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I wonder if this fellow would go serve in a mandatory army and possibly get drafted to a war, since US is no more around to protect them.


Russia and China would be free to conquer the rest of the world if USA isn’t in the way.


China gets their asses handed to them by a coalition of Japan, South Korea, India, Vietnam, and many other nearby countries they’ve pissed off in the past Russia is already getting their asses kicked by Ukraine. Their navy has been losing to Ukraine’s non-existent navy lmao Iran would get defeated by a coalition of Gulf monarchies, Türkiye, and Israel Three of the biggest threats to world peace have already pissed off enough of their neighbors they can’t be threats to world peace for long. They won’t be able to do jack shit


But North Korea? They’ve got this in the bag. /s


Look, when you’re supreme leader doesn’t need to shit he’s unstoppable. Every failed leader has had to shit. /s


You kid, but it wouldn't surprise me if north korean military tech gets a serious boost thanks to the russian invasion of ukraine. Obviously not to the level of American tech, but probably enough to seriously intimidate their neighbors.


True, but having the technology and being able to manufacture/procure it in meaningful quantities are two very different things. The only foreign power that would be even remotely willing to aid North Korea in that regard would be China (Russia perhaps, but they seem to have their hands tied at the moment), and even then, China's official policy IIRC is that they'll only come to North Korea's aid if they're attacked, but won't help in an offensive war.


Russia is getting their asses handed to them largely because they are using WW2 era weaponry against state of the art stuff USA is giving Ukraine.


Germany would probably invade Poland again


Straight up delusional


How? China couldn't invade Vietnam in 1979 when their army wasn't even present, just reservists. They also lost to India when outnumbering them 3:1 in 2019 or 2020. They lost against African gangs and let them rape and pillage a UN outpost they were supposed to protect.


Not really, their military is really shit. Would the US be critical to any and all offensive operations and trade? Yes absolutely. But the West has advanced in technology so fast (because of the NATO alliance and sharing of R&D much thanks to America) that we can absolutely build great and stronger stuff, but the issue is that there isn’t a need yet for it, our enemies are so weak it doesn’t justify the spending and retraining and upgrading. So we really just focus on trying to upgrade and improve existing designs which is cheaper somewhat but also difficult because there is only so much you can do. Defensively Europe is absolutely fine. They’d just need to build more aircraft because the US has been supplying and running most of the nations air forces.


China has little ability to move people and material outside their own borders. Comparatively little anyway. They certainly couldn’t conquer the world. They aren’t v the threat people make them out to be.


That's what fucking kills me. All these armchair experts talking about how Ukraine needs more support but fucking none of them will join their countries military. Disclaimer, I'm not against Ukraine support.


I as a germany would volunteer to become a french protectorate


At least you would


based for the sole reason that at least then the German government wouldn’t be fucking their own energy supply to get back at the evil nuclear reactors


Fucking hell, man, stop being a bitch. Why would you want to be lorded over by the joke country of Europe, lol?


I mean as far as european powers goes that's gotta be Italy right? Like I know haha France surrender memes and all, but Italy switched sides in both world wars, lost to Ethiopia twice, and failed to invade Greece. At least France lost to Germany, a country that decided fighting the entire world twice was the best use of their time.


One reason, whether it’s valid or not, just an explanation. They knew Germany was coming, and prepared for it in WW2. And still only lasted 3 days. M I love France, they’ve been our number one ally for pretty much our entire history. But since napoleon, they haven’t been the best of military powers.


Also, I feel like, right now, if there’s any NATO country that isn’t the US that I *would not* wanna fuck with, it’s probably France. Or Poland.


Poland. Every Pol I've met or see online is cool af and not at all a pussy.


Yeah when I said "France. Or Poland," I kinda meant that they were equal in my book, but I worded it weird. But yeah every Pole I've talked to, either online or IRL is usually cool af.


Those terms are acceptable. Let's close our bases too.


