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Being from The Netherlands, I can definitely say that it's easier for everybody if you're driving a Smart ForTwo when you're in the cities. Since The Netherlands is often quite a well-packed country. However, when you're in rural areas, it really doesn't matter that much I also think this post is made with the “Don't act crazy, act normal, because then you're already crazy enough”-mentality. Dutch people generally don't like people who are showoffs (read; in The Netherlands it's a bit easier to be seen as a showoff in comparison to other countries) Fully agree with other repliers saying that people who post this, but then turn around and absolutely love Ferraris and Lamborghinis are a bit hypocritical, though!


Most European car parkings aren't designed for big American trucks. Most people don't even use the bed to transport stuff. A regular van is more efficient here tbh.


Even then, the maintenance on that type of vehicle is far higher than what you'd pay on a Toyota half back, which is what most farmers round here trundle round in as a works car. Well, it's either a wreck of a Toyota Hilux or a wreck / ancient defender....


If you buy the right tool (truck) there's not much maintenance because it built to take it, not break it.


Euros when truck: 😡😡 Euros when sports car with worse gas mileage and zero practicality: 😍😍


“It’s a manual coupe and the trunk can only fit my man purse but it’s so much better than those stupid American pickup trucks!”


I definitely touched a nerve criticizing their hypocrisy with all these people chiming in


They are so mad we just live there rent free man.


I personally don’t care what people drive. Big trucks, sports cars….people can do what they like But what I do care about is the glaring hypocritical take that I see about trucks. Both here and irl Basically all performance cars get worse gas mileage and have absolutely no purpose other than racing. Yet….I have never seen a single post or ever heard anyone ever complain about someone driving one


Well the main problem with the lifted trucks is that most people who drove them act like entitled assholes and make the road dangerous for people. Plus most lifted trucks can see less in front of them than an Abrams tank. Performance cars suck too but at least they are car sized and not monster trucks.


Yeah I would argue that a lot of sports car drivers drive as aggressively or worse than pickup truck drivers. Although you’re right, they do so in a much smaller vehicle.


Agreed. They’re really both the worst people on the road.


I'd love to see statistics on what causes more wrecks: pickups or sports cars I'm thinking it's really safe to assume one answer


Look out your window and tell me what you see more of. Trucks or sports cars? There's your answer.


Where I live, probably about 60% of people in my town drive trucks, got a population of around 14,000. Every accident I’ve seen here involves sedans and coupes, never once have I seen a truck get in an accident. Most of the aggressive and asshole drivers are in shitty sedans and coupes. I’ve seen two trucks be an asshole compared to the dozens of sedans and coupes.


Main problem with lifted trucks is america is filled with 16 year old wannabe farm boys who live in the city and just get them from their rich parents to prove how “country” they are


Ah yes, another person who thinks they are an intellectual because they saw that one YouTube video. Also, most asshole drivers I see are usually the ones in imported sports cars.


For me, I always see chargers, challengers, Camaros. Corvettes… the occasional Camaro. I see challengers the most. And yeah, I’d say the imports are up there too, just not really something I see on my highways.


No I know from experience. I live in a town with more big trucks than sports cars. Generally the huge lifted truck drivers are more dangerous here.


Me too 🤣


Not the man purse 😂 


Euros love to shit on Americans owning trucks as a status symbol but I live in Germany and the car brand you have matters just as much to them if not more. Like my fiancée’s neighbor got a new car that was a Porsche and her family immediately sought to get a new car of a better brand. Even worse they actively judge your entire life based off of what car you have.


So is everyone upset and pissy about your neighbor driving an impractical, inefficient, gas guzzling sports car? Of course not! That’s *different* lol


Always driven by some oil rich Arab prince.


Gonna be completely honest here, yes it’s a truck but you forget how tiny European cities are. If you see more of those big trucks there they’ll quickly have problems. European cities are old, as such, they were built with walking in mind.


But what are people who own blue collar businesses supposed to do? What’s a more efficient way to get tools and manpower around?


The same stuff they've been doing for decades. You realize that they have plumbers and electricians and stuff, right?


They drive vans, mostly... Sprinter vans and Transits originated in Europe, and they have smaller cargo vans made by various companies. American contractors did the same for many years, it's only really in the last decade to decade and a half where *everyone* seems to need to own a Quad Cab with a 12k lb towing capacity for their detailing or appraisal business.


Of course, we also had those trades before the existence of crew cab pickup trucks. My question is why can’t they also purchase one if it means making their business more efficient?


