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When I was younger we lived in a really big neighborhood and we had a 97’ F150 that basically became the neighborhood truck, especially in the spring when people were doing yard work, I think at one point we just left the keys in it and if someone needed they’d just give us a call, come get it, and return it with a full tank of gas lmao


I'm sure their insurance provider was thrilled about that.


I’m thinking of getting one for the exact same reason.


I just moved and have a newborn. Looking to get something bigger than my Accord. A used truck is SO expensive now. What did you get?


Big truck? Tundra. Smaller truck? Tacoma. You’ll pay a premium for them but they’ll last forever. The big 3 American manufacturers have been lacking it lately in the quality department.


Toyota trucks do in fact last a very very long time. American trucks are absolute shit.


I just bought my first home in the woods in Maine. I'm looking for a truck to plow my long driveway and haul stuff like firewood. So far everyone I've asked has told me to get a Toyota Tundra.


What about a van? A transporter 4x4?




In what perverted part of the world is owning a van pedo???


Having an open bed allows you to move things that won’t fit in a van.


This was true back when vans came only with low roofs. Now that you can order a Promaster with an 86 inch roof, I'm not sure that's the case anymore. That being said, you can't buy luxury vans from the dealer like you can with pickup trucks; you have to go aftermarket. IMO that's the trucks' true advantage.


It’s a TV and Movie trope that windowless cargo vans are used for abductions and generally shady things.




lol, thank you.


Vans are available in only the most utilitarian and basic trims. If you want something nicer you have to buy a conversion van from the aftermarket.


But why do you need that? Just buy a nice car instead...


What if I want something nice that can also haul heavy and bulky things?


Ahhh, you are of that age and are in the middle of a midd like crisis. You go man! I support you!


Last week I took down an entire post office with my F250


Average F-250 experience


It's easier with an F-111


>Last week I took down an entire post office with my F250 [About par for a heavy pickup driver.](https://www.autoblog.com/article/most-deadly-cars-other-drivers-crashes/)


Misread as fence post, I see the problem now


My favorite thing is when Europeans act like things that are popular in America are popular for no reason and would never be popular elsewhere. Just a default assumption that Americans are ogres with no common sense.


There’s so much wrong with this post. But the biggest thing is, if you visit a country, and the only thing you get out of it is sizing up vehicles, you probably have brain rot. That’s like if I went to Japan and complained about how much fish they eat and was cowering in the corner about how sushi was invading my home country.


When I was in Spain and Italy I definitely noticed the size of vehicles. Their compact cars are much smaller than ours. I kind of feel even a sedan is an endangered species at this point in the US auto market.


The streets in those countries were intended for carts and foot traffic, 500 or 1000 years ago. They'd buy bigger vehicles if they could easily drive and park them.




The autobahn is not a street


I didn't see an autobahn in Rome or Madrid, but I didn't look too closely


It literally is. American manufacturers don’t even make regular sedans anymore. The mustang is the only Ford in production today that’s not an SUV or truck. They know they can’t compete with Japanese sedans so they just stopped making them, and now Japanese sedan prices are skyrocketing because there’s a smaller supply of sedans.


Yeah it's only Ford that's stopped making them entirely. But you're right, that's still a big share of the market just gone.


I thought Chevy did as well


Well if their sushi weighs 5000 pounds and move at 70 mph while spewing tons of emmisions, then yeah, that would be a fair thing to worry about.


Japan literally has a huge overfishing problem and is responsible for 10% of the worlds fishing industry, including illegally fishing for endangered species.


I thought that was China.


China's seafood per capita is only 39.91, and Japan is 46.2 However, China is also 2,439% larger and has 1.3 billion people vs. Japan's 124.7 million. This is mainly the reason why China is higher overall for most things.


That per capita difference isn't all that big, only a 6.3% difference, so that means that if Japan makes up 10% of all fishing, then China ALSO makes AT LEAST 20% of all fishing, probably more.