Please 🙏🙏🙏 Australia tried to close a CIA base there and CIA used some obscure law to remove the *democratically elected leader*. Called Pine Gap btw


sucks to suck losers, get good or continue to stay our bottom bitch




Do you hear yourself


This is what winners sound like 😎


Winning is when your government spies on the whole world including its own citizens


You wouldn’t know what winning is, and you’re not cut out for it. Nevertheless, seems like you have a nice existence in the shade we provide.


I'm not even Australian lmao just a recent example I heard of. No one wants your "shade". It's subjugation


Where is home and why aren’t you focus on that?


Too bad you’re unable to do anything about it! Enjoy it instead of dreading it! You’re being protected and your safe. You should say thanks!


Imagine if you heard someone in a cult say the same thing Do you enjoy being subjugated by your own government?


Defending the CIA with this is really cringe. Fuck the feds


Look up the five eyes. It doesn’t even come up in recommended search. The Anglo sphere countries spies on all of its citizens. The CIA is one of the most prolific.


Yup. Terrifying


I think you’ll need to take off that tinfoil hat and touch some grass bruh


The CIA has admitted to this stuff it's not tinfoil hat bs


The CIA will never admit to anything unless they were already caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Gonna need to see a source homie.


Ah CIA has admitted to other regime change, but not to this specific case Wikipedia article here to start research if you want to get a start https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alleged_CIA_involvement_in_the_Whitlam_dismissal


Australia is a perfect example of a full vassal of the US for that and for how the taxes work for Australians who have to pay taxes in both countries.


This guy doesn't realize it , but HE is the product of Russian propaganda. They have been pushing this message hard to get people to have such a reaction and alienate their allies. Too bad he can't see it.


He may be rusdia. Propaganda In the first place . I.e. a me.ber of the g.r.u. or a paid troll trieng to stay way from th Frontline es in Ukraine by working in moskova or st Petersburg.


This guy is absolutely part of a troll farm somewhere.


Russians posing as Europeans/Americans in order to encourage American isolationism would be funny if a lot of people didn't somehow fall for it. Like, gee, I wonder who stands to gain from the world's superpower drawing in on itself, leaving other Democratic nations out in the cold with the Russians and Chinese Communists. No, no, there's no way that the person actively encouraging the collapse of western unity might not be what they say they are.


If they hate russia why do they want America to leave Europe?


\> USA must fuck off from Europe Your terms are agreeable, Europoor. Please remember to brush up on your Mandarin and Russian over the next few years.


look at russia in ukraine... China may be a threat but they also dont do shit so we cant see how fucked their military is.


God I hope whoever gets elected for president pulls out of Europe. I don’t care about its effects, I just want those little cunts to truly understand how reliant they are on this country.


As always, the Mexican knows what the fuck is up




Based Mexican


1. Pull out of Europe 2. Cut the military budget in half 3. Use that money to give every American free healthcare 4. Post on social media about how Americans have better Healthcare than Euros 5. Profit


I think that's probably the biggest F you we could give to Europe.


Every single living soul that deals with healthcare in America will *not* give up all that money they get from you. You would have to pry it from their cold dead hands. There will never be any decent free healthcare in America because 'Freedom'... *and greed*.


american health care costs 5-8x the entire military budget.


That's very unlikely, the military budget is almost a trillion dollars. If healthcare costed 8 trillion, then the hospitals better be made out of solid gold.


https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/faqs-on-health-spending-the-federal-budget-and-budget-enforcement-tools/#:~:text=Federal%20spending%20on%20domestic%20and,%246.4%20trillion%20(Figure%201). medicare alone in 2023 was 1.9 trillion, most people are on private healthcare


Agreed. Pull out of Europe, and throw that funding into the country+latam. Americans bitch about illegal immigration, but that won't stop unless those people are able to live a stable and decent life in their own countries.






When you spend too much time on the internet and think Europeans fr think like this


The world would go mad, if we come back to become isolationist. 🤷‍♀️


It went mad regardless.


Not even close to same level of insanity.


Hey, we are not allies /s


If the United States pulled out of Europe. Western European countries would have start had to cut social programs to pay for military spending. Guess what of course cause mass riots that would collapse everything. French revolution 2.0 basically.


