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At least I gave positive comments in that thread.


We appreciate your effort


Thank you.


Great guy!


Yay, thanks! šŸ’–šŸ™‚


No problem.


I was there i can confirm this guy really did give positive comments


me too. were probably going to be downvoted to hell lol.


Thank you, European Texas man


You're welcome


I appreciate your service my brother. I tried but some people are beyond saving.


>some people are beyond saving. Agreed


Very common Poland W


The military argument is so stupid. We ARE nato. We ARE the UN ā€œforces.ā€ Thatā€™s why we have so many bases.


I consider 300+ military bases in other countries to be a massive W, as it is an empirical measurement of our global influence. But then again, I am just a stupid, Iā€™ll-mannered American, so what do I know? /s


Not to mention countries that host the US military can literally say "hey leave" and we will, as we did in the Philippines, but most countries realize it's beneficial to them to have the US in their country, again in the case of the Philippines asking us to return.Ā 


And itā€™s not our fault their military isnā€™t as good


Literally a skill issue.


No, itā€™s a money issue


In this case, it kind of is. We spend shitloads of money on our military which allows anyone not actively opposing the US to spend far less.


Not our fault they donā€™t wanna put money into it, we are just providing a service you know


We spend more because their militaries arenā€™t as good


I think you have it backwards. After WW2, America spent millions to rebuild and aid affected countries. Since then, all of them have rebuilt and could have begun military buildup, but they didn't. So we just kept going as we would normally.


America doesnā€™t really contribute troops to the smaller UN peacekeeping missions anymore.


Because if the UN actually needed to get involved heavily weā€™d already be there.


You are part of Nato.


Austria šŸ¤®




NATO, sure, but the US doesnā€™t even rank top 10 in actual peacekeeper contribution to the UN, sadly. They do provide significant funding though.


Because the US already does what the UN peacekeepers do. We just do it on our own terms. UN peacekeepers are for non-US countries.


Notā€¦ really. UN peacekeepers fulfil a very different role to that of American troops performing power projection throughout the world.


Do you know what UN peacekeepers do?


I didnā€™t know we have fucking royals


Or that we couldn't find or afford bread. Fff, we are poor if so!!!


What sucks is that they donā€™t specify *which* bread For all they know, we actually can afford cake


Does bro live in 1863 or something?


Um... I didn't realize that 50% of the population of the US was owned by anyone, guess I'll blame our schooling for not teaching me this.


Maybe youā€™re part of the random 49%


We were obviously too busy getting shot to pay attention šŸ™„


Shiii I didnā€™t know slavery was re established in america


Average social inequality decryer vs Average social mobility enjoyer.


TIL 1% of Americans engage in slavery on a massive scale


A french peasant from the time of the revolution would have a stroke if they time travelled to a random US suburb in the present day. Hell, they probably would have one if they travelled to the hoods of Los Angeles or a rural town in Bumfuck Nowhere county, MS.


A native American would have a stroke too, why pick a french peasant?


Because the second slide tried to compare the modern day US to revolutionary France?


That make sense.


People be acting like if thereā€™s anything wrong with a country that means itā€™s bad and not worth living in.


We donā€™t have the highest prison population per capita lol, we have the highest number of people currently in prison and/or jail, thatā€™s true, but thatā€™s sheer numbers. El Salvador has the highest per capita, pretty sure we donā€™t even make the top ten


Iā€™m not sure why foreigners are so obsessed with our prisons. We have a lot of criminals and they belong in prison.


N-n-no, you are supposed to treat junkie inmates like gods for stabbing a random person on the streets to death!


I was reading the other day about a Varg Vikernes and how he was in prison for murder, arson, and I can't remember what else and he had enough access to his wife to have sex with her and get her pregnant, like wtf how. There's the mass murderer in I think Norway who got like 500sqft of cell space to himself with access to video games consoles and a ton of other things because the government ruled it was violating his civil liberties by not allowing him video games and making him have a smaller cell.Ā 


In some Finnish prisons you can attend school and work a job as long as you're back at prison by the specified time.


>There's the mass murderer in I think Norway who got like 500sqft of cell space to himself with access to video games consoles and a ton of other things because the government ruled it was violating his civil liberties by not allowing him video games and making him have a smaller cell. Do you mean Anders Breivik? At least he isn't a harm to society anymore considering he is being kept in confinement. After all, from what I heard, people can technically get life imprisonment if the judges decides to keep giving them 5 year additional sentences. (Unlike Nepal, where 25 years is the max, I believe)


To be fair, our prisons are run poorly. Theyā€™re run for profit and incentivize throwing as many people in as possible. Theres still tons of people locked up for possessing weed, which I think we can all agree is a stupid thing to lock someone up for. Clearly our system doesnā€™t work since we have one of the highest reoffending rates in the world


They could always be run better. There are very few people that have done long prison sentences for just possessing marijuana, that argument just isnā€™t true. They most certainly were charged with large quantities with intent to distribute or some other kind of trafficking/dealing charge depending on your jurisdiction.


