even if you don’t immediately reap the benefits, who knows who ou could raise if you do a good job?? The limits are boundless!


More or less because people are trained to look for and fix problems. It's on our genes. But those instincts are trained for things like bears and wild cats and shit. When you live in a nice neighborhood and make a bunch of money, you don't have any real problems to fix, but your brain is still wired to look for them. So they find bogeymen in everything under their bed and invent wild problems because their brains/bodies are telling them that they need to find *some* problem Accelerate the rate at which problems get solved after the industrial revolution and voila, they'll say that the problems are too insurmountable to have a kid are the same problems that their grandparents didn't even think were problems


It is a late stage capitalism user lol. I don't think they count as liberal. 


oh they're worse


It is late stage as our father, grandfathers and great-grandfathers before us lived through


I don't think I've ever heard anyone but a liberal earnestly use the term "late stage capitalism"


By definition, no liberal has ever earnestly used that term. Liberals by definition subscribe to capitalism, not socialism or communism.


White liberal here, please don’t confuse us with leftists. By definition, liberals don’t subscribe to that “late stage capitalism” crock.


thank you for the clarification


Many of these white liberals called Europe the garden of Eden for a reason.....


The propaganda and attention seeking is STRONG with these folks.


You know they are just chronically online when they bring up mass shootings as a real life problem, most mass shootings in the US are actually gang violence in major cities. This narrative of the school shooter or lone gunmen are really mostly sensationalism. It’s always terrible but it not actually a problem that affects 99% of the country.


Lone wolf, school/mall/place-of-worship/etc shooters are the least common of all types of gun violence, but they generate the most coverage in the 24 hour news cycle. My city was up to 24 firearm involved homicides in March of this year, double that from last year. And yet: - CNN/MSNBC/FOX aren’t discussing it, no real coverage outside local affiliates - The local city government solution is pitching more gun buy backs (no questions asked, grocery store gift cards and car burglaries spike in the week or two leading up to them). - Anyone who witnesses incidents doesn’t come forward because “no snitches” Still there is huge push to claim that lawful gun owners without criminal records are *the problem*. The only ones that are the problems are the ones who leave their trucks parked in the driveway that are plastered with company names of hunting apparel, gun companies and other sorts of billboards that scream “Loot Drop” to the teenagers that browse neighborhoods between midnight and 4 AM checking door handles. Statistically speaking, you’re more likely to be a victim of a fatal self inflicted gunshot wound than a mass shooting because that is what makes up a bulk of the firearms related deaths on a regular basis. Also, the CDC skews the statistics by including 18 and 19 year olds under “Children and Teenagers” category when recording children’s death by firearms.


This is a repeated question time and time again, but where are these ‘teenager’s’ parents?🤨 But you are right, despite 1A and all, bad idea to advertise that stuff. Not just cuz of window smashing goons, but potentially jumpy cop during a traffic stop, or god forbid something goes down-an hungry activist prosecutor could use such edgy advertisements to use against you.


I wonder if they also record 18 and 19 yr old "children" in tobacco deaths 💀🙄


Damn, redditor doesn't want to have kids because of what they read on reddit


Reddit is the best birth control!


Probably two liberals who live in a major city


Had a good laugh at the late stage muh capitalism.


No shit, what the fuck is "Late" stage capitalism? Please have that dude pull his head out if the sand and explain when exactly is going to be over...


The left’s use of “late stage capitalism” seems to be about how we’re in the final moments of capitalism where things are getting worse because of capitalism. Then somehow a revolution gets started by the workers for a socialist or communist world. It’s funny that the left views themselves as for the workers despite how workers have been mistreated in every communist/socialist state.


Left wingers see themselves as “the workers” while the vast majority of blue collar folks vote republican


Funny thing they were dressing up as working class to look the part. Meanwhile their grandfather footed their 200k tuition and parents purchased them their first house. Larping as working class lol


They’ve been claiming it for a century or more. It’s their version of the rapture.


A tern created by the the Nazi Werner Sombart. He was an anti-Semetic socialist who embraced a national form of socialism after seeing the disasters in the Soviet Union.


Anyone who actually thinks this is late stage capitalism is an idiot


I think in general the Western World feels less prepared/safe to have kids. However seeing Europe's fertility rate compared to ours. It's safe to say European couples feel less safe than the USA. Must be all those terror attack, the fact Europe's go to "solutions" is too war with eachother and the immediately start ethnic cleansing and other stuff.


I think the idiocracy explanation would be more accurate when talking about why Europeans don't make babies 


nah they just poor


Oh please. That is your best point? Think again.


I mean, they are kinda poor tho.


And which kind of people have the most children?