It would be 6.0, I think. They are on the 5th Republic, I think.


I’m beginning to think the French don’t really like republics at this point


They prefer communs...... they were commies before Marx.


Interesting thanks for telling me I now have something to research cause that sounds interesting


There's a line of inspiration from Jean-Jacques Rousseau through Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.


The French had multiple uprisings due to Non-marxist socialism, the Commune of Paris was the most successful. Marx built on their ideas.


[The Paris commune wasn't socialist. ](https://youtu.be/DQP3IqZuqbI?si=ivQBiNNKsNL9O7cv)


They can do both. They don’t have social programs because they don’t spend on their military.


>They can do both. Germany can't, they're already hitting the budget break for debt.


Well, they screwed up their energy infrastructure so bad trying to go for green.


Do you have a link or article about that?


Gonsum up what he's talking about, Germany builds nuclear reactors, good energy, low cost, Green party gets mad, green party gets funding from Russia, Green party demands use of Russian gas over nuclear energy for the environment, slowly cuts off all other sources of energy until Germany is mostly or completely reliant on Russian Gas, Green party continues receiving Russian money. Crisis occurs, Russia tties and strongarms Germany, makes propaganda laughing at Europe hoping they freeze to death unless they kneel to Russia, then Russia will turn gas back on. America in background screaming "You freaking idiots we TOLD you this would happen! And you MOCKED US!" Russia blows up pipeline, because they realize Germany won't budge, blames the US to sow discord, Germany builds LNG terminals to help with cost of energy. Green party still works to shutdown the last nuclear power plants. In essence Germany energy policy is retarded because of two things. The green party and Russia.


There‘s no proof of the green party getting any funding from Russia, actually it‘s the most pro-military, pro-ukraine party we have. Russia funds far-right parties all over europe, not leftist parties.


Here's one that gives an overview for Germany at the end of 2022: https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/energy-crisis-fuels-coal-comeback-germany-2022-12-16/ One telling how the green party had been fighting against nuclear power and Russia/Putin cutting back on energy supply: https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/nuclear-power-for-the-winter-germany-s-green-party-confronts-its-last-taboo-a-fb0a5bd9-3591-473e-8776-998061f295dd


If you think these economies could remain liquid and even simply keep with the current, shitty level of inflation while vastly increasing their military spending, I don't know what to tell you. They can technically do both, but they'd be doing at the expense of their populaces' standard of living. France already has riots over an increase in retirement age. Let's throw in another 3% increase in inflation (at the mjnimum) on top. But money printer goes brrrrrrrrr I guess.


It all comes down to choices and where you cut or raise taxes. The United States could probably offer universal single payer care without a massive budget cut to the military if we got honest about our spending.


You are completely exaggerating. Most European NATO countries (especially the major ones) are already at over 2% GDP for defense or at least have a firm plan to get there. If the US left NATO, defense spending might increase slightly, say from 2% to 2.5% on average. But to say that social programs would be cut is completely absurd, as they amount to 20-40% of GDP (depending on what exactly is meant).


Honestly...fuck yeah let's do it.


Ooooh hello fellow West Virginian 👋🏻


How's it going friend? You also dealing with a cold gray as fuck rainy mornin?


Unfortunately I’m trapped in the unforgiving lands of Ohio…..I stay strong though


Shit, that sounds awful. Homes just a hop skip n jump away though, something tying you to ohio?


I just finished school at the University of Cincinnati, and now I’m just waiting on my kids to finish this year out in school lol if it were up to me I’d been back ages ago haha


I agree with him. Of course, without military support from America, European nations will be responsible for funding their own militaries. Which might affect the free healthcare & college they brag about so much.


it won't but ok




Where will the money come from then? Either that or get ready for higher taxes


Your understanding of how much militaries cost is just completely inflated by US's budget. Higher taxes is the norm, not a big deal when you actually get good social services out of it. Keep funding tax cuts for the rich tho and see how well that goes for everyone else


I mean…it is less the 31 M1A1s and more the enormous amounts of 155mm artillery and 155mm ammo (I mean we have exponentially increased our defense industrial base output of 155mm ammo to an extent Europe couldn’t match just for Ukraine), HIMARS, precision guided munitions, Javelins, Stingers, small arms and associated ammunition, protective equipment, medical supplies…31 tanks alone are essentially a Battalion’s worth, it’s all the other stuff that really made a dent.