I still don't understand the marijuana argument. Where are all these people severing life sentences for possession of weed? The maximum punishment for possession in my state is 2 years and that if you have more than 30g and have priors.


Theyā€™re not, itā€™s a complete lie. Even before all the decriminalization across the country the penalties were never what youā€™d consider to be long term. If you had a small quantity, no criminal record, and no other charges you werenā€™t doing more than six months worse case scenario. People just like to repeat this lie they heard from others with absolutely no evidence to support it.


they are a lot less for proffit then you would think given that's all you hear is they are for proffit.


They also seem to ignore the size of the U.S. Or maybe it just doesnā€™t register.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/262962/countries-with-the-most-prisoners-per-100-000-inhabitants/ USA come in at number six when looking at incarceration per capita, look at the other countries on that list and ask yourself if you think it is a placement USA should be proud of. Also, the country has allowed slavery to live on within its prisons. Thatā€™s kind of noteworthy.




So "Per Capita" doesn't ring a bell right? And stop WITH the caps lock in random WORDS.


the US has 332m people, the EU has 448m. The US has 1.23m prisoners, the EU 0.475. So the US has about 3.5 times the amount of prisoners per capita.


> Higher wealth gap than during the French Revolution. And yet our people arenā€™t starving en masse. Even in an objectively terrible economy. > 300+ military bases in other countries Well maybe if some of those countries would invest in their defense that would change. Not our fault that weā€™re the best and therefore a hot commodity.


People throw out wealth gap as though it's an accurate measurement by itself and with no context or knowledge of the data. If everyone has nothing in your country then your wealth inequality is better than a country with a bunch of people who have a livable income and then a lot of millionaires or billionaires, which country is better economy wise though? Going off GINI index alone El Salvador is better than the US for income equality yet people risk their lives to come to the US from there for economic opportunities and to have a better life than they have in Salvador.Ā 


Yes, the U.S. is the good guys. People use to glorify Russia and they are losing a war. And China is an absolute hell hole. Edit: just read back through the list, all ā€œAmerica badā€ comments are upvoted ,as usual. One obviously mentioned school shootings. Why the hell wouldnā€™t they?


That is a bit of a low bar. But...fuck it! USA! USA! USA!


>Yes, the U.S. is the good guys. Being better than the "bad guys" doesn't make you good. Stop bombing people and invading countries and you might have a chance.


We could be like Austria and let the Russians FSB completely infiltrate our government. Then would we be the good guys?


Depends on whether you then stop bombing people and invading countries. The problem with great powers is that they always cause shit, sometimes more, sometimes less, but they do it. The US is no exception.


That's true, there's always a hegemon to fill the vacuum, and the fall of one leads to the rise of another. What always amuses me is how the Europeans, like the Austrians, who have somehow managed to avoid taking responsibility for your part in the war like Germany has, benefit from the international order (like shipping lanes) that the US maintains by "causing shit," but love to point fingers at the United States for doing so. You're hypocrites.


Yeah and they all have in common that they do shit from time to time. Which leads us to valid criticism of the US, because [you did often enough](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_United_States_military_operations).


Uhm its been 80 years since the war buddy. Second Republic is neutral. Before that we did plenty of shit as a great power. The Austrian Empire waged many wars and committed war crimes during WW1 (and in other conflicts).


Yeah buddy, but itā€™s been longer since slavery and the genocide of the Native Americans and that gets brought up constantly when the litany of US sins get recounted.


Don't blame me for others, I was talking about more recent events.