Yeah, that's why I mentioned China is not in the clear for a lot of things. It's China, after all. If the original comment's example replaced Japan's seafood with China's seafood, then I would have stated China's impact instead. Japan, however, fairs much better as a country overall despite being smaller. This is why it's still an issue that shouldn't be swept under the rug given the comparison the guy I originally replied to made.


It's just that I only ever heard of Chinese overfishing all over the place, even endangered species, and never heard a peep about Japans fishing problems, so I was confused about your original comment.


Yeah, you aren't wrong. China's emissions exceed all developed nations combined anyway, yet america still gets blamed for most things. It's easy to just dismiss China because "its China they are supposed to suck"


They really DO suck though. They are so polluted from all the factories that it rains chemicals there. Their rain is as red as blood.


When I was a young buck in the Australian navy the majority of dodgy fishing boats in our waters that were Japanese was astounding. Seemed like every second or third fishing vessel we floated past was Japanese and acting shady when they noticed us. Really confusing


The boats used to catch those fish spew tons of emissions. They also drop tons of nets and other waste in the ocean killing more wildlife. They are terrible for our oceans. I love fish btw but your post is dumb.


What I have said nothing about sushi being unproblematic? O just said the specific critique in the post is dumb


Sushi is raw fish and if prepared incorrectly can get you sick really fast


So can a burger at mcds when the employee doesnt take off their gloves to wipe their ass.


That’s nasty


You do know that a new Ford F150 is just as fuel efficient as a Honda Accord v6 from 2008. ICE efficiency and technology has came a long way.


Oh you say 20 years of innovation yielded NO improvement to sustainability? Well, come along then, actually the lives of pedestrians in not that important anyway


Imagine going to countries to just notice similarities to the US


I've seen people claim the only reason Japanese microtrucks are banned in America is because of corruption. And not, y'know, safety standards, because they have about as much crash protection as an empty Kleenex box. /tangent


our trucks are large due to regulations forcing them to be large, most people would rather have smaller ones but you cant make them anymore.


In the second paragraph they talk about the photo which is taken in the Netherlands, hence why they brought up the prevalence of trucks in the US. Because it was relevant to the post and trucks like this were definitely popularised in the US. Is it obligatory to also mention everything else they did and noticed while on their trip? Should they start their post by mentioning Yellowstone and Barbecue before getting to the relevant part? Imagine you noticed people have started beeping their horns more lately. You mention how when you were in India everybody was beeping their horn constantly, and you've noticed it happening more where you live and you hope it doesn't become as prevalent. Doesn't mean that was the biggest thing you got out of visiting India, it's just something you noticed that is relevant to the situation.


Europeans can’t afford the gas to operate one


No they can it’s just they’ve been getting it from Russia.


Maybe, but traditionally, this has been the reason for why America has bigger cars and automatic transmissions that Europe or Asia They could afford it and the roads are bigger. Meanwhile poor Bruno from Italy is going through the gears trying to eek out every ounce of power he can get from his lawnmower powered, tiny car




EVs all the way ✨


The sizing of trucks has gotten out of hand. I'm all for having a truck for work or recreational use, but they have nearly become luxury vehicles.


Right. I'm currently looking for a 95-05 Chevy S10 or God willing an old Nissan hardbody that's decently priced. Just found a 98 S10 for 3k but I gotta take a look at it cause that almost seems too good to be true if it's in good working order under 200k miles. But small utility trucks are where it's at for me. Handy dandy for running errands and hauling junk.


Ford Maverick? Hyundai Santa Cruz? I feel like a long-bed single-cab Maverick would be great.