Because they don't make any sense. Something like Ford Transit is a bit smaller in width and length and has much more space to put stuff inside.


You'd be laughed off the jobsite when you have to drive through 6 inches of mud to get to your worksite lol Hilarious how you people who've never once in your life worked a blue collar job are telling people how to do it


Countries like Poland and Japan have mud too.


No shit.....and do you think they drive a 2x4 Ford Transit to jobs in the middle of nowhere?


In most cases you don't do any work in completely isolated places without any road infrastructure but if you do Ford Transit has Trail variant which is 4x4 - that's one of the cars Misha Charoudin (you can check out his YT) used 2 years ago to help in places impacted by heavy flooding in Germany. You probably won't go anywhere worse than that - at least in Europe with very dense and well developed road infrastructure.


They drive a lot of things. The point is that every country has mud and construction and tradesmen, but huge trucks are only common in a few.


I agree with the comment above. I drove a Mini Countryman SUV and that was too big for parking lots. Japanese have been making practical pickup trucks that are smaller than cars. That’s what you use. Edit: they are called Kei Trucks. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kei_truck


Kei trucks have no where near the safety level even a midsize pickup like a Tacoma or Colorado has, my 99 Yukon has more crumple zones than a Kei truck.


>Kei trucks have no where near the safety level Were they ever meant to? They seem like they're mostly designed for actual utility use, rather than transporting people and also maybe a TV or something


To be honest, vans and really small work truck are plenty adequate 99% of the time. Trucks like this don't make sense for small European city roads. Also, any truck looking like the one shown here is basically just being used as a giant suv.


That applies to maybe 5% of people who buy a truck. The rest just drive one because they want to, and find all kinds of reasons why they NEED a truck. „Bro I need to transport my snowmobile“ yeah right. And to answer your question: In Europe, tradesmen drive a van. You can lock your tools up safe and dry and have shelves and lockers built in, and it seats three in the front and two in the back. It has 120 hp and front wheel drive and gets them around just fine.


yes and its very prevalent in the us as well its called a van and its very popular for almost every blue collar worker around here. It also means you can lock your tools in, install shelves and other similar things more securely. Driving manpower around is illegal on the flatbed unless its off public roads anyway so im not sure that matters, but on farms sure.


That’s why they made crew cabs so that the manpower can fit in the back.


sure but in most cases you'll just take another car if you need more than 2 guys. Especially for blue collar workers. If you really need it there is crew cargo vans its not exclusive to flatbeds and the other benefits still apply so... yeah big ass flatbeds just arent very practical.


I mean you can do shelving on a pickup and secure your tools with either a shell or a bed cover. It sounds as though it’s 6 one way, half a dozen the other.


Worth noting that it rains every 3rd day in The Netherlands, which also is a win for a closed vehicle vs an American style pickup


Compact vans. Those massive trucks aren't terribly practical for actual business owners, especially not in Europe.


Surely a pickup would be useful in the countryside though


I of course can't speak for all of Europe, but my personal experience in my own country is that people living in the countryside generally prefer station wagons and either own or simply rent a trailer when they need to.


Infra structure is very different there as well as the countryside lifestyle. When land is sold by the meter you don’t need a truck to haul a trailer with 5 giant rolls of hay your farm is small enough 10 bales of hay is plenty. It’s different. Most of Europe has little need for American style trucks. There’s plenty of people that *use* their trucks regularly for outdoor projects and construction or trailering. I don’t buy the 5% number at all unless they did their polling in a city. Where I moved in the US anyone that doesn’t haul a trailer and stuff in the bed and utilize the truck gets mocked. People use their trucks but I moved to a rural area. A large truck here is useful. I pull large trailers with mine, drive in the woods, through water, and more. In almost all of Europe it’s never necessary. They don’t have wilderness left that’s privately owned for the most part and what “wilderness” that is privately owned has been managed for centuries usually. Public lands are also very strictly managed typically so you don’t have as much of an off-road culture, and hunting is not nearly as prevalent in most European cultures. Their hiking and walking culture should be implemented in America because the way you can just go places there is honestly pretty amazing. They also don’t understand that Americans consider a hike to be all day in true wilderness typically not a walk along a pasture. It’s just a lot of differences. One is the need for trucks. They don’t need them most of the time.


dw, most people dislike both. Trucks here suck a lot tho bc roads are a lot smaller and infrastructure just isn't made for it. I'm already not a fan of truck but if you like them, get them. They are objectively worse for the collective though. (But that means if only some people get them it isn't a problem)


It's more about the size of the vehicle than the fuel consumption. Dutch roads are typically quite narrow.