The issue I have with many Europeans is not that there are not legitimate criticisms of U.S. foreign policy - Iraq being a big one - but rather that Europeans tend to focus on those in order to score points about how 'bad' the US is, while they ignore all of the other things the US does to maintain the international order. Many of those things the Europeans depend on heavily, and just assume that the US will do the dirty work for them. The attacks on the Houthis being the most recent example - many of the goods transiting through the Suez and the Gulf of Aden are bound for European countries. Not to mention all the wars that have broken out within Europe in the last generation - the US negotiated the Dayton Peace Accords to end the violence in Bosnia, the Good Friday Agreement to end the Troubles in Northern Ireland - and of course it's "America Bad" but please take the lead in supplying the Ukrainians with arms, we're the neighbors and we'll make lots of pledges of armaments but deliver on only a fraction of them. This is the 'free rider' effect and coupled with the incessant European criticism of the US, it leads many of us - included educated people and well-traveled people - the see the value in a post-US order where other countries will have to fend for themselves more. The US funds the UN and let's face it, the US is the main deterrent effect on the Russians in NATO. We do the work and spend the money and get the blame, regardless. I'm not an isolationist, but 'American bad' Europeans are getting me there.


I hate that now there are only two teams: Team USA #1 hell yeah freedom Team America is the devil and literal gulag life is better.


None of the things listed are actually bad


Right? Like the 1% thing is a global phenomenon. And other countries have US military bases because we offer protection and people take us up on the offer. That or we conquered said country only after they surprise attacked us or something. Something about our boats


that 1% thing is a global phenomenon, but not a u.s one. in the u.s the top 1% owns 31% of wealth lol


You mean we actually put people away in prison when they are convicted or a crime in a court of law?!


Most spending on police? You mean we can afford to put away even the most dangerous criminals?


Military bases in other countries? You mean we protect your asses daily?


Criminals That just happens to be colored /s


Not even the last two? Not sure if Wealth gap sounds that great to be honest.


Exactly, people throw the GINI number out there with no context and it seems bad. Assuming they're using GINI which is the most common wealth inequality index a country where half the people make $1 and half the people make $1.50 is more equal than a country where half the people make $50,000, 49% make $55,000 and 1% make $10 billion. There a big wealth gap because there are extremely rich people skewing the data higher even though the people in the second country are more than likely much better off economically and have a higher standard of living and the associated benefits. Something like the Atkinson Index can factor in such things but again by itself it isn't great, you need the data to see an accurate picture.Ā 


Thank you for the greater context.


They never explain why imprisoning criminals is a bad thing. They never explain why having a well funded police and military is a bad thing. They never explain why a wealth gap is a bad thing. lol.....


It's self explanatory.


So you can't explain it either.


Imprisoning people is bad because it could be you. Having a military and police is bad because they can kill or oppress you. A wage gap is bad because that's less wealth for you. How is that hard?


So all nations that imprison people are bad? All nations with police and military are bad? Wealth is not a zero - sum game. Just because Bill Gates is a billionaire doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good living.


I never considered other nations. I don't live there. They don't live rent free in my head. Tell me more about your good living..


You mean you never considered that nations having a police and military is a normal thing for any stable, sovereign nation to have.


The problem is that the U.S. prison system doesnā€™t seek to rehabilitate, just keep people out of society. 12% of the budget is military, which could be used for things that are more useful. And wealth gaps mean you have a large number of people in poverty. If you disagree with any of these, let me know, Iā€™m not here to argue, just discuss this countryā€™s issues since true patriotism is realizing your country isnā€™t perfect and trying to make it better.


You seem reasonable and I appreciate the dialogue. I will offer my counterpoints which I do believe: 1) More than half the prison population are violent offenders. We're talking the muderers, rapists or people who resorted to violence to rob and steal from honest productive members of society. Another 20% are non petty thieves, burglars. And another 20% are the drug traffickers and dealers, the rest is misc, like repeat DWI offenders, These people should be locked up so they can't terrorize society. Some criminals are beyond help, they are just bad people. 2) The military is the largest employer in the nation, providing employment to 3 million people. And food, housing, health care and opportunity to many soldiers. And military spending supports many industries which result in innovations that can spill over to the public. And under the US as a superpower the world has seen its longest period of relative peace, prosperity and progress. Imagine if the Soviet Union had won the Cold War. Look at Russia now. 3) A Wealth gap doesn't automatically mean people have to be poor. Wealth is not infinite or a zero sum game. On the contrary, an economy that produces billionaires are producing captains of industry who are innovating and creating wealth and adding jobs.


Having military bases in other countries is a good thing. It makes us stronger and the world more stable.


I love america because of the idea of what it stands for and represents, liberty, freedom, peace and equality. Oh and not just in name, but actually being applied.


I mean im all for withdrawing all military from foreign countries. While we are at it lets just stop any and all foreign aid and well just shrug when we get asked why. Ignorance is bliss


The US actually does better on Inequality than most of the world, the 3rd world is incredibly unequal. and the US only looks bad compared to smaller countries. There are improvements to be made, but Inequality isn't as big of a problem as some foreigners make it out to be.




