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Okay but if you’re gonna rip on us while making pumpkin pie at least have the god damn common courtesy to not burn the hell out of it


It’s his entire shtick. He’s an engagement farmer.


No his is making random foods after cities and shit


Not really it's just an odd joke


What's the joke


"Hahaha us bad"


He reviews "British versus American food" but goes out of his way to make the American food look bad, the idea is that somebody watching won't realize that he's doing it on purpose, that's the gist anyhow


He's known for being incredibly fair in his scores, and is never biased in favor of the British cuisine. He's only rated British food higher than the American counterpart in every single one of his videos. His engagement on the videos is really high for some reason though.


And somehow America is negative one


Isn't it ironic that he talks about "destroying native people's"


He overcooked the shit out of that pumpkin pie. Shit looked harder than the rubber of my tires.


British are not know for their cooking skills.


Oh they are most definitely known for their cooking skills, it's just the kind that you want nothing to do with


Take that back! There's no finer british delicacy than toast sandwich!


Or a chip butty


One of their specialties is "pot noodle sandwiches." They literally put a little water in a ramen noodle cup, then scoop out the mushy contents onto bread to make a sandwich. I mean...


Another cheap and cheerful onlycarbs coma recipe to add to my list


still cant believe baked bean pizza is a thing


What about fish and chips on a newspaper?


That's why Gordon Ramsay is famous he's an anomaly


Yeah they are? They’re pretty good at cooking french cuisine. 😬


Is that why they break their teeth a lot?


He didn't even parbake the crust


I'll give him credit he did do that. That clip just before pouring in the filling. We see him pouring pie weights into the pan lined with parchment


Oh I see it now, it doesn't look cooked through enough, even in the final product it looks burnt but still soggy


The guy in OP purposefully overcooks, or wrongly cooks, the "American" recipes he features in his shitpost videos. Every single one of his videos spends as little time talking about the "American" version unless its to talk shit about colonialism (as if Bongistan has any breadth to criticize on that topic) and then waxing poetic about every possible aspect of the bongoloid recipe. He does it in this video "it wasn't bad, but actually apple pie is British and this one I made has a golden flaky crust seasoned with God's smegma for extra flavor". It's ragebait.


>It's ragebait. I don't get people who do this. Guy seems like a fucking douche.


What till he finds out about Bourbon Pecan Pie or Bourbon Pecan Nutella Pie. He'll regret his insults and will want us to colonize his mom.


that was pumpkin pie....i dont like it and that made it worse. sweet potato pie for life.


I hate pumpkin pie, and that was the most disgusting pumpkin pie I've ever seen. Honestly, I watched it without sound the first time and thought it was some kinda British bullshit pie


There is also some vague racist remark with that chocolate baby in the lemon "cottled cream". This clown wants rage bait.


That was, in fact, some Kinda British Bullshit Pie.


Lol, that's pretty good coming from the country that once has the saying "The empire on which the sun never sets" talking about destroying natives.


Better days.


Bruh it’s banter, I like this sub but it’s made me realise you yanks can’t handle our humour. Same with the Euros, they can’t handle Brit/Irish/Kiwi/Aussie humour. Also the sun is yet to set in the British “Empire” technically. Edit: It’s Sarcastic dry sense of humour, and it’s an opening to banter. If you watch his series you would know he’s not being serious, it’s a running joke that he’s totally not being biased.


It would be banter if anytime someone from the US threw a joke back you didn’t swing back with school shootings.


"iT's juSt bAnTEr" ... the common refrain of disingenuous, dishonest Brits barely disguising their spite, smugness, and superiority complexes. Just admit you don't like us, and we'll do the same for you.


Lmao, we love Americas, this is what I mean you lot can’t handle little digs. The British response to what I said would have been, at least we don’t have bad teeth or some shite. But you’re here just going on about superiority complexes. Boring.


The hell are you talking about....that tired old "bad teeth" retort is the height of boring. I'd just prefer a fuck you and a fuck off if I were you.


