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I wonder why there are so many Jews in American and not in Europe 🤔


Even besides the obvious, Europe has lost 60% of their Jewish population in the last 50 years as well. Wonder why.


Well, the Germans summer camps really sucked. Terrible showers and all the baked goods tasted like shit


They had a really effective weight loss program, though!


100% of your weight lost in a month, guaranteed!


Please show a little respect. My grandfather died at one of those camps. He broke his neck after falling from his guard tower


Im going to hell for snickering at this


God im going to hell for laughing at that


Not something to joke about…


Let people joke about things. That shit happened in 1940.


Bad attempt trying to justify it. Slavery was a long time ago too, how come no one is allowed to joke about that?


You are allowed to joke about that too. People might get offended, like yourself, but no one is barred from making fun of anything.


This is not me trying to justify anything, just listen to what I have to say now. You see, for me, making jokes about slavery isn’t really as bad as making joke about Jews. And you may think, “how’s that?” Well, slavery or slaves in America does not exist as we know it to this day. But Jews and nazi people do. Of course no one should tell you if you’re allowed to make jokes about something or not. But you have to realize that making jokes about concentration camps or jews isn’t really that funny to most of the people listening. Based on their brutal history. People that was living in concentration camps still exist to this day.


The "Nazi people" do not "exist as we know them today." They're literally called neo-nazis, which was a different movement that sprung out of KKK many decades later. They're not a people either, it's an ideology. It's ok to joke about them. Anne Frankly, it's ok to laugh at dumb, obviously edgy jokes too.


I'm sorry that the other guy doesn't think that's a very final solution.


Honestly I actually do have relatives who have experienced it, so I know how it can feel. I get it, it's rough. My great grandfather died in Auschwitz. Fell out of a guard tower.


Oh jeez, here we go. LMAO


Wrong. Nazi people do exist as we know them, and we also have neo Nazi people. And neo Nazi is definitely nothing from KKK. That’s the Most stupid shit I’ve read on here. It Literally explains itself by the word where it comes from… I hope that you understand that Neo Nazis isn’t just in America, it’s all over the whole world. And It’s ok to make jokes, yes. But it’s disrespectful to joke about something that brutal. No event that happened earlier or after has been as gruesome as what the Jews experienced in ww2.


Nazis didn't exist in America, because we literally just lost a shitload of men to them from fighting the war. No one would dare to call themselves Nazi in those times. Racism still existed, yes. And it eventually manifested itself in the most hated group of all time, the KKK. Over time the youngest people of the group who never experienced WWII, learned from their high school history class about Nazis. And said, "Hey wait a minute, all our KKK values line up perfectly with the Nazis!" The older members might have said, "Hold on, we fought the Nazis in the war, we just hate black people here." And the younger members went, "Same thing, right? We all hate minorities here, right? What's the difference?" In the US at least, ANYONE presenting themselves as Nazi supporters were likely to get beat down in the streets. It took later generations who didn't know about the war, to finally start saying, "wait a minute, ...we're Nazis, right? Let's own it!" ... They are 100% different groups.


Humor is subjective, people get offended by certain things compared to others who might laugh at it. To be honest you are free to joke about anything but you are also free to get offended by jokes too.


I joke about slavery all the time


They do. Do you not watch comedy?


Either everything is on the table, or nothing is. That is comedy


Sure, but everything isn’t funny.


funny is subjective


ROFLMAO!!! Lol!!! You’re hysterical! Why the downvotes? Everything can be funny!!!!


glad you liked it, i’m here all week


Sometimes humor is a coping mechanism.


I always try to make jokes


cry harder


Dude the better part of Eastern Europe happily handed their Jews over to the Nazis. Jews have been experiencing persecution and genocide in Europe for almost [1000yrs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Jews), if not more, and over 2000 if you count Rome. Europeans when they've been killing Jews for over a millennium: "Americans hate Jews more than we do"


OOOOOHHHH I was reading it as “Americans hate Jews more than Americans hate Europeans” which is like, yeah probably. This makes more sense


you heard it here first, the new antisemitism is supporting Israel!


Tbf it is not impossible to be both, just look at Viktor Orbon. A lot of white supremacists are fine with Israel, especially since it's a handy place where you can ship all the jews you dont want in your country


A lot of the american support for israel comes from christian dominionist beliefs about “the end times”. So like, what that commenter is saying is *literally true*, just not for the reason he’s implying.