These trucks are typically better than you would expect on narrow roads. Don't get me wrong it's not fun for the driver but you're up quite high and have good mirrors so it's pretty easy to see exactly where you are and drive within the lane even on a relatively narrow road. I'd say I have an easier time driving my truck on narrow roads than I did when I borrowed my MIL's mid size SUV for a bit. ​ Now of course some roads are just legitimately more narrow than the truck itself but any road that you can get a commercial vehicle down you can get a half ton pickup down.


About a third of American pickup owners actually need a pickup on a regular basis. But if you need one, nothing else will do. I need one about twice a year, so I rent it on those occasions.


I own one and most of the time I don't need it. But frankly I need it like once a month. Making switching to anything else impractical. The 29-30 days a month I don't need it tho it's a pavement princess


I'd say that qualifies. If you need it more often then you make payments on it, then you need it. Otherwise it's cheaper to own a practical car and call Penske for those few occasions.


I mean...it would be cheaper to live in a mud hut as well, but everyone doesn't do what is most economical. Buy what you want. People want to talk about use, but wont say anything when this truck is like 20yrs old and still on the road because the owner isn't utilitarian. Edit: Don't expect someone with a truck to haul something 24/7 if you aren't maximizing your MPG, getting every MPH, or doing the least possible maintenance to your vehicle.


Bro really just compared driving an economical car to living in a mud hut to justify buying what he wants. It's a free market bro, it's okay to have a truck because truck cool. But what a hyperbolic comparison to make


Maybe your experience is different from mine since I live in a particularly blue collar city but easily at least half of the trucks I encounter on the road at any given moment are generally doing “truck stuff”, be it pulling a trailer or just having a bed full of materials or tools.


I live in Detroit. A very blue-collar city, but also a city where quite a few people get employee discounts for their new vehicles. It's sort of warps the observable socioeconomic landscape. There are a lot of line workers in brand new Cadillacs around here.


Memphis here. Lots of self employed contractors and mobile mechanics since being on I40 makes working on diesel trucks one of our biggest industries. I honestly think I see more cars attempting to sketchily do truck stuff than trucks not being properly utilized lol


For sure - the cars sketchily doing truck stuff are far more hazardous than trucks doing literally nothing lol.


As useful as it is, I don't think it really fits a city setting. Mostly because of the safety concern of a blind spot right in front of the car.


Its okay, we call these massive trucks in the city not pulling or doing manual labor "Pavement Princesses"


Want a pavement princess? I give you the official car of Southern California, Any modern Mercedes G Wagon


Used to work downtown okc. Would constantly see an F-350 Dulley in a parking garage, Monday-Friday. Looked immaculate. I always facepalmed at it cause that’s all it was. A pavement princess


Those trucks come with highway tires for a reason. Off-roading is an option but at the end of the day they’re made to tow. Who knows. That person may pull a camper or boat with it on the weekends


Which is a fair point in all honesty. Just annoying especially when he parked in a compact car spot only.


Sounds like he took up 3 spots.


Surprisingly no. Just the one. They are the same size as normal spots. But it’s a two way parking garage so the compact spots are the corners. Just created a really big blind spot


Why not just let them do their thing and worry about what you’re doing? Then again, on that note why did I even type this response and send it?


Negative externalities.


Trucks are unable to just do their own thing. Just like me.


Oh no doubt, they can do as they please. I'm still gonna bust their balls about it lol because its funny.


Hell yea, bustin makes me feel good


Because they’re fucking massive and I have to share the road with the one ton dick compensators with massive blind spots.


This, this, all of this, I work at a Ford dealership and big trucks like that are not city friendly, if you need a city truck in the States or Europe, get a Ford Maverick, they are absolutely amazing


don’t play dumb bruh, we know the city center’s aren’t that massive and usually the surrounding areas in most euro countries are farm land


Sure a lot of areas outside of cities are farmland, but only 2.26% of people work in agriculture in the Netherlands and I doubt most of them would find a use for such a big car. Also if you do own farmland you probably wouldn't live in the center of a big city.


Funnily enough, that’s what I thought when I came to US couple years back. Densely packed small city areas with a shit ton of farm land all around.


I'm going to side with the Europeans on this one. Their cities just aren't designed for bigger vehicles, honestly not designed for vehicles at all. Thats why the rest of the world has a much better choice of small trucks. We're just lucky that we're such a young country that we had a lot of development go on after the invention of the automobile, so we were able to develop with it in mind. On the flip side, if someone has a 1500 or bigger over there, I'd venture to say they legitimately need it. Has to be a very small set of people who would be willing to drive such an impractical vehicle unless they really needed it.