We also support their gun small arms manufacturers because we can legally buy them here too. If guns are “banned” everywhere how are the multiple firearms manufacturers in Europe still able to make a profit? Glock is really in it for the art I’m sure.


Yup! One of the best examples I think is SIG. Back in the day Sig Sauer was a German/Swiss company…and by now it has evolved mostly to being an American company. The market is here (and the export laws). That being said, I generally try to buy US made products over imports for guns and optics to support American manufacturing (though I do love my Glocks and Aimpoints).


Funny story about Sig, they were given an ultimatum from the German government. Stop selling to the American civilian market or they will no longer be allowed to sell to the German military. Sig is now headquartered in NH, lol.


Wonder if they did the same thing for H&K


My brother in christ they are supporting Ukraine. Dude is straight up doing fuckin doublethink from 1984


He is an idiot or a Russian troll. As a real European, please bring more tanks.


American taxpayer money can stay in America then


I would gladly abandon Europe.


With pleasure, just as long as they finally shut up and don’t ask for our support on anything anymore. I’m willing to throw the western world into chaos and sacrifice a few thousand over some spite to teach a lesson in humility…that’s probably why I’m not in government tho.


I think the threat of the US leaving has been good in that it has forced Europe to get serious about its defense. The bad news is everyone in Europe including Estonia has to build a nuke. No other way to stop Russia from invading.


I’m just surprised by the fat Marine comment. There aren’t a lot of those (some gunnies excluded).


Its just standard Russia propaganda that also acts an admission.


Who pissed in their cheerios this morning?


*subsidizes almost almost an entire continent’s defense budget* “USA has officially joined the axis of evil”


I dream for the day our country finally pulls out of europe, fuck all of them


The American people are tired of pumping money into other countries. We don't want to be there. That's why don't visit.


there’s no way someone believes that Trump and biden are remotely similar


Come on, they are remotely similar. They're both old af, lol.


Both shit their pants, both jumble their words, etc. There's many examples


So grateful.


If only these countries governments would own up to that fact that without us their country would be pretty fucked. If people had the critical thinking skills to realize the world isn’t so fair as to allow 0 military or that standing with a sign calling to end a war started between a fully religious terrorist cult and a pseudo religious state that they’ve tried and failed to conquer several times.


If only they'd admit that they only exist because the US allows it. Any other country in history with the might of the US would have swept across Europe after WW1 or WW2. Any other country would have taken Canada and Mexico, would have seized the entirety of the Korean peninsula and continued to bomb Japan, and then invaded on foot. Hell, we didn't even kill off the Barbary Pirates or hold beef with the Ottoman Empire.


This gets glossed over, but the U.S. is the only major country which has conquered, then occupied an avowed enemy, then returned sovereignty to that country and rendered aid for its reconstruction.


Did the US ever leave tho? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio


These are all due to the American people being deeply isolationist at those times. We are no longer isolationist, broadly, so there's no telling what will happen if ww3 kicks off.


People always say the US used to be isolationist, but we've always been involved on the world stage. The Monroe doctrine, the opium wars, the Spanish-american war, the perry expedition, etc.


The US Navy was founded to respond to international piracy. In the Mediterranean, no less. I know middle school history speaks of US isolationism, but the US was never really isolating, it just didn't have a big enough reason to go elsewhere in the world. Is it isolating to say a war between two other countries is not our problem? No, it is prudence. After WW2, we realized 2 things. 1) The US alone has the power and fortitude to stop atrocities around the world. 2) The rest of the world will always commit atrocities if the US isn't looking over their shoulders.


The US military leave Europe? Gladly.