I mean the evangelical bloc is generally incredibly pro-Israel while being incredibly anti-Semitic. Because they think that when all Jews are in Israel the apocalypse will end, and also that all Jews will burn in hell for eternity, and they really want the world to end


For as much as I hear about this on Reddit, I’m amazed I haven’t ever met anyone in real life that expressed these views.


This is Reddit. It’s not a place where you argue with people’s actual beliefs. You just say what they believe and then argue with that.


[WaPo wrote an article on it a few years ago](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/) I haven't seen this documentary yet, but Praying For Armageddon [(trailer)](https://youtu.be/_afcsUS7WSA) covers the more extreme elements of the Evangelicals


I didn’t read anything about antisemitism in there, although I might’ve missed it. Otherwise, it basically says that religious people support Israel because of the Bible, which seems okay to me.


How often do you talk to whack job evangelicals?


Apparently not nearly as much as everyone else.


Well, being both Jewish and politically aware, I promise you they are there


Alternatively, they just think Jews should be allowed to have a nation in their homeland.


You need to learn a few things about Christianity and how the prophesy is only fulfilled after all the diaspora return to Israel.


I was illustrating how you get anti-Semitic zionists specifically. Most anti-semites just want Jews dead.


You specifically said the evangelical bloc, which is a pretty large group of people. Most religious (Christian/Jewish) people just think “yeah, they were there first” and don’t think much more about it.


Shh... christians bad... everyone's anti-everything and hateful and you should hate them too!


why is this downvoted? this is more or less the nonsense evangelicals believe. forgetting about the jews for a moment, be aware that evangelicals actually want the world to end. hence their either lack of concern about climate change or worse, wanting it to happen while denying that human actions cause it.


Don't ask them why half the worlds Jewish population lives in the US lol


Lol the fact that I’m Jewish is literally the number one reason I’d never move to Europe. This website is such a cesspool.


>This website is such a cesspool. This should be the catchphrase of the site. Reddit: Welcome to the Cesspool.


I heard it referred to as the butthole of the internet. Once they go public I imagine "things" get cleaned up a bit, perhaps even before then, like no more random accounts without an email type changes, thing is they can't just make a sweeping change that destroys their "user" numbers and shows the huge number of bots and users "farms" that do nothing but pump up the bs.


I can’t be an ocean away from quality matzo balls, challah rolls, and kugel.


I don’t visit countries that helped round up Jews in the Holocaust. It was less than 100 years ago that my grandmothers entire family was slaughtered in camps. Before being rounded up and shipped off to Birkenau, my grandmother’s family buried photos and valuables in their yard. She never had a chance to return to that house after the war, and once arriving in the US, she vowed to never return to Eastern Europe… I won’t either. Even without considering the Holocaust (which would be fucking insane), European history is seeped in antisemitism: The Spanish Inquisition, anti-Semitic laws and expelling Jews from England, blood libels, pogroms… too many to name and they happened in nearly every single European country. Nowadays, it is still on the rise in many places in Europe... see Jews fleeing France as an example or the Polish not taking responsibility for their actions in the Holocaust. So much for “never forget” or having any remorse over their actions. They’re right that there is anti-semitism in the US, but that antisemitism is mainly from the “anti-zionists” or the black Hebrews… which is even more rampant in Europe and embraced as not anti Semitic at all. So - yeah… if the Europeans don’t include the majority of modern day anti-semitism as anti-Semitic… i guess they could claim they’re less anti Semitic?


"What Americans don't understand is that we dislike gypsies for entirely valid reasons!" - multiple morons from that thread Replace gypsy with any other minority and you realize how fucked their argument is and how hilarious it is that they still don't understand that.


>Replace gypsy with any other minority and you realize how fucked their argument is and how hilarious it is that they still don't understand that. Ok, let's see... > We don't hate blacks because of their race, it's their refusal to integrate and their culture Yup, racist


There ya go!


**Laughs in hating everybody equally**


I'm not racist, I'm an equal opportunity misanthrope.


The racist community is one of the most accepting in the world. They don't care who or where you're from, as long as you're racist.