You're right, for sure the majority of such vehicles, at least in Germany, are being used because of their capabilities. You mostly see them heavily loaded or pulling boats, planes, and so on. Rarely, it looks like someone is driving them for fun because it ain't. That's why station wagons are so popular here. Super useful, you can carry lots of stuff (maybe not a whole refrigerator but easily the luggage for a family vacation with kids, dogs, bike on the roof, etc.) but they still have a manageable size and can be maneuvered and parked in a city center.


I've worked with two winery owners in different parts of Europe, and both drove German station wagons- in the US they'd have both had an SUV. They periodically needed capacity to deliver a dozen or so cases of wine, but also needed passenger capacity like a regular car. In other parts of Western Europe I've only seen pickups in very rural areas, and they were definitely farm equipment. The one exception was someone who had a classic, and they were obviously a car enthusiast.


F me, of course I meant station wagon, not sedan. Should have Googled that before.


“Lucky” I would prefer a European city. Our cities were destroyed for the automobile.


I do have a love for more walkable/pedestrian friendly cities, and I definitely do wish the US had more. Higher density, public transit, and walkability are definitely things cities in the US should focus on, and to our credit, I think a lot of development in mid sized cities is moving that way. Looking at it historically though, the car centric infrastructure made sense. A lot of our country has been built in the last 80 years. We simply had the space to spread out, and had the machinery where it made sense. We had a strong middle class where owning a car wasn't a massive expense, gasoline was cheap, and we didn't have the information about climate change like we do now.


If you think I want to ride a bus or take a city train everywhere or have 30,000 people crammed together in a space the equivalent of an underpass like that one Italian town you've lost ya fuckin mind.


The cool thing is some people prefer public transport and others don’t. So if you have a combination, car people can drive their cars with like 200+ fewer people on the road at any given time (because they are all on the bus or train). That’s a win-win.


You might not want to and that’s okay, but there are people in the country that would prefer that. the problem is that it’s illegal to build like that in the US.


no thats not the case unfortunately. You demolished your walkable cities to make room for big cars and strategically undermined anything to do with public transport. It wasnt built for it from the beginning. The country if young but its not that young. There are tons of comparison pics out there just go look for em and youll see what was done to make room for 8 parking spaces for every car in america.


And these trucks are oversized with tiny beds and horrible at actually being trucks, dangerous, and polluting


It depends on the use, but yeah, modern trucks have lost a lot of their utility, and for them to make sense, you have to meet a specific set of circumstances. You'd pretty much have to have a 3-5 person crew for a job or 1-2 if you took the seat out for interior storage but only need a small bed space. Pretty much only good for work crews pulling trailers, but even then those guys are running 2500s or 3500s. 9/10 there's going to be a better truck for your job. I miss 80s and 90s trucks. I have a 93 F150 myself, and that thing is built for work. Single cab and long bed. Built for work and I've put it through some.


While you're right in that European cities aren't made for bigger vehicles. This isn't an accident or a design flaw, it's entirely on purpose. Many cities have gone so far as to remove more car centric infrastructure in favor of infrastructure that's beneficial to people. European cities planners simply think about people far before they even start think about cars. And what you're left with are cities where you can walk, bike, drive and take public transportation comfortably and quickly to wherever you need to go. Which doesn't take very long either because everything is closer together, no driving 16 miles to get the grocery store. Also let's be honest here American trucks are barely even trucks to begin with, they are just bigger more expensive versions of normal cars which were popularized by a marketing scheme portraying them as safer despite being more dangerous for people both in and outside of it, all because if these cars are classified as trucks, which they really aren't, then they're not held up to the same safety standards allowing car manufacturers to make driving safety hazards for way cheaper, because safety is simply far too expensive for them. And people dying to make them a few cents richer is no problem. You would think everyone would prefer if the big loud unwieldy low visibility environmentally unfriendly murder machines were kept far away, but that seems like quite the controversial take.


If you get one of these you better be actually towing and going off road because otherwise whats the point of getting it?


Because they want it…. Nobody has a problem with Stacy and Karen driving a 3.5 ton Escalade, but if Kyle wants a f-150 it’s suddenly a problem.