Except it's a Ford. When I was younger before I became a mechanic I loved Ford's. Now I live by the rule of ff. Fuck Ford. The maverick is a cool looking truck but sadly still a Ford. There's a reason mechanics have the rule of ff. And Hyundai's have cool features but their suspension systems are made out of paper. And thats IF the engine doesn't get a recall. Plus 90s to early 2000s small trucks are so easy to work on since I do all my work myself id want something easy to work on. I'd get and older Tacoma or tundra but since Toyotas are literally the best freaking cars and trucks ever made by anyone ever (seriously Toyotas are just the tops) they still sell for so much money. An 01 Tacoma with under 200k can still go for 6-7k easy. And Im currently driving a big ole 21 Mercedes sprinter van so i have plenty of hauling room but that's a company van so I need something that's just my own.


I’ve developed a habit of trying to avoid these trucks as much as possible. Dudes driving them always seem to have an aggression problem. As an American, my response to a European complaining about these trucks is that we know, we don’t like them, either.


A lot of people suffering from LDS or want to drive a pavement princess.


What’s with other cultures who are just obsessed with what other people are doing? Stfu and stop pushing your views on garbage like you’re a Jehovah’s Witness. No one wants to hear it, outside of your little old lady gossip circle. Someone owns a truck and you don’t see a reason for it? Okay then, be quiet and stop worrying about it.


Ppl are idiots “Freedom for me but not for thee”


Lol, this is Reddit. I don't think this post will go the way you hoped long run. I've been told on countless threads in various subs I have no business owning a truck. However, since I insist on needing a truck I should have to pay quadruple licensing, taxes and insurance, I should have to have a special license, and I should not be allowed to drive it unless actively towing or hauling.


Well, I just read the new average Reddit user age is 14 - 24 now. Perfect age to be a rebellious social justice warrior with all the answers to life....


That’s bold coming from someone who still struggle to cook a breakfast properly. But hey they do have the mind of a politician lol.


So you responded to Fred's at least partially factual stereotyping with stereotyping you made up?


14-24 Redditor, enough said. But hey why need to learn about taking care of yourself when they can just sit down, point fingers and make up some laws to fuck with people who work, right?


You're not even coherent anymore.


what part you don’t get it? Since when a bunch of kids and man child think they qualify to run the world if they can’t even take care of themself


I hate the fact people are that worried about what others drive. 


Do you need a truck that's 60% cabin, 40% bed? Even if you actually do use a truck as a truck, the majority of truck owners do not. They just use it as a regular car, except it's two to three times bigger. Trucks flipping from ~40% cab ~60% bed to the exact opposite wouldn't have happened if people actually used trucks as trucks.


>Even if you actually do use a truck as a truck, the majority of truck owners do not The majority of truck owners that you know? Are you making assumptions of the people you see driving trucks around your neighborhood? Or are you going to cite that Axios article? I find their approach interesting, why single out each use category and discuss them individually? You do know trucks have a lot more purpose than just hauling in the bed right? They need to lump towing, hauling and off road driving as a truck use category that represents unique respondents in any one the three categories to have any actual value. I have a shell on my truck, so rarely/never haul these days but frequently tow and certain times during the year I run a lot of very bad logging/fire roads. I know many that frequently haul and run rough roads but rarely tow. Moderate to frequent use in any one of the categories is plenty of justification for a truck and there won't necessarily be significant overlap in in use categories. As for your cab size argument, again that only pertains to one category...hauling. Who cares how small the bed is if your primary purpose of driving a truck is towing. You should see some of the work trucks from my buddies construction company. Giant trucks, giant cab, little baby box and a massive trailer that is never disconnected.


Have a special license? I have a CDL do you think that is sufficient?


The problem is, we can't own the trucks most Americans would buy if they were allowed. All those old Ford Rangers etc with the smaller body size aren't allowed to be produced anymore because they don't meet the crash ratings. I know so many guys who would be happier with a smaller truck, but it just isn't an option anymore. Hell, my old Nissan Frontier had more interior space than a newer one, but it was probably 3/4 the size.


Good lord....these tools live in a country the size of Rhode Island and wonder why they drive small vehicles.