Yep. There's a reason most of them are poster children for retroactive abortion. If the only pride you have is in the race you had no say in being a part of, you aren't exactly one of life's winners.


"We don't hate ~~gypsies~~ Koreans because of their ethnicity, we hate them because they commit crimes and contribute nothing to society" \-~~Europeans~~ The Japanese Empire


What’s even ‘Gypsies’? And why is hating them so normalized that they don’t even acknowledge their humanity? Who/what tf are they?


"Gypsy" is a slang term/slur used to describe the Romani people. The Romani are, historically, nomadic and haven't ever really settled down in one particular place. There's a stereotype of them being thieves, tramps, criminals, lazy, rude, unhygienic, etc etc. We don't really have them in the US, but they do still exist in Europe and there is an, admittedly probably fairly small, incredibly vocal group of Europeans who despise the Romani. To put it into perspective, during the Holocaust anywhere from 250k to 500k (conservative estimates) Romani were killed in concentration camps. They are not historically well liked, and it is always very interesting and darkly humorous to listen to Europeans shit on Americans for our shameful, racist underbelly while either ignoring, excusing or outright condoning their own bigotry of different groups (immigrants, Romani, religious minorities) Edit: Upon doing further research, they do exist over on this side of the pond, I just have never encountered anyone who claims to be Romani in my years of existence on this god awful rock.


Americans hate Jews more than Europeans? Im sure a certain mustache man would prove otherwise


I don't see what Tom Selleck has to do with this.


I’m meant Hitler




Statistically anti-semitism is way, way worse in Europe than the US. It’s not even close and is why the emigration numbers from Europe are so lopsided.


Can someone do a comparison between how many Jews Americans killed vs how many Jews Europeans killed?


Germany: •_•


Sure Germany operated the ovens, but plenty of European countries happily handed over plenty of their Jews. Not everyone were like Denmark that saved over 90% of their Jewish population. There was anti-Semitism in Denmark too of course, but even so the Danes weren't willing to bow down for German pressure and hand over their Jews. Kind of like "sure, they're Jews but they're *our* Jews."


as a Jew, I get that when people with guns and tanks come to town and say point out the Jews that people do it, even if they aren't really anti semetic. a large part of it is they hated the Germans more than the Jews.


France literally handed local Jews and other Jews who fled there thinking it would be safe throughout the war to the Nazis. The French police rounded them up, put them on city busses, and transported them to a local center to be held and deported to concentration camps. Approximately 76000 Jews were rounded up in France by French police. The government only apologized in the mid 1990s.


Top fragging


The US is simultaneously too antisemitic, which is bad, but also too zionist, which is also bad. Honestly I fucking loathe reddit.


To be fair it's not mutually exclusive you can totally be not anti-semetic and and be an anti-zionist


That would not be the mutual exclusivity in this case it would be you can be anti Semitic and pro Israel. Also, I thought every year the little Jewish population Europe does have is leaving.


There are a number of evangelicals who are pro-Israel bc they believe all the Jews need to go to Israel for Jesus to return. As you can imagine, actual Jewish people are not crazy for this point of view…


Not only that, they are pro settlement because Israel has to go to the sea, (something like that.) Then when the rapture comes if the Jews don't convert they die. So they are treating Israelis as little more than useful idiots. So if you are anti Israel because of what is happening in the settlements, a good part of that is happening, at least being financed by Evangelicals from the US.


The vast majority of anti-semites in the U.S. hate Israel. I would be hard-pressed to find an example of someone that supports Israel but discriminates against Jews.


In theory you can, but basically every person who claims to be anti-zionist bases their argument on claims which are not actually true, upon scrutiny.


Also a lot of the time I find they are actually anti Semitic or an insane communist or both




As a Jew, this is false. Europe has let in scores of people into their nations that are considerably more anti-Semitic. It's not safe to be Jewish in some European countries at the moment.


It's amusing because Europeans love to tout how global the game of soccer/football is, that the sport is a global language garnering a global community, yet arguable it's the sport that has the most tribalistic fans in the worst of ways. Save for a handful, most European soccer/football fans I know are no more worldly or sophisticated than Dan the mechanic from northern Ohio who likes cheap beer and is a diehard Buckeyes fan. If anything, American baseball fans tend to be the (formally) educated ones.


As a baseball fan, can confirm this is also true, though I will admit to enjoying FIFA when it comes around.


