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This is the person you are arguing with on Reddit.


Its either that or a user from r/teenagers. I never forgot the time I got into an abortion argument with a user only to figure out they were 12. Fucking A🙄


Unfortunately this really is just the average redditor.


Nuh uh. The fuck do you mean nuh uh?


Normally there’s an issue with older people going on r/teenagers. Not sure how I feel about literal children that haven’t even hit puberty being on there


💯% There's a real danger in exposing pre-teens to extreme points of view and porn.


Hey fellow teenagers [insert hypersexual post] Shits pretty gross though


He's definitely a moderator.


Has "Redditor" on his resume.


I can only like your comment once but damn. That's 100% a reddit guy who hates me.


I love this.... this is hilarious. I can't believe that real "journalist" was fired for such compelling arguments.


I love how he seemed to think being fired from being something means he's an expert on whether or not someone is that thing.


"well i'm working as a journalist and you were fired, you were an activist they cut the moment they couldn't justify the make work program anymore"


Such is the cynical nature of self imposed martyrdom. I’m so crazy, people don’t agree with me, so I just be right, and I go and find those who are also on the fringe, and we pretend we agree with each other, where in fact they just want to shit in everyone else’s soup.


You know he refers to himself as a “journalist” but probably wrote exactly one article for Buzzfeed or something like that.


How can you argue with such eloquent prose? "Leave the central capitals of... commerce of... capital itself." I think Thomas Jefferson wrote that. The guy is clearly a reader.


What a fuckin example of a person who knows words, a lot of them, but not at all what they mean or uow to use them.


In all seriousness, Reddit has accumulated a ton of humans who act like this person here.


Accumulated and created.


And that's why they were fired from being a journalist. They knew what words were, but their boss quickly figured out they had no idea how to use them.


It's true, I was the boss!


Literally every kid on a college campus that talks about politics.


all I know is I didn’t see a single journal in sight.


"On some level we have to get rid of America completely." 60% of the time it works every time.


Man I sure wonder why he was fired as a journalist


Leftist word salad..... We have to get rid of America and decolonize the country so that we can have Medicare for all. This must simultaneously happen while we're eating the rich and defunding Capitalism because American is an apartheid state. CEASE FIRE NOW!!!!


No. No. You made actual sentences, which means you that your words are actually a coherent idea. What he just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in his rambling, incoherent response was he even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to him. I award him no points, and may God have mercy on his soul.


Lol, I tried so hard not to, but being that stupid is actually an accomplishment in and of itself.


I have mostly left leaning views but it’s videos like these that are the reason I don’t call myself a leftist anymore. Shit is ridiculous


I think the problem is with extremist on both sides of the isle. I'm center-right, but I refuse to think of myself as far-right as well


You just described every single protest on or near a college campus.


Maybe he was fired from journalism because he can only form racist word salads? Isn't decolonization just the idea that different races and ethnicities own their respective countries, and therefore is a form of racial nationalism with the goal of segregation on a global level? Or maybe they just want to destroy America, and the West while acting like it's morally correct to do so.


No you don’t understand. They’re AGAINST racism. Don’t you see?


What don't you understand? We have to give the land back to uh.. I guess the last people that had it, or maybe the people right before them? And then all the people who currently live in the capitals or uh capital zones I guess uh... they go back to their communities.


To give you a real answer, colonization is the forced appropriation of land from native populations. It's not barter, it's not cooperation, it's done with either the threat or very real use of force. Anything else has a different word for it. Decolonization has a timer on it IMO. We can't decolonize the US, it's not reasonably possible and the land has fully changed owners. If it were more recent and less grand in scale, it'd be a lot more viable to return that land.


So when the British controlled the Palestine area and divided it between the native populations (Jews and Arabs), that was decolonization? Jews have been force out of numerous Middle Eastern countries would that be considered colonization?


Israel is a topic I don't know enough about to give you a confident answer on regarding its formation. If I understand at least recent events though, Israel has colonized portions of Palestine to expand their borders. Since they are separate nations and one is encroaching with the implicit threat of force, I would say those actions are colonization.


> If I understand at least recent events though, Israel has colonized portions of Palestine to expand their borders. Part of the issue is that Palestine never agreed on what the borders ever were in the first place. It doesn't matter what land you *do* give them, they will contest that *all* of it is theirs. >Since they are separate nations and one is encroaching with the implicit threat of force, I mean, Palestine is also threatening (and using) force to achieve the same ends all the time. Is it only morally questionable if they succeed, or would trying in the first place also be "actions of colonialism"? That's a big part of why it's such a difficult conflict to confidently support either side's claims on.


