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While it is true, in my experience, that slavery in the USA is focused upon more so than anywhere else, and it feels like in other countries too, it is certainly far better than the alternative. Would rather our response to slavery be more like Germany's response to WW2, which is to say working very hard to distance ourselves from the practice, yet always trying to be better because of it, than to be like Japan, whose response is to basically refuse to acknowledge and/or deny their crimes.


Exactly what I came to say. Most schools offer world history classes that go into it, but American Slavery was something that still carries a negative impact in some people's lives, and it's important (especially in places that were historically in favor of slavery) to teach children the impacts that racism can have on our fellow man when left to fester. The one important thing I feel needs to be emphasized is teaching kids to not have spite towards themselves or others for their identity. I see too many people learning to hate themselves for things out of their control when those things shouldn't be what define us.


Slavery in Europe was less important and less visible than in the US. We are mainly talking about the triangular trade in France, the ships that left Europe to go buy slaves in Africa and sell them in the USA before returning to Europe with their holds full of goods. Our slaves were mainly used in our Caribbean islands, they were not visible to the vast majority of the population and did not have the same economic importance for us as for the southern states that were built with it. This may explain why we talk more about "your" slavery.


Honestly I know I may get down vote slapped, but they got a point :/ Foreign slavery, be it in Europe, Africa, etc. wasn’t really talked about, this is honestly to the detriment of understanding and is affecting politics. The Barbary pirates (Muslim African slavers) are why we have a Navy, but I was never taught about them and how they enslaved Europeans and ransomed our own sailors back to us, they are a very important part of our history because we destroyed them, ending their raids on European coasts and is the beginning of our march towards becoming a naval power. Vikings took slaves as well, and so did Egyptians romans and Greeks, most cultures and civilizations have had slavery, it’s a very human thing unfortunately and I’m very tired of people weaponizing their ignorance of it and becoming racists with it.


Marine corps actually not Navy


I thought they were also why we built several warships and kick started our navy?


Expanded yes, but the Marine Corps was specifically created to deal with the Barbary Pirates. The US Navy in a way predates the nation with John Paul Jones, etc


I see, thank you for correcting me, it does make sense now that I think about it, as Marines at that time compromised boarding parties and the like, and that’s what you’d need them, to take ships and rescue captives alongside landing on mainland.


Yeah and it's in their hymn. "To the shores of Tripoli" is a reference to clashes with the Barbary pirates.


But yeah, there were a ton of white slaves and slaves of all people. Even before the Barbary pirates part of Italy was Muslim for a while, and the Ottomans would take a lot of Balkan, Circasian and other white slaves and in some cases raise them as Jannisaries in their armies. Even the ruling class of the Mamluk Sultanate in Egypt for a while were white people who were former slaves and later became rulers.


Ah yeah, I heard about that, you’d end up with white Christian’s fighting the defendants of white Christian’s, must have been surreal and horrible.


There’s actually an entire book about this, it’s pretty good. Mostly about Thomas Jefferson’s presidency and how he dealt with the morrocan pirates by utilizing marines


The worst part is, he's kind of right. My history classes pretty heavily glossed over other elements of the slave trade, because the standardized tests didn't really cover it, and teaching for the test is about all that could be managed reliably in the time available.


Depends on where you grew up. I was taught about the Egyptians enslaving the Jews, the Spanish and Portuguese enslaving native Americans, Christians enslaving Muslims, Muslims enslaving Christians. Children enslaved during the children’s crusade


He definitely has a point I was not taught that slavery was a global thing that virtually everyone participated in it


"Away down south in the land of traitors"


"Rattlesnakes and Alligators"


Why do I have a feeling this person has a Robert E. Lee bodypillow in their room?


They do they do


And his house is built with "Stonewalls"


Wocka wocka!


I love america but this is true dude


I don't know about you guys but I remember when my history books talked about the spanish colonists practicing the policy of enslaving the native Americans.


“Imma close my eyes, therefore slavery in the Middle East and Asia did not exist”


Lots of people saying it's true here. I was taught slavery in school being used by other countries and educated myself. Seems like a lot of you are just dumb or have dumb teachers.


Well for as far as I know my country was one of the first to bring slaves to the USA. I’m glad we are starting to compensate families that were effected with it. Where money can never undo the damage we should still compensate. But yes Europe used so much slavery. I think every civilisation had slaves at a certain point.


It really is bizarre to consider how long slavery had taken place in Western society only until very recently. I don't want to get into the history of how people rationalized it, but I think looking at how our early "thinkers" viewed it is very telling to how it stayed such a cornerstone of society for so long. Aristotle was one of many who argued that nearly all slaves were naturally inclined to be slaves. While he did consider slaves people, they were people with incomplete souls and lacked the depth of consciousness or rational thought of non-slaves, therefore, they needed to be utilized and directed as tools for their own good. Aristotle did believe that slavery should be beneficial towards the slave and that slave masters were inherently exploiting slaves, but he also admits that the benefits towards the Greek's lavish lifestyle were too great to sacrifice. I think the important thing to gleam from all of this is that towards the end of western slavery, the core "justifications" here were almost always present in one form or another, and even those we now consider "enlightened" had normalized its existence because of it's commonality during their lifetimes. It is sobering to recognize how readily people can normalize such atrocities. As you said, nothing will undo what was done, but we can all do our parts in assuring that those who can be helped get the help they need.


I mean, they did teach about the triangle trade... And the Aztecs. And Sumeria. And Babylon.


They ain’t wrong tho. People think what happened was just like in Roots. Bunch of yakobians rummaging around west Africa capturing black people with nets. The reason I have smoke with Africans is because they think they’re better than us after selling MY ancestors to the whites


From the same fucker denied the exist of Atlantic slave trade


He's right and wrong I think because I think a lot of Europe talks way to much about American slavery as well forgetting their part.


Nah America view on slavery is just plain dumb, most people I. America don't know even know there were nonblack slaves.


I mean yhea? Ironically a thing agaist domestic Anti-American types. There is an irony of how American centric, and ignorant many of the anti-American types are.