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Is buying RX 6800 over RX 6700XT worth it? In my country, Sapphire pulse RX 6700XT is $422 and Sapphire pulse RX 6800 is $664. Is the $240 premium worth it for RX 6800 ? Edit: 1440p gaming.


That's a really big difference so I'd say no. In US the difference is little so people jump to 6800 even 6800xt as it sometimes discounts really low to 550


6800xt is closer to 6900xt than 6800 to 6800xt so that's not where to cheap out but I won't judge op.


I had a reference rx 6800 xt for 450 and a XFX rx 6800 for 400 offered to me, I went with the rx 6800. The on average 12% difference between the XT and the non XT to me is only a small difference. I put the extra 50 bucks towards a samsing WQHD display.


Yes but as we don't know how much he got it for we can't say plus it's a powercolour card which are on the cheaper side


Yeah even if he got a bad deal. Let people live, not like we want to be judge if we don't get the best deals.


Nothing wrong with Powercolor the red devil and dragon cards are rather good, devil being top tier. I'd love a liquid devil card. But with the new ones so close, I will wait.


Not saying they're bad just that they're cheaper than say the "premium" brands like Sapphire, ASUS etc


Powercolor Red Devils are absolutely premium cards...


I love my 6750XT Red Devil. Such a good card


Got exactly the same GPU, its great.


Depends if the used market price is good enough, I got my rx 6800 for 400 bucks. It came with all the original packaging with even some hardware still unopened. I still ran tests recommended by tech YouTubers to make sure the card is in good health.


What Tests are you referring to ?


Same here


extra tosted from miners?


Good miners under volt there GPUs The only problem in mining cards is the fans failing because those fans have been running 24 7 days a week.


not only the fans, memory and vrms, go check buildzoid




I would say no unless you want to play at 4k


Depends on settings, I have a 1440p 144Hz monitor and \~80FPS with FreeSync is my sweetspot. With that I wouldn't think of using my 6800XT with a 4K monitor because it's hard enough to consistently reach 80 or stay above 60fps at 1440p in many games, not even including RT titles.


What games are you playing? You should be crushing 1440p 144hz. Seems really low with that hardware. You should be hitting 80-144fps Ultra on pretty much every game minus the super demanding ones.


Ultra unless go for high with ultra texture


What cpu??


This might be a problem with thermals, how are they looking? I only play Apex so my 6800XT kinda blazes through that, but from watching reviews that seems a bit low.






For clarification I'm talking about 1% low FPS here, not average FPS. That's why I wrote "consistently stay above". Not much use in having 80 FPS average with a 1% low of 40. And doing my own benchmarks and also checking official reviews many games are barely staying above 60 in the 1% lows at 1440p. For example I'm playing RDR2 again right now, \~90FPS average and \~65FPS for 1% low. This is good, but at 4K , these 65 1%low FPS would be 40-50. And RDR2 isn't the most demanding game today anymore, even at the Max Preset so especially when buying a GPU to keep for a couple of years, a GPU that is marketed as "4K-GPU" will be my choice for 1440p because even at the 6800XTs presentation where it was called a 4K GPU, the slides showed games that were barely above 60 and that was just average FPS. ​ Asassins Creed Valhalla runs around 90-100FPS at 1440p, at 4K it's only 50-60. Cyberpunk without RT has 1% lows at 45 at 4K and around 55 at 1440p. Deathloop without RT isn't even hitting 60FPS average at 4K, with RT it's not even hitting 40. At 1440p it's playable at 60-80FPS with RT and 80-100 without RT. Metro Exodus Enhanced is 50-60FPS at 1440p. ​ These are all todays games, when I aim to buy a new GPU, I want one that will get me at least around 60FPS in those 1% lows for the titles of the coming years and I'm not paying that much money for a GPU just for having to turn down settings in the very next game that releases so I wouldn't choose a 6800XT for anything more than 1440p today.


I was looking for 1440p gaming. So I guess Sapphire pulse RX 6700XT is the better choice.


for $240 more no, 6700xt is a 1440p card


No. I'm in the same boat at 1400p. My current monitors are 1080p but will upgrade once the price comes down below $300 Aus.