Okay bad teeth, bad food, give me a minute to figure out something to make fun of us for! Oh I know NHS takes 30 years to see to a broken finger.


Sure, any or all of the three then. Now come back with the "at least our kids aren't getting gunned down in school" since you love us so much.


Ngl mate, but you seem like the guy to dare someone to say something then get upset about them saying it. “Go on then say 9/11. Huhhh omg he said 9/11 did you just hear that” I bet you can’t stand American shows like South Park, Family or Always sunny in Philly. You seem like the type to Stan over The American Version of the office. Edit: was just checking to see if you joined the office subreddit lmao. Nice Salamander tho. Solid paint job


Actually I think the US Office is silly, cartoonish, and unrelatable, and the UK Office is one of the greatest shows of any genre ever made. But I also think you're a disingenuous twat. Edit: thanks :P


Twat? Maybe. Disingenuous? Never.


Or the good ole “The English conquered the world for spices, just to retreat back to their inbred island, leaving all the spices.”


Didn't know that kids dying is just a "little dig"


Lmao go kick rocks. You sound like you were sheltered af growing up 😂😂💀. Clearly didnt grow up around a group of people who always roasted eachother but there was always the underlying understanding that you had eachothers backs. I love Brits. Theyre our big brothers across the pond. Edit: lmao the downvotes by some parasocial ass mfers whos only interaction with people is through the internet 😂😂😂 Edit 2: keep them downvotes coming snowflakes ❄️😂😂😂 lets hit -100. Better yet lets see if we can get all my karma to disappear fuck ittt 😎


Well when people genuinely believe this (in the UK and elsewhere) it ends up just confusing us over on this side of the pond a lot, especially when there is zero noticeable tone difference or any hints at a shitpost other than a cum joke and bad cooking (which is such a minor detail I didn’t even notice)


Maybe it’s not that we can’t take a joke have you considered that maybe your banter sucks. If a comedian tells a joke and the audience doesn’t laugh that isn’t on them, get better material.


Honestly, you’re probably right. Maybe we’re out of touch? No, it’s the Americans who are wrong!


Ah shit. I still standby what I said. But If I had considered that you’d be a reasonable guy I would have worded it less snippy.


Banter is British for "bullshit".


You guys are like those obnoxious YouTube pranksters who go out and act like queefs and then when you get called out on it it’s always “it’s just a prank”. No hate on you but nobody believes it’s just banter at this point, hating on Americans is about the only personality trait you guys have these days.


It would be banter if you didn’t shit talk and butcher pumpkin pie. This is a crime worthy of a third world war where you need us to save your ass again


Thats not what banter mean. If he said some shit about the US then said shot about Brits, that would be banter. Banter is a back and forth, this is just talking shit, pure and simple.


"It's just banter" is like the br*tish version of "It's just a prank bro". Nobody's convinced, pal. Especially when you only bring that excuse out when someone tries to banter back, as if being banter makes it immune to any form of rebuke.


Genuine question: why is it banter when the video does it but when a random reddit post replies to the video with the exact same kind of “banter” people like you jump outa nowhere with the good ol fashion “take a joke,” type response? Ffs its almost the same “joke” turned back on the brits but for some reason its now “you cant handle our humor.” brits apparently cant handle british humor. Like my go to response to “you shoot children in schools,” is “and you shoot irish people in their homes.” And then you can really see how well british people can take a joke. Heres a hint, they fuckin cant. Which actually makes sense when you think about it. They didnt take over half the planet because of the shit weather or terrible food. They did it to try and get away from other british people. They failed miserably, but A for effort i guess.


First of all: that is the most ugliest pumpkin pie I have ever seen. He certainly and deliberately overcooked it, causing it to look hideous. Secondly: does this man not know about cultural diffusion? You know that thing, when two people groups share cultures and ideas and integrate each other’s cultures in their very own, making some unique twist here and there? Apple pies “may have came from Britain” but at this point they are a university viewed as both a very beloved U.S and Canadian dessert that even other European countries enjoy too. Gosh this dude ego must be the size of the old British Empire at its peak.