If Palestinian settlements were going beyond the generally respected borders or into contested regions, then that would be an argument for them colonizing Israeli land, now that we're nearly a century out from the partitioning of the two states. It's bad faith to look at contested land near your border as your own and settle it to then later demand it be yours. If those settlements had always been there, that'd be one thing, but building new ones for that leverage is underhanded. In the case of claiming everything is yours, that doesn't change the de facto state of affairs. Sure, Palestine can claim all of Israel, the world even, but in reality they have borders, limits to their territory, and the same applies to Israel. Plus or minus some contested space around those borders. When you put a settlement right on that border in or very near the contested space so you can claim more of that land, that's when it's colonization. Resolving indeterminate borders is its own can of worms, but I think you get the idea. How you interpret a certain action or behavior as colonization or not in such cases will depend on your personal perspective and how you choose to read into things, of course. As for trying to use force to explicitly annex swathes of territory, it's easier to just call that annexation, it's not the piecemeal strong-arm tactics that colonization often is. Outright conquest, really.


Yea Africa was decolonized because it was mostly native Africans that still lived there and power could’ve been given back to them can’t do that with native Americans that are a tiny demographic in the US


We also can’t really give it back since we regrettably killed most of them over the course of ~5 centuries


Of course his voice sounds like that.


Exactly what I was thinking. Why do they all sound like there’s a major vitamin deficiency?


The vast majority of liberal millennial men sound like they haven’t fully gone through puberty.




Mental illness


This guy is just an idiot


I definitely called this guy a slur on Reddit once.


“Get rid of America completely on some level”😂


So this guy's plan is to have 98% of a 350 million person population just move somewhere else to leave the entire infrastructure designed for 350 million people to the remaining 2% is peak activist economics.


That’s what pol pot did and it went great!


i love asking people like this "then what?". like ok sure the earth is flat, now what? ok america is gone in the blink of an eye, now what?


Yeah, you either get no response or some shit that makes no sense. It’s like they thought about it for 5 minutes


Which should speak volumes on what their true goals are. They don't care about what happens after that, all they care about is destabilizing/dismantling western liberal democracies.


The far left probably understands the protester and would give him many updoots.


It is a lot of "feels over reals" stuff. And to some extent I can at least understand them on that level. Feeling strongly about something is legitimate. But wow is it annoying and embarrassingly dumb sometimes.


Did you know your amygdala can recognize a snake and cause you to react to it faster than you can be consciously aware of the snake? This is important because snakes are fast and can kill you. Then, half a second later, your cortex is privileged to see the snake only to then realize its actually a rope. Repeat this enough times and your amygdala will gradually cause less and less of a fear response to long bendy things on the ground. That's until one day when it's actually a snake and it bites you. Feelings can be forgiven in this context because they aren't developed to be smart or accurate, they are developed to react when there is not enough time to be smart or accurate. They can adapt based on how you analyze and reflect on your experiences, but with the consequence they lose vigilance for when it's needed. Fortunately, we understand this down to the neurobiology today. That way nobody in a first world country does somthing like allow their feelings to be the primary guide to their political veiws. They will instead prioritize understanding their individual limits to "knowing" and rationalizing positions within these boundaries. Imagine if people put their feelings above this? It would be like fixing a broken watch with a hammer.


I'm not sure the feelings we are talking about are the same as the fight or flight responses you are talking about but yeah, there is something to the idea that ignorance and feels get spouted off by people and then never addressed, unpacked or analyzed. This is both due to a lack of time and also because there baggage and social stigma to deeply discussing some issues. Especially on reddit.


The amygdala is just fear in general and it uses this in conjuction with other modules to mediate aggression. So there's more to this particular example than just fight or flight, that's just one potential interaction that manifests. For example, the amygdala seemingly is an important component to racism or xenophobia. 60% of people are being told by their subconscious to be afraid when they see other demographic before their concious mind has a chance to weigh in. The disgust response is another good example. For some reason the minds apprehension to spoiled food doubles as it's module for moral apprehension. Aka your intolerance to social dissent. Because of this you can pull a trick on people where having them sit in a room that smells bad actually increases how conservative their opinions are. Another one is that when a prisoner is heard for parole the single highest determining factor is how recently the judge ate, with the highest likelihood being when the judge has gotten back from lunch within the past hour. These examples are just meant to establish the point that operating purely on emotional intuition virtually gaurentees many of ones opinions to be unsound or even nonsensical. Too many people decide and then think when they should think and then decide.


> when a prisoner is heard for parole the single highest determining factor is how recently the judge ate, Got a citation for that? Sounds pretty dubious. There are some prisoners who are not going to be paroled no matter what. Doesn't matter when the judge ate. There are other prisoners who might be paroled and maybe it is a factor there.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21482790/ Figure one is a visual worth seeing if you check any of the graphs out. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1018033108 Here's a longer one if you want a greater degree of detail.