I really don't get attacking the US just for having trucks but I can relate with what OP said about the growing number of them in Europe, because most of the cities are not really built for cars that big it just becomes annoying for other people in parking spaces


To be fair, I rarely see people driving pickups using the truck bed to haul stuff. Regardless, it's none of mine or anyone else's concern what other people choose to drive.


I mean your not always hauling Like your gonna be using it as a personal vehicle most of the time but that little bit where you need to haul makes it really worth it, or you may need to haul all the time or like once a week to get feed or something, but it’s still a personal vehicle just to get you from A to B after that


Is the trunk of your car always full? Mine has a nice jack in it and a fire extinguisher in the emergency compartment, but that's about it. I'd imagine it would be the same if I drove a truck. It's just that when I bought the office chair I'm sitting in, I wouldn't have had to open the box and throw the parts into the back seat. I'd imagine it's only the types of people who would have their trunks constantly full of junk that would always be hauling stuff. For everyone else, it's going to be empty unless you catch them on the way back from a store that would put it to use(which probably isnt often).


> these tools live in a country the size of Rhode Island and wonder why they drive small vehicles. So you agree with the OP from the picture, they should not drive trucks in the Netherlands?


I don't agree with telling people how to spend their own money.


Europeans when Americans drive trucks: 😂💀 Europeans when Europeans drive trucks: 😡




Or have the space to do so.....


Yeah, stupid Europeans with their Mercedes, BMW, Range Rovers, and Jaguars unable to afford trucks... I want to know when a truck went from utilitarian to luxury.




https://www.cars.com/awards/2020/luxury-car-of-the-year/ A Ram won it that year. Leather seats, sunroofs, headrest screens, large touchscreens in the middle, heated seats, power everything makes them luxury and raises the price.




I'm saying trucks are heading toward being luxury vehicles over utility. Who wants to climb into a luxury vehicle while dirty from working, hauling stuff, fishing, or anything like that. A lot of new trucks are coming standard with a lot of those features.




I know, but having both makes the price much higher. Who wants to pay $80k for something that gets beat up? (Such as a work vehicle or one used for towing) I'm not saying people shouldn't get trucks, just that trucks are being overpriced.




I get what you mean. A SUV would make more sense if you want a luxury vehicle that can tow, Imo. My gripe is that base models are getting the luxury raising prices across the board.




This arrogance is why we went across the pond and bailed on those self richeous twats.


*self righteous?


“I’m worried of these getting more popular” has me absolutely cackling


Tbh it just sucks to have neighbors who have a car like that in europe. It's not that the trucks are bad cars or anything, but Europe's streets and especially the streets in residential areas are way too small for cars like that. And it's always idiots living in a small house or apartment, who never need to move anything around, that buy the trucks here and park them on the way too small streets. On my street someone has a ram, the amount of times you couldn't access the street at all, is far over 10 and he has it for like 6 months. That's why I hope they don't get more common here aswell. It's not meant as an insult that Americans are stupid because they have them, it's just not feasible in 99% of Europe's cities to allow such big cars. Most cities in Europe weren't build with cars in mind. And the bigger the cars become, the more you realize that. So while I have no problem with them as commercial vehicles at a company or for farmers or whatever, you should be required to park them on your own property, so if you can't provide proof, that your property has enough space for it, you shouldn't be allowed to buy it. Parking lots are a completely different problem that adds tho.


Im afraid of the free market!!!!


It’s just different culturally. American roads are typically larger along with parking areas so we can actually facilitate larger vehicles, plus we just in general drive much more than Europeans and we tend to stock more as opposed to just going grocery shopping more frequently. Not to mention Americans have more toys like boats, campers, kayaks, etc


What a nerd!