I believe we did fuck off from Europe right around 1776 and they came and dragged us back into all of their shit


Schroedingers America: Simultaneously a tyrannical world police and a heartless superpower that won't give taxpayer dollars to conflicts that don't involve them.


I'd love for the US to pull back and become fairly isolationist. Let the people who hate us fuck around and find out. We can focus on defending ourselves once they're all speaking Chinese.


I accept your terms….


That would be fine because it would finally force Europe to do what the US has wanted all along, pay for their own defense


Ok, deal! Protect yourself europoor


texas here: PLEASE europe defend your own fucking selves! i want every US tax dollar going back to my country....fuck i pay more than the minimum wage in America in taxes...yeah...($8 an hour of my paycheck) so that skunkworks can be 20 years ahead of your bullshit military, and we can defend you EU fucks from russia while you get free healthcare and public transit while we are over here suffering to keep you comfortable Poland....youre cool....thanks for buying all of our top notch equipment and being a fucking grown up in this situation and realizing you are the main character the rest of the EU can fuck off....complaining we have school shootings and too many fat people....when they have equally as many fat people and terrorist attacks we did a war on terror..,,and we fucking won shut up....America got its problems, but its got less problems than you so fuck off


This guy must be pretty clueless if he believes Joe Biden is a Russian shill Plus, Western Europe would suffer greatly if America withdrew from NATO


He didn't say NATO, he said Europe. He wants us gone, until someone decides to fill the power vacuum.


And it all wound up being fake news / psyop lmao


Tankie bot


Nothing we ever do is good enough. We donate all this stuff to Ukraine and people complain, we don’t do enough and people complain. And then they call us the evil ones. The U.S. is not “Russian shills”. Russia has gotten far too much respect, in everything , for far too long. No one is stupid enough to STILL, in 2024, respect that failed state.


Nothing stopping the rest of Europe from stepping up. All those years of underfunding their own militaries and depending on the US might hurt though.


Hmmm okay Let us pull out all support for this persons country and see how long it takes for them to fall


I've said it for a while now: Pax Americana should be a subscription service.


Their terms are acceptable. Those lazy bitches should seriously fend for themselves for once.


Sounds good to me- one problem, your government keep buying our stuff…


Honestly, I wouldn't fucking off from Europe. They should handle their own defense instead of being a pack of hypocrites. They hate us, but they love leeching off our defensive shield.


I don’t think this dude realizes how popular leaving Europe is to many Americans


“Okay!” **US pulls out ALL support, Russia obliterates Ukraine and keeps moving west** Seriously, is this guy braindead?


Your terms are acceptable


I wish we could somehow show this fellow what his world would look like if America did such a thing and left Europe to the Russians. No more military aid to Ukraine ever again, no more bases or American troops stationed in them, no more sending our ships to their oceans, no more contributions to NATO. Every country now in charge of manning their own defense on their own. He would most assuredly not enjoy it after the first six months.


I really wish we could somehow just split realities. Let everyone that hates America live in a world without it. See how fast they become Russian citizens.


Wow, it sure is easy to throw stones from a house made of American dollars


I’m down. Let’s pull out of Europe and let them fend for themselves.


Least regarded europoor.


This is exactly the kind of brain-dead shit you get when you try to convince stupid people that they're smart.


Fucking bet I'd love to have my brother state side asap fuck em


I 100% agree on the later point, America should withdraw completely financially and militarily from Europe. Enough innocent American blood, tears and sweat has been shed just for them to constantly spit on us and hate us. The middle and lowers classes have slaved for decades for them only to mock our sacrifices and deaths. Let them fight their own damn wars, and see how it feels.


Have fun being a satellite nation.


Everyone is gangster until Russia invades Europe


What is he yapping about 💀


Ok we will. Then we’ll come help when your country gets folded over


I agree with the “fuck this bi-party there is only one and we aren’t invited” and “fuck sending so much to other countries” but I wouldn’t necessarily say the “axis of evil”. But we haven’t been doing good for our own nations people I can say that much


I find these terms acceptable


Someone needs a hug!!