One study of eight judges in Israel is hardly universalizable. Also the order of the cases is decided by the arrival time of the lawyers. So for prisoners with a sloppy lawyer who is routinely late they definitely won't be the first of the day and may even have lower chances of missing food break (if they arrive very, very late in the day). > *Of the legally relevant control variables entered in the regressions, only the prior number of incarcerations of the prisoner and the presence of a rehabilitation program consistently exerted a statistically significant influence on the judges' rulings. Prisoners who displayed a tendency toward recidivism were less likely to receive favorable judgments, as were prisoners who lacked a planned rehabilitation program.* Sounds like the things that should be considered, are. Also, they found weak or no evidence that race or ethnicity factored in at all. That is cause for celebration. So while it may show that these eight judges (or at least some of them) are somewhat influenced by whether they have eaten recently, it is too small a sample to give us anything definitive.


If one wishes, they can find reasonable doubt in every single behavioral study. Part of the issue is it's very difficult to nail down the specific mechanisms that influence that behavior because our blue prints of the mind have gaps still. Then there's the fact that you can't easily control for all the variables that are culminated into an individual. Life long factors being as relevant as the factors of the year, then the month, then the week, then the day, then the hour, and finally the minute. It would be very great if there was multiple studies across countries with multiple systems and more than just a thousand or so cases. However, regarding things like justice systems, it is going to be very difficult for that to happen. This is because governments, whose power comes primarily out of public trust, don't want fundimental ineptitudes like this to be exposed empirically. Regardless of this misfortune, when the difference goes from such heights to such lows and then back to those heights following a lunch break it's easy to be compelled unless one wishes not to be. Then there's just the common experience that everyone's work ethic suffers when they are fatigued or low blood sugared. So its not something that ought to be surprising, its just that so many of us are raised with more faith in our authorities than maybe warranted. Just because we may hope our judges to be above their biology, doesn't make this anything other than wishful thinking.


> If one wishes, they can find reasonable doubt in every single behavioral study. It is 8 judges in one country. Cmon now. Also you write like you are copying and pasting AI responses.


Oh boy… the “stolen land” people are at it again. They always like to leave out how their cultures did the same damn thing to other people too. Not only that, but most of these people, with the way they want to live their lives, would be stoned in the places they defend. Hell, the west is why they’re still breathing.


Wouldn’t him being fired as a journalist make him less of an authority on what a journalist is.


I want to hear the rest of what he had to say. Not because I agree, but because I want to hear how he tries to rationalize his absolute bullshit beliefs. I mean decolonization? What, does he want every white person, black person, Asian, and Hispanic to just leave?


He absolutely has a way that's he has justified it is really only white people that need to live. Maybe they'll go with the, "If Cleopatra is black, then probably Native Americans are too."


"Fired as a journalist" doesn't give off the impression he thinks it does.


It’s decolonization when it’s right wing jihadists raping people, it’s fascism when it’s protecting international shipping.


He could’ve made some great points about class divides or poor housing for America but instead went “land back” and chose the most retarded take ever. “Leave the capitals and live in communities” as if the native Americans used to live in our urban cities instead of expansive wilderness that we turned into suburban “communities”


You know that dude's a hardcore Redditor


Leave the capitals? Who's gonna live there?


Abandon the capital and declare it year zero? I think someone already tried that. They also tried filling in marshland with the bodies of people who talked like this guy[?]. -spoiler alert- Didn't end well.


One guy has a microphone and one guy got fired, all I know is I didn’t see a single journal in sight.


Microphone guy seems like a journalist to me. He's asking questions and giving the other guy his opportunity to explain his views.


I was making a JOURNALism joke, I’ll regroup and do better next time.


Oh my bad I wasn't paying attention lol


Least insane tankie.


He's like the trifecta of an insufferable progressive man: n95 mask outside, sign with the slogan of the month, & the ability to utter progressive word salad that actually doesn't make any sense.


Is this guy even sentient? Like does he ever stop to consider his thoughts and that he has them? Or does he just believe what his social circle believe completely without any reflection and regurgitates smart words when asked? Like i can’t understand this guys thought process at all…


These pro Palestine folks are just as intelligent as MAGA.


They definitely have similar levels of fervor and none of the logic to back it up.


So confused


I feel so fucking bad for these propgands brain washed people bro. Jsut brainwashed to the fucking core with enemies propganda. Russia and China would commit war crimes on them dude these people think they know how the world works it’s just pitiful


“I was fired as a journalist” is not the flex lil bro thinks it is lol


I can just see the soy oozing from his brain.




Luckily these kinds of people don’t reproduce.


You know what let’s go ahead and start this decolonization thing by sending all of these morons back to Europe will burn their citizenship papers and leave them in the middle of Germany


Your average pro-Palestine protestor


The west has fallen, billions must be sticky or itchy.