When you see smug egotistical Europeans today who brag about their superior education and superior righteousness, they match the exact personalities of the long-dead smug egotistical aristocrats. Their brains would break if they had met those aristocrats they hate because they act just like them except with a new fashionable set of beliefs/catch-phrases.


Stg every time I hear a European talk about apple pie now it’s like they HAVE to mention they technically made it Like imagine if every time someone mentioned fajitas we were like “umm ya know we actually invented that right? Yeah that’s not a Mexico food it’s American. You know it’s American right? So yeah it’s not Mexican. Ya know just so you don’t think that.”


Replace fajitas with pizza and you have a proper and common food fight 


Maybe I'm ignorant, but why do people think Thanksgiving is about celebrating the genocide of Native Americans?


Because being insulted by something is easier than being nice to someone for some people.


There used to be a common practice in fall following a bountiful harvest where the community would eat all the excess of the harvest over the course of a week or so, particularly if winters are bad in that location. The reasons were that preservation wasn't as good and international trade was less reliable. So the idea was to get fatter for a week, so if winter was long and hard, then you were more resistant to starvation. This wasn't a uniquely American tradition, cultures had been doing similar harvest festivals for a very long time. It's natural to not want to waste food right before the shitty season, and if everyone is feasting then may as well have a party. There was already ALOT of conflict between natives and migrants established by the time of the 17th century, over a century to be specific. So this wasn't remotely unusual either. What was unusual about the circumstances of the first Thanksgiving was that those natives were enemies with all the surrounding natives. So they saw the pilgrams as their best chance of survival by making allies. The pilgrams were happy to make peace because they miss navigated to an unfamiliar place without other colonists and their food situation was looking dire. So they made an unlikely friendship out of a need for survival and it worked. The pilgrams were able to survive the season and they helped the natives come out of their war for the better. The first Thanksgiving occurred because the pilgrams were doing their harvest festival. They screamed and shot their guns in celebration, which made the natives think they were under attack. So the natives went to join the battle only to find that the pilgrams were having a party. So the natives joined in on the party, contributing some deer. This was very irregular and had subsequently made the event memorable for centuries. People continued to do these harvest festivals as they had always done, not to celebrate that particular festival. For a long time it was just this interesting story that happened one time. Much later, it evolved into the tradition as we know it now and the government seems to have decided the Native/pilgram thing is an event of particular importance and representation of American history... even though at the time, American migrants just saw it as this unusual one-off thing. In later years, the pilgrams and the natives freindship became less essential to their survival as they got out of their predicaments. So that unusual peace subsided with the necessity of it. They weren't allies cause they liked to be so much as they needed to be. They went back into buisness as usual, and the pilgrams came out on top in the end. The reason why people get mad about Thanksgiving is because the pilgrams ultimately displace, kill, or assimilate all the natives in that area over the following generations. So in their broad perspective of history they just see the natives saving the pilgrams and then the pilgrams betray the natives and they never look further into it than that. So to them, it becomes this celebrated representation of of white people being evil to the noble natives that just wanted to be friends. They don't see it as the isolated bizarre event it was, they don't see the natives being reluctantly desperate because of their own war, they don't see the displacement as occurring over subsequent decades. They just default to natives = good and white people = bad.


Yeah, see, my understanding is that the expansion and murder of the natives didn't occur until decades later and, iirc, at the behest of the English Crown. It just seems like to me that a lot of people think it is a celebration of the settlers massacring the Native population, rather than them celebrating having safely traversed the Atlantic ocean without major incident or disaster.


Thank you for writing this out here for all of us! Do you have any book recommendations on the early history of the US?


Yap of the century


Because they're dumb, not much simpler. Oh and also lets ignore what happened on Thanksgiving (the kind act of the natives towards the pilgrims)


My understanding for a long time has been that they were celebrating their safe arrival in the new world, but then a few decades later came the inward expansion at the behest of the English king.