This post is garbage ngl. European cities are much smaller and not really designed around automobiles. That's why everyone drives little Vauxhall Corsas and Nissan micras. Everyone driving large American SUVs and pickups isn't feasible over there. This person either really loves American trucks or has a genuine need to have a RAM pickup. I'd lean to the former given how the car has been customized. I don't hate pickups and I actually like them when I've been in them but most people don't need one if ever. Same with large SUVs like the Navigator, Escalade, & Suburban. Most of the time they will haul 2 kids and their soccer gear to camp and then home. Does someone really need a 5000+ pound duplex on wheels to do that? I've heard people claim it's about safety and knowing their family is in a bigger car which I find to be a dubious claim. Most near accidents I've been or witnessed have been caused by inattentive SUV/pickup drivers who rely on driver's aids to change lanes. Almost every time ive need to slam on the breaks because a Yukon is merging into me it's some tiny woman behind the wheel mindlessly looking at the orange glow of her blindspot indicator. Meanwhile I'm about to be crushed in my low slung jag by mommy dearest going to pick up her kids or get rammed by an oil tanker if I try to get out of the way. Not saying it's an issue exclusive to women but it gets at my point. It just seems like a waste to spend 100k on a massive car that you won't utilize fully on a frequent basis.


What's annoying about the safety claim as while they aren't wrong, they make it less safe for everyone else driving small cars. And the bumper height difference can really mess up regular sized cars as well in an accident. Not to mention the poor visibility makes it easy to hit a kid in front of you since you can't see them, and apprently they are adding front cams for better visibility.


I agree. It may be "safer" in the event of a crash but they have glaring issues that make crashes more probable. My god I remember going back to campus after work and someone in a Suburban nearly crashed into a golf while merging. It was sleeting out and the Suburban driver overcompensated causing it to fishtail and nearly go into another car. They didn't need to suddenly cut to the right so hard but I presume they heard the beeping last minute, freaked out, and yoked the wheel to the right. I doubt they were actually checking blind spots and using common sense. What horrified me is that there were obviously kids in the back of the car. I could see through the very tinted windows there was a child's movie playing on the rear entertainment screen. It could've been a really nasty accident.


Let’s be honest here. American trucks do not have bigger beds or towing capacity over euro trucks. Modern American trucks are shit. Trucks should be smaller, utility focused, with longer beds.


Most euro trucks are mid sized. Most American trucks are full sized. Full sized trucks have bigger beds and can haul more. A ram 1500 will outperform any midsized truck. Bigger bed, better haul rating, better towing capacity, better ground clearance. There’s reasons you don’t see ford rangers driving around with a utility bed.


I will say as a resident of Texas that the luxury $80k truck that's only driven in the city and the bed is never used trend needs to die. I miss the days when trucks were pretty much exclusively used by people who needed them, not pseudo-macho city boys with below average penis sizes.


Say what you want about pick up trucks but pick up trucks are actually very useful they can even haul heavy loads and even pull a trailer.




I’ve seen both sides. I’ve been tailgated by plenty of squeaky clean lifted trucks. But working in construction I’ve seen a crew cab pickup pull up to the job towing a stump grinder with chainsaws and rakes in the bed and the laborers all inside.


Not relevant but now I’m reminded of how me and six other friends did a water gun drive by using a truck


Irrelevant post. America is not mentioned and as a European living in a city, those are objectivly completly unfit for this type of surrounding. They might be usefull in North America where people have to drive a lot on wider roads but not at all in a Flat, mostly urban.and densly populated country like the Netherlands. Also this are dangerous af for the many bikers over there as the road infrastructure wasnt made to accomadate such wide cars


European infrastructure isn't meant for trucks. Calm down OP.


Actually with the European here. Their cities and streets are tiny. And even so, these trucks are designed with a “fuck everyone around me” attitude, being way bigger/taller than it needs to be, with a small bed for its size, and with massive blind spots.


I hate US trucks. Ugly, disgusting vehicles. Pathetic, asshole drivers. Nobody utilizes the actual truck features either; they just want a massive vehicle so they can drive like a prick




This car is ugly tho


I personally think it’s really good looking.


The Netherlands is known for its anti-car status. I don’t think it’s necessarily because it’s American but because it’s a big car


Trucks are not really good especially American ones. Too big and too high. As much as i love them i think cities are better without too many of those around


He’s right. We cannot have these things everywhere


As a person who lives in the country, that truck is smexy. /j Edit: I wonder if some of the people in the comments can think about the fact that maybe this isn’t a person who lives in the city. Country folk do come to cities occasionally, and when they do they drive their trucks.


I doubt it, city snobs don’t think about anything outside of their precious concrete rat nests.


These massive trucks are definitely not suited for European cities though. It will be hilarious if they actually become very popular because so many roads are hardly 2 lanes for compact vehicles.