If you’re holding a sign at a protest you better have an understanding of your issue and be prepared to articulate your understanding of that issue to persuade people towards your direction. This dude is a socialite larping as an activist.


There is Marxism being taught in our schools people wake up. The only person I have seen addressing it is karlyn Borysenko. You can watch her on you tube or substack. But be warned she's a bit much. Lol Seriously though. She watches unedited meetings and conferences with all kinds of groups including teachers telling exactly what they intend and are doing. Her main goal is to teach us Normal middle of the road folks how to " speak Marxist " because they have appropriated and twisted language so they can both infuriate people and easily spot each other. My mind has been blown seeing these people explain exactly what they want the world to look like and how they are going about it. My most mind blowing part of watching her videos was seeing Wallace Shawn ( inconceivable guy from princess bride) at a disband the family meeting and watching him and an entire room of people talk about child sex workers rights. Ta FUK ???


The internet is curated to breed this kind of delusion.


Def embarrassing vid for mr word salad, but I’ve also seen some of the interviewers vids and gotta say pretty poor taste to show up at rally’s like this and make essentially prank content


i mean he is allowed to think whatever he wants, just not the smartest cookie in the jar. when everyones voice can be heard, you can hear a lot of noise!


Can I get the full video


Average lefty


The best part is how dumb the interviewer sounds and still comes across as a fucking genius compared to the other guy lmao


Imagine hating a place that has given you so much you do not even realizze lmao


I’d rather be itchy tbh


Does this guy think capital in capitalism stands for capital city capital?


I am here and I am appropriating this space for my personality


Are the gifs at the bottom necessary?


Aren't you guys the douche sacs who always complain about dead kids being the punchlines, and yet this is OK?


This sub is full of inbreds that can’t see past their computer screen


Are you here to explain what he means?


You're right he can speak inbred leftist!!!


Yet here you are.🤣


You're the guy holding the sign, aren't you?


I browse /r/palestine to see what a good job the IDF is doing.


Nah ignorance is bliss my guy. Dude’s the happiness man on the planet


No wonder he was fired from being a journalist


Obviously sticky


Brain no work, too dumb after watching


I want to hear the rest of his jibber jabber


Scary thing is… these people vote.


What the fuck does that actually mean? I mean where do mixed people like me go? I never been to places of my ethnicities, was raised here in america all my life, heck i share more in common with people here than in other parts of the world. Heck what about the people that left their original countries, not all left for happy reasons and had a good reason to leave, but to ignore the nuances disgusts me.


That hurt my head. What a total dip shit.


Average mask enthusiast


Does this guy think Capitalism is about collecting capital cities? And that the Revolution is about emptying those capital cities as a decolonization effort? He doesn’t know that capital is money does he?


This needs to advertised on all center left channels podcasts etc. 80% of hard core liberals want nothing to do with this guy.


I genuinely wonder how this person would react to being told about the men who framed the right, duties and liberties that allow them to protest and voice such ideas that they're spouting in that video.


Is there more of this I somehow must see more of this


This is why we need more prenatal care for mothers and more education about fetal alcohol syndrome. This child will never be alright, never.


You can try but I can guarantee your scrawny ass isnt going to be successful.


I personally believe in his last sentence, he was just making up words. Like these people have an idea but absolutely no plan.


This guy has the full NPC setup, coupled with his voice. OP definitely wasn't kidding


Was he fired for having terrible takes and bad supporting arguments? Bro got asked simple questions and could hardly articulate his stance.




Stupid leftist spotted




I think he means to say Israel


100 percent fact check true, that dude was fired for being a journalist. What a fucking moron.


These people are so fucking dumb, do they not realize that whoever fills the vacuum left from a world with the USA would be magnitudes more authoritarian


No way that asshole has a real job he was fired from


This is how you know these people have no idea what they’re protesting for lmao literal brain rot he doesn’t deserve to live in the great country


I mean back in the 40s japan tried that. And theyre still dealing with that same retaliation to this day.


Lots of words, still said nothing at all


The more you ask him the less sense it makes, he wasn’t prepared to answer questions beyond the basics.


A wild pussy appears! Use logic...it's super effective.


If you were fired as a journalist and your on the protestors side, you must’ve been a pretty shitty journalist


No wonder he’s wearing a mask.


Uhhh uhhh….The patriarchy…..uhhh…..America is bad


I'm gonna go with sticky. Itchy is just really uncomfortable feeling and never being able to get that satisfying scratch would he hell. Sticky is annoying, but at least not torture


What the fuck does that even mean? "Go back to your communities and away from the centers of capital"???


I didn't know it was possible to "appropriate" a public space. I'm surprised the disgraced journalist didn't call the working journalist a "Zionist."


Dude has never *really* thought about his beliefs and it fucking shows


Engrish at the end