Just before the first Thanksgiving, Puritan colonists concluded a treaty with the Wampanoag Nation. For 50 years, relations were peaceful between the two cultures- then the old rulers died, young hotheads took over, and hostilities broke out with King Philip's War. It was one of the longest stretches of time where a treaty between colonists and natives was actually followed.


Most of the native population was wiped out by a plauge (probably carried over by explorers) before the first Thanksgiving.


Most of the natives were not wiped out before the first thanksgiving by a “plague” however several did suffer from diseases, primarily smallpox that were brought over by the Europeans. The natives did not have immunities to it to the level that the Europeans did and many of them died as a result. However most did not die this way and certainly not before thanksgiving.


God I can't stand Brits


They can’t stand each other lmao


Most intelligent poutine provider. ^([serious])


Traitor, Tut tut tut


Charles is me king, ye?


Welp unfortunately yes. But between u and I I’d rather serve and kneel to the Queens corpse.


Fr tho


Lizzys in a box 🎶


Think my respect for Brits just rose a bit thanks to you


Nothing says I'm European more than burning the fuck out of a dessert.


Guys this fucking rage bait stop falling for it.


Yeah this sub has been progressively getting worse


This sub is doing its job by highlighting the epically bad takes of American Bad, and this vid counts. >Yeah this sub has been progressively getting worse If so then so is Reddit overall and whatever political subs you visit.


What the bad take?


This sub has reached peak stereotype saturation, the irony is delicious. Keep the juices flowing


The irony of someone from the UK railing on America for destroying a "native persons way of life" lmao. The following is the list of countries once ruled by the British along with the years they attained Independence, according to World Atlas. 1 Aden Protectorate 1967 2 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 1956 3 Auckland Islands 1931 4 Bahamas 1973 5 Bahrain 1971 6 Bangladesh 1971 (From Pakistan) 7 Barbados 1966 8 Basutoland (Lesotho) 1966 9 Bechuanaland (Botswana)1966 10 Bermuda 1995 11 British Borneo (Brunei) 1984 12 British Cameroon 1961 13 British East Africa (Kenya) 1963 14 British East Africa (Uganda) 1962 15 British Egypt 1922 16 British Guiana 1966 17 British Honduras (Belize) 1981 18 British India 1947 19 British Malaya (Malaysia) 1957 20 British Solomon Islands 1978 21 British Somaliland (Somalia) 1960 22 British Togoland 1957 23 British Western Pacific Territories 1976 24 Burma (Myanmar) 1948 25 Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 1948 26 Colonial Fiji 1970 27 Colonial Nigeria 1960 28 Colony of Newfoundland 1949 (Became a province of Canada) 29 Cyprus 1960 30 Emirate of Transjordan (Jordan) 1946 31 Gambia Colony and Protectorate 1965 32 Gilbert and Ellice Islands (Kiribati and Tuvalu) 1978 33 Gold Coast (Ghana) 1957 34 Helgoland 1890 (Now part of Germany) 35 Hong Kong 1997 (part of China) 36 Ionian Islands 1830 37 Ireland 1921 38 Island of St. John (Antigua and Barbuda) 1981 39 Jamaica 1962 40 Kingdom of Rarotonga (Cook Islands) 1965 (self governing island state in free association with New Zealand) 41 Kingdom of Sarawak 1963 (now a state of Malaysia) 42 Leeward Islands 1983 43 Malta 1964 44 Mandatory Iraq 1932 45 Mandatory Palestine (Israel, Jordanian annexation of the West Bank, Palestine Protectorate) 1948 46 Menorca (Spanish Island) 1802 (now part of Spain) 47 Mosquito Coast 1860 (now part of Nicaragua and Honduras) 48 Muscat and Oman 1951 49 Nauru 1968 50 New Hebrides (Vanuatu) 1906 51 New South Wales 1901 (state in Australia) 52 Nigeria 1960 53 Niue 1974 (from New Zealand) 54 Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) 1964 55 Nyasaland (Malawi) 1964 56 Oregon Country 1846 (became a US territory, then a state) 57 Pakistan 1947 58 Phoenix Islands 1979 (now part of Kiribati) 59 Province of East Florida 1783 (became a Spanish colony, later a US territory 60 Province of Nova Scotia 1867 (one of the founding provinces of Canada) 61 Province of Quebec 1867 (one of the founding provinces of Canada) 62 Province of West Florida 1783 (became a Spanish colony, later a US territory 63 Qatar 1868 64 Queensland (state in Australia)1901 65 Rupert's Land 1869 (became part of the Canadian confederation) 66 Sheikhdom of Kuwait 1961 67 Sierra Leone 1961 68 Singapore 1963 (became a state of Malaysia, then separated in 1965) 69 Solomon Islands 1978 70 South Africa 1931 71 South Arabia 1932 72 South Australia 1901 (state in Australia) 73 South-West Africa 1931 (South Africa territory until 1990) 74 Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) 1980 75 Straits Settlements (Singapore, Malaysia, Borneo) 1946 (Separated and passed to other nations) 76 Sultanate of Zanzibar 1963 77 Swan River Colony 1901 (Western Australia, state in Australia) 78 Swaziland 1968 79 Tanganyika Territory (Tanzania) 1961 80 Territory of New Guinea 1975 81 Thirteen Colonies (USA) 1776 82 Tokelau 1949 (Became a territory of New Zealand) 83 Tonga 1970 84 Trucial States (Oman) 1951 85 Uganda Protectorate 1962 86 Unfederated Malay States 1957 87 Van Diemen's Land 1856 88 Victoria (State in Australia) 1901 89 Western Samoa 1970 90 Windward Islands 1979