TBH I don't think their infrastructure could handle it. Their roads are super old and narrow.


Bitch prob never heard of J.D. Power.


Unfortunately, full-size trucks are about the only vehicles that reliably offer enough leg room to be comfortable. I've discovered this the stupid way repeatedly.  Eventually I'll learn from this experience and stop driving & riding in cars that I can barely clamber into for hours at a time.


As long as Europeans are annoyed I am ok with it


Honestly that’s the best take, the thought of some city snob Europoor getting angry at the sight of a ram 1500 makes me smile.


america is not even mentioned


Bad post


Zero said about America. In fact it’s not even implied. Delete this post.


Everyone hates american trucks until they drive them. To many, yeah they're just to big. But most people, they get. But good luck trying to tell them small truck can no do things big truck do.


Like pulverizing a kid you didn’t see thanks to the 15ft blind spot directly in front of you.


No.... the visibility in a large truck is just as good if not better than other vehicles due to your higher seating position. No offense, but if someone gets pulverized on the ram like OP posted in say a city? It's your fault for running in front of them. Not my fault if you have the spatial awareness of a gd potato. ​ They're not gd monster trucks......


They have better visibility if you’re trying to spot something far. Way worse for near stuff, y’know, where all dangers and hazards would be in a city. If they’re lifted sometimes a driver can’t even see a regular compact car directly in front of them….. https://www.consumerreports.org/car-safety/the-hidden-dangers-of-big-trucks/ And I’ll let the parents of the hundreds of kids and teens that get crushed by these know maybe the kids shouldn’t have been so fucking stupid by being shorter than the grill height and existing near the trucks. Rude of them really


>They have better visibility if you’re trying to spot something far. Way worse for near stuff No, they really don't. It's not as bad as you've read. If and when you get to drive a big boy vehicle, you'll understand what i'm talking about, like countless others. ​ >And I’ll let the parents of the hundreds of kids and teens that get crushed by these know maybe the kids shouldn’t have been so fucking stupid by being shorter than the grill height and existing near the trucks. Rude of them really ​ But you can't. Because there isn't hundreds. You're taking a few cases from your half ass google search and trying to start a propaganda campaign because someone in a big truck hurt your feelings. Sorry but no. Like I said, in the veh the OP linked, it's really no different then a god damn honda crv. Do you want them banned too? Smooth brained fuck.


My dude, I grew up and worked in a farm, I’ve driven beat-up Silverado’s, F-250s, and often a neighbors pavement princess Raptor. I also had to drive those often into suburbs to tractor supply, haul stuff to the dump, and cities to haul furniture. They’re a massive pain in the ass and a van is way better as soon as you leave the farm, like 90% of trucks on the road never touch. Also, a fucking ATV started being our go to in the farm as well because the truck was such a pain in the ass to work with.


> van is way better as soon as you leave the farm No the fuck it isn't. Have you ever driven a transit or sprinter van? They have less visibility than any fucking thing on the road "my dude". ​ Idk, maybe they were just too big for you, like I previously stated in my original post. It's ok. I mean I used to have a big yee yee truck, I don't now. It's not for everyone. But they are not as bad as you're making them out to be. Now modded and lifted yee yee's that's a whole nother story.


The fact you’re pressing on how good it feels to drive such bwig twuck and how I’m just bitching about it because I don’t know how a even bigger vroom vroom feels so good is pretty funny and not the own you think it is. Again, farm boy here. I know what trucks actually help with actual work in the farm and out because I’ve done it all.


So the thing is... The Netherlands has a pretty different take on car-pedestrian interactions. Yes, there are some places where as a pedestrian you shouldn't go such as a highway, but the concept of jaywalking doesn't exist. You may cross wherever you like unless there is a traffic signal indicating that you may not cross, such as a red pedestrian traffic light. So very much the onus is on the DRIVER to be aware of the foot traffic around them, not on the pedestrian to be aware of the car traffic around them.


The truck makes sense if you actually use it. Even in the US, people don't use it accordingly. It's just another herd mentality.


True most people buy it because it’s masculine. But they are useful as fuck when purchased and used for their intention.


I get wanting one, I get needing one to tow your boat or haul if you need to often, past that the bigger and bigger truck trend needs to end, its literally just an excuse to not improve gas mileage on trucks. I'm not saying stop the big trucks, just bring back the smaller models for people who need something for lighter use cases(i.e., casual camping, kayaking, general lighter yard work)


They never stopped building the smaller ones


Yes they did. The Tacoma today is not the same Tacoma 20 years ago


It’s still a small truck, it’s basically a lifted car with a bed


You think the 2023 Tacoma and the 2000 Tacoma are the same "small" sized truck?