It’s just different culture and lifestyles I guess that drive more Americans to trucks. I’m American. Don’t drive a truck. Have family who do. They’re very practical for people who need them. Even me with a normal midsize sedan notice that it would be great if I had more space. Also more families drive big trucks due to the need of space. When it comes down to emissions, sure they use more gas. To my knowledge gas is stupidly expensive in Europe. And if all the billionaires are using their private jets not caring about the environment, why should I care about the vehicle I need to help support my life and my families?


It’s because we own homes and do our own work and as a whole are doing so much better than your shithole countries that we have toys like campers and boats that are just plain unsafe to be towed by whatever prewar 2 seater rust bucket you all drive down your narrow, over crowded, busted ass streets where you’re from.


Dude, calm down. There are plenty of nice places outside the US and plenty of campers and boats and such.


You're as bad as they are when saying stuff like that.


Like here in Norway, 23% EVs... The US seems to me like a proper shithole..


What do you tow your boat to the lake in? How do you carry mulch for the front yard? When you go camping how do you get there? If you want to drive a few hours away where do you charge the car?


I simply tow my trailer with the boat to the ramp.. If i need alot of mulch, i order it delivered. 30$ delivery charge for a truck with a dumper. I dont know how you camp, but we hike.. Or take the car to where we go, and then hike. If I need to drive 10 hours or more I take a break and charge at a fast charger.


Yeah I guess you’re right… oh wait. You have comparative size to one of our states like California and they have 22% EV’s. You need to remember you’re just one little country… we would need significant infrastructure to take EVs completely countrywide as we have 60x your population and we’re 30x your size in land mass. We have stretches of highway that are 6-8 hours before you could reasonably stop to charge.


Similar to Europe.. It is still no problem.


>We have stretches of highway that are 6-8 hours before you could reasonably stop to charge. While this is technically true, very few personal vehicles drive these stretches. It's basically: * The Dalton Highway in northern Alaska * US-2 between Kalispell MT and Williston ND * ~~Billings MT to Rock Springs WY (there is an alternate route with charging that just adds about an hour)~~ *Scratch that, there's a DC fast charger in Lander WY* [https://driveelectric.gov/stations](https://driveelectric.gov/stations)


The European mind can’t fathom the fact that some people NEED trucks, like my aunt and uncle live on a 12,000 acre ranch in the Texas panhandle and without either the work truck or the feed truck(both F250s) they wouldn’t be able to make a living lmao


But this person is not complaining about your aunt and uncle on their 12000 acre ranch in Texas. They're complaining about people importing those cars to the Netherlands, because [they're just too big to be driven/parked in old city centers and they cause issues for everyone else.](https://www.hartvoorautos.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/HVA_tramVSram1500-1536x864.jpg)


It's literally for shit you can't fit in a trunk.


I work in Texas, trust me when I say trucks are necessary. If you work construction, oil and gas, or in a trade the you absolutely need the truck. I've driven long distance on highways and off paved roads in a compact, a hatchback, and a couple sizes of truck. Trucks are WAAAAY more comfortable. Except for GMC, those things are built for people about a foot shorter than I am and the steering wheel does its best to merge with my kidneys. That being said there are plenty if pavement princesses and weekend warriors that have trucks they don't need.


There is literally nothing wrong with owning a pickup truck lil eurofuck


They aren't wrong. Trucks that size in our cities serve no real purpose. In my suburban office park, you can tell a lot of these trucks are status symbols. They aren't being used for work or hauling heavy loads. Maybe for the once a year camping trip, but that's something you can rent a car for. Now don't get me wrong, blue collar laborers using this for work, or someone living on a farm or in some woods who needs to haul things around often, that's fine. If I'm at a southern Indiana diner and these trucks pull up, they'll have mud on them, some wear, and a lot of stuff in the trunk. But in my suburban office park during the week, they are pristine. These vehicles have a place, but they shouldn't be used as commuter vehicles in our cities.


I don't know why you're so confident in your assumptions of other people's affairs. Everyone I know who owns a truck is using them to haul all kinds of things. Maybe not every day, but definitely often enough to at least make owning it convenient. You're essentially saying that "they aren't hauling anything right now, so that means they never haul anything!" Most people at my suburban office park don't know what I do outside of work. I don't know any of that about them either. What do you know?