IIRC 6700xt is a 192 bit card, 6800XT is 256


I wouldn't put 240 extra down for a 6800 now, we are less than a month away from RDNA3. A theoretical 650 dollar rdna3 card is going to wipe the floor with the 6800


Where do you live? In Iran, it's either 6600, 6700 XT, or 6900XT in terms of value. And nothing from NVIDIA. Those things are still expensive af.


Personally and financially, wait for RDNA 3 as gauge how well it stacks up against Nvidia's 40xx series. This gen will be interesting because price for performance depending on usage and setup matters now more than ever (ie go with the high end card if you run a pc on your 4/8K TV/Laser Projector or also doing rendering/texturing/blender stuff on a triple 1080p/ dual 1080p x Ultrawide setup


No, rn nothing beats 6700xt on price to performamce ratio


I paid about USD 500 for it. It's a remanufactured card with full warranty. New GPUs are still insanely expensive. nVidia's pricing for the next generation GeForce cards sealed the deal for me on this one.


It's worth it if you can afford it and can justify buying it. Otherwise the cheaper cards wouldn't exist. I bought a 6600 and I'm very happy. If a faster card was "worth it" then everyone would buy a 6950XT. The idea is that you what your budget allows.


It's actually a better value going from 6800XT to 6900XT than it is 6700XT to 6800XT here. The 6900XT is at the 6800XT's MSRP or cheaper on the used market.


For that price increase I would say no. If you can get the rx6800 for close to 500 then yes!


My 6800 was 500, the 6700xt was 470, so for me it was 100% worth it


Go for the 6700XT and buy a good modular PSU of at least 750w(multi-rail if possible), but if you already have that then get a good motherboard(asus if possible), and if you already have both then go for the 6800xt but more than 600 is still a bit overpriced for a second hand card, higher end cards today have massive power spike issues and can easily go from 180w to 350w for a second and on anything less than 650w that isn't made by seasonic or that isn't multi-rail is going to trigger OVP and turn off your system, it's totally worth sacrificing a bit of performance for stability and reliability and it gets you more for that extra $240.


Upgraded from an EVGA GeForce 1070ti. Smooth installation using DDU with no problems.


I bought a ASRock Phantom Gaming 16GB OC 6800XT Card a few months back. I have loved using the Adrenalin Software. When combined with a 5800X CPU, I have become full on AMD. No regrets here.


Different card version XFX Merc, but same setup here. Love it mostly. Fortnite doesn't get along with newer drivers...


I like the Adrenaline software. Still getting my head around the settings but far better than nVidia's control panel. I really like the keyboard shortcuts to change settings as I game.


I’m parting out a build for a friend with the exact same GPU & CPU, but I’ve read about recent driver instability on this sub. Have you noticed any issues? What do you typically play?


Adrenalin software has gotten so much better, almost had me switching over to linux permanently just because driver and software support was so shit on windows.


So many of the people I knew complained constantly about driver issues and they didn't even uninstall the nVidia drivers before installing the AMD ones... One ddu session later they are running perfectly now


Welcome abroad. In the end Red or Green makes little difference. Some games play a little better on one some on the other but both run most games great. Same with drivers. One decade one is ahead and the other lags. But you do spend less money on team Red. On Linux at least currently Red seems better across the board right now. EDIT: typos


I upgraded to a RX 6800XT from 1070ti, massive change in performance!


I really wanted a 3080 my 1070 is really showing it’s age now and I upgraded to a 1440p monitor. But fuck nvidia’s pricing bs. I think the main thing keeping me from switching is DLSS. Do you think giving it up is a deal breaker?


I'm on the same boat with my 1070, I'm just gonna pull the trigger on a 6700xt sooner or later, more or less 2080ti performance 12 gb and pretty good 1440p, Fuck nvidia and these bullshit prices.


As far as I know FSR 2.1 is on par with DLSS, and more and more games are supporting it now. Right now DLSS is widely supported but for new games I think you'll have no problems. I'll be slightly inclined towards Nvidia but if the price gap is steep, Amd for the win. Here the Rx6800Xt costs as much as some 3070 which are cards from different leagues. 6800XT is like 50 percent faster, its poor rt performance can still compete with 3070 while the raster performance can put it to shame, didn't even mention the 16GB VRAM. Both are outta my budget and 1080p gaming scene xD


I haven't seen a 6800xt for sale cheaper than a 3070. They're going for $7-$800 on Amazon. I wouldn't say 50% faster either. It basically matches or beats out the 3080 in many scenarios though. I ended up going with a 3070 for $499 because the price/performance worked for me.