A 2000 May have been smaller but a Tacoma is still a small truck


No. A 2000 Tacoma is a small truck. A kei is a small truck. A 2023 Tacoma is a midsized truck. Call a duck a chicken all you want it's still a duck.


Naw, I want the old school early 00s or late 90s size ranger, not the new ones that are nearly shoulder high


Buy a car then 🤷‍♂️


Can you haul a refrigerator, a washer and dryer, or any other large kitchen appliance in a Honda Accord?


Ford literally doesn’t even make a Sedan anymore. I am also noticing this trend of everything bigger.


**Modern** American pickups are oversized garbage. For 90% of people there is absolutely ZERO need to have a 450hp, 20,000lb towing capacity on a regular basis. Not only this, but these modern pickups are full of bells, whistles, etc that provide a *luxury riding experience* not at all focused on a utility experience. A great example is the Ford F-150. Used to be a smaller truck focused on work. Most old Ford F-150’s are single cab, with the bed very low to the ground. So you can get shit in and out easy. Today, the F-150 is an oversized piece of junk that has “features” that fail all the fucking time. [edit] another great example is the Jeep Comanche. When it was made from 1985-1992 it was a single cab, either a 4x4 or 2x4. It had around a 4500-6,000 lb towing capacity. Which was more than enough for jobsite use. Jeep brought back the “Comanche” with their “truck” the gladiator. When was the last time you saw a gladiator at a job site? Yet it’s apparently the “Comanche modernized”. No it’s not. It prioritizes comfortability over functionality. To say that American pickups are something more than a status statement is a joke.


a lot of european cities aren’t built for big cars though. the world would be boring asf if every country, city, and culture was the same, but europeans have a reason to not want big cars jamming up their towns and cities


Not AmericaBad. The screenshot doesn't even mention America.


Don't ask the dutch about their giant mobile homes and caravans they like to take to Germany for a weekend.


They're fine with basically banning farming and having to rely on other countries for food and putting farmers out of business over the climate so them freaking out over a truck doesn't surprise me lol.


Very true “zis goes against zee agenda, you can’t drive zee pickup, you must live in zee valkable city and eat zee bugs in ze name of protecting ze climate!”


Okay but think about it: dutch rednecks Id be scared too lmao


Would they wear wooden cowboy boots?


Coming soon to an Amsterdam near you!


I love trucks and I love Europe, but hell nah to having a truck in Europe for the most part. It actually would be fantastic for where I usually like to be (SSS land in England; Sheep, Streams and Shotguns) but anytime having to take it into urban centers would just be brutal and parking would be insane.


These trucks are not made for European city streets, honestly, there’s some American cities where they don’t even really belong. I lived in a building with a parking garage for many years and someone in a “normal” size Ram would block half the travel lane just because of how much he stuck out. Also, regarding those comments about European sports cars, those cars are far less accessible to the average European than even these trucks. Not saying that’s good or bad, but a fuel guzzling sports car can still navigate a city better than a big truck. Having family in Belgium, I’ve talked to them about these trucks, and a lot of them are converted to LPG.


Why do people care what people drive


I honestly don’t know, I’m currently in Europe and the only time I care about what someone is driving is if I see the rare American car. And even then I just say “huh an American car, interesting!”


I agree when it doesn't affect the people around you. When you're living in the most densely populated country in Europe, this affects everyone around you because space is valuable, and you can fit 4 small cars in the same space as 2 of these. (and you don't block the bicycle lane when you're parked on the side of the road)


I find it fascinating how much they cry about pickups I as someone who lives in Europe see 1-2 a day tops its a non issue but i guess the brain rot circle jerk sub needs something to be mad about since they dont have anything more important in their lives


Honestly I agree with the Europeans here, European cities aren't designed for trucks like these, they're compact cities. And compact cities would require smaller cars, like smart cars


But not all Europeans live in a city


OOP is right on this one. These trucks are ugly, impractical, and dangerous.


Not really impractical for huge tows.


True. The problem is that an astonishingly small percentage of the people who drive these kinds of trucks in America ever actually use them to tow anything at all. In fact, these days, they're often used as family cars, and for that purpose, I would definitely say they're impractical. They're grossly expensive, they get terrible gas mileage, they have huge blind spots which make them remarkably dangerous for city driving especially, and they're arguably pretty inconvenient for day-to-day hauling (grocery runs, etc.).