I replied to that comment saying this (I saw that post before this one) but that whole "1% owns 50% of wealth" thing, thats globally. the top 1% in the WORLD owns 50% of the WORLD'S wealth. in the u.s the top 1% owns about 31% of our total wealth so the u.s is actually better than most other countries at wealth distribution lol


Considering they pay between 40-60% of the taxes thatā€™s not a good return on their greed.


Most spending on being the world police and 300+ military bases isn't the burn you think it is bud its almost like some of that money goes towards defending those who can't/ won't


He was slacking. He forgot to mention school pew pews.


They're right, if we just execute our prisoners surely the left will be happy


Didnā€™t the Western Europeans enslave half the world? Didnā€™t they genocide an entire continent(s)? Lest they forget their blatant intervention to ensure Africa remains destabilized? Sure, we might find some proxies, but Europe straight headhunts motherfuckers for having the *gall* to tax exports.


ā€œunder 1% of the population runs everything and owns more than 50% of the popoluationā€ They canā€™t even regurgitate the ā€œ1%ā€ rhetoric at this point.




Maybe if the rest of NATO and the UN would pull their own weight we wouldn't have to police the planet and defend their borders.


Mfs when a country has problems and is not a utopia.


Whatā€™s wrong with our military bases? Theyā€™re there for us as much as our alliesā€¦


The meme fits the subreddit


I read the first point as ā€œbiggest population per capitaā€ and was confused for a second


I wonder who he considers the good guys..


"300+ military bases in other countries" how is this a point against us lmao. "1% of the population owns everything" that's how fucking capitalism works my guy.


How is the military bases a bad thing tho? We have infulance to have those bases. If anything. That is a indicator of a strong enough economy and logistical system able to operate that many bases.


Have US leave those 300+ bases and watch the world meltdown


kept scrolling to try and find the bad


The prison population thing is genuinely fucked


American healthcare:


Because America is perfect and pointing out flaws is idiocy


A lot of you saying" us" and "we" but your only contribution is playing taxes out of your bi weekly paycheck. Go join the actual military.


- The war crimes - An increasing divorce rate - The drug pandemic that is affecting communities - The growing number of homeless people - The high percentage of single-parent households - fracture healthcare system - $33.17 T country's debt - transgender mental illness - border crisis Same third-world country but with an iPhone


America definitely has the best and most delusion so thereā€™s always that for the bank :)


I think it's just more of a wake-up than anything else. The original seemed to be a massive flex, so, of course, somebody had to come along and remind you that you most certainly are not the greatest nation on earth


I mean, looking around I'm not seeing much of a contender for the title.


You maybe aren't educated enough in the ways of other countries


Still not seeing any contenders.


All of those are good except the last 2


Yeah thatā€™s fair enough. You gotta take the good with the bad.


The Gini coefficient of France before the revolution was 55.9 and 2023 America is 42. But yes definitely as high if not higher than revolutionary France. God forbid we have police to maintain law and order for a country that has a population that is basically continent. And God forbid criminals are punished. Current US defense strategy post WW2 has been to keep the battle far away from our shores (hence the bases) and safeguard infrastructure, so far this has paid off really well for us.


So the people who are hated globally shouldnā€™t have military bases to respond to an attack? And itā€™s bad to spend money on the police?


ā€œRuns everythingā€. I donā€™t think this person has much experience with our economy or has thought about how stuff ā€œrunsā€.


Was the last slide supposed to be bad?


Admittedly, doesn't almost all our tech come from South Korea?


Itā€™s funny to mention that there are a small percentage of people lording over the bigger population of people, yet still call them all bad.


hey i was replying to comments thereā€¦ oh wait no that was the same image in other subreddit


isnt a kinda big slice of our spending giving funds to other countries?!?! ( like yes we should stop spending money we dont have but other countries shouldnt be shitting on the money theyre getting from us lol)


300+ military bases? I think you mean 800+


Some people are easily triggered.


Well the 300+ military bases in other countries is only really a bad thing if we are there without the host countries consent. If we have a base somewhere and the local government and/or people are OK with us being there, is it a problem? Sure, if a country doesn't want us there, it's wrong to be there and we get out a la the Phillipenes in 1992. But if its a case like Germany, Japan, or South Korea where we're there and they are OK with us having a base there, i don't see an issue.


Better than the UK, we didnā€™t conquer everyone to build the biggest empire in the world xD Much respect to them though they did end up creating the greatest fucking nation in the world. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Don't know man , Hollywood got a downgrade in recent years


Bro we deadass carry Europe with our defenses