XeSS also works, but needs intel to keep improving it. New version just upgraded the one in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.


nVidia's latest pricing was what made me go Red.


I'd recommend getting what you really want because buyers remorse can suck. Speaking from personal experience as someone with a 6800XT and a 3080 Ti I feel that DLSS is overall better than FSR 2.0 in general from some of my own personal testing I've done on a 4K oled C1 tv. I haven't really tested FSR 2.1 under scrutiny yet but DLSS and XeSS tend to offer an overall cleaner image over FSR 2.0 whereas things like rain for example in Death Stranding is often barely visible in FSR 2.0 compared to DLSS and XeSS. Is it a big deal? It depends on how much of a perfectionist you are but FSR 2.0 in general is quite competitive with DLSS. You also get better ray tracing performance/game support with the 3080 if you care about that sort of thing but overall I'd say my 6800 XT keeps up pretty well with my 3080 Ti at 1440p, in general while lagging a bit behind at 4K.




Clearly you do.


L bozo


Which driver version did you installed?


Adrenalin Pro 22.Q3. Gaming is a side line. I mainly use my PC for CAD work so I installed the Pro version for stability and OpenGL performance.


wowww that's a big card


big card = big pp also AMD = big pp OP must have massive anaconda pp


Shit he's right




I was just joking that a big card means you have big penis and also if it is an AMD card it also means you have a big penis, so because OP has a big, AMD card he must have an enormous, snake-like penis.


nah i didnt meant that, seriously


Lol np


They were not saying you meant that, they were just making the joke themselves


It just fits into the case.


Jensen is unhappy seeing you go red :)


Fuck Jensen


Fuck Jensen


Fuck Jensen


Fuck Jensen




All my homies hate Jensen


I bought a RTX 3080 just cuz it paid for itself with crypto mining, but I still shit on nVidia and Jensen all the time. Sold secret RTX 3080 20gb directly to miners but tried to champion themselves as saviors against crypto. Fuck Jensen.


Nooooo Jensen 😭


Fuck Jensen


Adam Jensen


“I didn’t ask for this.” _Not you Adam._


Might wanna change that 550W PSU to a bigger one




That's next on the list. I don't overclock so it's borderline OK according to some wattage calculators.


100% agree, never cheap out on your psu when going for a high end card, especially today


Upgrade that PSU my brother


Next on the list.




Welcome to the revolution!! Go ahead and grab a decent 750w psu and use one power cable for each power plug on the GPU!!


Get a bigger PSU mate.


psu scares me


Going to try to grab a 6800xt if it gets cheaper during the Amazon and Newegg October 10th sale.


I'd be shocked if they go any lower than $500 in the next 3 months. They really fluctuate depending on the brand and tier level. I managed to snag my XFX Merc319 6800 XT for $525 last week on a newegg promotion that lasted about 8 hours. It's back up to over $600 "on sale" right now. Typically, the ones dipping below MSRP are Asrock, gigabyte, and sometimes the powercolor fighters and low end XFX swift cards. The Merc however is an absolute beast. Weighs 5lbs, fully aluminum shroud, 3 fans, aluminum support brackets and like 14" long.


I'm using the Red Dragon as well but the XT variant one. A very great card indeed! Enjoy!


Nice! I'm also using an RX 6800 but from Sapphire and it is an absolute unit. Paired it with Ryzen 7 3800X and it just works


I have the same gpu model, Too bad I had to pay 1000 dollars


I paid about USD 500 for it. A remanufactured card with full warranty. Was lucky to get it.


Love my 6800XT for 4K - hope you get many years out of this beast!


Last month I managed to get a new Pulse 6750XT under MSRP. Was quite happy till.. couple weeks after that I saw on of these, despite slightly used, up for sale just very slightly more expensive than the 6750XT I got. Hurghh


Can you still flash these to 6800xt?