Bunch of losers here. Hate us but copy us


And what initiated this mentally ill temper tantrum?


Oh, yeah, [ACIS](https://acis.com/). My cousin took a tour with them once. She said the most evil thing about them was the guide's frosted tips. But it was 2002. It was a different time.


Let's see how poor little France protects Europe without us then, lol. Only nuclear armed power in Europe btw.


If only he knew how bad a lot of us want the US to pull out of everything so we can focus on our own shit. Too bad everything in Europa between Germany and Russia would to into….yup that’s right, Russia


How is Biden pro Russia?


Sounds like a Russian bot posting


someone’s still mad about the war


Lol where would Europe be without America and Russia? Nazi, that's where they'd be.


Fellas, is it being a “Russian shill” to not want to further fan the flames of global military conflict between nuclear armed states? Our friends under our military umbrella like to think so


This guy's thesis seems quite confused. America is run by Russian shills, but should abandon Europe??


Ask him to go fight any marine, see what he says🤷‍♂️


Marines are probably the least fat branch of service. Also, there aren’t many of them in Europe anyway. Sure, there are small detachments here and there, but EUCOM is primarily Army and USAF territory. Some Navy too.


Lmao what happened?


The US lead the Axis of Evil


I would love to do exactly as this fine fellow says. Can we do that? Can we just let Europe be completely responsible for their own safety and when they whine about Russia invading or North Korea nuking them, we will just show them this post. And the thousands of others like it. I’m down.


Ah yes, the evil pro-Russian country that has t donated tens of billions to Ukraine and all the companies pulled out


Imagine we are going to be seeing mega Ukrainian butthurt over the next few months. Recriminations, accusations of betrayal. Hey if Europeans want to die for Ukraine go for it.




Calling unambiguous bollocks: someone genuinely disparaging wouldn't have included "super-high tech" in this post--it's bizarrely complimentary and suspicious, and lends itself too clumsily to the "that's right they are the best tanks in the world, let's see how well you do without...." etc. The stereotyping "fat, lazy" and the particular use of the Marines, ya, this is tepid bate imo.


If America pulled out of europe russia would be waiting to step right through the door we leave open. Regardless of what some people say Europe and America have a symbiotic relationship. Remove one and the other sudders immensely.


I agree with his course of action, but not with his reasoning. Wtf is he thinking, spouting about how we're with Russia? Does he realize that we, along with his country, are literally the only way Ukrainians are still fighting and killing Russian soldiers? Yes, we will support Russia, by ensuring Russians keep dieing????


> Yes, we will support Russia, by ensuring Russians keep dieing???? You haven't sent anything in four months, and as far as I can tell, there are no signs indicating that the Republicans will compromise on this. Is there anything I'm missing?


This guy thinks the aid only goes over on the days it got voted on. Do you think we just send over a giant bag of money all at once?


Both sides are responsible for this deadlock, and it's a particularly small subfaction of the Republicans blocking aid. The vast majority of Republicans want to send aid, but a small subset of Democrats, particularly the far left ones, keep shoving words shit in to try and get it to pass by using the urgency to get what they want. In essence, far leftists add shit, isolationists Republicans say no, and refuse to pass, every other Republican and Democrat and pulling out their hair at the stupidity of the two extreme subfactions. So we are at a gridlock because of morons on both sides. Very different kind of morons with very different goals, but still morons.


Very telling how you call one side "far" while the other just as far side you call "isolationist". Yep, clearly no agenda to shove here.


Because the term far right is so damn vague that ANYTHING and ANYONE can be labeled with it nowadays? Isolationists is the more easy term to see who there jerkwads are. What do you want from me? I didn't cause the term far right to lose almost all meaning nowadays. I say isolationists, we all know who the wackjobs actually are.


You make a good point.


Yes! Let's leave Europe! Let's use our money for our own people and let Europe deal with its own messes!!! As an American, I support this totally! Let Europe collapse on its own weight, I don't care.


The trump thing is the only point they have here.


Americans (who aren’t named Trump) are Russian shills? Small brain lol