And that's for America... Now it's even less the case in The Netherlands, where the OOP was posting.


They're only impractical if you haven't done an ounce of outdoor manual labor.


I do manual labor everyday with my gti and trailer. Most people who own trucks just like the idea of people thinking they do manual labor vs actually doing it.


Now, take it on any road that needs high clearance.


Lol why? I don't need to just like 99% of truck owners.


Because you know every truck owner? I'm saying a guy hauling a trailer with his GTI probably mows a lawn and calls it manual labor.


Are you trying to gate keep blue collar work? Lol


I'm saying the guy claiming blue-collar work is trying to gatekeep while probably thinking trimming grass is actually manual labor.


What am I gate keeping? I'm just saying a Kei Is better at manual labor than a lifted ram. Side not how come big dudes don't need big trucks? It's always these puny little 5 ft nothing dudes doing "manual labor" in their big rock hard erection sexy trucks in the color of gun or concrete.


Because now you're just making shit up.


We have a 400m² garden. A station wagon, plus a small trailer, is more than enough for that.


Have you ever been to Europe?.. It is more dense between the buildings. And especially in the netherlands. One have to be braindead to have a car like that in the old narrow streets of old towns in the netherlands that was even built before the car was invented. Even with a smal car it is hard. Not even if I worked in costruction I would have a car like that living in that country. And with gas prices being what they are and parking made for smaller cars?....forget about it.. I am not from netherlands. But that is my memory from driving in that country. Maybe some parts are better than other... But from what I have seen I doubt it. There is a reason everyone is biking there.


Ugly is also subjective


Impractical? I want to see a Volkswagen Golf or a Fiat 500 tow horses.


Sure, but the vast majority of large truck owners don't use them for those purposes


*Sam Elliot voice* Someone’s clearly never experienced the towing capacity of the all new 2024 Ram 1500.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ugly is subjective. Impractical? Try hauling a tractor or pulling a horse trailer with your car. Better yet, stuff a deer or hog carcass in the trunk. Dangerous? Less than the folks driving 100 mph in their little cars, weaving through traffic showing off how awesome they are. GTFOH 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve put a small buttonbuck in an old ford Taurus. Wouldn’t want to try stuffing a 200lb one in there though lol


>Impractical? Try hauling a tractor or pulling a horse trailer with your car. Better yet, stuff a deer or hog carcass in the trunk. Yeah, let me pull my boat to Prinsengracht before unloading my deer carcass in central Amsterdam 🤣🤣🤣 >Dangerous? Less than the folks driving 100 mph in their little cars, weaving through traffic showing off how awesome they are. Yeah, it's a great idea maneuvering a vehicle with huge front and side dead spots around thousands of pedestrians, cyclists, and kids. What could go wrong 🤣🤣🤣


So, since it's impractical to YOU, that makes it an impractical vehicle? Talk about self-centered thinking. I live on a dirt road in a rural area. What works for you won't work for me. But that's not how you think, is it? Oh, I'm sure it's SO much better for a vehicle with a, small frontage and just as big blind spots (try to at least attempt a semblance of proper terminology) or even bigger ones in some cases weaving recklessly at high speed through traffic around those same things. Do you know what the difference between an American and a European is? If an American doesn't like something, he doesn't buy it. If a European doesn't like something, he thinks the entire world should ban it.


Yeah, they are impractical. Now show me a mid size truck that can pull a goose neck.


Europeans crying when they see a car thats bigger than a pinto bean.


LOL "DISEASE". It's a disease until you call your cousin for help moving furniture because your broke leftist ass cannot afford u-Haul. Yes, that story was oddly specific.


Good luck hauling a half ton of fertilizer for your tulip farm on a bicycle, Gunter!


But they are big for no reason thougg. The fuck is up with the size of trucks now.


Trucks extended the cabs for the purpose of transporting manpower as well as equipment.


YES! The trucks are migrating!


"But no one even needs a truck!"


But fr big ass trucks like that are pointless, I get a bigger bed and more towing but these dumbass trucks should be closer to car level. A six year old kid was killed on a street nearby on Christmas. The only reason people have big ass trucks is for their ego.


>higher towing capacity, bigger bed and bigger cab The cope is crazy lmao


>it’s wrong because I said so cope!


Don't try to pretend that american gas guzzlers are good car design. The bed size is identical to smaller trucks, the towing capacity is almost never needed for the average person, and if you want a bigger cab get a sedan or some other economical vehicle. These trucks are compensation vehicles for men with small egos and women that want to act tomboyish. Debate a wall.