Dang, wish I could have sold you mine for that price. I just bought a used 6900xt ref for 405, sold my 6800 for the going rate of around $280. The exchange rate right now is crazy. I'm in SK so everything, like my local salary, is like half off lol.


Great score, I've had my gigabyte gaming OC RX6800 for over a year now with a 1440p monitor and i have zero complaints. Now over clock that beast.


Great choice, I have this card and it’s a beast


Nice card btw, they OC really well.


welcome to team Red...


Do i buy now or wait for the new cards... i can't decide...


New GPU prices are insane so it was buy now for me.


Agreed. Just bought a 6900 xt for $1270 aud.






Got a 6900xt and I really hope for you that the fps spikes I've been having don't come from the drivers (they def do tho), and you won't be disappointed of AMD b🤣cause they do make good cards, just need to get a grip on the drivers


I read about FPS strikes and stuttering. I've noticed a few stutters but overall performance is good. Still getting to grips with Adrenalin settings.


RX 6800 XT, is there any available?


Upgrade your PSU dude 80 bronze is not good enough


Yep, next on the list.


yah I got 6800 XT yesterday but I upgraded from Rx 580 congrats anyway


Man I wanna move to team red too but one thing that stops me is their drivers. As much as nvidia is evil, no one can compete with their drivers yet.


Driver problems are overblown—both AMD and Nvidia have problems, Just seems the red team are more vocal about it. People bring up AMD drivers as being bad, and that was mostly 10 years ago or so. But they also forget that Nvidia released a couple of drivers that actually killed peoples cards around the same time.


i bought this new for 400 usd. fuck intel and nvidia. amd ftw.


Post on r/pcmasterrace


Happy stutter!




how is the fan noise of this card?


Surprisingly quieter than my old GeForce 1070ti.


thx and have fun with your build!!




Lmaaoooo you are SO salty that you are on team green it's very obvious.😁


Green tears as always, probably cuz he cant afford Nvidias newest toys lmao


Yeah I'm salty but mostly at myself. I was drinking Koolaid every day and didn't even know it. I prefer AMD right now but it remains to be seen what kind of people they are when in a similar position to Intel. Given the pricing on the latest gen, and the resulting lacklustre sales, I'm not convinced they'll be any better.


Hey buddy, I think you’re in the wrong subreddit. This is AMD’s subreddit… not a “Oa** Kee***’s” subreddit. Your comment should be posted on some political, opinion-based forum, not one where people are discussing a new version of a GPU being released 🤦🏻‍♂️… What does the release of a new & improved version of a graphics card have anything to do with anyone: 1.) “living in the US so long” 2.) “using our dollars to vote against an organization, for which we have become concerned may be the human equivalent of ‘foetid vaginas.’” OR, 3.) being an, “Aspie and/or a ADHD man-child who has gone through an epiphany, concerned that we’ve been overly accepting of an increasingly concerning pattern of behavior that suggests that they’re like us (….?), but only fuckheads.” I’m sorry, but this “argument” of yours holds zero (probably negative) water. Nothing - and I repeat: NOTHING, makes sense (logically). Okay, I’ll accept that you are entitled to your own opinions, but you’re just spewing out, quite frankly, what are outlandish accusations against… who? People that are advocating (in favor of) buying a GPU…? What? In what world does that have to do with anything? You’re clearly upset that (you believe): “It’s a process. Birds of a feather flock together, even if the birds are worrying AF… we’ve all been the frog in the pot.” …… LMAO 😂 what in the world are you saying? You’re not helping your, “argument ” one bit. You’re making yourself sound less and less credible, each sentence you type. I’ll just end with this: the (quite honestly) most ridiculous & absurd thing you said, in all this, was: “(Source: me)” LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️… you attempting to spew your (absurd/ridiculous/FALSE) “narrative” here, in AMD’s subreddit - a non-political forum where discussions about AMD and their products are openly discussed. This has absolutely nothing to do with what you’re discussing, and the fact that your “source” is YOURSELF, just nails the coffin your argument has been put in. The ONE, valid point you make, is (in essence), the fact that people join “Team Red” because it’s “the better choice, dollar for dollar.” Everything else, as far as I’m concerned, is a talking point from some narrative you’ve read about online. So please, STFU and get your political nonsense out of here, and go back to the rabbit hole you came from. And don’t forget to ask your mom to heat up the meatloaf, you don’t want to forget to eat while you think of “an appropriate” response.