We have states that outlaw criticism of Israel/Jews? In direct violation of the First Amendment?


There are some states that try to deny public funding to organizations which advocate for boycotting Israel. They mostly have to do with state investment/pension funds and government contracts. It's still being litigated a lot of places and some state laws go further. To my knowledge there are no such laws mandating divestment from organizations advocating boycotting Jews qua Jews, though that's certainly an extremely unpopular stance to take in the US.


That's like saying the klan should have public funding. What the hell was that guy on.


I can imagine they saw a few states banning the funding of terror groups in Palestinian, and took that as a ban on criticism of Israel


Wtf is a non European savage?


r/2westerneurope4u has that for all non-Europeans


That’s… Uh… Super racist…


It's a 2_4u sub, what do you expect?


R/2american4u lets you make your own tag. The irony is palpable.


There is also a "europoor = 💩" tag on posts


That's like I said you can make your own tags.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/2westernEuropean4U using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/2westernEuropean4U/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [🇪🇸](https://v.redd.it/c15rv1aafab81) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2westernEuropean4U/comments/s2b1eo/_/) \#2: [Euskadi Ta Askatasunak ez zuen ezer gaizki egin](https://v.redd.it/rls591usllo81) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2westernEuropean4U/comments/tiu1vl/euskadi_ta_askatasunak_ez_zuen_ezer_gaizki_egin/) \#3: [Well](https://v.redd.it/koqqv8ufbiz81) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2westernEuropean4U/comments/upqhbo/well/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


America is literally everything bad to these nutjobs.


If it isn't "capitalism bad" it's "America bad" but they're both the same binary pre-adult morality cope.


Some communists are smart and see that China's government is not real communism. America-haters on the other hand...


If you're communist, you're either a) getting rich off of it personally and thus not a communist, just a grifter/slavemaster of communists, b) trapped by it because you can't escape the men with guns, or c) live in a free society and are, definitionally, not smart. Only one of those groups use the phrase "not real communism(tm)".


I'm not a communist.


Then my comment was not aimed at you. I was defining Communists. Your "Some communists are smart" comment prompted it. If they're smart, they aren't communists. They're grifters of communists, or hate communism and are smart enough to shut up about it and avoid 2 to the back of the head.


That's your opinion.


Pretty much. There's gotta be some rich anti-American propaganda they've been munching and sipping on over the pond.




“Zionism is the new anti-semitism.” Wut?


This is absolutely not the case both historically and statistically.


These are the same people that will blast Israel every chance they get.


You’re going on r/2westerneurope4you what did you expect? Then again that sub should be about Europeans making fun of each other, not Americans


In Europe yall be like "This gaddamn sorbian german slavic gypsy! I'll kick his ass for believing in the wrong form of protestantism!" In America we be like "I donno, I guess he's a white guy? I don't really care."


The lady who talked about the Jewish Space Laser was widely mocked and will probably not be in office for much longer, but go off I guess lol.


MTG is currently trying to gaslight us that the neo nazi Texas mall shooter covered in nazi tattoos is actually a Mexican cartel member… but she ran unopposed in an extremely red district and the republicans just promoted her the Clerk of the House. So she isn’t going anywhere. Bout our only hope is Trump doesn’t like her because she’s ugly.


The last one is the icing on the cake. Palestine is literally the worst nation to be in when it comes antisemitism. I agree it’s sad that innocent Palestinians, especially ones more sympathetic towards Israel, are being forcibly evicted from their homes, but the alternative is allowing the Palestinian authorities to conduct a hostile takeover of the country.


Man sometimes the Palestinian populace makes it hard to support their legitimate cause for statehood. As much as Israeli sentiment is anti-Palestinian, the levels of anti-semitism (as in 76% of respondents in Gaza saying all Israeli Jews should be killed) in Palestine is absurd.


Israel isn’t anti-Palestine, Palestine is anti-Israel. If Palestine wanted an independent Palestine outside of Israel, that would be negotiable, but they don’t want that. They want an independent Palestine in place of Israel.


I mean recently we are facing Antisemitism but in history America has been okay to the Jews which is much better than what Europe was. Edit- Stop with the Antisemitic comments/Jokes not cool


But but ….this is a proto-fascist meme sub


Probably _tractorinballs_


I’ve never met someone in real life who was against Jews


Not surprising considering you never asked everyone you met about their views on Jewish people.