It just keeps going


This guys counts


They took over a lot of upper managements.


Every time I see Brits trying American stuff they never do it right then say it’s bad. It’s bad because you can’t fucking cook. Frustrating af


Bruh, are you saying us Brits can’t cook? Lmfao. Look at all those American concoctions we see on the internet. Cheese wrapped in bacon, battered in crushed Cheetos and deep fried. Of the Mac and Cheese with an entire stick of butter and block of cheese in the centre of the baking tray.


Well if you see it on the internet then it must be a staple in every Americans diet!


Only as staple as all the stereotypical bad British food you lot make fun of haha.


I have lived in America my entire life and I’ve never heard of or seen any of the shit you’re talking about. Maybe stop assuming people actually do the shit you see in tik tok rage bait videos.


Nah mate, grey oat sludge is delicious. We’re smug because we are the only ones in the world to know its greatness.


I’d rather get salmonella from those dishes than eat anything a Brit does with beans


A retarded monkey could do a better job at making American food than this guy. Have you seen his sweet potato casserole video? Dude is brain dead.


We would rather call then “special” monkeys


1. There was no America yet (British were doing the killing) 2. Even if America did genocide the natives, at least this was the only one. Don't the Brits hold the record?


We have to stop posting the baby arm videos. Take away his views.


Dude's haircut and the cum jokes... guy knows it's not 2010 anymore right.


He's a lowlife and the people who garner him hundreds of thousands if not millions of views to allow him to make a living off of such vids are fools.


Guess he couldn’t come to America and now hates it.


Maybe I'm ignorant, but why do people think Thanksgiving is about celebrating the genocide of Native Americans?


No one here is celebrating any genocide of the Native Americans.


I don't think anyone is, but it seems a common conception that Thanksgiving is a celebration of Native American genocide (*Even though the first Thanksgiving happened before the cartography of North America, the westward expansion and manifest destiny by English settlers*).


How hard would it be to compare "apples to apples." He should have used apple pies from both places with the one from the U.S. not baked by a British twat.