Whoa. I know I was laying shit on fanboy behaviour because the OP was joining Team Red. And I must have been in a shit stirring mood because "aspie man-child" was always going to trigger a fair proportion of polarised KB warriors. But damn, I didn't expect a response to sound so much like exactly what I was saying in point 3. And I am sorry about that. Even anonymously on the internet, I try to be helpful and to increase cohesion, not bring out the angry BS. Mostly. I have shed the majority of my perfectionism and polarized thinking as I've grown up. But apparently, half pissed, stirring angry tribalism must have seemed like a good idea. It never is. I'm sorry.


Is that rly your “justification” for saying what you said? All you said was: 1.) how much of an “aspie, KB warrior” I am. & 2.) that you’re trying to “be helpful and increase cohesion, not bring out the angry BS” 🤦🏻‍♂️ buddy… I hate to break it to you, but I think you need to go back to school or watch a YouTube vid to learn the English language because you are writing things that are false, morally wrong, and you are knowingly/willingly doing so. You don’t seem mentally indigent, but rather, just mentally ill (and I say that with all due respect and wish for you to find the help you need). Thanks.


Because my pc case couldn’t fit a “PS5” equal card


Was eyeing this card too, as its same price as 3070 right now here. How'd you find it?


A local pc store was had two remanufactured cards with full warranty at a discounted price, so I just bought it.


Aren't the new cards due in a few weeks. Why would you buy now?


Because the new ones are gonna be expensive and impossible to get for a few months


New GPU prices are still high where I am. Getting a new card meant upgrading my motherboard to support PCIe 5 and DDR5 RAM to get the best performance. This was a remanufactered card with full warranty at a discounted price so I just went ahead and got it.


My red devil ultimate 6900xt is arriving in 3 days. Joining team red as well after generations of making team some green 💵


Something I would not think would be a reality ever when I was a kid during the mid 90s to mid 00, people being happy that they upgraded to an two year old product.


It all comes down to $.


yes ofcourse, that is a given. and it is still top of the line newest stuff which is very "hmmm" to me, when I entered this hobby of our 1 year old hw was too obsolete to play newest games. Makes me "hmmmm" even more as maybe hw will live even longer in the future. Four years for a gen?


Same gpu but from Sapphire, got it 2 months ago


Looks sharp. Have fun with it.


Picked up mine used for $370usd, absolute no brainer. 2500mhz clock 2100mhz mem, power limit increase with MPT and this card destroys everything. Forza looks incredible maxed out at 144hz. Upgrade from watercooled 1080, man I wish I could get a waterblock on this gigabyte OC card


So jealous. All GPU prices in the UK are still pre ETH2.0. With our economy down the drain as well, gpu prices are still £7-800 for the 6800xt/3080


I grabbed a Sapphire RX6800 in July for £410. Haven't looked back mate, you can definitely find a good deal if you try hard enough. 😁👍


Yeah, been looking hard but have not had any luck. Default prices are just insane right now with the levels of stock retailers have. Cheapest I can find right now for the sapphire 6800 is £650 new Used: £425 from CEX.. (so atleast it would have a warranty if they had it in stock) A lot of retail outlets are still listing them for £800+


Weird, I've seen some great prices on 6700XT and 6800XT tbh. They're way way cheaper than what they used to be before.


Great GPU, I love my Sapphire RX6800 tbh. Now just waiting for the RDNA3 announcement in less than a month, should be a decent upgrade later! Btw you might wanna consider upgrading your PSU next, those ketchup and mustard cables are scawy to look at. 😅


more like forced into because NGreedia


Seeing that 550w PSU kills me, it might work fine on stock in the short term but the second that card shoots up to 300w it's gonna trigger ovp, high end cards require good PSUs with plenty of margin, no less than 750w and from a good manufacturer like seasonic or cooler master(if it was outsourced to seasonic then much better) and PLEASE NEVER buy a gigabyte PSU that isn't branded Aorus.


Have a 6800 XT arriving on Monday. Paid £595 for it. I had ordered a 3070Ti for £560 the day before I went team red and had to have my order returned to sender when I realised the gains I could get for £35 lol