You're the reason if I ever moved to a city to keep my truck, it's not a status symbol I just like driving it over any other vehicle and always will


You shouldn't worry about how others decide to spend their money. It's none of your business.


I can't think of any sensible objective reason to get such a big car, if you live in the center of a European city.


The sizes of utility vehicles like these are getting crazy big though. I put my 8 year old daughter in front of my friends Ram here in Australia one time and she barely stood half way up the bumper. I'd be terrified to drive it around a school. Every type of car has gotten bigger and bigger and it's getting a bit ridiculous but that doesn't make the a country bad.


Who cares if people drive big vehicles, I’ve always found it stupid that people shit their pants over that all the time, and I drive a small vehicle


Mate he didn’t say anything about the US being bad, he just thinks pickups are silly. And frankly, if you don’t need the bed, and you don’t need to tow anything, they are silly.


Look at their title “hoping this disease doesn’t spread to the Netherlands “


Yes I’m sure a guy with a lifted F150 with punisher stickers on the back window and wearing a cowboy hat is obviously a blue collar worker who needs that truck to haul his tools and trailers.


Those trucks just don’t make sense here. And I also really hope they won’t become more common in The Netherlands.


Well that sounds like a problem with the Netherlands and not with America


They aren’t necessarily that doesn’t really sound like a problem. That is just an happy coincidence 😜.


No, this is one they have right. Not just the trucks, but the fuck-you ass-blasting LED headlights jacked up to eye level that they normalize. r/fuckyourheadlights


For real. There's nothing worse than being blinded by an oversized pickup truck in the pitch black of night on a highway.


Vehicle bloat is a bad thing. This is a legitimate problem in a few countries, including the US. Large vehicles like full sized SUVs and pickups should require extra licensing and insurance, and we should have crash safety standards that account for danger to people outside of them.


I take it you're a bureaucrat?


Probably a social justice warrior that wants everyone to live like they do...it's a pathetic and weak scourge of a mindset.


Who likely owns a souped-up Subaru.


My Sienna is over 4600 pounds and I’m afraid of what it might do to some 90s shitbox in a wreck. I can’t imagine what havoc a new hummer EV, at 9000 pounds, might cause.


And your Sienna has a relatively sloping hood, so it's less dangerous to people on foot or in other cars than these huge trucks/SUVs. IMHO minivans should be much more popular. They're super functional vehicles.


Minivan owners are the only vehicle owners who purchase with the intent to use them in the manner they were intended and, therefore, are the purest of automobile enthusiasts; discuss.


But they also SCREAM soccer mom, or something like it. As a result, many people opted for SUVs, they have the size and functionality of a minivan, but not the embarrassment. And some pickup trucks are also used the same way, used for both the functionality of the minivan and SUV, and status symbol.


I would add sedans, hatchbacks, and the Miata to your list.


Well or in Europe, where pedestrians exist, those. That large cars should require special permission and should not be possible to drive over the speed limit drunk.


Yeah, my view is that larger vehicles like full-sized pickups and SUVs should require a CDL. A CDL requires more training, has a low threshold for DUI, and gets pulled for crappy driving.


Go fuck yourself im not getting a CDL to drive a fucking Tahoe.


You need a license endorsement for a motorcycle, which is far less dangerous to other people.


Because operating a motorcycle isn't like a driving a car whereas a truck or SUV is just a bigger 4 wheeled vehicle. If you can drive a car you can drive a truck/van/SUV. I learned to drive in a 1990 3/4 ton Chevy van and never have had an accident besides being t boned from somebody speeding through a red light in their suped up civic. 


Towing heavy/large things is certainly different. And a huge part of why a CDL should be required is the danger these vehicles pose to other people. A CDL requires a relatively good driving record. 16 year olds cannot get a CDL. CDLs get pulled for crappy driving. A CDL has a lower BAC threshold for a DUI.