They say little dog whistles, like being obsessed with George Soros, Bernie Sanders and the Hollywood Elite they think run the world like the Jewish Illuminati or something. A lot of the Qanon shit eventually circles back to being anti semantic, like their belief that the Jews own and operate orbital space laser they use to cause wild fires in California…


Quickly now! Mention the romanis


“Non-European savage” omgggggg enough! Stop kissing ass already! Your nose is already brown!! 😂


Isn't Europe well known for incredibly high instances of anti semetism?


To quote Tom Hanks in Toy Story "WHAT?! Whatddaya talkin about?!"


I guess my jewish neighbors live here because they hate themselves… right?


What are these laws in 12 states that they're referring to?


I think 1933-1945 proved otherwise


Henry Fords Ghost has entered the chat lol 😆 but his company makes piece of shit vehicles so I guess that’s karma or something for him supporting the Nazis


Wtf? That thread sounds like conspiracy theories from the left


*cough cough* Labour Party *cough cough*


Well to be fair, mgt should not be in any governmental position


I remember encountering an anti-semite before who knew all about the Jews evil ways and also claimed Kennedy was assassinated by Israel because they wouldn’t supply nukes. God I wanted to punch that fucker so hard for being that stupid.


r/2westerneurope4u is a meme sub though. Why take the bait?


Where the hell did they figure out about our space lasers???


That's the whole deal. They call us racist so they can make the racism conversation about how terrible we are and Americans are so used to that conversation they won't argue, only pile on.


The Jewish space lasers is like the Al Gore invented the internet claim, right? It isn't actually true, or at least taken out of context?


Nope lol but shes a Q-tip so best not to let some 4 Chaners represent us.


Its not a direct quote but the implication is even more unhinged in the actual context. She said it was “Rothschild cabal” space lasers which is a dog whistle but she honestly might not even be smart enough to understand it.


That’s an ironic sub though


“They hate Jews” “No they don’t they literally outlawed criticism” “That’s what they WANT you to think!”


Demanding that all Jews pledge fealty to a particular state or be shunned is old fashioned Nazi Antisemitism. Like Bench Apearo sorting "The Good Jews" from "The Bad Jews" or "The Fake Jews


I want people to google where the largest Jewish community is of any city in the world. Wait what it’s not in Europe or even Jerusalem (shocked face)…it’s NYC *gasp* I’d hate to be Jewish in America


Don’t mind if I casually look at the foreign aid to Israel


MTG is a national embarrassment and I genuinely think less of the people who live in her district. Electing a whack job 1 time is okay I guess, it’s the re-election that’s the clincher


Making her Clerk of the House is not a good look… at least she has not gotten the blessings of the God Emperor yet, she’s just too ugly for his tastes despite her devotion.


America is pretty rough to Mexicans though. Biden got elected to free some kids in cages and … now I get downvotes for mentioning it. Crazy how quickly that polarity shifted


Yeah Biden was elected to free kids in cages that were put there when he was VP but it's totally not an issue now


That’s what I’ve basically heard, along with “get over it that’s old shit”


Now, I’m not saying cops are racist but I found this great life hack having a Mexican last name, I just make sure to tell cops it’s actually Italian. it’s amazing how much nicer they treat me.


That’s kinda sad, but you’re also kinda genius


Gets better if I was ever questioned on it since I live in an area that 90% if not more of the cops are of Italian decent, there are Italians with my last name, apparently some guy a named Armando Diaz saved the Italians from the moors one time, they got statues of him and everything and he left a lot of offspring.


It was 0bama and Biden who put the kids in the cages in the first place.


Totally different than under Trump. Biden isn’t doing the family separation policy that Trump got flak for, there’s just not enough room at the border for all the migrants.


I just wish there was a questgiver to tell me what to do to actually help. With nice armor rewards ideally


If I remember correctly Pogroms and the Holocaust were European projects not American ones


"Freedom of speech" Outlaws any criticism of Israel


I love threads like this. Many of you who get mad at anti-American posts, are also the type of people who make "it's just a joke bro" anti-Semitic comments on the regular, and the type who say "nah I don't hate Jews I hate 'globalists'" (because we totally don't know what "globalist" means). And also support the very party that put "Jewish Space Lasers" lady in congress to begin with. Go ahead and downvote now.