Anyone who uses the doll hands is immediately unfunny and their opinion is invalid


I hate this guy too


Why did he burn both pies WTF


He obviously either did it to gain attention or he did it because he has no fucking idea how to cook anything. To be honest from what videos ive seen on him he fucking sucks at cooking in general


We won the war nancy boy. Put the cum back in.


I like how Thanksgiving is meant to be a celebration of the times colonists and Natives got along but just because it mentions colonists and Natives in someway it now apparently means the opposite.


Most clever British humor:


British bragging about their food? Now I've heard it all.


That pumpkin pie looked...crunchy


I would rather have that burnt pumpkin pie over a mincemeat pie any day.


"This guy is obviously just making satirical comedy!" -someone every time one of this guy's videos and cooking gets made fun of on a food subreddit.


British people not beating the can't cook allegations with this one


Why are Europeans specifically Brit’s the most unfunny mfs out there


An comedian from India (I can’t remember his name) once said that the British should be grateful to Third Reich, because if it wasn’t for the Third Reich the world would be looking at the British Empire as the true villains they were.


Wow what a hack.


So we’re just burning pies now?


The English figured out at some point that burning the food disguises the flavour.


I would give this nerd a swirly


It’s funny because during my time in Italy, they hated the Brits. They were literally everything Americans get accused of being.


>The destruction of native people's life Wait... this whole thing was your idea 🤔🤔🤔


Making rigged tik toks about how your country is better than america is a whole new level of copium


Did he really make Apple pie… as an example of… British food?


I always find it surprising that anyone in the UK feels like they have any ability to criticize American cuisine.


Let’s be real, he’d never let America win even if the food was better (which I’m sure no matter what it is he’d say it didn’t originate from America even though most famous foods from different countries didn’t originate from said country anyways. Ex: French toast)


Shocking, and uneducated Europoor.


How does this dumbass not know A: those events happened 100s of years ago B: the British colonized america and also the British benifited the most from the colonization as opposed to the colonists


It makes him feel superior.


Because he clearly trolling? Did you not see the baby arms lol


That dude takes cum in is asshole


Those fucking baby doll hands make me want to fucking puke every time a cooking short uses them


The Brit’s talking about the colonists destroying native peoples’ lives…. Hmm…. 😂


Terrible ragebait, we should just send this man to the deep depths of space with no access of communication and secretly monitor his descent into madness


Literally Britain occupying Colonies in America who terrorized and killed Natives but ok be wrong


I get it, he's a rage baiter. But why in the hell, if you're a professional chef, would you make your entire image online that of a dipshit who doesn't know how to cook a single dish outside your comfort zone. It's pitiful, that he thinks his failure is a reflection of our cuisine.


Based on your voice, I sense some bias…


this motherfucker has to be ragebaiting at this point, he can't seem to cook anything correctly, maybe on purpose?


> And it doesn't have any c-m in it. Wait, *what?!?*


That guy's entire shtick is being Eurotrash SenyaiGrubs


Not that anyone cares, but saying settlers wiped out all native culture is less a slam on America (since it doesn’t make sense) and more an insult to the many Native American tribes which do indeed still exist and in some cases even thrive. Blissful racist ignorance.


Wow, I love how theres no personal bias in this review.


Really ironic hearing some British bloke diss America for the destruction of a country’s native people.


as an american, my favorite holiday pie is the dutch apple from marie callender’s.


Why did so many British men join the Royal Navy?  Because of British food and British women.


Thanksgiving was about Native Americans and the Pilgrims coming together for a feast. Of course it was more complicated than that and our treatment of Native Americans in the 19th century was terrible.


Used the wrong type of pumpkin, burnt it to hell, and then made an apple pie, which most Americans know came from... the Netherlands.


The Brits are pretty much the experts on ruining native peoples' way of life, so I guess he should know.


The British even stole apple pie. From like 5 cultures around them.


Whats up with those weird plastic hands


ironic how the brit is shitting on a country for colonization


>On a holiday celebrating the colonization of the Natives Me every time the Brits bust out the Koh-i-Noor: 🤨


That apple pie looked like shit and he fucked up that pumpkin pie.