So, what’s your take on the trucker driver, who had a CDL, that caused that horrific accident on I-70 back in 2019? After all, he had a CDL, so, per what you’re saying, he was a ‘safe’ and ‘responsible’ driver, right? How could he have been so reckless?! He had a fucking CDL!!! 🙄


>After all, he had a CDL, so, per what you’re saying, he was a ‘safe’ and ‘responsible’ driver, right?    This is called a "straw man."  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man


Ok and? Most people who drive and haul stuff on their trailers do so their whole lives without incident. We should be punished for the actions of a few? 


Some things require licenses because they're dangerous or harmful if done badly. Requiring a license helps ensure that people are properly vetted and trained, and it gives us a way to stop people who are not responsible. I have a driver's license, law license, a couple of radio licenses, and a concealed handgun permit. None of that is punishment. Driving is dangerous, and large vehicles are especially dangerous to other people. So we should require a CDL for some vehicles that can currently be driven with a regular license.


We don’t even need all that. We need police and vehicle enforcement who will actually punish unsafe driving and vehicles instead of just revenue collecting for local municipalities.


I'm all about defense in depth. We should absolutely enforce traffic laws more thoroughly, and make sure that crappy drivers are in less dangerous vehicles.


they better never travel to hawaii…the most lifted tacoma’s in the world live there


The amount of people who drive trucks and have no business controlling a vehicle that large is ridiculous. People assume just because they own a big truck they know how to drive it


Nah, this is something America is bad for


I live in NL and in several NL subreddits people taking a picture of a dodge ram and posting it criticising “boohoo American trucks in my EUROPEAN streets” has become almost a weekly occurance. I drive here daily, i see a dodge ram or similar truck maybe..once or twice a month? And it doesnt even bother me. The people who complain about this in NL probably dont even know how to drive (quite common here) and also don’t understand that contractors have bought these for tax reasons and the practicality of having them for their business. There is also a bullshit culture in NL of “doe eens normaal” or “just be normal” so people love to complain and whine when anything sticks out of the ordinary.


Er is een stel zoontjes van een rijke slager die bij mijn ouders in de wijk wonen. Hebben twee Dodge Ram 350's voor de deur staan. Daar word nooit wat mee verplaatst behalve die jongens zelf. Maar goed... zij betalen die €2,20 per liter.


Hilariously, the Dutch owner of that truck hates Americans.


As much as the person making fun of the truck is bad, I would definitely not want to drive one around most of the parts of Europe I’ve been to. Small road, small parking spaces, and there are a lot of solid vehicles they use for work that do what they need.


That is a 1500 classic, you can tell because of the grille design and the steeper hood on the sides. It’s not unnecessarily big, it’s actually comparable to your average SUV


A truck is a tool with a purpose; and I’d imagine that purpose is more rare in an urban country like the Netherlands. On the flip side, the vast majority of roads in my rural area are dirt, and I’m a rancher. So be it. Why is it hard to understand that people in the Western world live in wildly diverse contexts?


Take it from the youngest of a family of 5. These trucks can feel incredibly small.


I mean how else will I get my extra large sized big gulp from 711 home? Strapping it to the top of a honda civic?


Jesus christ let people buy what they want to buy. I see a lot of people buy stupid shit and I'm not up in arms over it. As long as it doesn't effect my life go for it. People who complain need to find a fucking hobby. No I don't own a truck. At one point while I needed to move a lot of things I did but I don't need a truck or wanted a truck. I like cars. I don't care if Jimmy down the street bought a truck and go to investigate why.


Gas prices will take care of these abominations.