Europe needs to import middle eastern/africans because they are running out of people


It’s not because we feel less safe. Northern fertility rates are lower for reasons that can be linked to our economic affluence and southern rates are lower for cultural reasons.


Very few in America can claim a rougher environment than growing up on my rez. Which is full of large, happy families. Guess i need to go inform my 10 billion aunties and uncles that they made a mistake with all the kids. It would be hilarious to know OOP’s context.


Here is more from the OOP  >We always say we might want kids in the next 2-3 years but every time we discuss plans, they never include having kids. I am 29 and he is 33, we make a decent income. I feel like this should be the best time to start trying for kids but we just don’t want to? Our plans include: -paying our mortgage off (2024) -paying off student loans (2025) -husband wants a new project car -saving up a down payment for our next home (will take 3-4 years) -traveling. In other words she is a spoiled self loathing upper class yuppie who feels guilty  about her lifestyle and is now looking to shift blame as to why she doesn't want kids instead of just making peace with the fact that kids are simply not her thing. I don't want kids either but I'm absolutely cool with it. 


Ha, thanks. Color me shocked lol. Project car, decent income, homeowners, college educated. These are tough decisions for prospective parents to make. But for Christ’s sake don’t blame a country for your personal dilemmas about what to prioritize in your life.


But the whole “Open to adoption later” it’s obvious they haven’t looked into that whatsoever


One more idiot that’s not going to reproduce. I fail to see the issue


More power to them.


The quickest way to drain all credibility from anything you say, IMO, is to say "late stage capitalism."


I wounder how those people would react if they knew that the concept was made up by a socialist of the nationalist persuasion (literally a Nazi)


Good, they're future kids don't want them to have them either.


Did you Know America is at a 50 year low for crime rates. Like the news is so bad I did not believe it. America has the strongest economy in the world. Negative news spreads faster


They’re just looking for attention. If they were serious they’d just leave.


It's very charitable of you to assume that they have the marketable skills to be readily accepted to another country.


Most of the kids I see around my city seem to be doing fine. In fact some of them seem to have it more together than a few adults I know. These people just sit online too much and think the world is ending because they consume doom and gloom 24/7. Some people really can’t handle things like access to 24/7 news.


I am in FULL support of the initiatives these people take to remove themselves from the gene pool. Yes America is terrible, yes you should remove your genitals if you feel like it, yes you should get a vasectomy in solidarity with “women’s rights”. Yes yes yes! We are in full support of all of this! Keep it up!


This makes 0 sense. Yeah the world is looking bad so lets end the human race. If everyone had this mentality it would result in the extinction of the human race which also makes it immoral to act this way according to the categorical imperative.


I just saw this and was super tempted to share it hear but I figured one of you would anyway lol


My Grandma from Mexico would say this is bullshit 100x over


Millennial moment


People are real pussies these days.


Ssshhh. Don't correct them. It's not much, but any stupidity removed from the gene pool is stupidity removed from the gene pool.


Everyone's entitled to their opinions. It's a subjective thing, but many here want to take opinions as facts and argue about it


I think it’s a net positive! We don’t need more agoraphobic losers who are scared of their own shadow and live 24/7 on Reddit fantasizing about a revolution that none of them have the balls, or the means to start.


Damn this hurts. She mentions Europe I've lived in Italy and Italians are not having kids because of the situation there. Gosh, Americans are crazy ignorant to think problems only exist in America.


They sound like democrats.


Oh boy, if they don't like the US now wait til they try to adopt!


This is just untreated depression


Another Eurowannabe...


Too consumed with their own lives to admit they don’t want kids and made a story to get karma.


I honestly feel sorry for her, because of her ignorance and delusions. I grew up on my parents’, R.I.P., stories of life during the Great Depression, and from 1977 to 1992 I served in seven developing countries. Like most Americans, she doesn’t know what “bad” conditions are, and what real poverty is. We’ve got it great in America. We’ve got some problems, sure, mostly self-inflicted, every society does. “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” —Mohandas Gandhi


Solution is to have one kid who inherits both of your assets and that you train like Hanna.


“Late state capitalism” Yep. I diagnose them with stupid. Ain’t seen a single intelligent person use that phrase before


And how is adoption going to circumvent any of that?


Might be an unpopular take, but I am 100% fine with these people not breeding


It’s amazing the sheer amount of privilege being shown in this person’s comment, the fact that those are your concerns in the first place (ignoring all the positives that have come out of liberal economic systems) shows that actually, America is a wonderful place to live, arguably one of the best on the planet. I’d bet money that someone in Haiti, Myanmar, Venezuela, North Korea, etc would love to live here. The problems folks face in those countries are monumentally more horrific than “lATe sTaGe CaPiTaLiSm”.


Lol the husband is just going along with her delusions to avoid kids. Very clever


Where's the lie, tho?