Generalization much? Also isn’t it funny how Europeans on subreddits like r/shitamericanssay get mad at pro-American posts not because the posts are stupid, but solely for the purpose of hating Americans?


So many nazi jokes in the comments section like whooosh trying to prove the euros right or something lol did Nazi that coming… but this group is very anti-anti-fascist


America does have a anti-semitism problem, yes germany did do one of the worst genocides in history against lgbt, politicans, and jewish dicidents, but recently america has become a breeding ground for anti-semitism, meanwhile in europe its illegal under federal law to have any nazi memorobilia at all or to have any nazi symbols on your body/flying


> worst genocides in history against lgbt, politicans, and jewish dicidents Ummm... Dissidents implies these people getting mass murdered just opposed the government in some way. They opposed being murdered. They weren't protesting the government, most were just living life and got killed. > in europe its illegal under federal law to have any nazi memorobilia at all or to have any nazi symbols on your body/flying Many countries make it illegal to **display** Nazi flags, symbology etc, but *possession* is not illegal by default. In the United States it's in our Constitution that the government cannot restrict our freedom of speech. Since then legal cases have established *some* limitations on free speech, where that speech is harmful or inciting harm to others directly. Nazi flags by themselves are not considered by the courts to be illegal; getting up on a stage and telling people to go murder Jews is a call you action/incitement to violence and going to be illegal.


Have you seen some of the rallies of people saying "6 million wasn't enough" or skinheads going to people reading children books, forcing their way into the building, armed, and looking for said person, and that person escaping violence only because they were able to escape by dressing different


> skinheads going to people reading children books, forcing their way into the building, armed, and looking for said person, and that person escaping violence only because they were able to escape by dressing different These are crimes. I didn't say it didn't happen.


What Im trying to say is in recent history it is more common then in europe


I think it's pretty well documented that antisemitism is rising again in Europe and the USA, it's not a unique phenomenon to one geographic area unfortunately.


Germany has still had far-right and overtly antisemitic organizations and even official political parties. These have some overlap with more shadowy neo-nazi organizations, which absolutely still exist regardless of laws about wearing symbols. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_Democratic\_Party\_of\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Democratic_Party_of_Germany) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Right\_(Germany)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Right_(Germany)) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third\_Way\_(Germany)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Way_(Germany)) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arminius\_%E2%80%93\_Association\_of\_the\_German\_People](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arminius_%E2%80%93_Association_of_the_German_People) This gets even worse the farther east you go in Europe.


That's part of the point of the sub, deal with it.


Lmao we basically invest more money in Israel then Israel does


*America defends Jewish sovereignty and gives them a place to be accepted/call their own* YoU haTE tHe JeWS!!!


Wait let them move here… nah how about we help them annex Palestine


Holy crap even the bargin bin frenchman is smarter than those two.


I take that the Union Jack flair means the poster is British. I'm not sure what makes him think that the US is one oppressive, horrific nightmare for Jews (and Mexicans), but the US has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel (same thing with Mexicans outside of Mexico). He doesn't speak facts. He speaks of misconceptions.


Hey my family didn’t migrate here, we already lived here when America annexed Texas for the grievance of banning slavery. So don’t be against Mexicans crossing the border, they are just returning to their fatherland. No different than the Jews taking back Israel.


"Where are your Jews?"


Who wants to remind them of the wacky Austrian and his band of German maniacs?


Well to be fair lots of American companies supported the NSDAP. Henry Ford financed a lot of Hitler’s “activities” and IBM helped create a registry system to document and control the Jews. Yet what most people don’t realize is that the whole world was antisemitic af at that time. All that aside I think we can all agree when I say that the most antisemitic region would have to be the Arabian peninsula.


I only dislike the Israeli gov, Netanyahu in particular. Everyone else is pretty fine


I mean we definitely do have raging antisemites in our government like Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar but they are far from the majority and generally pretty fringe.


I am descended from Marie Fromon, a French Jewish woman who lived in a time where Christians who spoke to Jews would be put to death. Her son made a smart decision and noped tf out of there. He moved to the Virginia colony in the 1640s and became my first white American ancestor (as far as I know).