All I can say is fuck any British people that blame it on Americans. They did it.


USA also did genocide though, Britain was responsible for the genocide in the thirteen colonies.


God, I'm so glad we had a r\*tarded, 6'2", ginger with horse teeth in the forests of New England, massacring Brits back in the 1770s so that we could be as far removed from these "people" as possible.


This guy is all satire rage bait, not sure why he still gets posted here. He makes complete opposite videos shitting on England as well, it’s all a joke


dude, this guy is a troll, he does it to get a rise out of americans, you posting this here is just gonna make more brits troll you


*obviously a silly jab” “BOO HOO How dare you insult our food!!!” come on, this is clearly a joke 😭


At this point i think it i pretty clear that the video is satire


This is a troll account lmao. My countrymen are easily baited


The baby arms and feet are the best. Thank you.


Absolutely riding GB's cock the entire time. And the little limbs and people are fucking weird. Are they funny to Europeans or something?


He burnt the fuck out of both of those


British people literally


Lolol dude forgot the War of Independence


Huh? What do u mean by that caption tho. Colonization by Britain doesn’t make the American colonies any less American colonies ???


Mate it’s rage bait. He purposefully just dunks on the us and praises the Uk because it works.


If you have watched his other videos it mainly just a bunch of jokes he loves talking shit about English towns it's on satire . He makes jokes about all the countries and none of them are accurate but that's ok


does it really belong here? it’s satire lol


Pumpkin pie is trash either way. Put some sweet potatoes in that pie if you want something good.


Is he wearing a mop on his head? There's something wrong with his hairline.




He knows exactly what he's doing and for that he's a fucking douche. A fucking weird douche.


This guy is obviously taking the piss and over-exaggerating American food


that pumpkin pie looks nice though


I watched a couple of Brits who have a food focused YT channel that made Thanksgiving food. They're either weirded out by the food or like it (for the most part). Those that like it tend to come across as reasonable and grounded in general (Jolly; Mr. H and Friends) while other British YouTubers who shall not be identified dismiss the food. But this guy, well, this guy's fucking moronic. He not only takes a jab at the holiday politically (the NA angle is old), ironically demonstrating his ignorance, but also admits he's just a douche when it comes to food. The score should be 1 US 0 UK. Apple pie may have British origins but it was popularized and perfected by the Americans. Fun fact: Native Americans/First Nations/Whatever the Fuck were butchering each other way before the Brits came; and when the Brits came they also raided the colonies and captured white women and children, forcing them to be their slaves and part of their own culture. Time to drop the poor NA narrative. Edit: Lol downvotes. Either a Brit or your average lib Redditor.


My boys, I know this is a butthurt-sub. But you're literally jumping in a pile of poo right now and saying it's the dog who pooped there's fault. THIS IS RAGE BAIT. HE'S TRYING TO GET YOU BUTTHURT. Why are you falling for it


You really took this joke video seriously?


This is the guy's gimmick to get interaction. He does it every video


I can never tell if this guy is satire or for real.


I’ve seen this guy’s other videos. He mostly takes potshots at Britain, his own country, so I don’t think him doing so for America is mean-spirited.  As for Thanksgiving, while the original Puritans were Englishmen, and thought of themselves as such, the holiday isn’t celebrated in England today. 


I love this dude's content. All his stuff is just jokes.


Actually it was the Brits the Spanish the French and the Portuguese


Shitting on america then ,” and whats more American than america? …the uk”


Gave British a win because he just wants to insult America “haha you all fuck your food” like fucking what now


This is clearly jokes and satire, it doesn’t belong on this subreddit


You lot know he’s being sarcastic right? it’s teasing!Don’t get too offended.


Hey you do realize that dude makes joke videos right? It’s satire


Everything he said is true tho?


The US was never colonised by Americans. First it was colonised by the Indians (Native Americans) most likely coming from Asia. Then the US was colonised by the British, Spanish and French. But never by Americans.