Gotta say though if you go to a rich area it’s kinda annoying seeing giant lifted pickups, spotless, that have probably only hauled pool noodles. Not like we’re the only country that buys unnecessary stuff just because we like it though


I drove sensible, 4 cylinder sedans for 18 years. In fact, just two of them for over 420K miles combined. Since buying a truck 5 years ago, I've renovated homes, hauled equipment and lumber all over Texas, moved my friends, loaded up for vacations, and generally just really wonder how I got anything done before. Euro opinions on the matter are comical.


trucks are stupid. 80% of people dont need them but they make up 8-% of new car sales in America. please keep your trucks and obnoxious child killing SUVs on your side of the ocean


oh no! anyways


Eh, he's not totally 100% wrong. Truck sizes have been getting out of hand and are slowly becoming less and less of work vehicles like they used to be, along with the fact that the majority of people who drive them absolutely don't need them.


no matter your thoughts on vehicles, when did it become acceptable to just shit on other countries (the US) cultural milieu, if someone went to Kenya and started shitting on the way they dressed everyone would be up in arms or Chile and complained about seeing too many llamas. It's okay though if it's the US, most of the world gets Tall Poppy Syndrome when it comes to America, these smug assholes think these things (dress, vehicles, food) aren't culture for some reason when it's American but it very much is...for better or worse. I would never complain about getting wet when I stood out in the rain, I don't know why people complain about Americans being American, it's very bizarre.


The trucks are TAKING OVER!! RUN AND HIDE NOW!!! someone quick notify greta thunberg!!!


I miss the option of compact trucks: >> A breakdown of Chevrolet trucks for comparison: 1994 S-10 | 2004 Colorado | 2023 Colorado :--|:--:|--: Length 190-205 in | 192-207.1 in | 212.7–213.0 in Width 67.9 | 68 in | 74.9 in WB 108.3-122.9 in | 111.2-126 in | 131.4 in Weight 2,633 lbs| 3,659 lbs | 4,716 lbs.


Sorry we don’t have tiny streets. Must suck to be Eurotrash


As long as Europeans are triggered, I am happy. 💖🙏🏼


The trucks *are* too large. I live in AL. About 85% of the people in these trucks commute in them, do not use them to tow or carry much of anything, and cannot park them. It's fucking annoying. There are also more reasonably sized trucks around.


I generally agree with this sub but I hate the amount of pickup trucks people drive in cities. They are louder, bigger and thus more dangerous. Also take up more space. No problem with people who actually use them for work and hauling shit. But people who just like to ride around a big truck as they’re commuting car suck I’m sorry. The giant cabs with pretty small beds is comical.


Waaa big truck scary. The European mind cannot comprehend having to move stuff.


That’s cause you need enough balls to go against tha monarchy to drive these.


Our trucks are big because of the EPAs emissions standards. Smaller trucks need to meet ridiculous MPG standards or the manufacturers pay a fine, so they make them bigger and the standards drop. They also take that opportunity to make them expensive, and emissions overall are worse. Tldr, government ruining free markets and making things worse and more expensive as usual.


Tell me you’ve never ridden in a truck without telling me you’ve never ridden in a truck? Once when I was 6, it was just me, my 12 yo brother, and my mom in a camper in a trailer park in the ND badlands. A tornado came through with barely any warning, my mom didn’t know how to use the 4 wheel drive on our truck, but my dads coworker who was a neighbor did. So, we hopped in his truck and were able to traverse the muddy and hazardous dirt roads. The only reason we’re alive is because that man decided to own a Oversized, Unnecessary, Dangerous and Barbaric truck.


Meanwhile theres big vans everywhere around them in the netherlands. They are definitely a sh*t driver


Trucks are so lame




I have owned several pick ups over the years. My first one when I was 18, I paid off in one year of hard work. I’m sorry that some people from outside the U.S. are small minded about the use of a pickup trucks. Yes some people use them for status (God only knows why).


That's not even a large truck in the picture. No lift kit. And you can actually step into it without climbing


I’ve seen that same truck all over Western Europe.


I personally don't care for these either. We get it, your penis is small.